Watashi no Art
Community Member
Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 @ 02:51pm
Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 @ 11:36am
Community Member
Community Member
Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 @ 06:01am
Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 @ 01:18pm
Since this is my first post in this journal, which I by the way created quite late, I don't have much to say, nor do I have much to show you. But what I can show you, is some "samples" of my artwork. These are pictures with Full Metal Alchemist characters. heart I hope you like them.FIRST OF ALL, ATTENTION!! The reason why it says "Malik" on my art is that I use that name for every site... other than Gaia and myOtaku. I felt like telling you, because I don't like being accused of something I haven't done. Also, DO NOT steal my pics. Believe me, I have my way of finding out.First pic: I should tell you that I was too tired to draw prettier cherry blossoms. I felt like painting everything over with a pink crayon, and it turned out... pretty much alright. If you're wondering where his other leg is, it's on the branch. I couldn't find a better place for it. sweatdrop
Second pic: I LOVE this picture of Ed. It's one of the cutest pics I've ever made, and I feel like hugging him right now! heart It says "But... I don't wanna..." for those who can't read my weird shaped letters. stare
Third pic: Samurai Winry! rofl She looks beautiful here. You know, I have a samurai Edward as well, but I won't let you see it if you don't ask me nicley~! Just kidding, I might just upload it later. domokun
I believe that's about it for now. Feel free to leave comments. (Please don't just post things like "nice pics" or "you're a good artist" and such crap, because I think it's individual. Tell me what you think and then tell me if there's anything wrong or weird in the pics and I'll keep it in mind next time. Okes? 4laugh )
Thank you in advance!
Community Member