Ya know, through all this bullshit, I've discovered I'm strong. I know I used to be weak. Too weak to stand up to anyone, especially you. I couldn't do it. But maybe I am a "supergirl" and maybe I can overcome all this pain. I love how you take everyone else's word for gold but won't even hear my side of the story. You just trust that all the rumours you're hearing are true. You take ******** myspace and give it the credibility of the New York Times. Maybe I couldn't ut us back together because you didn't understand. Maybe neither of us understood and that was the problem. Acting like I'm trying to do all this to you on purpose just to hurt you is such bullshit. I'm just trying to live my life in pursuit of my own happiness. I tried to make things easy for everyone, but I knew in the end I'd be the one who got screwed over, so I just did what I had to do. I'm sorry that you don't understand, won't understand, can't understand that this is ******** killing me too. All I wanted was to be happy. Sorry that I'm not your "supergirl" any more, but I never did any of what i've done to purposely piss you off. None of what I'm doing is fake. And if you think i'm that low that I would just compromise myself and my emotions just to try and piss you off, then you never really knew me at all. And YOU are the one who threw away the last three years of YOUR life. Have a good one, I've said all I want to say to you anymore. Whenever you're ready to grow up and get out of high school, let me know. I'd like to hear about it.
Not a Jellyfish · Fri Sep 23, 2005 @ 07:11pm · 0 Comments |
Yet another Last Minute Paper |
I always weem to post whenever I have a paper I should be working on. Good grief to exams suck. I have got to study and clean my room and I'm gonna go crazy cuz I have work thrown into the middle as well. Oh well! I'm still here and still livin'! I'm just gonna have to skip corre team at church tomorrow. Sorry, Stephen! Still love you though! ::hugs:: Alrighty, 1 final down, 3 to go. We said goodbye to Hayashi-sensei today. It was very sad. He's been my favorite teacher so far in college, and for Japanese. Ok, just pop culture (the paper) and politics tomorrow. Then cleaning all day after that tomorrow. Then writing another paper for people and cultures of the world ::dies:: and all day Thursday I study for that. OK. I'm out now. Putting it down on paper (er...virtual paper?) makes it seem much more urgent. So, ganbarimasu to sayounara!! domokun heart
Not a Jellyfish · Wed Apr 27, 2005 @ 09:47am · 0 Comments |
[Insert clever journal entry title here] |
So, it finally happened. I quit Best Buy....sort of. They might say I was fired, but I sooo quit. And now I work at the best place in the world, Waldenbooks!! YAY!!! heart heart domokun heart heart Ok, tad bit fan girl. And it's great cuz I'm like the official manga person there. And I finally got to see Adam again. I was sooo happy to be with him. We went to New York City with his family over Spring Break and stayed at the Plaza Hotel, of all places! I did so many awesome, great things. the only thing I didn't get to do was go to Broadway. But I rode in my first taxi, hailed my first taxi, rode the subway, rode in a limo, went to Time's Square and Union Square, and went to Central Park...AND I saw snow for the first time in about 10 years. All in all it was a great trip. And I had an awesome time. Adam's mom even finaly got to give me the scarf she made in Gryffindor colors! I wore it everywhere! Now I can cosplay as Hermione!! w00t! And I'm soooo stoked cuz I got Adam to agree to cosplay with me at the Anime Weekend Atlanta convention I'm going to in September! I'm going as the Tsubasa version of Sakura and Adam's going to join me as Syaoran! I'm so stoked about that! My first con and first cosplay adventure. It'll be exciting. I'll make sure to post pictures of it all. Anyway, I'm overwhelmed with papers that I should be working on right now, so I'm gonna go and make an attempt at sleeping. Love you all! heart
Not a Jellyfish · Wed Apr 13, 2005 @ 06:47am · 0 Comments |

My most favorite picture of me. Pre-vegetarian of course. But oh sooo awesome. whee domokun
Not a Jellyfish · Tue Mar 15, 2005 @ 08:20am · 2 Comments |
Tests suck and work sucks |
So I've been getting no hours at work right, like 11 tops....woohoo, not enough to live on. And finally, when I want the time off, I get bombarded with 24 and a half hours this past week!!! And I have 2 take-homes tests due Monday (which i should be working on now)... and to top it all of, I get sick on Monday night, go to the campus doctor Tuesday morning, then go to Japanese class then to work, then I skip all my classes wednesday and spend the day puking...Thursday go get tests done at the hospital (Long story) and then skip Japanese again and skip work, Friday still feel like s**t and I have an 8 hour shift, and no drive to do anything else, let alone study or do my tests. And then this coming week, while I'm trying to recuperate, I have 29.5 hours!! ::faints:: Sometimes Best Buy can really suck a**! Then again, i knew that and I'm only staying there for the discount! domokun
Not a Jellyfish · Sun Mar 06, 2005 @ 08:10am · 0 Comments |
Long time, no update, no? Sorry, again. I guess my life is either too boring or too hectic to keep updating all the time. Anyway, updated pics if anyone cares to see!!! eek
 This is me all Gothic lolita. Not very well, though, many key essentials are not in this pic.
And because I feel like it, a picture of my dog who recently died:
 This is Shona. I miss her a lot. crying
She's cute, isn't she?
Anyway, life has been interesting. Adam (my boyfriend heart ) did leave after all and we're working on getting through it. We've been together almost 3 years now, and he left 8 days ago. We'll be gone for a year, and it's gonna be a tough time getting through it. I hope we make it. If it's meant to be we will make it, but I just fear that we won't. I'm confident in the strength of our relationship, but this is probably the most stress our relationship has ever been put under. I don't know what will happen, but things look good so far. I think we are both just starting to miss each other a whole lot and so we're kinda falling into depression and it sucks. But I have plans to see him in 24 days! ^.^ I can't wait. He's in North Carolina now and I'm stuck here in Pensacola still, but at least his Grandparents live in Atlanta so we have a nice meeting place. Any way, I guess I'll just have a lot of extra video game and reading time in the meanwhile. domokun
Anyway, just thought I'd post the pics and update on the biggest event in my life right now. And I'm hungry so I'm gonna go make some Ramen. Then it's time for another last minute paper. w00t! heart
Not a Jellyfish · Fri Feb 25, 2005 @ 07:41am · 0 Comments |
Ok, yeah, I'm a failure at keeping a journal. I know. Sorry to everyone who was following along. Anyway, lots of stuff has been going on. Craziness ensues and I don't know where to begin. But I am now 19 as of Thanksgiving, actually. Yay for November 25th being my birthday. Anyway, I've been pretty stressed out, but I know everything is going to work out for the better. I'm afraid of losing my job, my computer is literally busted (the monitor broke), and my boyfriend may be leaving, but it would be selfish of me to ask him to stay, plus my classes are driving me crazy and I'm stressed about Christmas and everything, but eventually it will all work out. Eventually.... sweatdrop Anyway, I'll try to go into more detail later. Toodles!
Not a Jellyfish · Wed Dec 01, 2004 @ 07:56am · 2 Comments |
Maybe I'm not that special. Maybe no on really cares. Maybe it wouldn't matter if I just left. I don't think anyone would miss me. I don't think anyone would care. Maybe I'm just being an emo, but lately I've just felt like I have no one. Not even my closest friends seem to care. I feel like everyone's drifting away. Or maybe it's me that's drifting away. Maybe it's me that is the problem and that's why I have so few friends and no one to go to when I have a problem. Because I am the problem. They tell me I'm pretty and that I'm fun and that everyone loves me. But sometimes I really wonder, are they telling me the truth? Or are they just saying it because they don't want to hurt my feelings. Again, do they really care. Should I care that no one cares? I could try to go the rest of my life without a friend. But I just don't know. I don't know anything anymore...
Not a Jellyfish · Fri Oct 15, 2004 @ 03:59am · 4 Comments |
I know, I'm terrible. It's only been a few days and I'm already slacking. Well, anyway, to appologise to you all over for my laziness, here is a picture of me:

So, I went into work this morning and since school is out from the hurricane, I'm not on Campus anymore, so it takes an hour to get there from where I live with my parents. This means waking up at the ungodly hour of 6 am (which I have not done since high school) and driving an hour while I'm still half asleep, and don't feel well to get to work. I ended up leaving the volunteer service early because I was sick, but I need to get more sleep!! Man, this is not helping me get better. And it's all because of They Might be Giants. Oh well, just going to that show was well worth getting sick for a little while. Ok, I'm off to go to bed now. Can't be sick when school starts back up next week! heart
Not a Jellyfish · Fri Oct 01, 2004 @ 04:35am · 3 Comments |