Chobits Summer Time Profile Theme codes
#site { margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 760px; }
body { font-family:arial; background-image: url(http://wallpaper-pmk.tripod.com/wallpaper/chobits_wall_1024x768_1.gif); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-attachment: fixed; background-position: center;} #content { background: transparent; font-family:comic sans ultra bold; color:purple; border: none; }
/* Links */ #site a:link, a:link { color:purple; text-decoration: blur;} #site a:hover, a:hover { color:pink; text-decoration: blur; } #site a:visited, a:visited { color:coral; text-decoration: blur; } #site a:active, a:active { color:blue; text-decoration: blur; }
/* Profile */ #profile { background: url( );background-repeat: repeat; font-family:arial; border:none; color: purple;}
#extendedProfileBody { background: url(http://wallpaper-pmk.tripod.com/wallpaper/chobits_wall_1024x768_1.gif); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-attachment: fixed; background-position: center;} #content { background: transparent; } #header, #content, #main {border:none;} #footer {background: url() no-repeat; height: 30px; width: 760px; color:none; border:0; font-size: 0px;} } #bar { background: transparent; top left no-repeat; } #bar #onlineButton { background: transparent url(http://d.o.v.e.r.free.fr/Images/emoticon.52.gif) no-repeat; } #bar #offlineButton { background: transparent url( no-repeat; } #bar #hiddenButton { background: transparent url( no-repeat; color: transparennt; }
#bar #addButton { background: transparent url( no-repeat; }
#bar #msgButton { background: transparent url("" wink no-repeat; } #bar #tradeButton { background: transparent url( no-repeat; }
#bar #ignoreButton { background: transparent url( no-repeat; } #bar a { filter: alpha(opacity=0); opacity:0; } #bar a:hover { filter: alpha(opacity=0); opacity:0; }
#extendedProfileBody #header h1 { background: url(http://img119.exs.cx/img119/3281/chiibar3ea.png) no-repeat; height: 300px; border: 0px; border-top:none; border-bottom: none; border-left: none; border-right: none;}
#profile h2 { background: pink; border-top:none; border-bottom: none; border-left: none; border-right: none; text-indent: 25px; font-family: comic sans ultra bold; border-bottom: none;}
/* Details */ #details{ background: url( );background-repeat: repeat; font-family:arial; border: none;}
#details h2{background: pink; text-indent: 25px; font-family: comic sans ultra bold;border-bottom: purple;}
/* Wishlist */ #wishlist { background: url( );background-repeat: repeat; font-family:arial; border: none;}
#wishlist h2 {background: pink; text-indent: 25px; font-family: comic sans ultra bold;border-bottom: purple;}
/* About */ #about { background: url( );background-repeat: repeat; font-family:arial; border: none;}
#about h2 { background: pink; text-indent: 25px; font-family: comic sans ultra bold;border-bottom: purple;}
/* Friendlist */ #friends { background: url( );background-repeat: repeat; font-family:arial; border: none;}
#friends h2 {background: pink; top left no-repeat;text-indent: 25px; font-family: comic sans ultra bold;border-bottom: purple;}
#friends #friendGroup li img { background: trasparent: url(http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d31/Anzwscifi123/eh22sa.png) bottom center no-repeat; } #friends #friendGroup li { border: none; }
/* Journal */ #journal { background: url( );background-repeat: repeat; font-family:arial; border:2px solid purple;}
#journal h2 { background: pink; top left no-repeat;; text-indent: 25px; font-family: comic sans ultra bold;border-bottom: 1px dashed purple;}
/* Multimedia */ #multimedia { background: url(http://img294.imageshack.us/img294/856/eh22sa.png);background-repeat: repeat; font-family:arial; border: none;}
#multimedia h2 { background: pink; text-indent: 25px; font-family: comic sans ultra bold;border-bottom: purple;}
/* Comments */ #comments { background: url( );background-repeat: repeat; font-family:arial; border: none;}
#comments h2 { background: pink; text-indent: 25px; font-family: comic sans ultra bold;border-bottom: purple;}
/* Signature */ #signature { background: url( );background-repeat: repeat; font-family:arial; border: none;}
#signature h2{background: pink; text-indent: 25px; font-family: comic sans ultra bold;border-bottom: purple;}
.caption:before,.caption2:before { display: none; }
.caption:after,.caption2:after { display: none; }
.caption,.caption2 { border: 2px solid purple; background: none; }
.caption .message { background: none; } .caption2 .message { background: none; }
#gaiaLogo { border: 0px; color: purple; font-size: 11px; }
#corp { color: saphire; font-size: 10pt; text-decoration: none; }
input, textarea, select { border-top-width : 0px; border-right-width : 0px; border-bottom-width : 0px; border-left-width : 0px; }
input { text-indent : 2px; }
input.button { border-top-width : 0px; border-right-width : 0px; border-bottom-width : 0px; border-left-width : 0px; }
.postbody { line-height: 18px} .caption .message,.caption2 .message { background: none;}
/*Gray line next to header*/ #header{ position: relative; border-right: 0px;}
#sidebar { right: 400px; top: 300px; position: absolute; width: 175px; /* come in 100px from right side */ background: transparent; /* make visible for demo */ } #about { left: 20px; top: 620px; position: absolute; width: 450px; background: transparent; } #journal { left: 150px; top: 100px; position: absolute; width: 400px; background: transparent; } #comments { right: -100px; top: 1100px; position: absolute; width: 450px; background: transparent; } #friends { right: -100px; top: 300px; position: absolute; width: 350px; background: transparent; } #multimedia { right: 380px; top: 1100px; position: absolute; width: 470px; background: transparent; } #signature { right: 600px; top: 1550px; position: absolute; width: 250px; background: transparent; } #details { left: 245px; top: 0px; position: absolute; width: 200px; background: transparent; } #wishlist { right: 250px; top: 0px; position: absolute; width: 80px; background: transparent; }
Other Profile Codes
#site { margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 760px; }
body { font-family:arial; background-image: url(http://wallpaper-pmk.tripod.com/wallpaper/chobits_wall_1024x768_1.gif); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-attachment: fixed; background-position: center;} #content { background: transparent; font-family:comic sans ultra bold; color:purple; border: none; }
/* Links */ #site a:link, a:link { color:purple; text-decoration: blur;} #site a:hover, a:hover { color:pink; text-decoration: blur; } #site a:visited, a:visited { color:coral; text-decoration: blur; } #site a:active, a:active { color:blue; text-decoration: blur; }
/* Profile */ #profile { background: url( );background-repeat: repeat; font-family:arial; border:none; color: purple;} #extendedProfileBody #header h1 { background: none; border-top:none; border-bottom: none; border-left: none; border-rigth: none;} #profile h2 { background: none; text-indent: 25px; font-family: gill sans ultra bold; border-bottom: none;}
/* Details */ #details{ background: url( );background-repeat: repeat; font-family:arial; border: none;} #details h2{background: none; text-indent: 25px; font-family: gill sans ultra bold;border-bottom: none;}
/* Wishlist */ #wishlist { background: url( );background-repeat: repeat; font-family:arial; border: none;} #wishlist h2 {background: none; text-indent: 25px; font-family: gill sans ultra bold;border-bottom: none;}
/* About */ #about { background: url( );background-repeat: repeat; font-family:arial; border: none;} #about h2 { background: none; text-indent: 25px; font-family: gill sans ultra bold;border-bottom: none;}
/* Friendlist */ #friends { background: url( );background-repeat: repeat; font-family:arial; border: none;} #friends h2 {background: none;text-indent: 25px; font-family: gill sans ultra bold;border-bottom: none;} #friends #friendGroup li img { background: trasparent: url(http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d31/Anzwscifi123/eh22sa.png) bottom center no-repeat; } #friends #friendGroup li { border: none; }
/* Journal */ #journal { background: url( );background-repeat: repeat; font-family:arial; border:2px solid purple;} #journal h2 { background: none; text-indent: 25px; font-family: gill sans ultra bold;border-bottom: 1px dashed purple;}
/* Multimedia */ #multimedia { background: url(http://img294.imageshack.us/img294/856/eh22sa.png);background-repeat: repeat; font-family:arial; border: none;} #multimedia h2 { background: none; text-indent: 25px; font-family: gill sans ultra bold;border-bottom: none;}
/* Comments */ #comments { background: url( );background-repeat: repeat; font-family:arial; border: none;} #comments h2 { background: none; text-indent: 25px; font-family: gill sans ultra bold;border-bottom: none;}
/* Signature */ #signature { background: url( );background-repeat: repeat; font-family:arial; border: none;} #signature h2{background: none; text-indent: 25px; font-family: gill sans ultra bold;border-bottom: none;}
.caption:before,.caption2:before { display: none; }
.caption:after,.caption2:after { display: none; }
.caption,.caption2 { border: 2px solid purple; background: none; }
.caption .message { background: none; }
.caption2 .message { background: none; }
#gaiaLogo { border: 0px; color: purple; font-size: 11px; }
#corp { color: saphire; font-size: 10pt; text-decoration: none; }
input, textarea, select { border-top-width : 0px; border-right-width : 0px; border-bottom-width : 0px; border-left-width : 0px; }
input { text-indent : 2px; }
input.button { border-top-width : 0px; border-right-width : 0px; border-bottom-width : 0px; border-left-width : 0px; }
.postbody { line-height: 18px} .caption .message,.caption2 .message { background: none;}
/*Gray line next to header*/ #header{ position: relative; border-right: 0px;}
Warriors Theme
#site { margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 760px; }
body { font-family:arial; background-image: url(http://www.theimageplace.net/uploads/10bfc02c1c.jpg); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-attachment: fixed; background-position: center top;} #content { background: transparent; font-family:arial; color:coral; border: none; }
/* Links */ #site a:link, a:link { color:yellow; text-decoration: blur;} #site a:hover, a:hover { color surprised range; text-decoration: blur; } #site a:visited, a:visited { color:coral; text-decoration: blur; } #site a:active, a:active { color:brown; text-decoration: blur; }
/* Profile */ #profile { background: url(http://img294.imageshack.us/img294/856/eh22sa.png);background-repeat: repeat; font-family:arial; border:2px solid coral; color: coral;} #extendedProfileBody #header h1 { background: none; border-top:2px solid coral; border-bottom: none; border-left: none; border-rigth: none;} #profile h2 { background: none; text-indent: 25px; font-family: gill sans ultra bold; border-bottom: 1px dashed coral;}
/* Details */ #details{ background: url(http://img294.imageshack.us/img294/856/eh22sa.png);background-repeat: repeat; font-family:arial; border: 2px solid coral;} #details h2{background: none; text-indent: 25px; font-family: gill sans ultra bold;border-bottom: 1px dashed coral;}
/* Wishlist */ #wishlist { background: url(http://img294.imageshack.us/img294/856/eh22sa.png);background-repeat: repeat; font-family:arial; border: 2px solid coral;} #wishlist h2 {background: none; text-indent: 25px; font-family: gill sans ultra bold;border-bottom: 1px dashed coral;}
/* About */ #about { background: url(http://img294.imageshack.us/img294/856/eh22sa.png);background-repeat: repeat; font-family:arial; border:2px solid coral;} #about h2 { background: none; text-indent: 25px; font-family: gill sans ultra bold;border-bottom: 1px dashed coral;}
/* Friends List */ #friends { background: url(http://img294.imageshack.us/img294/856/eh22sa.png);background-repeat: repeat; font-family:arial; border: 2px solid coral;} #friends h2 {background: none;text-indent: 25px; font-family: gill sans ultra bold;border-bottom: 1px dashed coral;} #friends #friendGroup li img { background: trasparent: url(http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d31/Anzwscifi123/eh22sa.png) bottom center no-repeat; } #friends #friendGroup li { border: none; }
/* Journal */ #journal { background: url(http://img294.imageshack.us/img294/856/eh22sa.png);background-repeat: repeat; font-family:arial; border:2px solid coral;} #journal h2 { background: none; text-indent: 25px; font-family: gill sans ultra bold;border-bottom: 1px dashed coral;}
/* Multimedia */ #multimedia { background: url(http://img294.imageshack.us/img294/856/eh22sa.png);background-repeat: repeat; font-family:arial; border: 2px solid coral;} #multimedia h2 { background: none; text-indent: 25px; font-family: gill sans ultra bold;border-bottom: 1px dashed coral;}
/* Comments */ #comments { background: url(http://img294.imageshack.us/img294/856/eh22sa.png);background-repeat: repeat; font-family:arial; border:2px solid coral;} #comments h2 { background: none; text-indent: 25px; font-family: gill sans ultra bold;border-bottom: 1px dashed coral;}
/* Signature */ #signature { background: url(http://img294.imageshack.us/img294/856/eh22sa.png);background-repeat: repeat; font-family:arial; border: 2px solid gold;} #signature h2{background: none; text-indent: 25px; font-family: gill sans ultra bold;border-bottom: 1px dashed gold;}
.caption:before,.caption2:before { display: none; }
.caption:after,.caption2:after { display: none; }
.caption,.caption2 { border: 2px solid coral; background: none; }
.caption .message { background: none; }
.caption2 .message { background: none; }
#gaiaLogo { border: 0px; color: purple; font-size: 11px; }
#corp { color: saphire; font-size: 10pt; text-decoration: none; }
input, textarea, select { border-top-width : 0px; border-right-width : 0px; border-bottom-width : 0px; border-left-width : 0px; }
input { text-indent : 2px; }
input.button { border-top-width : 0px; border-right-width : 0px; border-bottom-width : 0px; border-left-width : 0px; }
.postbody { line-height: 18px} .caption .message,.caption2 .message { background: none;}
/*Gray line next to header*/ #header{ position: relative; border-right: 0px;}
http://www.theimageplace.net/uploads/f01f5ac3cb.jpg Post Permanent Link
Warrior Firestorm · Thu Jul 27, 2006 @ 07:11pm · 0 Comments |