She looked up at the sun. Her once pure white ribbon was now dyed with the blood of her many victims, as were her beads of human bones that ran around her wrists. She slowly stepped over the many dead bodies, walking away. Her ears perked at the sound of crying, and she turned to see a young girl on her knees, sobbing. "What is this?" She asked kindly as she took off her monocle, taking out a handkerchief and wiping it clean "Such sorrow?" The girl looked up, tear stricken "They’re gone…everyone…gone" The demon smiled mockingly at the girl, putting her monocle back in place "I lost my book. You see, if I do not have anything to keep me entertained, I often find joy in the fear of your kind. Even now, your fear gives me strength" The child's crying increased. The demon sighed then said in a soft voice "Here, I'll put you out of your misery. Join your loved ones…" She lifted her Katana “In heaven” There was the sound of a sword slicing the air, and the crying stopped
ABC_FUXQ · Tue Oct 10, 2006 @ 11:11pm · 0 Comments |
Today,i got HACKED.
i was being stupid, and i knew i shouldnt of done wat i did. and now thats wat i get.
if anyone can donate,PLZ! im desperate!!! i lost sooooo much!!!
ABC_FUXQ · Thu Aug 24, 2006 @ 01:30am · 2 Comments |
aqua @@@@@
aquamarine @@@@@
black @@@@@
blue @@@@@
blue violet @@@@@
brown @@@@@
burlywood @@@@@
cadet blue @@@@@
chartreuse @@@@@
chocolate @@@@@
coral @@@@@
cornflower blue @@@@@
crimson @@@@@
cyan @@@@@
dark blue @@@@@
dark cyan @@@@@
dark goldenrod @@@@@
dark gray dark grey @@@@@
dark green @@@@@
dark khaki @@@@@
dark magenta @@@@@
dark olive green @@@@@
dark orange @@@@@
dark orchid @@@@@
dark red @@@@@
dark salmon @@@@@
dark seagreen @@@@@
dark slate blue @@@@@
dark slate gray @@@@@
dark turquoise @@@@@
dark violet @@@@@
deep pink @@@@@
deep sky blue @@@@@
dim gray @@@@@
firebrick @@@@@
forest green @@@@@
fuchsia @@@@@
gainsboro @@@@@
gold @@@@@
goldenrod @@@@@
gray grey @@@@@
green @@@@@
green yellow @@@@@
hot pink @@@@@
indian red @@@@@
indigo @@@@@
khaki @@@@@
lavender @@@@@
lawngreen @@@@@
light blue @@@@@
light coral @@@@@
light green @@@@@
light grey @@@@@
light pink @@@@@
light salmon @@@@@
light seagreen @@@@@
light sky blue @@@@@
light slate gray @@@@@
light steel blue @@@@@
lime @@@@@
lime green @@@@@
magenta @@@@@
maroon @@@@@
medium aquamarine @@@@@
medium blue @@@@@
medium orchid @@@@@
medium purple @@@@@
medium sea green @@@@@
medium slate blue @@@@@
medium spring green @@@@@
medium turquoise @@@@@
medium violet red @@@@@
midnight blue @@@@@
moccasin @@@@@
navy @@@@@
olive @@@@@
olive drab @@@@@
orange @@@@@
orange red @@@@@
orchid @@@@@
pale goldenrod @@@@@
pale green @@@@@
pale turquoise @@@@@
pale violet red @@@@@
peach puff peach @@@@@
peru @@@@@
pink @@@@@
plum @@@@@
powder blue @@@@@
purple @@@@@
red @@@@@
rosy brown @@@@@
royal blue @@@@@
saddle brown @@@@@
salmon @@@@@
sandy brown @@@@@
sea green @@@@@
sienna @@@@@
silver @@@@@
sky blue @@@@@
slate blue @@@@@
spring green @@@@@
steelblue steel blue @@@@@
tan @@@@@
teal @@@@@
thistle @@@@@
tomato @@@@@
turquoise @@@@@
violet @@@@@
wheat @@@@@
yellow @@@@@
Yellow green @@@@@
ABC_FUXQ · Wed Aug 23, 2006 @ 07:42am · 0 Comments |
today was the worst day ever...thats all i have to say.....
ABC_FUXQ · Sat Aug 19, 2006 @ 03:33am · 0 Comments |
well,this is wat aml thinks of me!!
answer if u dare lol Am I sweet?- yes Am I crazy?- yes Am I lovable?- yes Am I funny?- yes Am I ugly?- no Am I psycho?- yes Am I annoying?- nope Am I a good person?- mhm Am I hot?-
2)******Would You****** Miss me if i was gone?- yes Listen to my problems?- mhm Hug me if i cried?- yes Be a good friend?- yes Kiss me if i asked you to?- uhm... Kiss me if i asked you not to?- no
3)******If You Could...****** Give me a new name it would be?- *thinks* whateer you want to be called... I'm not that creative Hook me up with someone who would it be? (Not a celeb.) - a person I know you would be happy with Hook me up with a celeb who would it be?- uhm... uh... Brad Pitt? (I'm not good with the celebs...) Do one thing with me it would be?- anything that would make you happy (within reason of course ) Drop me one piece of advice it would be?- always be you Make out with me would you? uhm...
4)******Just A Few Questions****** What do u like about me?- your crazy personality and the way you talk What do u hate about me?- mmm, you never gave me Pocky... but... thats not really something to grudge about... What is my best quality?- the way you are never hard to talk to, always so relaxing
1. Who are you?- I'm me (who else) 2. Do you have a crush on me?- mmm, not a crush 3. Are we good friends?- *nods* 4. Do we know each other in real life?- nope 5. Is my avatar hot? (dont need to answer)- *laughs* you crazy psycho 6. Whats your fav. kind of music?- not sure... *thinks* romanian pop maybe... (numa numa iei ^^) 7. Will you put this in your journal so i can answer these questions about you?- sure
ABC_FUXQ · Fri Aug 18, 2006 @ 03:20am · 0 Comments |
well im really angry right now cuz my frined just pissed me off real bad cuz she's sooooooooooooooo full of herself!!!!!!!! GOD! (sry to any1 thats christian) im just really mad right now.
ABC_FUXQ · Sun Aug 13, 2006 @ 10:11pm · 1 Comments |
well, i just got the shirt i wanted from the first time i went on my friend's gaia and thats how i knew how to get around on gaia easy. lol well i read mal's journal entrie, i must say, funny and weird. well, i missed the prom!! scream STUPID TOWN GLITCHES!!! ok, but i did get to go in a chat room with Mal (private!) and just mal.(we didnt do any of that nasty stuff!!!) we talked for hours and he learned lots bout me! lol well gots to go and read my mail cuz a friend is makin an avi art of me for only 250! xd cant wait til its done!
ABC_FUXQ · Sun Aug 13, 2006 @ 02:56am · 1 Comments |
yo! well any1 that probably reads my journal wouldnt find this akward but.....
yep and i have to get this adoreable pic/video on my profile!! u know like ones that move? well its cute its about yugioh but its cute and funny!!
yugi and joey r watching something on the comp. joey says, "man those r some ugly babies..." kaiba walks in the room. he asks,"wat r u lookin at?" "UR FACE!" joey yells back.
yami marik is sittin with a bowl of ice cream.(this is my fave 1 cuz i luv yami marik!...yeah i luv physco freaks!) "i luv ice cream!" he says. a bird comes and sits on the bowl. marik stares at it. (marik is sooo cute as a chibi!)
well theres more but id rather show u than tell u so im gonna go look for it!!
ABC_FUXQ · Fri Aug 11, 2006 @ 01:06am · 0 Comments |