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lol... I just read my previous blog entry and I was like "O.O I'm such a spazz-head." I never knew that I sound like such an idiot when I ramble, lol... but oh well, I might as well accept it as a part of my nature. It's not like I can tell myself to be calm when I was born spazzy.

Anyway, it's 2:42AM and I just finished writing my self-evaluation for my math project. I'm not entirely done yet; I've finished the written part, but I still need to colour a few (okay, like sixteen) pictures for the dividers. I also need to do a title page, but I'll leave that until after the break. We have until Friday to finish. Anyway, because of the fact that I've just finished rambling for four pages on my self-evaluation (it was less of a self-evaluation and more of a spazz-rant of my life and mental condition,) I feel like rambling even more. w00t.

These days... life is... well, it's okay I guess. I've been so preoccupied that I don't really have time to think much, which is, of course, a good thing. I also feel like I'm getting my inspiration back for art. I'm happy for it, of course, but I can't help but think it's sad how my muse only comes when I have a ton of work to do. It just seems strange how I can't draw anything at all when I have absolutely nothing to do. I guess it's just that when I don't have work to do, I feel lazy, and when I feel lazy, even getting up and drawing something becomes a chore. When I'm buried in piles of work, I feel bad whenever I choose not to do work, and therefore I draw when I need a break to make myself feel like I'm actually accomplishing something even though I'm not working. It's weird, really. Or maybe it's just that, when I have a lot of work, I begin to value my time more and think stuff like "if only I had more time, I would draw something or write something", whereas, when I have less work, I think stuff like "nah, I don't feel like drawing now, I'll do it later."

So yeah, my life would be pretty sad and boring without school, even though I hate school with every single inch of my body.

Anyway, I've actually drawn something for myself amidst all the math art frenzy. It's a picture of Carmen and Hayden, the two main characters from my Nanowrimo story (which reminds me, it's almost been 6 weeks since I've completed it, meaning that I can start reading it soon...) It took an amazingly short amount of time to sketch. I didn't have to spend time perfecting the poses at all. It just feels like I'm physically inspired to draw these days; it's weird. Anyway, I've already finished the lineart on Photoshop and started on CGing before the scratch disk crashed on me. The thing with Photoshop is that it uses a lot of memory to run, and memory is something my computer doesn't have, so it eats out of the C drive. Unfortunately, C drive only has 200MB or so left, and when I run Photoshop, it automatically decreases to 60 or so. And that's enough for me to do a few brush strokes. At first, it helped to save the picture and re-open the file, but later on, even that proved to be useless. I want to take my tablet to the computer downstairs and work on it there, but it seems that we lost the Wacom driver, and it won't function properly without it. So yeah, I probably won't finish the CG any time soon. I'm really itching to finish it, too. *sigh* The ironies of life.

Just to clear my head, I'll type up a list of the homework I still have left to do:

Art: study for history test.
Math: colour art, draw & colour title page.
English: project - prompt book, draw & colour title page, rehearse, revise prop list?
TIK: program

So yeah, it's not so bad. I can probably finish the English in one day. I'll do the divider art for math in one day, and finish the title page sometime after the break. Art I'll study during lunch on the day of the test. TIK... erh, I have no clue at all as to how long it's going to take. I'm guessing three days and seriously praying that it won't take longer than that.

Anyway, yes, it's 3 now and I guess I should sleep. Byes!

GAH. It's almost 3AM and WHAT THE HECK am I doing on Gaia when I'm only, like, HALF done my TIK algorithms/sampleoutput/variablelist????

No clue. It's in my nature, okay???

Am I going to sleep at all today????

Okay, I'll just vent and then leave.

This is what happened today: I had to go to choir practise after school. Thankfully it was only an hour (or less) long. I got home at around 5 or so, and fell asleep on the couch until 7:30, when my parents woke me up to eat dinner. Because my parents have the tendency to overcook, we ate until 8:30. My dad insisted to show me pictures from my cousin (whom I just found was actually my aunt)'s wedding. They were very nice, but that's beside the point. Anyway, I finally got to my computer at 9, when I had to do my stupid English homework (and spent 45 minutes on it 'cause I just had so damn much to write about). And then I decided to take a bath and by the time I made it out I was like "oh crap it's 11". Then I went to this Jpop forum and downloaded some Ai Otsuka MP3s and THEN I started.

Yes, quite sad, eh.

And yeah, I should get back now. As much as I'd like to talk right now, I'll save my rambleness for TIK sample outputs.

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... Feeling unproductive...
My Internet's working again... yay... You know, while it was dead, I kept on thinking about how much I wanted to blog and rant and stuff, but now that it's alive once again, I don't really feel like talking anymore.

Maybe it's because I have a major (okay, not so major) headache. Which might be because of the MASSIVE (okay, not so massive) workload today. Which might be because of the EXTREMELY UNREASONABLE teachers... okay, so they're not so unreasonable, but you get my point. I am lazy and love to make excuses for myself.

So yeah, I guess I should tell you all The Story of My Horribly Uninspiring Weekend. I've rambled about it to, like, five people already today, so the heat and passion in my rant will be significantly lowered, but still, I need something to keep me busy while I try not to think about my STUPID TIK SUMMATIVE DIE TIK TEACHER!!!!

*cough cough* Anyway. Yes.

I did nothing on Friday, even though I had the Internet. Because, apparently, I took the fact that it was the weekend for granted, and thought that I could download those LOVELY MP3s anytime I wanted. However, it appeared that fate did not will it so (w00t, Shakespeare.) And I couldn't use the Internet at all on both Saturdays and Sundays. One would think that I, a person who spends a majority of her life browsing forums and listening to Jpop (classic nerd/geek/whatever. See, I'm not even social enough to tell the difference), would benefit from a weekend without Internet for once. But NO, that weekend, ladies and gentlemen, I had no motivation, no inspiration, and ultimately, no life whatsoever.

Well, actually, I think I could've benefited from that weekend if only I didn't have that much homework / projects that needed to be done with the Internet. See, I had this math group project, English group project, and Art research worksheet. I had to make a couple of trips to my friend's house with my USB on Sunday. And not to mention that, to get the files onto my USB, I had to do some major exercise between the floors because I had some of the files on the first floor and some on the third floor. And, being the extremely forgetful person that I've somehow become over the course of high school, I got confused as to which file was on which floor, and because there was some really screwed connection between the two computer, I had to make more than two journeys up and down the three flights of stairs. And one would think that I'd lost some weight over the weekend. But no, I didn't.

I blame the dinner I had with my parents at this Chinese restaurant on Saturday. It wasn't my fault I ate so much, because I was just so darn hungry. And it wasn't my fault that I only had brunch in the morning/afternoon, either, because it's not my fault that I'm a strictly nocturnal person. Okay, so it is my fault.

Anyway, yes, my rant. To make a long story short: I ran out of paper in the middle of printing out my part of the math project. I put the rest of it onto the USB and decided to print it out at school. Only that the printer at TIK was out of order. I had some other stuff that I had to print too, and wanted to print them during lunch time in the library, but it turned out that the library was closed that day (probably because the library volunteers *cough cough* decided to endanger the whole student population by having a pizza party at the middle of the day. [jks jks]). But yes, that was my day in a nutshell.

But overall, life is getting somewhat better. I'm not any more inspired when it comes to creative stuff. But it's not that bad. I don't have any paper in my printer anymore and my dad's too lazy to get some until next year, and I feel like my printer (after being tortured by my forcing it to print on lined paper, even after it displayed its intolerance more than half of the time) is suffering from mental stress and thus will be unable to handle the workload even if it had proper printer paper to work with. But yeah. Life isn't that bad. It hasn't been a good day. But it wasn't that bad.

I'm not making sense, am I? Well, I blame my headache and my workload and my teachers. And the time. Of course.

By the way, I stayed up until 4:30AM on Saturday (some may call it Sunday, but it's still Saturday in my eyes. It's not another day for me until I sleep and wake up, lol) to write my notebook-story. It was another one of those burst-of-inspiration moments. The characters didn't make sense right away, and to tell you the truth, I had lost all confidence in my story before that point and only started that night because I didn't want the notebook to go to waste. But yeah, it turned out okay. I guess sometimes all you have to do is to put your pen to paper and let imagination work its magic. And sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, because your muse isn't always there on your side. But you don't know until you try.

I find that writing stories bring me peace. Writing rants sometimes doesn't. Writing stories distract you from life. Writing rants makes you focus on details in your life. But then again, writing rants let you rant and redirect your frustration. And you can't write stories when you need to rant. I think you can still rant when you need to write stories though (but then again, you can't ever *need* to write stories. At least I can't. I always approach story-writing with anxiety), but that'll just be a big waste of time, because if you should always put the times when you feel inspired to write stories to good use. But then again, I can never tell when I feel like writing stories. Sometimes I have these scenes pop up in my head, but don't feel in the mood to describe them. And sometimes it's the opposite. So yes, writing is complicated.

But only when you overthink it. Which I do a lot. And because of that, I don't think I'll ever be able to be a good writer.

But anyway.... TIK CAREERS PRESENTATION!!!! I hate presentations. Because I don't like talking when I'm forced to talk. Actually, I don't like talking when I know there are people listening. To put it simply: I don't like talking.

Anyway, I have to sleep now. I guess I'll have to resort practising my presentation mentally. It works on days when my attention span is slightly longer than usual. Let's pray that today is one of those days.

12:22 AM in the morning... staying up to write a song...
Well, actually, not really. But that's (the subject line, that is) a parody of a line in one of the song's I've written, which starts off as "2AM in the morning, staying up to write a song" 'cause I was really that uninspired (writing songs about writing songs at 2AM in the morning at 2AM in the morning, lol.) But yeah, I actually don't hate that song. I like the lyrics for the chorus and the tune is probably the best one I've composed so far. I actually got as far as writing the melody down on paper (which took 30 minutes of desperating piecing together the song note by note by note in front of the piano due to my HORRIBLE relative pitch. Screw that, do I even HAVE a sense of pitch???) In case you're wondering, the song's about a lonely/emo/angsty person complaining about life. At first glance, it might seem like a sad love song about how someone lost someone else due to something or the other but once you dig deep deep down inside you'll notice that, no, it's not that complex. It's just a person angsting and complaining about how she's going insane. Probably a borderline patient.

And I think that's what I'll name the song. Borderline. It's name actually changed twice already (because of my sad, sad indecisiveness) from Okay, to Drifting Away, to Drifting... okay, that's thrice (w00t SHAKESPEARIAN TERM OMG SO PROUD OF MYSELF. okay. I'm losing it) but yeah, I'm calling it Borderline. I like that word; it's probably my favorite word in the English language (right up there with GAY, SAD, and SIGH, but hey, it's longer and sounds smarter and that's all that counts, RIGHT????? I scare myself sometimes.)

Anyway........ I'm thinking of participating in three more of those self-gratifying challenge thingies. In February, there's FAWM. I don't really remember what the initials stand for, but the basic requirement is that you have to compose an entire album of music during the month of February. You have 28 days to compose 14 songs. Damn, I don't think I can do that.

But I'm doing it anyways. 'cause I'm like that. I try stuff and rarely succeed and when I don't succeed, I angst about it and when I do succeed, I angst anyway, so if it's going to lead to sadness and life-suckage anyway then why don't I at least try it and accomplish something?

In June, there's a Script Frenzy thing. I asked my friends to do it with me but so far only one of them said that she *might*. I don't know why people don't like writing scripts. I love them. Okay, I didn't write one since, like, grade 7 and I didn't really know anything about life then and I was so ignorant and confused and such a naive, naive little kid. But yeah, you'd never know unless you try, right? And besides, it'll be a LOT less stressful than Nano and it'll be faster too, since you only need to work with dialogue (you do need scene descriptions, but since they're not the focus of the script, you can get a bit lazy on them.) I think I could use some improvement on my dialogue-writing too, 'cause I'm not the best conversation-maker and there's a considerable distance between me and society. But hey, I talk and rant to myself so that might help, right?

And of course, there's Nano later on in that year. Kiwee and EvilPillsbury and some other friends are doing it with me during the summer, because we're going to have a whole lot of stress in November due to the science fair (and not to mention that I might not even survive until November.) I'm really starting to lose faith in my novel-writing abilities. I mean, my last one SUCKED like hell (and I can say that without even having to reread it). I've started handwriting one in my notebook, but... the new characters are becoming abnormally similar to my old ones. That tells me something.

I mean, it could potentially be a good story (of course, any story, no matter how HORRIBLE and CORNY it might sound, is potentially good, for example, if it lands in the hands of Miyazaki or Stephen King [though I never read his novels] or [insert good author here, 'cause we all know that I hate to read and therefore know next to none good authors, I do, however, know a handful of bad ones]). The characters started out pretty good and then... GOD I HATE THE GUY

Why is it that I always hate the guys in my story unless they're a Gary Stu? I blame my twisted mentality.

But anyway. My new story (which is either dead or on the verge of dying) is about a dude who has a friend named Jamie (her real name is Isabella but she's in denial about it) whom he has a crush on (w00t, general shounen romance set-up HOW LOW HAVE I SUNK????) and there's this other girl, Keira, in the library whom he sits with everyday but never talks to. The ultimate question of fate is - WHO will he CHOOSE? lol, sounds so stupid.

But the idea actually came by me with inspiration. Seriously. Have you ever experienced a moment in life where everything just seems to make sense and it seems like you have access to all the answers in life? That was me a few days ago. I was on my bed, insomniac, as usual, and trying NOT to think (and it never works, of course) and therefore ended up thinking. And the characters just came to me. I felt like I knew everything about them. And then I went to sleep and forgot. I remembered the general plotline and the characters' personalities but I forgot their essence. (I don't sound very stable, do I?) I tried writing. The first chapter was okay but then it all started spiraling downhill and I started to hate the male lead. I have a tendency to really hate my main character. I hated the female lead of my other story too, but it's just that I was more in denial about it because I was a girl and admitting to hating her would be admitting to hating myself and no, that wouldn't be good. (But now I admit to it because the story is behind me and thus can't hurt me anymore. God, I sound like one of those manga-people O.O)

Why do I always write in the first person? I tried writing in the third person perspective (when I got stumped on my current story), did two lines of it, and gave up right away. It just didn't feel right. It felt so blocked and so... I don't know. I think it's because I rant to myself too much. Actually, I rant to myself in second person, so it's always you you you you you you, and since it's not exactly socially acceptable to write in second person, I do first instead. But maybe I should trying writing in second person. Most of my songs/poems are in second so it can't be that bad.

Except that it'll sound like one of those Choose Your Own Adventure books that go like "You decide to go to the mall to visit your friend's ice cream shop though your true intention is to leech off of her job benefits" and it'll just feel really weird to read 'cause the reader'll be like "huh? You can't decide how I think, you #%*&#*%#&* *#(%*%&%#&*%##% F%*# YOU!!!" and hate me forever.

But anyway, what was I about to say. Yes, the whole inspiration thing. ---> Have you ever experienced a moment in life where everything just seems to make sense and it seems like you have access to all the answers in life? I can't really figure out whether I was delusional then and was in sudden denial of the fact that I couldn't have all the answers in life because it was a pointless and unachievable goal. Unless, of course, I am in denial of the fact that the answers in life are attainable and accessible and right in front of my eyes and it's because I choose to deny it that I'm not able to understand it. The first deduction is obviously the pessimistic view, and the second the optimistic. What is pessimism and optimism, really? They are just different views on the world; there is no right or wrong answer. There really is no answer. There weren't even any questions to begin with once you think about it. Humans are born into this world some billions of years ago (correct me if I'm wrong 'cause I'm really stupid when it comes to worldly facts) to live like animals, and we chose to advance and be the "greater species" and made up all these lies (or rather, assumptions, because the word "lies" implies that the assumptions are wrong, while they are not necessarily because there is no right or wrong). The world is simple; life is simple. Essentially, life is just live, eat, reproduce, and die. And now we have love and friendship and loss and angst and happiness and sadness and all this weird stuff. They're just assumptions we've made, perhaps out of boredom, perhaps out of our ego that struggles to not conform with the lives nature has set up for us. Optimism and pessimism. Neither is right and neither is wrong.

And therefore people come up with another assumption: if being optimistic makes you feel happier then why not be optimistic? Why torture yourself with pessimism? And that, of course, is backed up by another assumption - that humans can control their own desires and that everything can happen if you just BELIEVE in yourself or your boy/girl/friends or your parents or God. But really, that's how this whole "we are humans thus we must rule the universe" situation was set-up in the first place. The belief that we have control, first of ourselves, then of our race, and then of the universe, is what drove mankind to the position its in right now, and is what is driving the earth to destruction.

Look at our social structure, for example. There are so many rules (not that I'm objecting to them) and so many punishments for breaking those rules. People may say that it's to create a better environment and better lives and a better world for all of us, but really, we're just being control freaks. The more rules there are the more people there will be to rebel against these rules. It's human nature.

Anyway, my point is that the same pattern can be found within every human being. The more you try to change yourself, the more you try to formulate your actions and your character, the more bizarre and messed-up becomes. It's interesting, really, how the world is just a magnified version of what's going on inside our heads.

And therefore, people. Don't tell me to be pessimistic (yes, my rant wasn't exactly relevant but hey, it's 1AM in the morning now and you have to give me credit to be able to rant this long without stop. My right wrist, by the way, is burning from typing.) I really would choose to be optimistic if I could. But really, you can't really tell someone to think in a specific way and expect it to work. It's just like telling a psychopathic serial killer to stop killing. Sure, that's exaggerating it to some degree, but really, the minds of the psychologically unstable are essentially as those of "normal" people. They're just too dramatic for social expectations, that's all. But back to my point - I think that everyone, even those so-called "bad" people have thought of wanting to be good. And really, they would be good if they could. But life isn't like that. You can't be the person you want to be, and the more you fuss about how much you want to be good or optimistic or this or that the more you'll be the opposite. Life isn't like that.

If life was like that then we'd have no worries. If we could be the "ideal human race" then there would be no children suffering in Africa and there would be no global warming. But it's not.

But then again, our efforts as a human race to be "good" is doing some good in holding off the eventual destruction of the planet (at least for a little while), even if it's the thing that brought us to this stage in the first place. So I forgive us for being stupid.

And yes, this rant is going in two completely different directions. But hey, it's a rant and not an essay. Anyway...

Yeah, it's 1:17AM right now. I can't believe I spent almost an hour ranting on and on about nothing. Okay, it was about something. But I swear, I will have no recollection of this whatsoever in the morning.

Which reminds me of something. I'm so nocturnal, and though I don't hate it and all, it gets annoying sometimes. One might think that it doesn't matter whether you're un-nocturnal (there's an official word for it but I can't remember it) or nocturnal because even if you are nocturnal, you can just sleep a bit more in the daytime and stay up a bit more at night. But the problem, you see, is that I can't, because I have parents (whom I love dearly, mind you. they're my favorite people on the whole planet and I'm not being sarcastic. It's just that they're not always willing to cooperate). And there's school. And sad thing about that is that the tests and in-class assignments are in the daytime and as you may or may not have noticed, I am terribly tired / braindead in the morning. I don't really know why, but even though I normally sleep early and wake up early like everyone else, I just think clearer at night.

But yeah, that's just an extra fact. It's 1:21AM now. I'll wait an extra minute just for the sake of it. Damn, TIK presentation tomorrow. And I have to talk about my dad (whom I love dearly, mind you.)

Blahhhhhhhh. blahhhhhhh. blahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

This is probably the longest rant I've ever written on the computer. Once, I handwritten an 8-paged rant during lunch but I don't really know how long that is on the computer...

Anyway, I should go now! Byes XD *prays that I'll sleep well*

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TIK class XD
Meow.... yes. I'm bored and I want gold.

So, how's my story going? It's actually coming along pretty well. I did 2500 words-ish yesterday and now I have around 23000 in total, which means that I only have to write 2000 words today. I feel like my characters are kind of losing their personalities, especially the girl... but hey, I think her character was a bit too extreme at first anyway.


My brain's dead in the morning crying I had to wake up early for the School Beautification Ensemble meeting crying There were only FOUR PEOPLE (including me). There weren't enough members so the art teacher had to help us out. And today, I just realized how bad he was at drawing.

blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

And yeah, I should get back to TIK class now. We're starting a new project on software history.

.need gold.
Which is why I'm posting.

After I bought the red sketchbook (the finishing touch to my [realized] dream avatar), I'm kind of broke, so...

Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.

Yay, my story's finally getting some direction. For some reason, it's drifting away from the whole "music" scene, though. It's going towards the drama area...


*cough* yes, I'm feeling weird today.

I did around 1800 words already. I'm hoping for 2500 words or more today (because tomorrow is the 15th, which means that I'll have to reach 25,000 words, the half mark, before the end of the day tomorrow) so that, if I write 2500 more tomorrow, I'll catch up with the Nano standard.

Yes, and instead of writing useful stuff, I'm here blabbing and ranting on a journal that no one reads. How constructive.

But really, I feel like I'm able to understand my characters better now. The girl's personality's taken a huge GIGANTIC turn from what it was in the first chapter. I'm not sure whether that's a good thing or bad thing. Since the first chapter, I've been struggling to keep her personality turned 180-degrees away from mine, and... well, now I think that me and my character have finally reached a friendly compromise at 90-degrees.

I guess you could call it character development.

But whatever, she feels more natural to write about. And that's the important thing.

The dude is getting some depth as well. Even though I was never a dude and never had a girlfriend (or boyfriend for that matter), I felt like I can understand him (sometimes even more than I understand the girl) and write in his perspective. w00t for me!

And the other dude (the twin bro)... well, I don't have to write in his perspective. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not, but... I have to say that his personality is probably the closest to mine out of them all. Dude, there are so many similarities that it's shocking. I could've done the whole thing in his perspective and it'd have been a walk in the park, but like I said, I seriously didn't want to have a person like me as the MC. 'Cause, well, the whole point of writing stories is to escape from your own personality, right?

blah blah blah

listening to Ayumi Hamasaki. It's making me not want to get back to work. It's like, when I listen to music, I get addicted and don't want to stop, even knowing that I can't concentrate on work with it (I am a sucky multi-tasker). Then I make up all these excuses for myself like "I'll start the homework/chapter after this song finishes" and stuff.

Yes, the human psyche is complicated.

blah blah blah

Okay. I should go now, it's 10:30 already.

Seriously, I should stop giving myself little breaks in between huge chunks of writing. It's much easier to continue writing while you're still on a roll than to stop in between and start again later. It's like, after you break out of the "character" frame of mind, it's hard to break in again.

But still. I'm going go now.

Really, this time.

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Blah blah
*sigh* so uninspired.........................................................................................

I feel like I'm losing my characters more and more as time passes crying The main character is starting to lose her personality and becoming more and more like me. That is not a good thing.

Olivia is so cool, though. She's so short too XD (153cm, w00t)

Meow meow meow. Yeah, I need gold. I need only one more item to finish my dream avi: the red sketchbook. It's only 700g but it seems so darn hard to get gold nowadays *sigh*

Maybe I should just sit on the couch, get away from my Olivia MP3s and all other distractions, and just think. I tried that yesterday, though; it didn't quite work. And did I tell you how hard it is for me to focus on something without being distracted?

La la la la la.

Surprisingly, I'm not failing math. I've climbed up to 16th XD I still don't know why though. I've been unusually lucky on the past few tests. I think Life's finally feeling sorry for me after all the bad luck it's been giving me. Oh well, it's not like it's a bad thing.


Man, I need to write.

But it's not my fault that there exists distracting people like Olivia in this world...............

Okay, yeah. I'll at least stop wasting time writing in this journal.

Don't want to write T_T
My nanowrimo story, that is. I feel like I'm losing hold of my characters. I can't get into the main character's mind any more crying I think it's because I've been over-exposed to society over the weekend. I mean, I'm around people around school, too, but it's still more about the mind than the outside world. I spent the entire afternoon in the mall with friends on Saturday and my left-brain melted crying

I feel like I can't write any more.

I should stay away from people in the month of November...

I can't believe that my friend already finished 25,000 words for nanowrimo! She writes 4000 words a day (so she probably has, like, 29,000 now O.O) I only have 17,000!!!!!!!! *angst angst angst*

Okay, I think I should plan more and think more about what I'm going to write before writing about it. Instead of just sitting in front of the computer with an empty mind, I should let the characters run around in my imagination for a while.

I still don't get how someone can write 4,000 words a day! Especially if she's in an extra-busy program like IB...

Anyway, other than that...

I downloaded a lot of mp3s yesterday! It's amazing how downloading mp3s can make you feel so accomplished for doing nothing XD I got Ayumi Hamasaki's (miss)understood album and fell in love with her music all over again. After distancing myself from her songs for 6 months, I've managed to convince myself that she was a plastic, overrated singer, but now I'm not sure anymore crying

I also downloaded OLIVIA's Synchronicity album (the one that preceded The Lost Lolli). Actually, my friend hunted it down for me and uploaded it onto his site for me to download (he's so awesome!!) I love the style! It's slightly calmer than her Lost Lolli album, and it's mainly Japanese-orientated. It's much easier to like than her other one, but I'm disappointed that the lyrics aren't English >_<

Within Temptation is such a good band! It's pretty popular amongst the J-community, so I was puzzled as to why it's almost unknown here in America, but after a bit of researching I found that the band is in the Netherlands. All of the songs I've heard from them so far (which isn't much, but still) are great. My favorite thus far has to be Pale, though. It's one of the best songs that have ever graced my RealPlayer. I fell in love with it at first listen.

Hikaru Utada sang a cover of Green Day's Boulevard of Broken Dreams (I still think the title is weird, by the way). It sounds kind of strange; I like the original version a lot better. I think it's because the song is written for a guy's voice.... Hikki's voice, by the way, sounds a lot like Chihiro Onitsuka's in this song...

Exodus '04 is probably the catchiest song out of everything I downloaded yesterday. I remember hearing it in Fairweather a few weeks ago, lol.........

Um, yeah. I should go and write lyrics for my nanowrimo novel now. Yes, I did for teh gold.

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rant rant rant

I'm sitting in the classroom at 8:30 in the morning and NO ONE IS HERE!!! I think it's because everyone's at the band rehearsal downstairs... in which I missed because I didn't wake up early enough and when I got there everyone was already performing so I didn't want to disturb their train of thought. And now I'm so bored.

Yes, I blame my bad karma. I knew I shouldn't have worn my grey-brown shirt today.

Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah lahdflshlfdhlhefohfeohofehoefhhfsh;fsh;fshf[hah[fwh[wfh[wfhofeohfeohfeohifehoifehoifeohifeohfeoihfeiojhfsfsfs

Why aren't they here yet??? Not everyone's in band crying

Damn, is today, like, Wednesday???

No wait, it's Friday. Good.

I should get out of my habit of saying "damn" (though I blame my character for it). Who knows what words would be coming out of my mouth in a month??? a year??????

lol sad eek xp

You know, they should give you more gold for typing more in your journal. But then again, people would copy and paste a single word a thousand times to get the gold.

Hmm... I still haven't given my teacher the student verification form yet. And he still hasn't come to bother me about it yet :S

Teachers these days. I hate them.

Blah blah blah blah blah.

Okay, I'll end it here. Byes!

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