Recently my door has been opening for me of it's own accord. Normally I would think nothing of this except that the key word in the last sentence is for. The door only opens when I get up to leave my room. Once I've started raising myself from my bed, in swings the door. I chalk it up to wind that I can't feel. It's a very convincing story.
Ace of Innocence · Fri Jul 06, 2007 @ 12:47pm · 0 Comments |
Something that no one wanted was coming.
Ace of Innocence · Sun May 13, 2007 @ 04:17am · 0 Comments |
Sigh I slumped against the wall, causing the green homemade bench to creak slightly behind the pleasant beat of the music. It didn't seem like he was going to show up. I mean, it was almost 10:30 and people were starting to disappear out of the green front door for which the place was so aptly named. The Green Door. Open Tuesdays and Saturdays from 7:30-midnight. All ages and levels welcome! (Please no flip-flops). But just because he hadn't come didn't make the night a complete loss. There had been a good amount of guys there and they had all asked me to dance at one point in time, each of them showing me a different move; something that was necessary if I wanted to dance with other people than him. And oh God I wasn't sure that I wanted to. When I danced with him I was perfect, no matter how hard the move. The whole night my mind had been creating wonderful fantasy entrances for him that involved him sweeping me onto the dance floor before anyone else. These thoughts of course immediately made me think that they never happen. After all. When had any of my fantasies, even the most normal of the bunch, ever come true? I felt myself sighing again and I quickly forced a mild happy look onto my face and determinedly followed an excellent couple around the dance floor with my eyes. No point in looking completely glum just because the evening had been mild. I would just head back to my dorm and see him on Friday was all. But as I stood to go I recognized the first bit of "Zoot Suit Riot", one of my favorite songs, and immediately sat myself back down to listen. ....Then I was somehow back on my feet. And someone was pulling me out onto the floor. Someone with very familiar curly brown hair. "Dave!" His name burst from my lips before I could stop it and he spun me out and pulled me in against him, giving me his contagious grin before spinning me back out and then pulling me into the Charleston. Dancing with him made me wonder again if I really wanted to dance with anyone else. No one else could throw you around the dance floor like him. Well, Phil could actually now that I think about it. They're both really strong leads, and Phil makes me laugh through the whole thing. But Dave was my favorite by far. God I looked like a fool. I was grinning ear to ear like the Cheshire cat. The song was nearing it's end and he placed his hands on my hips and whispered a quick instruction in my ear. When I lift you jump toward my right And so he did, and I did, and suddenly I found myself being dipped almost upside down. The song smoothly changed into some jazz and he easily lifted me back to my feet. "So. You wanna make up some jazz?" "wha~?" I ask dumbly, still completely stunned at what had just happened. "Well I don't really know anything but a basic step but..." he grabs my hand again and pulls me against him, "here." Woah. Woooooah. I suddenly noticed I had never seen people jazz dance together and consequently had no idea they danced this close. And by close I mean practically glued to the other persons body, close. A flush leapt up and savagely attacked my face as he tried to show me the step that my brain was completely refusing to comprehend. Luckily the song was short and once it ended I ran to where my friend Francis was sitting to get myself under control while Dave talked to some friends. And guess what. He actually saved the last dance for me! The girl who was just learning(although he does always compliment me on how quickly I pick these things up says the egotistical part of my mind). I was way in the corner and there were plenty of other girls around and he still walked up and took my hand! After that we left(he had to go back to rehersal which he had run from without shoes to go to the Green Door!) and just talked on the way back. The playhouse was about halfway to my dorm so we parted(I so should have hugged him or something! AA!) Well I pretty much skipped/danced/sang the whole way back, drawing quite a few odd looks, and when I finally got to my door and reached into my bag for the key... it wasn't there. Neither was my cellphone. And yet the smile stayed firmly glued to my face. I firmly believe in equal exchange and even if I had to stay the night outside in the rain I wouldn't EVER trade that night for anything. (Love how this turned into a gushing diary entry type thing xd )
Ace of Innocence · Wed May 02, 2007 @ 06:50am · 0 Comments |
I would like to say that I am naturally a peaceful person. I would love to actually. Sometimes, when I'm laying awake late at night, I get to thinking that I was at one point during my childhood. Back when my mother used to call me snugglebunny and names like that. But the brutal truth is that I'm morbidly violent. I just have very good control. Murderers fascinate me. Their work, their mind, their life, everything. How easy was it for them to just... do it. To pull the trigger and let the gun shot echo on forever just to see how many ears it could reach. How easy would it be for me? 'Quite easy' The pale man with black hair and green eyes whispers from where ever he happens to be sitting. He always sits, the man with the black hair. 'But you won't do it' I can hear he's smirking. 'Why not?' I don't think he'll answer the question and he doesn't. I turn to look at him and he smiles at me. 'Until later then I guess' He says pleasantly. Placing a black top hat on his head he disappears. But there's no Cheshire grin left behind and no matter how hard I call he won't come back. Not until the thoughts linger to close to reality again.
Ace of Innocence · Tue Apr 10, 2007 @ 05:48pm · 0 Comments |
Could it be? I closed my eyes and gave my head a firm shake, making sure I could hear my brain rattling around inside, before tentatively peeking out from behind my lashes once again. Still there. Nothing had changed. ......... What in all hell was going on here?
Ace of Innocence · Sat Nov 04, 2006 @ 09:19am · 0 Comments |
My skin was covered in a fine layer of dried blood. Or... That was how it seemed atleast as I stood there examining my hands' amazing color tranformation to a pale ochre. Everything around me had that same sheen to it. The rain captured in the window screen, the wooden floor, the lampshades. It was a year old blood bath appearing right infront of me. How strange I had never noticed this before. I really need to work on my observation skills. It was time for the vision to leave me. I'd had enough. Squeeze eyes shut, 1 2 3, and open. Year old blood was everywhere. I don't believe the gods like me much today.
Ace of Innocence · Sat Sep 09, 2006 @ 11:54pm · 0 Comments |
So I couldn't decide what should be done. I was pretty sure he was counting on me. I was sure he was counting on me actually. But if I did what they wanted, betrayed his trust, they wouldn't hurt her. They would let her go and we would never need to be troubled by them again. And there was always the chance that he would get out of it. I mean, he's anything but helpless. Unlike her, that small little scared thing, trembling, tears soaking through her thick white blindfold. But he said he could help her!! He was coming just for me, just to help me save her. And here I was thinking of betraying him. Gods. I should be killed for thinking that. So I stepped forward, up to the man who stood between me and her, and smiled. And he smiled back. "Well then!!" The man said happily, motioning for them to bring the girl forward and holding out a hand for me to go with him. I took his hand, the exact thing my want to be savior told me not to, and he led me toward the door. They had taken her blindfold off and I smiled as she passed. We continued, hand-in-hand, toward the gorgeous mahogany door. We looked at eachother and pleasant laughter came from our lips. Atleast she was going to be fine now.
Ace of Innocence · Sat Aug 26, 2006 @ 10:40pm · 0 Comments |