It's times like this I'm so glad I stick around Gaia. Shows me there are still some good, thoughtful people left in the world. Thank you so much, Anonymous Benefactor Stan. heart
Freshwater Zombie · Thu Jun 29, 2006 @ 06:34am · 0 Comments |
I'm kinda depressed at how Gaia is more fun when I'm on a mule account spamming away then when I'm trying to quest for an item I gave away. Questing is so freaking boring, but if I don't do it as soon as possible, I'll never get around to it. I don't know what to do. xp
Freshwater Zombie · Tue Jun 20, 2006 @ 06:27am · 0 Comments |
Ahh, so many items, so little time! I finally thought of a "Commons Quest" I want to do. I will get all of the glasses/eyewear on Gaia! Oh, and the belts. Belts are cool. But I have no monneh... crying
Freshwater Zombie · Sun May 07, 2006 @ 08:59am · 0 Comments |
I've decided to go ahead and re-quest for all the things I used to have, but sold in order to get something else. You will notice that the only things on my wishlist are things that I have had at one time and am determined to have again. I will not quest for anything new until I've gotten my hands on my former items.
After I get those, I'll probably go after all the fish helmets. I do love helmets. xd
Freshwater Zombie · Thu May 04, 2006 @ 01:31am · 0 Comments |
I ended up selling it a few days ago. Pretty decent price, too. Thanks, Seer for Sale. 3nodding
In other news, my brother finally succeeded in hooking me on Naruto. Guess what I have to quest for now. sweatdrop
Freshwater Zombie · Thu Oct 27, 2005 @ 05:29am · 0 Comments |
I just spent about 17k on a Giftbox. Guess what was in it. No, guess.
T'was a Nitemare Headband, quite possibly THE most valueable thing you can get from a Giftbox. I was gonna sell it, but then I suddenly developed an attachment to it.
Freshwater Zombie · Sat Oct 22, 2005 @ 08:05am · 0 Comments |
...I just realized I sound like such a dork in my last entry from...wow, almost a year ago. And it's almost that time again! My birthday's coming up, wheeeEEEEeeEEEeeEEEeeeEEeeeee! I'll be seventeen for the first time EVAR! ("Lawlz..." wink
...And then a month later, my best friend will become legal, and our happy little trio will not be the same age again until my next birthday... Curse the fate that let her be born eleven months before me, yet still in my grade. I miss my friends. They won't join Gaia. neutral
Ahhhhh, and we're gonna go to college, and we'll never see each other, and I'm gonna be lonely, while they go off to San Diego and do great and wonderful things while I'm still deciding whether or not to eat breakfast on any given day. gonk
But at least I'll have my kitties. heart Did I ever put their pictures up on Gaia...?
See my babies here.
Those were taken on July 14, when they were about four months old, so they're actually quite a bit bigger now. They've even gotten kinda pudgy. ^^ And they're got HANGBELLIES! xd
Umm, I don't really wanna use my Gaia journal. I'm a total Myspace geek. ...Even though I don't write all that much there either.
Ooh, ooh, I wrote a version of my college personal statement in English. It got good reactions. ^^ I think I'm a little too happy with it. The third paragraph's a little out of place, probably because it wasn't in the original draft, but completely added in postproduction. The ending's kind of cheesy, but trust me, it's much better than the original closing. xp
Freya (the little brown one) is sitting in my lap and she's warm and fuzzy. I'm gonna stop talking for awhile and snuggle her instead. heart
Freshwater Zombie · Wed Oct 19, 2005 @ 03:28am · 0 Comments |
Holy CRAP! surprised surprised surprised I actually got it! I actually got the Angelic Headband of my dreams! And I only had to pay 6,699 for it! MAN, I love the marketplace.
I went on a minor buying spree, and bought four of the cheapest giftboxes available. The first one had a Were Tail. Not bad. It's nice, so I'd wear it, and I could easily sell it for about what I paid in the first place. No net loss. The second one was a Prisoner's Ball and Chain. Also pretty nifty, and I could sell it for only slightly less than what I paid. Small net loss, but no big deal. Third was a Fresh Grass Skirt. I put it in the shop for about 2,400, but it's okay. I should be pretty happy with what I'd already gotten, right? Well, I visited the marketplace once more...just to settle my curiosity if I could get something good again. I saw a box go for sale for 5,000. Someone else snatched it up right away, though. A little disappointing, but all for the better, it turns out. I bought the next cheapest box, and lo and behold! The Headband! THE HEADBAND! I never actually thought I would ever be able to hold you in my arms, precious one... Now if only Gaia would let me save my avatar so all the world can see!! xd
Freshwater Zombie · Tue Nov 02, 2004 @ 12:51am · 0 Comments |