As I write this, it is 8:03 am. I am reluctant to go back to school in fear of my peers stuffing me in trashcans full of rabid animals, then rolling me down a hill or just plain beating me. The reason being: I bit someone. The person I bit was a very popular girl, who was black. I'm not racist or anything, I'm just letting you know she's black.
Anyway, not only that, but a lot of popular kids make fun of my relatively short hair and dark clothing I wear everyday. And when I say everyday, I really mean, EVERYDAY. They also tease me and call me emo just because of little scars on my wrists. I don't see why they have to tease me when all they care about is sex, boyfriends, miniskirts, make-up, etc.
I really hate my school as you can tell... Especially the 6th grade principal. I was wearing my long coat which Andrew bought for me, and was walking through the main hall when the principal told me to put up the long coat. After school, I read through the whole dress code and saw nothing about long coats, shirts/coats that end below the knees, etc. I bet your wondering what my point is... Well, my point is, a lot of students hate me, want to kill me, are sluts and whores, and some of the teachers there are power hungry and suck a lot of a**. So therefore, I really am going to hate the first day of school, and the rest of the school year.
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