Name: Nick Nakotne
Age: 25
-Respectful when given respect.
-Rude when being harrased, threatened, or shown disrespect.
-Other time's he is really quiet.
-People who give disrespect to those they think are weaker then themselfs.
Speices: Human
The Power Of The Mechanic Cube: Can summon to a wide variety of modern and futuristic weapon's (Hand guns, Large Guns. Launcher Guns, Heavy Artiliry Weapons, Lazers, Robots, and much more)
The Ranger- Ranger's are a very supportive class to learn. It's a passive class, which only reflect's on hand gun's and two handed gun's (Large Guns). Allowing him to shoot and aim more rapidly.
The Launcher- Launcher's have the true feeling of blowing thing's up. This part of him has no remorse or regrets for pulling the trigar behind a large weapon like the flame thrower and gatling. Artiliry weapon's are large and in charge, abusing these large weapon's are as extreamly fun. With the power to explode thing's, the path to victory is just one explosion away.
The Mechanic- Machinist and Engineer's should never have to fight alone. Robot's can help Nick in a variety of way's. Scouting the area, blowing object's and opponent's up, and so much more.
The Spitfire- There are alot of fighters out there who train themselves in the power of magic and elements. But, learning the path of a spitfire, it can give a engineer or machinist a sign of relief. A spitfire's responsibility is to abuse the power of elements in anyway possible to avoid damaging the user, like a defense or counter.
The Inventor- Yes, you can buy you'r own weapon's out in the cold world. But, putting you'r trust in a weapon is a number one goal to a Battle Mechanic and Engineer like Nick. So building a weapon with his own hands, is safe to trust them from exploding or shutting down on him in time's of need.
Born and raised in a large city ruled by technologically. Nick has always been an inventor. The history of his past goes beyond the city he lived in. The city of Eropon.
Chapter 1- The Unexpected
Before Eropon was around, the land was owned by a native tribe. The native people known as the Anzel's tribe, were proud magic and element users. They had been isolated to the world for three hundred years to keep there magic and abillitys secret. One day, a group of 5 men that were called the Battle Gear-men came to there home land and discovered them. After four day's the Battle Gear-men had entered there village with the power of Technology.
Chapter 2- The Battle Gear-men.
These 5 men were the creator's of the master weapon's. Which most people had never been able to obtain. Each man had his own ability's and ideas into technology.
Eric Gral The Mechanic: Was the smartest of the group, he invented the first battle type robots.
Benny Rembon The Launcher: Was the strongest of the men, he was the one who discovered how to improve large weapon's like the gateling's and flame throwers.
Steven Degraf The Ranger: Was the fastest of the group, his ability's with gun's were amazing and his quick draws were to be said to be quicker then the speed of light.
Devin The Spitfire: Was the man who was able to use some part's of magic into his weapons.
Tosh Naktone The Leader: Was the man who called the shots. He was a fast inventor and used the power of Mechanic Cube's to summon his partners weapons.
On the day of the attack, these 5 men had went threw only a few hour's of attacking to destroy the village and the villagers. With no second thought's or regrets. They left the bodies and the village's remains, mile's away from the battle area and returned to the area to build a great city, which would be called Eropon.
Chapter 3- A New Adventure
Six year's later. The city was at it's highest in such a short amount of time. Thousands of sky scrapers filled the city, houses were half the size of sky scrapers, giving everyone the chance's of living in a utopia like area. Everyone was living peaceful. The city was produced mainly off robot's labor. Thing's like magic were seen as a crime threwout the large city. As for the 5 men, each went there separate ways. Eric left the city and went off as a builder, living on his own in the world. Benny went off to find his father that he had been attempting to hunt down sence he was six. Steven went off to a desert place, he began a new carrier as a "cowboy". Devin lived in the city with a normal life. Lastly, Tosh began his own company and began his new adventure with his wife. The adventure of being a father to nick.
Chapter 4- Nick Naktone
Nick grew up into technology as much as his parent's did. As a inventor from his father and a engineer from his mother, he learned alot growing up. He shot his first gun at the age of six. He drove his first mussle car at thirteen. It was this kind of adventure to nick that he really wanted to live. One day, he arrived to the tragic view of the bone's and village houses all crumbled up together like a town dumb with his father. Nick did not know why at that age of his life why his father came back to see the same thing he destroyed. But, it never really passed his mind more then once why his father did.
Chapter 5- Father's Death.
Six more year's at the age of thirteen. Nick had grew up into a task force called the "Republic Of Technology" a group his father made to protect the city from any attack's, and a group that controlled the diplomacy's with other lands. Nick had been tasked with the job as a Mechanic, to build robot's and continue to build newer robot's that would change society. So he did, and did a great job at it. Every invention he made, he showed his father with proudness in each invention. One day, he made a small spy rat. (A small rat with camera as eyes) and a speaker in it's mouth. He sneaked into the room his father was in. Inside, he saw his father was dead, inside was the four other Battle Gear-men standing over the corpse with there weapon's steaming. No one know's were nick was at the time, or how he reacted.
Chapter 6- Revenge on the Luancher
Three month's after the death of his father and his funeral. The case of attempting to find who killed him ended. Nick's mother left the city, terrified for her life. Most people had went a bit hostile against eacother sense they finnaly realized that technology was powerful enough to slaughter anyone not prepared. Even the Republic Of Technology died out because of the fear. The only person who had no fear was nick. Instead of fear, he had anger and the desire to kill. He had no more dought's he was going to get revenge on his father.
During the night, the Launcher Devin who lived in the city in his own small little wooden house (Which was the only wooden house in the city) was relaxing and watching the night new's that was talking about the new crises about the city going in turmoil. Not excepting when nick appeared on the TV and the entire house started to get covered by metal plates, shutting him in his house. Nick had explained how he knew he was the one who killed him. At first, Devin thought that nick was to weak to take him down, not relizeing that he was already taken down. Flame's started to rapture threw the entire building. Devin had attempted to find a weapon that would suit him. But without the mechanic cubes his father would lend him, he was useless.
Chapter 7- Relaxing The City
The City had started to go insane now. New's on the TV about a house being set on fire with one of the Battle Gear-men sluaghterd insane was like saying another leader was killed. Most people started to commit crimes, other's started to just go on rampages and killing spreas. The city was now starting to turn into a war zone. Nick, looking down from the top roof of the busnuiss skyscraper of his father's looked down at the chaos, and knew he would not allow his father's dream to be destroyed. He entered the building, locking the door's and windows for three days, in the building all on his own.
Three day's later, he approched out of the city. Behind him, a large Mechanic Cube on a truck was revealed to the city. Touching the cube, electricity and steam blasted threwout the city, most people lunged out of there beds and watched the cube from the distance. Everyone was able to see the master cube. As the steam faded, hundreds of robot's that nick invtended surronded him. Nick sent them threwout the city to stop all the crimes and insaneity the citzens had givein out. These robot's would end up being pretty much the police of the city. The city's crime rate slowly went down and the city was back to normal.
Chapter 8- Revenege On The Ranger
Finding the men who killed his father would be a challenge now. The other's were no longer living in the city. They were around the world, and finding them would be like trying to finding you'r doll in the world. But, a stroke of luck striked nick. A man from the same place the ranger Steven was liveing came into the city with a shot up arm. Nick had no problem's finding him in the city. The man with his cow boy apperence explained that Steven had beaten him in a draw and was forced to leave the country. Nick begged him to help him beat Steven. He explained how his father was killed not to long ago and that was when the cowboy accepted to help nick.
If anything nick had to learn the basic's of a ranger like ability. Three day's while traveling in a blimp nick owned, he trained the basic's of a true ranger. As they ended up in the wild west called Telas, nick exited with minor confidence. He entered the city with his new "Partner" and asked were they could find Steven. Some frightened off, a few of the older men explained to nick that he only arrived at night. So, nick waited at nick.
As time past, it was true, he did come at night. In the distance, he recognized a horse and when it entered the small town, the people feared' hiding everywhere. Steven, with his cow boy look entered the city. He stood a few distance away from nick, laughing slightly. He could remember exactly what he said. "You come to challenge me boy, well i reckon you might as well put a bulls eye on you'r forehead and call it a day." It was that sentence that made nick a bit pissed off. Later that day, Steven died, losing to nick in a quick draw.
Chapter 9- Revenege On The Spitfire
Nick was planning on travleing home now. The chances of finding the Spitfire master Devin was impossible. He was attempting to find his father, while nick was attempting to find him. It would lead to an endless search. But, that was not all true. As nick countinued threw the air with his blimb. An unexpected attack came to him in the sky's. It was Devin in a jet. Escapeing was impossbile sence they were over an ocean of water. The jet was much faster and had more of an impact with weapon's then the blimb. Fighting it was impossible. But, there was a chance to get revenege. Nick decided if he couldent find a weapon, he would use the blimb as a weapon. As Devin attempted to cut the blimb and bring it down with it's wings. Nick pressed down a button, and the blimb exploded. Takeing Devin down with him.
Chapter 10- A Weird Ending.
Revenge On The Mechanic
Waking up was a bit shocker. He did not know how he survived, but he was in a small room. He looked to his side, noticing the mechanic siting there with his robe on, a pet kitty laying down on his lap. He had the look's of a monk. He did not show no sense of emotion to nick. Nick rapidly quick drawled his silver revolver but the kitty attacked his hands, forcing nick to let go. "Don't boy. We can settle this in a battle way and die here. Or we can talk, so i can ask you how my partners died." Nick showed only anger that day, the hour's he explained what he was doing. As he explained it all. The Mechanic started to explain why it was done. "You see young man. You'r father denied to give us mechanic cubes. With all that power, he started to go insane, the reason we killed him was because he was planning on killing everyone in Eropon. As a forgiveness to the Native's we killed a few year's ago." That was the day nick finnaly understood why his father was always looking down at the village dumb yard. It made sense, but nick did not want to believe it.
Chapter 13- Where to go?
Nick left the church, not deciding to fight the mechanic. The mechanic gave him a paddle boat to leave the island he was in. Three day's in sea nick had gone insane. He was not sure were to go anymore. Everything was gone, He could go back to Eropon and live on his father's legacy, but he knew he would end up like his father before he died. The thought's of blasting himself in the head with his revolver passed his mind. But, after a night of eye's widened. He was thoughtless, he was motionless, he was hungry, cold and tired. He had nothing, but his revolver and mechanic cubes.
Chapter 14- The New Adventure
Nick never bring's up his past to anyone. His past to him is not important, he only look's forward. Building the thing's he believe will affect him greatly in the long run of life and fighting. He meet's friends from all over the world, sharing his technology with all who wishes to know the pure strength of a Engineer. He lives life how he want's to.