Basically you pick 10 characters (living or non-living) and answer a whole bunch of random questions.
01. Chika Akatsuki 02. Alyss // Will of the Abyss 03. Len Kagamine 04. Rikku 05. Julius 06. Kyonko 07. Loki 08. Kobato Hanato 09. Shizuo Heiwajima 10. Hinata Hyuuga
What would you do if...
Number 1 woke you up in the middle of the night? There either be zombies invading my house (the mindless slobbering type invading, ignoring the fact you yourself are one) or it could be you're plotting to invade my room, your quite welcome if you brought whipped cream, if neither then gtfo before my pillow meet your face.
Number 3 walked into the bathroom while you're showering? >////< OUT, YOU PEVERTED FOURTEEN YEAR OLD!! Grow up until the point your legal and your free to join me, I don't do shouta
Number 4 announced she's going to marry 9 tomorrow? Good for you... I guess? I'm glad Shizu-chan's settling down but how'd Rikku learn to handle his temper I wonder.
Number 5 cooked you dinner? Y-you cooked, for me?! I'm surprised you'd made way for it in your workaholic schedule, I'm touched, really. Another bonus point for you being my dream man if you can cook too.
Number 6 was lying next to you on the beach, sleeping? Hmm, if only Haruki could see you now in a bikini...
Number 7 suddenly confessed to be part of your family? Dude... Loki, aren't you like... hundreds of years old?! And you do have a reputation for flirting around so just where exactly do you fit into my family tree? Does that mean I inherited supa-special-awesome magikal powas too?
Number 8 got into the hospital somehow? Oh shi- Kobato, your clumsiness finally got you really hurt didn't it? Dammit, where was Fujimoto when you need him to catch you or whatever?
Number 9 made fun of your friends? Erm, just don't say anything insulting back in case he throws a bus at me in response.
Number 10 ignored you all the time? Hinata? WRRRRRRRYYYYYYYY~ Your supposed to be the nice, sweet girl unless you've been busy stalking NaruNaru you have no right to ignore me. DEATHHUGGLETACKLEGLOMP A-GO-GO, let's see you ignore that X3
Two serial killers are hunting you down. What will 1 do? Chika: [/Doesn't particularly care] Me: Hey, you have a supa-special magical katana, use it to defend me! Chika: You have one too -bar the magical part- defend yourself. Me: I'll pay you to be my bodyguard. Chika: Now you've got my attention, my nominal fee starts at...
You're on a vacation with 2 and manage to break your leg. What does 2 do? Maybe she's the one who broke it? I dunno, feel amused at my misery or continue vacationing w/out me -.-
It's your birthday. What will 3 give you? Himself, wrapped/tied up in a big red ribbon curtosy of Rin X3
You're stuck in a house that's on fire. What does 4 do? Assuming she didn't accidentally light the fire herself, call for help I suppose, maybe program a machina to go in and fetch me? Go all black mage with water based magic and rescue me herself?
You're about to do something that'll make you feel extremely embarrassed. What will 5 do? Appear to ignore me while watching out of the corner of his eye to see what happens and inwardly laugh at me.
You're about to marry number 10. What's 1's reaction: Me: Well, if I was going to marry a girl, Hinata would probably be my first choice so... Chika: Girl-on-girl action is pretty hot so nice work [/thumbs up] Also don't expect a wedding present from me either. Hinata and Myself: >///>
You got dumped by someone. How will 7 cheer you up? Get-over-Ex-makeout-session? [/shot] What, all I'm saying is that it would be very easy for Loki to take advantage of that -and probably would- who am I to complain?
You compete in a tournament. How does 9 support you? Me: Come on Shizu-chan, help a girl out. Shizuo: Why should I care whether you win or not? Me: Because Izaya paticipating and he'll be my next opponent? Shizuo: ...Point to the nearest heavy inanimate object and I'll take care of the rest.
You can't stop laughing. What will 10 do? Hinata: Um, what are you laughing about? Me: [/wipe a tear away] Hah... nothing, nothing. Just Izaya's impeding doom as we speak. Hinata: ...I have no idea who that is, but I dont think I want to know.
Number 1 is all you've ever dreamed of. Why? I dunno, he's utterly adorable and manipulative, stingy to boot, but still a completely awesome guy. Smexy too X3 <3
Number 2 tells you about her deeply hidden love for number 9. Quite the ladies man aren't you Shizu-chan XD Ah, I guess Alyss has a thing for blondes then, hopefully this won't turn into some horrible stalker obsession >.>
You're dating 3 and he introduces you to his parents. Would you get along? You have... parents? Since when? Are they the scientists who programmed you or... what?
Number 4 loves number 9 as well. What does that mean? Dammit, both girls have a thing for blondes. With Alyss' jealous issues and her ability to implode anything at will, this isn't going to end well.
Will number 5 and 6 ever kiss? Ooooh, new crack pair to ship. I dunno, I suppose it could work. Kuudere with a Tsundere would work reasonably well together.
Number 6 appears to be a player, breaking many hearts. What do you do? Kyonko, you sly vixen you, you couldn't possibly be doing this purposedly could you?
You had a haircut and 7 can't stop looking at you. What goes on in your mind? Me:[/Raises eyebrow] If you want to say something then say it? Loki: ... I never realised what large eyebrows you've had before. Me: >.> Well at least you're honest instead of some cheap pick up line though I wouldn't mind that either
Number 8 thinks she’ll never get a girl/boyfriend. What will you tell him? This is about Fujimoto isn;t it? Don't worry girl, I'll make sure CLAMP giving a happy ending, end if I have to stand over them and hold them at gunpoint 83
Number 9 is too shy to face you and confesses his love by sending an email. Now what? Shi-chan, seriously? It sounds a little like him I guess, personally I expexted him to be the more upfront, blunt type but when it comes to matters of the heart well. Either that or there's subterfuge going on -Maybe Izaya found out I sicked Shizu-chan on him and is trying to confuse things between us?
You spot 10 kissing 1. How do you react? WOOT, YOU GO GIRL! WAY TO BE ASSERTIVE!
You notice that 3 and 4 have been inside that hotel room for MORE then a few hours. What are you thinking? Attempting to keep mind out of the gutter... and not being very successful
Could 1 and 6 be soul mates? ...Maybe? Who knows.
Would 2 trust 5? Unlikely, there both very suspicious, paranoid people.
Number 4 is bored and pokes 10. What happens after that? Uh.. nothing? Though Rikku's annoying side is not to be underestimated, maybe she'd keep poking Hinata too see how long it took her to SNAP. Though anyone who'd torment Hinata (who has one of the biggest woobie status' in my mind deserves to have a shotgun pointed at them >8C
5 and 1 are forced to go back to school together. What study will they pick? Hmm, I dunno. Engineering, sciences maybe? [/shrugs] Perhaps Business, Chika could give Julius tips to save on his low paying -unwanted- job.
If 6 and 3 cooked dinner what would they make? They can cook? Hmm, maybe something involving bananas... though are banana's really the thing suited for dinner cuisine...
7 and 9 apply for a job. What job? Sexy supamodels gotta stop using that option, it's becoming redundant. Er, bodyguard? Shizuo already works as one and Loki probably got escort missions occasionally (hell, being a summon is a full time bodyguard job). I can't imagine Shizu-chan in an everyday job after that montage where he ended up trashing a lot of places due to his temper... Loki would scare all the female clientel away...
8 gives 5 a haircut. Is that okay? Hm, that hair must get heavy for Julius (and Kobato could sympathise having equally long hair), so long as it's pontail-able it's fine with me.
9 sketches what 6's perfect girl/boyfriend should look like; will 6 be happy? Me: You have the patience to draw? Let me see that- Shizuo: Go away, I'm not finished yet. Me: Pretty pretty please? Shizuo: No. Me: Come one Shizu-chan- Shizuo: [/stabs pencil through paper and snaps it in half] ... Me: [/backs away slowly] Ehehe, shame. It looked like it was going to turn out quite well, I'mgonnagonowbye. [/runs] Kyonko: ... I don't think I really wanted to know anyways [/afraid of the possibilites]
10 and 9 are blushing while they talk. What is their conversation about? Me: Now I'm really curious. Hinata, not unusual- Shizu-chan on the other hand... Hinata: -and that how you do it. Shizuo: ...Uh thanks, for showing me how- Hinata: -It's no problem. Both: [/cue awkward blushing] Me: [/hiding] Daww~ look at Hinata and Shizu-chan together, I could totally ship them together. Now if I can get closer I might be able to overhear- Shizuo: [/spins around and uproots a tree I was hiding behind] What the hell did you just say?! Me: Eep. Um, is this because I called you 'Shizu-chan' or my fangirl tendancy to ship anyone who I see together? (do you even know what shipping is?) Shizuo: Who's the one with the short temper and holding a tree (And yes, I do have the internet and spans of boredom when I know I shouldn't click on things, but I do.) Hinata: Ano, Shizuo-san it's really ok... Shizuo: [/lowers the tree slightly] Me: OMG, she can appeal to your rational side when angry, she really is perfect-! Shizuo: [/throws the tree at me] Me: [/ducks and runs like hell while screaming like the girl I am] Shizuo: [/chases] Hinata: ... I'll leave the recipe and the sample healing creams in his mail box I guess.
~What would happen if~
1 accidentally kicked 10? Give him the biggest injured puppy dog eye guilt trip ever... or juken him in reaction. I not partial to either.
2 sent a message to hers Bf/Gf but 9 got it, what would happen? Probably regard it with a big of curiosity, but would most likely dismiss it.
5 and 6 did a workout together? Neither seems big on exercising so it be interesting to watch. And the hypnotic pontail... swaying from side to side (Julius would probably have a high ponytail too [/squee])
6 noticed she wasn't invited to your birthday? Me: OMG Kyonko, I'm so SORRY- [/throws self at her feet] I AM NOT WORTHY!! Kyonko: [/realises people are starting to look at me making a scene] It's ok- you can stop now, that's a good hysteric. Me: [/looks up] Really? Kyonko: Really- just stop with the pawing. Me: Oh, Ok. [/gets up] Can you tell me where you got your shoes from, they look really nice. Kyonko: >.>;;
7 won the lottery? Probably by himself a harem or something... maybe he'd treat Lucy to something? Though considering how long he's been alive and the nice suits he has i storage, wouldn't he saved up alot over serveral generations?
8 had quite a big secret? Me: Let's start with the obvious shall we, the mysterious past... what's really under that hat? Kobato: Um, I can't afford to take it off... but there is the anime- Me: Anime notwithstanding- lemme see, just a peek, I promise I won;t tell anyone else and spoil the manga [/reaches for hat] Kobato: I-I, Iorogi-san! Me: Oh crap. [/burst of fire comes from her bag] CRAPCRAPCRAP!! [/runs]
9 became a singer? Dude. Dude... awesome. He could totally be the smex, though a steady stream of guitars would be needed since he would be likely to break at least one or more per week.
10 got a daughter? Me: OMFG SQUEE!!!! Who's is it... tellmetellmetellme. Hinata: Uh, well it's... Me: IS IT NARUTO'S? It's totally Naruto's isn't it? Hinata: [/blushes crimson] Um no, but it's not- Me: Oh... THEN WHO THEN?! Kiba? Shino? Uh, Shika's? Kakashi? Hinata: [/reddens] No, that's not- Me: Ur... Gaara, Sasuke, ignoring the incest, Neji-? Hinata: Yes! Yes the last one! Me: O.O YOU MADE BABIES WITH YOUR COUSIN/HALF BROTHER!! Hinata: [/goes even redder if possible before going ashen and rocking on her heels slightly] NO! I'm babysitting for Neji-nii... Me: Oh... wait then, who'd Neji- Hinata: [/faints] Me: Oh shi-
What would 1 think of 2? That she's 'A' class crazy and good at exploding stuff =D
How would 3 greet 4? Two handed handshake from Rikku's side? High five?
What would 4 envy about 5? His reserve and ability to act like an adult? How skilled and experienced he is with dexturous fingers... being able to fix clocks and what not with ease.
What dream would 5 have about 6? Well, she does resemble Alice a little and she'd be an 'Outsider' if she ever visited Heartsland [/winkwink nudgenudge]
What do 6 and 7 have in common? Uh... hm, 'only sane' one's, having to deal with a higher power on a day to day basis.
What would make 7 angry at 8? Foiling his chances with smexy women, somehow... Kobato would do it by accident though.
Where would 8 meet 9? Erm... Kobato's supa-secret secret hiding spot in the playground =D
What would 9 never dare to tell 10? That he has the most heinous temper on this side of the planet for fear of scaring a potential romantic interest away 83 [/gets knocked out by a vending machine]
What would make 10 scared of 1? Her ability to juken the crap out of things is a good start- also overprotective siblings/father/friends would be enough to scare anyone.
Duelsoul · Wed Aug 11, 2010 @ 05:28pm · 0 Comments |
iRoslanieXC Duelsoul Just a reserve for now (You do take reserves correct?) For the Jack in the Highschool level. Do I need to give you any RP samples? No, no. You don't need to give me any RP samples. I already seen all of that, and it's making me get tired alot. I reserved it for you so you can go and work on your profile. ^^

x x x x x x x x x x Aoi Koizumi x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x"Well, if the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off right?" ██████████████████████ ★ █████ x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Your postion from the Guardians or Easter
☆ ↪ Classified Information ↴
-- ◘ » Just Aoi is fine, thanks. Moo call me that within earshot and I'll kick your a** up to your shoulderblades, only my baby sis' can get away with it. -- ◘ » 16 years young. -- ◘ » Male, duh. -- ◘ » Highschool Jack, of the Guardians of course. -- ◘ » 5"8 or 172cm for non-metric folks. -- ◘ » A healthy 147lbs -- ◘ » Naturally black, bleaching accident caused the top part to go all white. -- ◘ » Yellowish? Amber I suppose.
-- ◘ » [ Character Personality. And don't forget to put what is your personality when you chara change in the next paragraphs.]
☆ ↪ The Story Of My Life ↴
-- ◘ » [ Character Bio. And also, don't forget to add about what you wish for and when did your chara eggs came to you.]
-- ◘ » Name: Ren Nicknames: Just Ren. Owner: Aoi Gender: Male Signature Characteristic: Glasses. Normal, everyday reading glasses. Though they don't appear to aid or Chara Change: Does a 180 in regards to personality. Becomes stoic and serious and it's almost impossible to read his facial expressions, Aoi is suddenly very polite, chivalrous even, but prefers to speak with actions, not words, in fact he says very little while chara changed. Also gains a sense of 'honour', if seeming somewhat skewed at times. Can summon a short katana out of thin air at will. Character Transformation: Oath Sentinel Egg: Ren's bed egg Appearance: Ren
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Duelsoul · Sat Aug 07, 2010 @ 06:48pm · 0 Comments |