Oh man I wish I'd been keeping a written log instead of a mental one.
I'll be happy to post my findings here.
Current Aquarium StatusOverall Tank Health: 14.49%
Temperature: Moderate
Residents: 4 Goldfish
1 Arrow Fish
Decorations: 3 Aquarium Christmas Gift
1 Aquarium Fountain
2 Aquarium Big Gem
1 Aquarium Earth
1 Aquarium Overseer (obviously)
Terrains: Aquarium Basic Terrain
Background: None
Tank in Sig: No
Fish Happiness(start dates all educated guesses at the moment)
Goldfish 1: 7048 (Started Sept 24)
Goldfish 2: 7044 (Started Sept 24)
Goldfish 3: 7020 (Started no earlier than Sept 28 )
Goldfish 4: 7004 (Started Oct 4)
Arrow Fish: 12040 (Started Sept 24)
NotesThe first day I went through all the songs and saved after each change to see which ones the fish liked.
Realizing the power of Kelp!, I decided to keep it on that setting.
I then tried switching between songs but didn't realize until a day or two later that my Arrow fish did not, in fact, like the Lighthouse song (as I had originally thought).
I can't remember if there USED to be hearts above them - as I seem to remember - or if I just somehow made that up in my mind.
I now switch between Kelp! and Ballad of the Overseer.
I make sure to switch the lights at least twice a day (waking them up, putting them to bed) but lately if I'm online enough I try to do it four times a day.
I usually feed them, switch the lights, and then change the song.
Then I save.
I recently noticed a strange happiness glitch.
I can't remember the details - but I know that it was the same day I put in my most recent goldfish.
I changed a setting and all of a sudden things were reset back to the default happiness.
It was fixed a bit later, but the newest fish still lost a day with getting the four points.
I think the third goldfish might have also been affected.
The only thing else I can think of to add at the moment is that my Arrow fish seem to have claimed the Aquarium Earth, while the goldfish prefer the Fountain.
Both types will go and visit all the decorations, but they clearly have a preference - at least from what I have observed.
From reading the first posts, I haven't come to any conclusions that haven't already been reached by you guys.
However, I'll keep posting this information in case I can be of any help.