Thank you to everyone for the art~ <3
I will be adding to this collection.
{BTW - Click on the stamp, loves.}
Thank you to Aerith_Gainsborough_x for her adorable art~
She's way more awesome then I am. ;D
Thank you to The Dark Evangel for that piece of Art~ :] <3
It was done for my birthday. n___n
I can't actually remember who gave this to me. But
I do know it was during the Summer Festival. I got it for free. ;D
Who knows? D:
Thank you to Rusco for this amazing piece of art~
It was one of my firsts.
This way my actual first piece of art by Versailles I think.
This piece of art was made for me by xSnakebytex (I think) a while back.
Isn't it awesome? I remember something about donating to her.
An experiment by me~ <3
Another experiment. ;D
Thank you to Rini Ikataru! I think it's very cute. &3
And for those who want profiles, you should visit her shop~ :]
By Jodie The Pooh. (:
By The-Dead-Whisper-Silently.