So, I had to get up at 6:45 this morning to go to Crisis Clinic and god, it was amazing. I hadn't smelled the earily morning air since school got out. It was beautiful. I just couldn't dream of a better smell, really. Is it scary that I'm such a morning person that the morning air is almost a high for me.
Right now I'm just sitting air from Italy, lol, and typing away. Oh and eating a jelly filled scone that I ripped apart as I always do with my food... I know, quirky habit. I am one of those people that doesn't like their food touching and it's in certain orders..I'm fat, who'da thunk that I had eating habits. Lol.
Today, I was weird, I looked in the mirror while I was changing and said "Wow, you are beautiful." Then I stepped back and looked again. Did I really just say that? Then I looked again and again. Each time I thought the same thing. It just kind of shocked me. I haven't thought so positively about myself since...forever. Lol.
But the thing I realy wanted to say was about college! I was thinking about getting my lip pierced becuase my friend wants a tattoo but I don't want a tattoo, too expensive. But that made me think about how I want to scare all my teachers, I want them to fear me, I want them to say "Holy mother of god! How did she get in here?!" I want them to be hard on me and then I'm going to do the amazing: I'm going to prove. them. wrong. I'm going to show my family that I was meant for college and that they were wrong in telling me not to go!
So take that and love me! Yeah, this year I am going to rock! Kiss this people -slaps a**- ******** off to those who are hating on me!
Mariah Clark Rocks · Sun Aug 10, 2008 @ 04:39pm · 0 Comments |