Faith in Life
Life is consuming
And it will continually eat you up
In every sense of the word:
Eat You Up
And nobody will help you up in your darkest hour:
And you will seem alone
And in a sense you will be
You will search for yourself for time and time again
And you won’t find yourself
Because you will be immersed in darkness
But will you come from that dark place
And rise up to the occasion?
That is for you to decide
And when you do decide
Your faith will be weak
And it will stay weak
Until you come to ask yourself,
“What do I believe in?”
Then God will answer you
And you will be taken up in his arms
And he will hold you up on high
And the cycle will be done over again
Because we are human
And no one is perfect
But our faith in God will always be tested
And it is our test to fail
And it is our test to succeed
It is the test of faith