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FInished my five page literary analysis in record breaking
Jessica Rutledge
American literature, First Period
Ms. McCully/ Mrs. Campbell
Literary Analysis

The Harlem Renaissance: Rebirth of the African American culture

There have been many Renaissances in the history of mankind, but none have been as

pivotal and culturally changing than the Harlem Renaissance. The Renaissance, it is a time of

change and new awakenings. Before the Harlem Renaissance African Americans didn't have a

definitive culture. Their culture was only defined by years if slavery, bigotry and African

culture. After the great migration from the south, African Americans settled in the north and

began to make their mark on history. This article will not only accurately depict African

Americans affect on music, art and literature but how the African Americans strived to rise above

the oppression they faced and changed the American dream forever.

Between 1920 and 1933 the distribution and sale of alcohol was banned. Unsurprisingly

this did not stop America from drinking. Prohibition more or less fueled people's need to rebel

thus making drinking even more popular. Clubs popped up all around the cities called

speakeasy's. These were clubs where people went to drink and dance. This is were the Harlem

Renaissance played a key role.

At these clubs people needed fast paced music to fuel their uninhibited will to dance. The

Harlem Renaissance "achieved much of its fame not only because of Harlem's reputation but the

almost universal popularity of jazz and blues..."(Richard J. Powell). The Jazz music was fast

paced and wild compared to music from the earlier decade. Jazz music spawned special dances

like the Charleston and dancers like flappers. "Images of sleek Cadillacs, "flappers" and "sheiks"

wearing raccoon coats, and brilliantly lit, busy street corners, easily conveyed the mystique and

pace of modern life." (Richard J. Powell).

The use of scat, call-and-response, improvisation, polyrhythms, syncopation, and the

swung note of ragtime are characteristics of Jazz music. Many famous artists if the Jazz

movement are still memorable figures in music history as well as African American history. Jazz

music reflected happiness, it was a means to forget about the oppression and other things African

Americans had faced. Out of the Harlem Renaissance spawned another genre of music.

Blues, though using the same instruments and elements of jazz was the complete opposite

tone wise. The phrase "the blues" was a reference to the blue devils, meaning 'down' spirits,

depression and sadness. It reflected the oppression of the African Americans unlike jazz music

that focused on happiness. Blues music was slower to portray the sorrow written in the

lyrics. Despite the depressing tone of Blues it influenced many other genres of music including

rock music.

During the Harlem Renaissance poets thrived. Like Jazz and Blues there were two

different tones to Black poetry. Influential poets like Langston Hughes and Claude Mckay wrote

both about the sadness and hardships of being black in America as well as the wonders of the city

and appreciation for family. Just like in music, poets used their dissertation to depict their life

and their American Dream.

Visual Artists played a key role in depicting the life and look of the "New Negro".

These artists did not draw pictures of Caucasian Americans to emphasize their celebration of

their new culture. Their pictures portrayed vivid, urban black culture that bore little resemblance

to the typical rustic images of black southerners so popular in the cultural eye. Artists like

Augusta Savage and Archibald Motley were noted for using current and modern techniques

instead of looking back to Africa for inspiration.

The Harlem Renaissance wasn't just about art, it was an awakening for African American

minds to come together and to better themselves. The Harlem Renaissance was once called the

"New Negro Arts Movement." named after the anthology The New Negro, edited by Alain Locke

in 1925. The Harlem Renaissance grew out of the changes that had taken place in the black

community since the abolition of slavery. Then after the failure of the Reconstruction and the

establishment of the Jim Crow laws African Americans gradually began to migrate North.

By the 1920's African American had established a middle class mainly in cities in New

York and predominately Harlem. Soon after African Americans began organizing themselves

politically and intellectually. The NAACP was established was by W.E.B. Dubois.They rejected

the accomodationist philosophy of Booker T. Washington which was the idea that everyone

should coincide as equal individuals. This was a more activist agenda, which celebrated black

culture, was also reflected in the efforts of Jamaican-born black nationalist Marcus Garvey,

whose populist Afro centric Back to Africa movement inspired racial pride among working-class


The American Dream is depicted in some pictures as having a white house, 3 kids, and

white picket fence and a golden retriever. The "New Negro" wanted to have nothing to do with

this. Urban life in the city was ideal to most African Americans. In the age of Prohibition that

was far from the American Dream. Even if families looked perfect on the outside, as depicted in

The Great Gatsby, it didn't reflect the emotional turmoil caused by the war and other hardships

during this time period.

The Harlem Renaissance uplifted African Americans. Instead of regretting being black

they were encouraged to love and cherish their race. Their American Dream was no longer to be

physically free but spiritually free. Their American Dream was no longer to strive to be like the

"white man" but to be better than the "white man" and to be an upstanding black citizen. They

hoped to wipe the past away and to show that the black man can be upper class also.

Soon after the rise of the Harlem Renaissance and the Jazz era the stock market crashed.

The Great Depression put a damper on everyone's American Dream. It did not care what race,

religion or gender they were, everyone was hit hard. Soon after the Harlem Renaissance died

down. But the Harlem Renaissance still affects American culture in many different ways. The

N.A.A.C.P. is still working toward the advancement of African Americans. Jazz is a well

established music genre. The Harlem Renaissance will be documented in history as a

revolutionary change for African American culture.

African American culture started with slavery and endless bigotry and racism. The

Harlem Renaissance showed that African Americans can rise above and become upstanding

people. The American Dream changes with every passing genre but it was the roaring 20's and

the Jazz age that changed it first. The Harlem Renaissance changed not only music, art and

literature but people's view on the American Dream itself was affected.

Works Cited

Powell, Richard J.. "Art of the Harlem Renaissance." SIRS Knowledge SourceApri. April 1998. American Arts Media. 27 Mar 2008 <http://wf2dnvr1.webfeat.org>.

James, Marsha. "The Harlem Renaissance Remembered." voanews. 2 Feb 2005. 27 Mar 2008 <http://wf2dnvr1.webfeat.org>.

Spencer, Jon Michael. "THE BLACK CHURCH AND THE HARLEM RENAISSANCE ." EBSCOhost. August 1996. University of Richmond. 27 Mar 2008 <http://wf2dnr1.webfeat.org>.

Cry me a river, build a bridge and get over it

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I attack thee with a dull spork

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Passing Lit Chapter 8
This chapter is dedicated to the ppl who are still reading this story and the ppl who helped me get through hard times and gave me the will and inspiration to finish the story, Oh and DarkxSatoshi will show up later on in the next few chappies

Thanks for Reading

Gaara: she’s just a lazy b***h she’s been neglecting me too, you’ve been cheating on me with Roy Mustang

Black: no I haven’t , frankly you’re a pervert

Gaara: What did you say?

Black: you know I was planning on writing GaaraxNeji and maybe you’d like it as uke

Gaara: Please don’t make me uke pleads

Black: laughs wickedly thought so


Listening to: Porno Graffiti , Orange Range and DBSK


Chapter 8: A DATE!!!

Daisuke’s mood had gotten considerably better knowing that Krad wanted more than just sex (not that he minded the sex). He smiled as they pulled up to his house. he had already informed his mom about his arrangements for the night. Well maybe not all of them. Daisuke looked over at Krad. “Would you like to come inside”

“Sure” Krad replied. To tell the truth he was kind of excited to see how Daisuke lived. The house on the outside looked considerably cozy looking. I t was so small it could probably fit in his Dining room.

After walking a few paces Daisuke turned around and whispered. “You’ll have to be careful though, my mom is extra paranoid about me being “safe” so there’s a lot of booby traps around the house. It’s sort of like a training routine.

Only one word ran through Krad’s mind. “booby traps?”. They had made it up to the front door when red beams shot up form the ground in front of them barely missing Daisuke’s nose. He smile embarrassed and reached through the lasers to fit his key in the door. This deactivated the infrared beams and allowed them to enter the house.

Daisuke looked behind his back to Krad “You should wait here while I disable the other ones.”. he said . Krad’s jaw hit the floor as Daisuke proceeded into the house flawlessly avoiding and disabling the various traps set up. Which included some more infrared lasers, flying spikes, a trap door, a net, some knives and few other things he could not fathom.

Krad cautiously stepped inside the house looking around to see if it was safe “Wow, that was something else”. Daisuke led Krad through the corridor to the living room.

“OH DAISUKE you made it through safe I’m so happy” exclaimed a brown haired woman out of nowhere scaring them out of their wits.

“Yes Daisuke we have taught you well” added an aged man who Krad assumed was his grandfather. All Krad could think was who the hell put their son in danger like that , but from what Krad could see Daisuke’s family was quite eccentric with a capital E. The only normal one seemed to be his Dad who was on the quiet side. Then again someone who disappears for years and then shows up unannounced on your 15th birthday is far from normal. Krad’s train of thought was broken when “DDDDDDDDAIIIIIIIIIISUKE whose your friend, he’s cute” rang in his ears. Krad turned to see a little silver haired girl in a maid costume.

“yeah , Daisuke your friends really handsome, it’s about time you brought someone besides Satoshi over.”. Daisuke blushed and pulled Krad up the stair’s yelling “Family this Krad, Krad this is my family, okay bye now”.

Daisuke sighed as they got up to his room, why did his family have to constantly embarrass him. Krad looked around Daisuke’s room, ‘it’s cozy’ Krad thought’ but a little empty’.

“kyu”. suddenly a little rabbit like creature hopped into his arms. “kyu, kyu, kyu, kyu” it cooed. Krad smiled at it, it was adorable just like his owner. Daisuke smiled taking the animal from Krad “this is With (Wiz for manga fans)he’s my rabbit, I guess”

“You guess”.

“Well one day he just followed me home which kinda weird for a rabbit, he’s been with us ever since. My family just assumed he was some type of rabbit, but rabbits usually aren’t as vocal, or friendly and he loves strawberries too. Daisuke shrugged and let With down.

While Daisuke perused his closet for clothes, Krad looked around the room again. There was bed, dresser, skylight and a terrace. He noticed something covered in a white sheet over in a corner of the room. Lifting the sheet up lightly his eyes widened as he saw a beautiful picture of a stone water fountain in a middle of a square. Behind it was an unfinished sketch of the view from the terrace. Krad heard Daisuke and turned around.

“You didn’t tell me you were a good artist”. Daisuke blushed lightly.

“It’s nothing really...”

“no, these are really good. “. Daisuke blushed harder and Krad rolled his eyes “you really shouldn’t be so modest all the time, anyway are you ready to go”. Daisuke nodded and headed toward the door.


After narrowly escaping Daisuke’s mother’s gripping death hug they headed toward their destination.

“Krad where did you say we were going?”

“I didn’t tell you, but now I think you’re really going to like it”
Daisuke sat back and wondered where they were going ‘the movies, or maybe the beach’. Daisuke snapped out of his thought when they rolled up to a huge mansion. This puzzled Daisuke even more. The valet came up to the car a took the keys. Daisuke looked around and saw that they were underdressed.

“Krad you should told me and I would've got something more appropriate to wear.” Daisuke whispered.

“If I told you, you would’ve worried to much about what to wear”

“Now I’m worried”

“Well don’t be, I’m dressed like you”. Daisuke flushed as the walked in a slightly balding man with a pointy mustache came up to them.

“Oh Krad it is good to see you, welcome to my art gallery, how is your father doing.”. As Krad and the man talked Daisuke looked around at the art gallery. He scowled as he looked around at the paintings people thought were “abstract”.

‘Modern art my foot’ Daisuke thought.’ With could make one of these.’. Over in the corner he spotted a painting that seemed out of place. He smiled as he walked over to it, it was picture of an angel. Krad came up behind him.

“What do you think of it”.

Daisuke tilted his head. “hmm..there's something weird about the highlight on her right cheek it's like there should be a bit more shadowing because of the way the bangs are over her forehead ..on the neck too...That's if the lightsource is coming from her side or slightly behind her or above the shading should be lower...if it's slightly in front/side then it should be covering the chin/nose a bit more and the cheek light is correct...or maybe I'm just crazy.”

Krad was amazed. “Daisuke has a really good eye for art“. Just then Claude (baldy) came up behind them.

“I can‘t believe this here, I told the coordinator that it didn‘t go with the theme of the gallery. It is definitely not modern. Sorry people this mistake is not foe sale.”.

Daisuke watched sadly as the servants took the painting away. It really was really good though.


The gallery was closing and Krad could see that Daisuke had not enjoyed himself.

“What's the matter, still thinking about that painting”.

“It’s okay Krad some people just don’t enjoy art.”

“But I thought you said it was flawed.”

“Yes, but art isn’t just about technicality, it’s about the emotion and effort put into it. I could really tell that the author enjoyed this painting.”.

Krad thought for a minute okay.

“Hey Daisuke, can you wait outside for a minute, I have something I need to do.”

Daisuke nodded and waited outside and after 20 minutes Krad came out looking very satisfied.

‘I wonder what he was doing’ Daisuke thought ’but it isn’t my business’..


After an awkwardly silent ride home Krad thought of something great to make up for their not so successful date.


Daisuke got out of the shower and thought absentmindedly. ‘Krad wanted me to meet him in the garden after I got dressed, I wonder why’. Daisuke got dressed quickly and followed the path to the gardens. He smiled as he saw a Krad sitting on the grass. There were candles everywhere with and the scent of vanilla was in the air. Krad looked up he was so beautiful. Daisuke found himself wanting to paint a picture of Krad.

“I got something for you” Krad whispered “close your eyes”. Daisuke closed his eyes obediently.

“Now open”. Daisuke slowly opened his eyes and gasped. Krad was holding the painting of the angel.

“But...how did you... I mean...he said it wasn’t for sale”.

Krad grinned at his achievement. “Well let’s just say I made him an offer he couldn’t refuse”. Daisuke was speechless.

“It was the least I could do”. Daisuke eyes welled up in tears. Nobody had ever done something so kind for him before. Before he could open his mouth Krad steered him into a passionate kiss. Krad slipped his hand up Daisuke’s shirt marveling in how soft it was.

“Touch me” Daisuke purred, pulling away to catch his breath. “I need,,,aaah”. The heat their bodies created rivaled the harsh wind that had surrounded them. Krad ignored the sudden drop in temperature as he was on the point of no reason. Daisuke looked up at Krad after being lowered to the soft grass below. His breath hitched in his throat as the wind caught in Krad’s hair and time stopped as if they were floating in water. He had never seen anything more lovely than Krad and he swore he never would..

“Krad” His name circled in Daisuke’s head and passed through his lips. “Krad”. HE hadn’t even noticed that they were both rid of their clothes until a cold breeze passed through his body causing him to snuggle closer to Krad. Krad tasted more of the boy’s skin, nipping here and there and then soothing it with his tongue. His skin color only one shade darker than Daisuke’s. Had he noticed that before? Had he paid attention to how silky his skin was, or how more he rubbed against Daisuke’s hard erection how it gave that skin a lovely tint of rose. Had he noticed how his bright ruby red eyes darkened to a deep crimson as the passion fogged his mind. Had he even noticed how perfect he looked, his unkempt hair mussed, pink lips swollen and eyes heavy lidded. He couldn’t remember nor did he care to because all that mattered was now.

Krad left a trail of love bites down his stomach and navel. Ignoring his painful erection Krad moved to his puckered opening licking the outside once before delving his tongue inside the warm cavern. A pleasure filled scream erupted from Daisuke’s lips as his stomach did somersaults. Krad pushed his tongue in and out at a painstakingly slow pace. It was driving Daisuke insane His speech had degraded to incoherent words and moans.

“I can’t ...wait...need...now” Daisuke managed to utter”. Krad was about to explode also and complied with the boy’s wish. He pulled a tube of lube out of his pants and unscrewed the cap. Applying considerable amounts to his member and Daisuke’s opening he pushed forward. Daisuke tensed but soon relaxed after coaxing from Krad. After a few painfully long minutes Krad filled Daisuke completely and slowly began to move his hips. Pain was soon replaced by pleasure and Daisuke’s senses amplifies. The only intelligent thought running through his head was ‘more’ and ‘faster’. As if Krad could read his mind he picked up he pace. The pleasure racing up and down his spine was incredible. Daisuke moaned and shook uncontrollably. Tears ran from the corners of his eyes past his temples and into his hair. Another scream passed through his lips as Krad slammed into his prostate over and over and over. Krad watched as Daisuke parted his lips in a silent scream. His body arching as his orgasm began to wash over his lithe body. Krad swore he could feel every cell in Daisuke’s body. Daisuke wrapped his arms around Krad moaning his name like a mantra. It was there, that they were consumed and they let go of everything sinking below the surface of time, space and reality and toward pure bliss, together.


It was kinda rushed but this is the only time I have access to a computer. next week I’m on vacation but maybe i can get my friend to help with this next. chapter. Krad and Daisuke have a lot of trouble keeping their secret at school will they succeed or will the rumors tear them apart.

Gaara: you are so corny

Black:shutup, I have to make it sound exciting

Gaara: but it’s not is it

Krad: the epic tale of me and Daisuke’s love is hearywrenching and exciting

Gaara: geez he’s corny too

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