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kaxaks #16 in the organization
Here is the story of my life and everyone around it.
Life in the organization
Pt 22

5 days later

Ximik sighed. She returned back to the spot where Tsubame told her to meet her in 5 days. She looks at her surroundings. The world was dark, oblique, and barren….She was tired of this place.

Ximik: ….my 5 days are up… *sigh*

Suddenly a black bird flew around her. She knew that he was here.

Ximik: come on out. You don’t have to disguise yourself as a bird.
Tsubame: but I’m not!

Ximik heard his voice. She quickly turned around and saw Tsuabme perched on the tree branch. He smirked slightly then jumped down.

Tsubame: It’s been 5 days and you showed up. I’m impressed…so. Do you have an answer?
Ximik: ……*looks down. Then looks up* tell me…what do you want from me…?
Tsubame: I see you don’t fool that easily. Very well. Might as well tell you this…I am a nobody just like you…haven’t you ever wondered what would it feel like having a heart?
Ximik: I know you’re not really interested in having a heart.
Tsubame: how come you say that?
Ximik: because if you do then you wouldn’t need my help. What are you really looking for?
Tsubame: heh…You think a lot before you answer…I’m impressed. Fine. I want to control the darkness buried deep within Kingdom hearts. I want to fill the worlds in darkness! But if you join me…I promise to give you your heart back. I’ll go and find it myself!
Ximik: …then why……why did you choose me?
Tsubame: Because…you’re the only one who’ll understand me…besides. I admired your skills for a long time now…It would be a honor to work with you…
Ximik: …… I‘m not interested in having a heart, but there‘s nothing for me to do…Fine…I’ll help you.
Tsubame: *smiles* wonderful…

End of Flashback

Ximik:…I know you didn’t truly choose me because I would understand you. Why did you?
Tsubame: …If you were so insecure…why did you agree?
Ximik: touché
Tsubame: well thank you. *gets up*
Ximik: Stay down. If it wasn’t for me and my katana you could’ve died!
Tsubame:…Next time I will not let my guard down! I’ll kill Tsubasa with all my strength!

Sakka, Tsubasa and Shiroi were running down the flights of stairs. They followed Sakka. Every second she has new memories she never had before! She’s confused about them but little-by-little, she’s piecing the memories together.

Shiroi: Sakka. How are you feeling?
Sakka: …You named me Yoru?!
Shiroi: ugh- *thinking: dammit she remembers* wait, you remember things when you were a heartless?
Tsubasa: yes. It is possible to remember things like that!
Sakka: anyway we just have to run down these stairs and we’re out!

Suddenly everything started getting wavy. The room started spinning and the friends are confused.

Shiroi: Sakka, please tell me you remember this happening.
Sakka: no! What’s going on here?!
Tsubame’s voice: well, well, well. I see that you brought back the girl! How thoughtful of you!

Tsubasa and Shiroi got their weapons ready.

Shiroi: Stay back Sakka! Tsubame’s a monster!
Sakka: Fine then! This could be a chance to test out my new weapon on him!
Shiroi: Sakka NO!
Sakka: huh?
Shiroi: Please Sakka! I don’t want to lose you again!
Sakka: ……fine then. I’ll stay back.
Tsubasa: Grr Tsubame! Come on out now!

Just then Tsubame jumps right in front of them. He was fully healed and he was ready to fight if necessary. On the other hand Tsubasa and Shiroi weren’t fully healed yet!

Tsubame: Heh, I see the whole gang's here. And here's the famous Sakka.
Tsubasa: *he grabbs Sakka gently and pushes her back*
Tsubame: ku-ku-ku-ku-ku. What’s wrong Tsubasa. Your girlfriend not here to protect you?
Sakka: girl-friend? *looks at Tsuabsa*

Tsuabsa clenched his fist and growled. Sakka felt sorry for him. She assumed that he lost someone dear to him. Suddenly a strange ringing rang in her ear. She holds her head. Strange memories suddenly filled her head! They rushed by quickly! She saw scenes of Kaxaks, Tsubasa and Shiroi together. Each one passed by quickly. She saw scenes of Kaxaks when she was with the old and new organization. She remembered their names, and who they were. She remembers Tsubame who tried to kill them many times, she even remembered the day of the incident when she became a heartless.

Sakka: ugh! *clenches her head*
Shiroi: Sakka!
Sakka: T-Tsuabme!
Tsubame: well- well! You know my name! I guess I didn’t have to introduce myself!
Sakka: You- You’re Tsubasa’s twin brother…You’re the reason why everything happened! You’re…you are the reason why we all suffered! *begins to cry* cry
Tsubasa and Shiroi: *gasp* surprised
Sakka: You killed her! You killed Kaxaks! mad
Tsubame: heh. You’re angry at me for what I did? If I didn’t kill her, the you wouldn’t of live! I gave her life to bring back yours! And this is the thanks I get?
Sakka: I was never gone! I would’ve live the rest of my life as a heartless than give up someone else’s life.
Tsubame: don’t tell me you’d rather live your life in the darkness stealing other people’s heart just to fill your emptiness…
Sakka: w-what? eek
Shiroi: what?! She would never do that you jerk! scream
Sakka: …………no…he’s right…
Shiroi: *surprised* what?! eek You believe him?
Sakka: …I- I did take people’s hearts…
Shiroi: w-what? eek
Sakka: *stares at the ground* I remember…I was falling in the darkness…I was lost…*her face is frozen with shock* oh my god…I- what have I’ve done!
Shiroi: what are you talking about?!
Sakka: Before you came back for me, I stole people’s hearts!
Shiroi: what?! I-it can’t be!
Sakka: I remember! I…I killed my own people…I killed them…*tears swelled up in her eyes* I took their hearts! cry
Shiroi: no…
Sakka: *cries* I did! I took the hearts of my friends, my partners, I almost took our councilor’s life!
Shiroi: NO!
Sakka: *stops crying*
Shiroi: Sakka! You’re not a monster! You saved my life! You protected me from the other heartless! You even healed me. *grabs her hand*

Sakka looks at her right hand. It has a mysterious scar on it. She stared questionably in it.

Shiroi: this is the scar that Kaxaks gave me. But somehow you healed it but it appeared on your hand. Sakka…you’re not a monster! Out of thousands of heartless, you still remembered your past! Your heart was so strong you didn’t completely lose yourself to the darkness! Sakka, you’re the most amazing person I’ve ever known! You’re not a heartless, you’re…*looks at Tsuabsa* what did you say she was again?
Tsuabsa: uh…a princess of heart?
Shiroi: Sakka, I don’t care if you’re an anti-princess of heart! Sakka! As long as you’re still you! Remember what you promise me…to stay the same even when we grow older?
Sakka: uh…*nods* yes, I remember!
Tsubame: *sighs* I don’t have time to hear such empty lies!
Sakka: They’re not lies! *takes out her long sword* Take them back! *points it across to Tsuabme*
Tsuabme: *laughs*, lol twisted So you want to fight too? Sorry, but I need you in a good condition for my plans.
Shiroi: grr, you arrogant jerk! How dare you talk to her like she’s an object! scream
Tsuabme: *sigh* this is why I hated having a heart!
Tsaubsa: You’ve never had a heart at all Tsubame!
Tsuabme: touché Tsuabsa. But enough playing around. I’m very close to my goal and I will not let you three stop my plan! We’re going top end it now!
Sakka: wait, we?

Suddenly Ximik appears right besides Tsubame. Everybody was shocked!

Shiroi: what?! eek
Tsuabsa: but how-
Sakka: huh?!
Ximik: ……
Tsuabme: I guess you already met my accomplice.
Shiroi: wait! What?! Now I’m confused! Wasn’t she Kaxaks’s friend?!
Tsuabsa: Tusbame! What’s going on?!
Tsuabme: ku-ku-ku-ku- hahaha! lol twisted Don’t you know? She never intended to help you in the first place!
Tsuabsa: what?!
Tsuabme: I ordered her to kill every last one of the organization members. It’s just that you guys happened to be in her way! She never actually said that she’d save you!

As soon as Sakka heard it, she was shocked! Ximik noticed her expression.

Shiroi: grr, why?! Weren’t you Kaxaks’s friend?! Why did you betray her?! Tell me! Why?!
Ximik: ……I never betrayed her…she betrayed us.
Shiroi: you-
Ximik: She left her organization because she wanted to have a heart…she’s a nobody. Nobodies never become somebody.
Shiroi: grr! I’m getting sick and tired of this nobody/ somebody talk! scream
Sakka: …...
Ximik: She made her mistake, and that was trusting you…
Tsubasa: ……I can’t believe you…
Shiroi: ugh! We’ve gone so far! We can’t give up now!
Tsuabsa: you know what? You’re right for once!
Shiroi: yah! I- uh hey! stressed
Sakka: He got yah there Shiroi! *smiles* xd
Tsuabme: well now that you got your last laugh, I’ll finish you two and get the girl!
Ximik: allow me to capture Sakka.
Tsubame: you may.
Shiroi: oh no you don’t! I-
Sakka: Shiroi!
Shiroi: huh?
Sakka: let me fight her!
Shiroi: what?! Are you crazy?!
Shiroi looks at Sakka’s gaze. She was determined to fight her.
Sakka: Shiroi…I know you won’t understand…but I feel like it’s my battle! I want to face Ximik on my own!
Tsubame: hehehe. Interesting…I see that part of the girl’s spirit runs in you!
Ximik: …If you want to fight me…then here’s your chance! *takes out Katana*
Sakka: Tenshio Shriroi! *holds out her hand*
Sakka’s rethinian swords appears. She takes her stance and faced Ximik.

Tsuabme: now I have to get rid of you guys!
Shiroi: Don’t count on it!
Tsubasa: *Takes out staff*

Tsubame: *charges* gyuuh!

Shiroi dodges. Tsubame jumps back so he wouldn’t be open for an attack. Tsubasa took his staff and casts multiple spells. Tusbame created a red barrier to protect him from the magic. Shiroi ran behind him and slashed Tsuabme in the back with his sword.

Meanwhile Ximik and Sakka started their battle.

Ximik: you have no chance against me…
Sakka: oh yah! Bring it on then!
Ximik:…my speed is 10 times faster than any human.
Sakka: fine then! Let’s see who wins, Speed or strength!

Ximik’s eyes opened up for a bit. Sakka had the same stance Kaxaks had.

Flash back

Kaxaks: come on Ximik! One more battle!
Ximik: ugh! Fine!
Kaxaks: I think I finally mastered the way to defeat your speed attacks!
Ximik: yah right! You can never defeat my flash step!
Kaxaks: yah but I’ve beaten you before!
Ximik: because I was holding back!
Kaxaks: alright! Let’s see who wins then!
Ximik: you’re on!

*end of Flash back*

Ximik: …

Sakka ran up and swung her sword. Ximik jumped up and swung her katana vertically down. Sakka grabbed her sword and flipped it horizontally. She blocked Ximik’s attack. Ximik quickly jumps back when Sakka pressed back on her sword.

Tsubame was about to attack Sakka but was blocked by Shiroi. Tsubame took out his bladed staff and attacked Shiroi. But then Tsubasa joined in the battle. Tsubame was fending off both Tsubasa and Shiroi.

The battles lasted for a while which was surprising. Tsubasa kept using spells while Shiroi went in for the attack. Ximik and Sakka were also still going at it. No matter how many times Ximik used the flash step on her, Sakka somehow deflects it!

Ximik: I don’t want you t die just yet. So surrender now and I will be over before you know it!
Sakka: you’re wrong Ximik! Things will never be over! Once you used me for darkness then what? Tsubame will rule the world and you think he’ll let you live to see the glory? You’re just a tool to him! Why are you sideing with him!
Ximik: It’s non of your business!
Sakka: Guess not! But why. Aren’t you betraying the organization by doing this?
Ximik: ….I’m not betraying the organization! The organization’s dead!
Sakka: It’s not true! You’re still alive! And so was Kaxaks! You’re the last of the organization!
Ximik: ……
Sakka: There’s still a chance to change! So think about it.
Ximik: ……I have…

Ximik takes the handle side of her katana, and jabs it into Sakka’s stomach. The wind knocked out of her, she fell on her knees. Shiroi saw her fell and came to help her. But Ximik stuck her leg out and tripped him. Sakka was on the ground, trying to catch her breath! She looked up at Ximik.

Sakka: Ximik…your…promise…
Ximik: what promise?
Sakka: your promise…to live on…Saix…wanted you…
Ximik: ….I see more and more of Kaxaks’s memory is sinking in…too bad you won’t live to remember it all.
Ximik kicks Sakka in the head and knocks her out.

Tsubame: *laughs evilly* Great work partner! Now we have the last key to the door!

Ximik bends down and picks Sakka’s limp body up.

Shiroi: grrr! No! you won’t catch her again! *runs up and stabs Tsubame in the back*

There was silence……

Tsubame: was that supposed to hurt? Ku-ku-ku!
Shiroi: Wha-what?!
Tsubasa: Shiroi! Watch out!

Tsubame disappeared in the shadows. Somehow time froze. Shiroi stood in the middle. The walls surrounding him still kept their shape but somehow they became liquid. Tsubame passed though the wall with his staff. His red eye glowing blood red he made an evil grin. He held up his staff. The staff became dark and disappeared into the darkness. Suddenly thousands of staffs hung in the air. Each one of them with a differently shaped blade at the end. They’re all tainted with evil energy. Tsubame looked up and laughed. He saw the motionless Shiroi.

Tsubame: It was nice meeting a boy with a strong heart like yours. But it’s a shame that you’ll die right now when you were so close! *he turns around and leaves*
Good bye!

Time was restored again! But the suspended staffs began to fall! Ximik and Tsubame walked away. Sakka looked up to see the staffs fall. She was drifting in and out of consciousness but was able to see that Shiroi was in danger!

Sakka: *whispers* Shiroi! Please don’t die! Shiroi! *louder* Shiroi! *screams* SHIROI!!!!!

Suddenly Sakka’s pendant glows. Shiroi looked up at his impending demise! Suddenly Tsubasa’s pocket begins to glow! It was Kaxaks’s pendant! But as soon as Sakka yelled the staffs fell to the ground!

hey guys. I just want ton know what do you guys think of me? Ximik had the same thing ans she wanted me to post this up so she can answer some. any wya here are the questions.

Am I sweet?-
Am I crazy?-
Am I lovable?-
Am I funny?-
Am I ugly?-
Am I psycho?-
Am I annoying?-
Am I a good person?-

2)~~~~~Would You~~~~~
Hug me?-
Miss me if i was gone?-
Listen to my problems?-
Hug me if i cried?-
Be a good friend?-

3)~~~~~If You Could...~~~~~
Give me a new name it would be?-
Do one thing with me it would be?-
Drop me one piece of advice it would be?-

4)~~~~~Just A Few Questions~~~~~
What do u like about me?-
What do u hate about me?-
What is my best quality?-

1. Who are you?-
2. Do you have a crush on me?-
3. Are we good friends?-
4. Do we know each other in real life?-
5. Am I hot?-
6. Is my avatar cool? :'3 -
7. Will you put this in your journal so i can answer these questions about you!?-

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