well another day has passed and i guess ill get you guys up to date....
my real name......well its rel...no jin just rel
im 18 and im living in a basement...its not bad
In anycase i gots me a tv a table and a air mattress, sounds nice ,huh?
im i artist i guess i try to draw...but then again i try an do lots of things. what ever the case i got nothing to say really.
Not at the moment anyway....ill tell some type of story abouy what i do in my life sooner or later but wll im kinda busy either drawing working out or playing video games....rping is kinda going to the back burner...but who knows maybe gaia....and game ( it's a inside thing but ill explain it in my next post) Well make me fell my love for rp again....oh and please don't tell me how bad my post it...i know that did'nt not type it right i hate periods and things of the such......peace
Rel_jin Community Member |