Coming to a brain-dead potplant near you! Short Story's!!
They ish coming!!! I'm putting my whole heart into this so please help me Make story's the very best they can be! In person I'm not very great at anything but I hope that by doing this I can bare my soul to everyone, to let them see the good parts of me I save for a rainy day. If I can move someone in any way with my work then everything I have been through has been worth it. Laugh, cry or get steamy mad, it's all beautiful to me. <~><~> Please tell me your story, give me idea's! let me write about you in a far away place away from your troubled life, be a hero. Let me steal you away into my world. <~><~> Or! Get back at an enemy write about the hilarity of payback, where your Ex boyfiriend leaves you for a beautiful woman who turns out to be a beautiful transvestite! LOL! Or you catch your girlfriend cheating on you but uh-oh she Found out about the STI a week too late. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!! I'm not right in the head.... sweatdrop
Thanky Jack's,
<~>Silent_but_Violent<~> O_o