Juliet gasped as she woke up. She was soaked in sweat and her body seemed to be holding the water against her skin. She pushed the blanket off of her and stared down at her body. She gasped in shock, trying to refrain from screaming. She was covered in fur not just any fur but green fur. She rolled out of the hay pile that seemed to be her bed and searched for a mirror. After 10 minutes she finally found one covered under a sheet in the far corner of the room. She gasped as she saw herself. She looked horrible, the green fur covered her entire body and she couldn't make out what kind of animal ears were buried in the long mess of hair on top of her head. Without a second thought she covered the mirror back with the sheet and sat on the floor. 'What am I going to do? Even if I find Andre he's going to hate me the way I look now. I'm a freak of nature,' she thought closing her eyes trying to remember anything she could about this life. A man flashed into her head, her father, he was a oolong, or bunny person. A strange lady flashed into her mind, she had green skin and neko ears. Juliet gasped as she opened her eyes, her mother was part ogre. She wanted to cry, there was no way she could get anyone to love her even Andre wouldn't want to look at her. Everyone hates ogres, even if I'm just part ogre no one's going to give me a chance. She looked up as she heard a light knocking on her door.
She wiped her eyes as the door opened, “Juliet...Are you okay baby?” The lady she recognized as her mother walked through the door. Juliet stared in shock. In her mind she had only seen a glance of this woman but up close, she was gorgeous. Her only flaw was the slight tint of green on her flawless skin. She came into the room and rushed over to Juliet when she saw her crying. “Oh sweety what's wrong? Did you have another nightmare? Don't worry those kids aren't going to pick on you anymore.”
Juliet couldn't help herself as she wrapped her arms around her mother, 'This is nothing like I pictured.'
Her mother helped her stand up, “Come on, let's get you into the shower you have school soon.” Juliet followed her mother out of the room quietly. She did not was to refuse a shower, anything to get the sweat smell off of her.
Juliet's mother, Emily, led her to the bathroom. She helped to get the bath water ready, then helped Juliet struggle to get out of her clothes. Her hair and tail kept giving her problems as she tried to pull her clothes off herself. The whole time her mother had a worried look on her face but she kept trying to make Juliet comfortable. Finally when Juliet got into the shower her mother left. Juliet sighed as the water rushed over her. Using the soap she scrubbed her body all over, spending about 20 minutes on each body part just to make sure she was clean. Finally after about 2 hours in the shower she got to her hair. It was tangled in every way possible and now it was soaking wet. She pulled out the shampoo and searched for the brush that her mother had left. She found it under the towels and put it to her head. It stuck and she pulled trying to slowly work out the knots. The harder she tugged the more her head hurt, but she didn't stop. She had to at least get the knots out of her hair she couldn't stand the way it looked the most. She could pull off green fur all over her body but tangled hair, that would be the worse thing of her life. She tugged on the brush again and heard a snap. The brush was breaking in her hair. Nevertheless she kept tugging on the brush She pulled on it and the brush broke completely as she released the knot. Her hair fell smoothly over her shoulders as if that one knot had been keeping her hair tangled. She rinsed out her hair and used the conditioner.
She stepped out of the shower and wrapped the towel around her completely. As she was about to head out of the bathroom she saw the full length mirror on the other side of the room. Slowly she walked over to it. She hadn't seen herself since this morning but she had taken a shower not and got her hair untangled. She closed her eyes as she stepped in front of the mirror. She opened the towel, holding it tight in case she needed to close it. She opened her eyes and looked in the mirror. The towel slid from her hands and cascaded across the floor. The girl she was looking at now looked way different. Her body was a smooth,deep rich color and her hair was long and straight as it slipped down her back and over her shoulders. She smiled as she stared at herself in the mirror, even being green couldn't ruin her chances completely. Someone would talk to her now and hopefully she could find Andre. She picked back up her towel and ran to her room to get dressed. It was going to be a long day. She could feel it deep inside of herself already.
Juliet walked with her mother, a smile smile on her face. Juliet's mother looked down at her, “That shower must have made you feel completely better. I'm glad you finally got all of the knots out of your hair.” Juliet let out a little laugh, “I kinda broke my brush doing it though.” “It's okay baby. I'll stop by the market today while you're at school and get you a new one,” her mother said as they reached the school. “Now you go have fun and don't listen to any of those other kids,” Her mother gave her a hug and Juliet ran off into the school building.
The school, wasn't much just a long hallway with about 30 classroom connecting to it. She walked down the hall slowly just looking around, holding her books in her hand. Someone bumped into her and pushed her down, scattering her books. She bent down to pick them up and found another hand grabbing for one of her books, “Hey that's...” She looked at the girl as the girl looked up at her. “I was just trying...” the girl started but stopped as their eyes connected. “Andre...” Juliet mumbled. The girl gasped and turned her head, “Juliet don't look at me...I know you can't like me if I'm a girl so don't lo...” “Andre will you shut it...I don't care if you're a girl I found you again. That makes me so happy....” Juliet moved so she could hug Andre but suddenly the girl was yanked up from the floor by some guy.
“Hey sweety...Is Ogreella bothering you?” The guy said and leaned in and kissed Andre. Andre looked down at Juliet, the tears could be seen in his eyes, “No I was just trying to get my charity work in for the year...” “Don't bother. She needs more than charity,” the guy said and dragged Andre away.
Juliet gathered her things from the floor, tears swelling up in her eyes. She wouldn't cry though not in front of everyone. She wrapped her books in her arms and walked into the classroom she could remember being in.
The teacher saw Juliet and she smiled as she walked over, “It's nice of you to join us today Juliet. I was beginning to worry you wouldn't come back. I do love what you have done with your hair. It looks really pretty.” Juliet smiled, “Thank-you.” She went and sat down. As pulled out a piece of paper and started to write down anything she could remember about this life. Suddenly someone tapped on her shoulder, “Hey new girl you're in my...” She looked up and the boy stopped, “...Ogreella? Oh s**t...You look totally different...So you back...uh...it's Julie right?” “Juliet...Am I in your seat?” Juliet said glad he stopped calling her Ogreella. “Oh no you're cool but...” he leaned closer to her. “If any of the guys ask teach made me let you have it...” Juliet laughed quietly and nodded, “Thanks.” The boy turned and walked off he looked back at her, “You actually don't look as bad when you fix your hair Juliet...” He walked off and sat in the back of the classroom. Juliet smiled and faced the front of the classroom, as she thought to herself, 'Well at least I can turn this life around.'
As more kids came into the room Juliet started to feel nervous a few were still mean to her but a few complimented her on her hair. She didn't care if some called her Ogreella, so she was part ogre, she couldn't help that but she was going to make the best of it.
By the end of the day people had stopped talking to her. None of their comments seemed to be bothering her and she stilled worked just fine. Once she had even snapped a comment back to a girl who had said that ogres have bad manner. It was as if she was just a another girl wandering through the school by the end of the day.
After school she walked down the stairs out in the front of the building and headed down the street towards her house. She heard someone screamed stop and she turned around. The boy from this morning came zooming down the sidewalk on his skateboard. Juliet moved to the side and he stopped right next to her, “God I found you...You know you walk bloody fast for a girl.” Juliet laughed, “Thanks I guess...Did you need something?” “Oh...uh...god now I forgot what I was going to say....wait hold on...” He took off back down the street and came speeding back down. As he passed her he screamed, “Would you like to go out?!” He kept going not stopping to even see her shocked face. He stayed down almost a block from her and Juliet leaned up against the fence. The boy screamed down at her, “SO WHAT IS IT?!” Juliet got up and walked down to him, “You don't have to scream.” The boy picked up his skateboard and walked next to her. “Besides I know your not really asking...one of the guys put you up to it didn't they?” “Hey no...I think you're actually pretty cool...I mean you're kinda scary sometimes but I mean you haven't let anyone bother you today even with everything they were trying. Normally you were already crying and gone but it's different...” “Well thanks...I'm not that girl anymore. I can take care of myself,”Juliet said. “I get that...So will you? Don't worry we won't go anywhere big just go get some burgers or something...” the boy said. “I can't...it's not you really...” “Oh get I'm getting the it's not you it's me speech...don't bother I get it...you hate me..I'll go.” “Wait that's not what I meant. Look I'll go with you, but...” “Really? That's so great! Thanks..” “Wait...don't get to happy let me talk.” “Oh sorry go ahead,” The boy said. “First what is your name?” Juliet said and looked at him and he stopped. “Are you serious? I thought everyone knew me.” “Well I don't...I kinda don't remember many people.” “It's Anthony. So don't you forget it,” he said smiling at her. “Now about going out..I'll go but I can't date you...” “Why not? I swear I'll never call you Ogreella again and I'll even tell the guys...I mean girl you're really smoking now...” Juliet laughed, “See it's not you...I kinda already have someone I like and right now I can't be with them so...” “So I'm just a fill in for the time being...hey I'm cool with that. I don't think I've even been used by the girl before.”Anthony said smiling. “So as a fill in am I still aloud to touch you or is it hands off?” Juliet grabbed his hand and smiled, “We'll see how good of a fill you you are.” Anthony laughed and wrapped his arm around her shoulders as they walked, “So where are we going anyways?” “I'm heading home and I believe you were just following me,”Juliet said. “Oh yeah sorry,” he moved away from her, “Hey you live over in that big house over there on that street right?” “Uh...I guess,”Juliet said staring at him crazy. “Hey sorry I don't do too good with parents...I'm gonna go...I'll see you tonight.” “You don't have to. I'm sure my mom's not going to be worried about you...she might think I bonked my head on something though.” Juliet said looking at him, smiling. Anthony looked at her his bright purple eyes locking with her glowing green eyes, “Are you just trying to get me to walk you home?” Juliet smiled, “Maybe.” Anthony grinned, “Okay but if your mom freaks I'm gone.” He wrapped his arm back around her shoulders as they started walking again. Juliet leaned her head against his shoulder as they walked, “Thanks...And...Anthony.” “No prob Babe.” Anthony said.
“Juliet!” Juliet's mother screamed as she swung the door open. She stepped back when she saw Anthony wrapped around Juliet. “Uh...hello?”
Juliet walked in dragging Anthony with her,“Mother this is Anthony.” “Hey Miss...” “Just call me Emily. Nice to meet you Anthony...Do you go to school with Juliet?” “Oh yeah I have a couple classes with her.” Anthony said glancing at Juliet as she closed the front door.
Juliet's mother looked at Juliet, “Uh sweety can I talk to you for a minute?” Juliet looked over at her, “Oh yes mother.” Juliet and her mother walked off into the hall. “Who is Anthony?” “He's a friend mother...he kinda likes me so he asked me out...” “What? I thought you said all the kids were mean to you and that's why you never wanted to go to school,” Juliet mother said staring at Juliet in disbelief. “They were mother because they were too scared to talk to me. Mother they all thought I was mean so they tried to make me sad to keep me from being scary but Anthony finally decided to talk to me today. He thinks I'm really cool, please mother can't you give him a chance,” Juliet pleaded. “Are you sure baby? Do you know this isn't some joke to just be mean to you? I don't want to see you get hurt.” her mother said. “Don't worry mother. Somehow I trust Anthony,” Juliet said smiling. Her mother smiled and hugged her, “I'm so proud of you baby. Now let's get back out to your guest.”
Anthony was sitting on the couch, nervously tapping his foot as he stared at the ground. Juliet sat down next to him and took his hand. He looked up her and whispered, “I almost bailed. I can feel how much your mom doesn't like me.” Juliet leaned close to him, “She's just worried for me. She thinks you might be trying to take advantage of me.” Juliet's mother walked to the kitchen to get drinks and Juliet turned her head and kissed Anthony on his cheek, “Relax.” Anthony looked at her and smiled, “One more and I'll be fine.” Juliet grumbled and kissed him quickly on his lips. He did a fake faint and Juliet laughed, “You owe me. Now come on my mom's gonna be back any minute.” He sat up and wrapped his arm around her, “I don't care if I'm a fill in this has been the smartest thing I've ever done in my life.” Juliet smiled as her mother brought drinks back into the room, “So Anthony tell me about yourself.” “Well Miss...I mean Emily. I'm a junior like Juliet. I'm on the football team. Uh...my favorite color is green...oh and my favorite food is pizza.” Juliet's mother laughed and she looked at Juliet, “At least he is funny.” Anthony glanced at Juliet, “What did I say?” “I think she meant more like your age, your goals, your family,” Juliet said smiling. “Oh...s**t...sorry I told you I wasn't good with parents. Uh I'm 18...uh I don't know my dad but Ma runs that bakery down in town. You know the one with that big pink cake picture outside.” “Really? I love the cakes from that shop,” Juliet's mother said. “Yeah everyone says that...look Miss...I don't mean to be rude but please just tell me now...Am I allowed to date your daughter or not? I can't take all of this if you're just going to say no.” Juliet's mother started laughing, “God..he is formal...Anthony dear that's not my choice. You have to ask my daughter, but is nice to think that there is at least one young man who believes in the blessing of the parents.” Anthony gasps, “So I don't need your permission to date her? Oh god I feel so much better.” He wrapped his arms around Juliet and kissed her full on the lips. Juliet mother gasped and Juliet stared at Anthony in a daze. “Oops sorry...uh I think I overreacted.” Juliet mother laughed, “It's okay...Just shocking. I never thought I'd see someone kiss Juliet.” “Mother!” “Hey wait...why not Juliet's an amazing girl. I know she had a few too many bad hair days but even then I'm sure she was still beautiful. No one wanted to get close enough to find out though. She's a great girl and I'm just glad I got to her before the other guys realized that.” Juliet's mother smiled, “You are right. My baby is a great girl, and you seem like a guy who will take care of her. I have some shopping to do so I have to be going. Juliet you keep this one around he's smarter than I thought.”
Juliet mother left and Juliet screamed. She wrapped her arms around Anthony and kissed him deeply, “I think you just made my mother completely happy for life.” “All I did was tell the truth, but god if I get kisses for that I'll never lie again,” Anthony said and he gave Juliet a soft kiss. “Am I still stuck as a fill in?” Anthony whispered. Juliet pulled away, “This isn't going to work...Anthony I really like you but...I ...” “I'm sorry. I get it. I'll be okay as long as I have you now that's all that matters,” Anthony said smiling. Juliet looked at him, “Thank-you. I'll never forget you.” “Now it's time for dinner, mind if I borrow your kitchen?” Anthony said grinning at her. “You're going to cook?”Juliet said staring at him in amazement. “Would you rather have burgers? We can go get...” “No it's fine. I've never had a guy cook for me,” Juliet said hugging him. He wrapped his arm around her as he led her into the kitchen, “Well cooking's in my blood so I might as well use it to impress someone.” He looked in the fridge and then in the cabinet, “Hmm...oh I know.”
After an hour of Anthony showing off his cooking skills he sat a plate in front of Juliet, “Go ahead. Try it.” Juliet smiled and took a bite, “Oh my god. It's delicious!” Anthony smiled and got his own plate, “I'm glad you like it. My mom said this is what my dad made for her on her first date with him.” Juliet blushed and took another bite. Anthony looked down at his plate, “I know I'm a fill in but...you're not going to ditch me unless you get with the other guy right?” Juliet looked over at Anthony, “I don't think I'm going to get with any other guy in this life.” Anthony looked up at her, “But you said...oh s**t...he's a she?” Juliet nodded and Anthony sat his fork down, “So that's why it won't work for us, you're into chicks.” “No that's not it. I don't like girls its just he happens to be a girl at the moment.” “I don't get it...Is he a cross dresser or something?” Juliet shook her head, “No its...I can't explain. I want to but I can't.” “It's okay. Just promise me you won't ditch me with out at least telling me first,”Anthony said. Juliet smiled and kissed his cheek, “I promise.” She took a bite of the food and smiled, “You're a great cook. I could get used to dinner like this.” Anthony grinned, “I can always come back tomorrow.” Juliet smiled, “Then its a date.”
When they finished eating Juliet washed the dishes and they sat down on the couch. Juliet curled up next to Anthony, “I had a great time tonight.” “Me too,” Anthony said and kissed her forehead. Juliet looked up at him and kissed him. He kissed her back deeply pulling her close. Juliet moved into his lap and Anthony broke the kiss, “I better get going.” Juliet looked at him, “Sorry.” “No you're cool. I just don't think your mom would like it if she comes home and finds us making out on her couch.” Juliet laughed and nodded, “So I'll see you at school tomorrow.” “Of course. You'll be the one in my seat,”Anthony said standing up. Juliet laughed, “Am I still going to have to tell the guys that the teach made you give it to me?” “Screw the guys. You're my girl and I'm sitting with you now,” Anthony said and gave her a soft kiss as he left. Juliet waved good bye from her door as her mother came up the street.
“Hello mother,” Juliet said taking a bag from her. “Did you guys have fun?” her mother asked. Juliet nodded, “Yeah. He made me dinner. It was really good.” “That's nice. You guys didn't...do anything...” “No mom...Anthony's not like that. We kissed a few times but nothing major mom,” Juliet said looking down. “I believe that. He seems like a decent boy, plus his mother trust him. I stopped by the bakery and she didn't seem worried at all that you two were alone,” Juliet's mother said. Juliet smiled, “I'm going to bed. I have school tomorrow.” Juliet's mother nodded and Juliet when upstairs. Juliet was asleep in seconds her dreams full of Anthony.
In the morning Juliet sat up and smiled. Her body wasn't covered in sweat through her hair was a bit of a mess. She took a quick shower and untangled her hair and got ready for school. When her mother came in her mother started to cry, “Oh I'm so happy. You're finally actually happy to go to school.” Her mother wrapped her in a tight hug. “Mother...can you let go? You're going to squeeze all of the air out of me...” Her mother laughed and released her, “Sorry. I'm just so happy. This boy really is having an effect on you.” Juliet blushed, “I really like him. He's not as great as Andre but he is wonderful.” “Andre? Who are you...” “Oh nothing mother,” Juliet said quickly gathering her stuff. She kissed her mother on the cheek and ran to the door, “See you after school.” She left heading down the sidewalk and ran right into someone. They both fell to the floor, she landed on the boy, “Well I'm happy to see you too.” Juliet finally opened her eyes, “Anthony!” She hugged him and he grinned, “That's more like it but can we get up?” Juliet blushed and got up, helping him up. “I thought I'd come walk you to school,” Anthony said his hands stuffed into his pockets. “Thanks. Sorry about the whole falling thing...” Juliet rambled a little nervous now that she was around him again. “It's okay. Let's us go before we're late,” Anthony said and he turned to head towards the school. Juliet walked by him slowly looking down at her feet. Suddenly she felt him grab her hand and she looked up at him. His face was bright red and he was looking away. Juliet stopped and it made him stop. He turned and looked at her and Juliet tippy toed and kissed him. Instinctively he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her back then he pulled away, “So I didn't dream it all.” Juliet laughed, “No I'm really here to be with you.” He grinned, “I'm so glad I was too nervous to touch you at first.” Juliet kissed him, “You don't have to be. Now let's get to school.” She moved away and tugged on his hand. They walked the rest of the way to school, hand in hand. As they walked into first period together heads turned and looked at them. Juliet and Anthony sat down together and the voices started. Juliet started to get nervous until Anthony leaned forward and whispered in her ear, “Ignore them. I don't care what they think I'm with you forever.” Juliet turned around and looked at him. He smiled at her and she gave him a quick kiss on the lips and sat down in her seat just as the teacher came in.
After class Anthony had to go to his classes and Juliet headed to hers. As she was walking down the hall suddenly someone grabbed her and pulled her into the girl's bathroom. She looked at the person in shock, it was Andre, “What is this that I heard you're dating Anthony?” “I am,” Juliet said. “But I thought you loved me! Why would you...” “You're dating Robert...Trisha...You said you didn't want us to be together like this so I told Anthony I would date him. I figure I'll just find you again and we can start then,” Juliet said. “But I don't want it like this! I don't even want to be with Robert. I didn't choose him! Trisha was already with him. Juliet I want to be with you.” Trisha pressed her lips against Juliet's. She still felt like Andre and Juliet kissed back, her eyes closed. Finally she pulled away, “Andre I really don't love Anthony and he knows it. He knows I love someone else, but I can't just watch you with someone else. We will be together again when we can. I will say how I feel about you and we can be together forever....” Suddenly Juliet heard a light honking. “What is that?” Suddenly there was an explosion, everything around Juliet and Trisha went bright red and then black.
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