Short, Current Day Memoirs of a Certain Madeline |
What other way to -pop- back into the guild, than with one of these?
I am

I love my name. It is me. There are other Madelines out there, yes, but I am the only one that is classified, or 'labeled', as a 'Madeline'. In terms, my name defines who I am. No, I do not mean that if you go to a baby names website and the definition of Madeline is 'woman of Magdala'. I mean that in my point of view, 'Madeline' is perfect for me. I want to be clear on that.
On Gaia, I am 
•I am 14 years young and happy about it. [Although, the 15th birthday is fast approaching.] •Currently five feet and three-and-a-half inches. •I have one younger brother; my one and only sibling. •Eye Colour - Murky Brown •Hair Colour - Blackish Brown •I wear glasses when I am tired or sick, in the mornings, on rainy days, and a lot more in the fall and winter than the summer and spring. I wear contacts when I feel like touching my eyeballs. •A proud right handed person. •Both of my ears are pierced once. I want a nose stud, though.
•I do not smoke. •I swear when I carry out a really stupid and heinous act, but usually when I am utterly clumsy and affect a great amount of people, like falling in the middle of the hallway during class change, is when the swears slither out of my mouth. •My parents and I have a relatively good relationship. I go to my friends for advice in a heartbeat rather than face my mother. •I am of a German-English-Tropics heritage. •Fears: Paranoia, that there is someone in my house that will slit my throat while I wash my face at night, things that go -bump- in the night, blind spots, car accidents, falling down, stairs, and sometimes myself. •My goal to accomplish this year is to win the Reflections' photography category.
•I unconditionally use the phrase 'That is cool.' on instant messenger the most. •My best physical feature is my hair on un-humid days. Regularly it is my legs because I just finished the cross country season. •Bedtime - Ranging from 8:30 PM to 4:00 AM. It really depends on what I am doing or did that day. •In the morning, I arise at 6:15 AM, Monday through Friday, and 8:30 AM on Saturdays, Sundays, and days where I do not have school. •When I wake up, my first thoughts are that [1] It is too early for any f*cking human being to be awake and [2] I hate school. Note: On 'No School' days, my thoughts are usually: "I have to pee," or "I am hungry," or "Mmm...warm bed..." •I shower every morning.
•I prefer dimly lit rooms to either light or dark ones. •Chocolate is better than vanilla. •Dogs have a more varied personality than cats, thus, I like them more. •I do not like soda, therefore, neither Pepsi or Coke do I prefer. •Fast food is bad for the internal organs. A nix-aroonie on Burger King or McDonalds. •I fancy Diet Lipton Tea rather than Nestea. •Cappuccino kick regular coffee's butt.
In the last month I have: -Drank some alcohol. -Gone to the mall for jeans. -Not eaten a whole box of Oreos. -Have eaten sushi. [Unwillingly] -Not been on stage. -Not been dumped. -Not gone skinny dipping. [I wish, too cold] -Not stolen anything. [I think]
I have: -Laughed for no reason. -Been caught doing something I should not be doing. -Been in love. -Fired a gun. -Not been drunk. -Not been called a tease. -Not been beaten up. -Shoplifted.
What Was The Last...: -Furry thing I touched: my mutt dog, Smokey -Thing I said: 'Please, just shut the door!' -Song I've listened to: Bomb This Track - Mindless Self Indulgence -Person I talked to on the phone: Cheina♥ -Movie I watched: The Departed -Thing I was doing before: Court Case layouts -Time I cried: maybe 2 weeks to 3 weeks ago -Song I've sang: In Love With A Girl - Gavin DeGraw -Time you looked at the clock: just now at 1:11 PM -Food and Drink I had: [food] Mommy's sweet potato muffins♥ & [drink] hot coco with whip cream and cinnamon ^-^ -Flavour of gum I chewed: polar ice -Shoes I've worn: my dark brown and worn out Sperry Top-siders -Store I've been in: Forever 21
Favourite: -planet: Ceres -Age I've been so far: almost-15 age -Season: Late Autumn/Winter -Number: 14 -TV Show: Making Fiends -Flower: Silver Beardgrass and the white Foxglove
Random: -I have $30 in cash on me. -Poor rhymes with 'door'. -I'm wearing a long-sleeve light blue UNCG shirt. -I'm not wearing shoes. -My last text message says: 'Omg how?' -I was playing FFII on my PSP and listening to CASCADA on my iPod at midnight last night. -My current desktop picture is a naked tree against a dark gray sky. -I say 'Oh shenanigans!' a lot. Lots. -If I were a crayon, I would be 'Black Cherry'. I would be found in the crayon box where all the crayons have a food name.<3 -It's really cold and cloudy right now outside. -I notice facial expressions right away about the opposite sex. -I'm not too shy to ask someone out right now because I am on a hiatus from connecting the heart to the male race. -I can do a headstand without using a wall. -I would like to see another sweet potato muffin in my hand right now. In terms of 'who', it'd have to be Caroline. -I sleep with 2 pillows. -I would not go on a date with someone I met through Myspace. -How I want to die? Pfffft. Why bother? I don't really think about that. -When I grow up [ I want to be famous! ] I want to be a history academic at Bowdoin and/or an Antarctic explorer. -I want to visit Germany and Australia equally bad. -I own too many CDs. -I regret a lot of things in my past. But, when I think like that, I remember my favorite quote: 'Life is like photography, we use the negatives to develop.' And then I listen to my iPod and close my eyes shut tight. -I don't think I'm ugly, but attractive to some. Definitely not your average jock/prep boy. More like the outcast, secretly funny kid who dreams in black and white. -I believe in myself. -I don't really care if I get married. Eloping sounds nice, but with who?
In a Boy: -Green/Gray/Blue/Brown eye colour. -Black/Brown hair colour. -Long hair please. -Taller than me but not gargantuan. -I like a scrawny kid. Sometimes athletic.
Star of Welkin · Tue Dec 09, 2008 @ 03:38am · 0 Comments |