I've been infected.... XD |
Ha, so it turns out, I really like taking personality quizzes..... (( mainly anime of course... sweatdrop )) and I just thought I would post my results..... 4laugh
What You'd Be Like as an Anime Character New Pics + Would Sesshomaru love you Created by DangerousBreeze
 He'd "love" you. (next to me that is. biggrin )You are logical, quiet, witty, smart, fierce... He thinks you are as perfect as anyone can be. Looks: You have a simple, elegant beauty. You are a demon and have long, straight, black hair and gray eyes. Powers: You're powers are most likely digging into people minds and confusing them and either, making them collapse by picking with their brain functioning (I don't know) or using your psychological skills to trick them into making them kill themselves. Not mind control, but a form of persuasion. You don't even have to lift a finger to kill and you can do it discreetly. You can also make inatimate object combust (explode) at your own will. How will this come in handy? Use your imagination. Weapon: Katana Your main emotion: Calmness. Not really an emotion, but you tend to stay calm under any situation. But not like Sesshomaru who always stay emotionless. if someone had a knife to your throat, you'd remain calm. Greatest characteristic: You think alot. Not thinking things through per say, but you tend to try to see beyond what is happening around you adn look into the bigger scheme of things. Emotions are obvious to you, most of the time. You can see through any humans mask and into their pool of feelings, ranging from lust to hate, from guilt to jealousy...
Which Ouran High School Host Club Character Are You? Created by criticintraining
 You're Mitsukuni Haninozuka! A senior attending Ouran High School. Also know as Hunny. You dont like to hurt or be mean to others. Personality wise your very bubbly and friendly when it come to other people. You make friends easly with you kind sweet nature. Do you have a sweet tooth like Hunny? Stats: Birthday: February 29th Age: 18 Zodiac Sign: Pisces Height: 148cm (4'10" wink Blood Type: AB Strong Subject: Math Favorite Foods: Cake, strawberry, sweet things, spicy things Disliked Food: Carrot Type: Loli-shota
You'rWhich Ruroni Kenshin Character are You!(WITH PICS) Created by Dudemister11
 e the famous RURONI KENSHIN. You master in Hiten Mitsorugi swordsmanship and were the Botosai (manslayer) in the Revolution. You are famous but deserted in the middle of the revolution and live with Miss Kaoru.
Who Is Your Ideal Anime Match Created by cherryblossomsuicide
 Caring and slightly foolish while extremely fast and skilled; You Belong With Kenshin!
Ok, and here's the last quiz I took but I can't seem to find it again, but it said that Sora was my perfect match.... mrgreen
Xxninja_piratexX · Mon Jul 21, 2008 @ 06:24pm · 0 Comments |