Do I ever get a break in my life? "I want to make a website for my podcast." Sounds like a great idea right? Yeah right. Now I have to learn myself coding because its too expensive and complicating to pay monthly fees for the features I need to host my show.
If I want an interactive show with an engaging audience, then I am going to have to create the environment for it on my own. I can't be angry about it though because its not like every single podcaster is catering to their internet audience and their church audience simultaneously. Its just me. So, I have to deal with it. *sighs*
At least it will be an great addition when applying for my various licenses. I can't argue with that benefit, now can I?
In other news, I am doing pretty good balancing college, work, and business. The amount of work I am getting done is amazing. Even I have to admit that. This is my 3rd semester of college I am entering and I need only a few more credits to graduate. Then I can devote my full attention towards building my business.
After college, I want to focus at least 2 full years building my business before going on tour to promote my business. I just pray that I can help my community to rebuild. The Milwaukee community hasn't been the same since the burning of the businesses of the late 1980s and early 1990s. And even more businesses have been burned down since then. Some motivated by racism. Some motivated by stupidity. It really doesn't matter what the motivations are because it dead wrong, no matter how you view it. To top it all off, the majority of people can't find work and the work they do find: it isn't worth it.
I know I'm biting off a lot but the change has to begin somewhere and I want to be a part of that change. So I am going to do whatever I can to help my community. I know what I am getting myself into and I don't care. Somebody has to do something. Everybody can't run away. Someone needs to start addressing the problems. If no one else will, then I will. At least I am going to try to. Hey! Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. protested, marched and did, "I Have A Dream" sermons. So, why can't I do something to help make a change?
Red Blonde Fox · Wed Jan 01, 2025 @ 05:49pm · 0 Comments |