Kobatori was born in the whirlpool village, Than lived in the village untill one day,The sound village attacked the whrilpool village, It was a blood bath, everyone in the whirlpool village was geting killed by this ninja with long black hair, Kobatori's mom told him to hide in the closet, and be quited. Kobatori got in the closet, And all of a suddent the ninja came in my house. He spoke with a twisted voice. "Hello, My name is orogimaru, And im going to kill you today." Kobatori's mom tried to fight him off, But in the end orogimaru stabed kobatori's mom in the back with a katana. "There, That sould put a end to the anbu, now on to the jounin." Orogimaru used a jutsu that burned the whole village to the ground, Kobatori got away quickly and serived. He went to find help, as he was running he griped his teddy bear titly. "Why, Why kill everyone like that...Hes a monster." He ran into a figgur that said. "Young boy, Your Kushina Uzumaki kid right?" Kobatori's eyes widen "Yes, You know my mom...." The old man looked at him "Yes, Your mom told me if she ever died, to take you to the leaf village to live with your dad, the 4th hokage...and by the looks of it, the whole village is dead." Kobatori began to cry "Yes ser, This monster killed her....Whats an hokage?" The old man picked kobatori up and put Kobatori on his sholders. "Its the leader of the village." Kobatori arived at the villager were he lived with his dad for quite some time. Oneday Kobatori was walking by a beach when he seen a man Tring to help two kidds. Kobatori jumped down than Landed on his feet. "Whats wrong?" Kobatori said. "There in really bad shape....They both have really bad ingurys...This boy has two wonds in his back..and one on his arms...must be From a kuni knife." Kai said.... "Well you sould take them to the hospital." Kobatori said has he watched Kai took them to the hospital..Were laterly Kobatori sat by the bed, Kobatori notice that she was waking up. "Hello..My name is Kobatori Uzamaki...Whats your name?" Kobatori said. Ayu Smiled "My name is Ayu Hoshi....Of the mist." Ayu said. Kobatori suddently fell inlove with her."Cool, well i haved to go...im here Kai inlisted you into The leaf ninja Acadamy, im going to be there too....Mabe we'll be in the same class." Kobatori walked out of the Hospital door. . ((Later that day)) Kobatori walked into class, As he sat behind Ayuu, It was the only seat in the class left, Kobatori was seting right next to ryuu. Kobatori wispered to ryuu "I herd your family got whiped out by Orogimaru....My Mom got whiped out by him as well." Ryuu looked at kobatori "Man, That creep...As soon as i get stronger....im going to killhim." Ryuu said. "Same here..." Kobatori said as the teacher came in. "I see we got two new students, Class This is Ryuu, And ayu...There from the mist." The teacher said, Kobatori leaned back in his Chair. "So what do we haved to do today that i can master." "Kobatori, Set right in your chair..And quit acting like your So bad....May i say what grade you got on the test last weak?" The teacher said. "Please, We all know the uzamaki clan is not smart...but are Chakera is almost unlimited....Now are you going to give me somthing or what?" Kobatori spoke, As he was the bad a** of the class. "Sure~, Come up here and do a Shadow clone jutsu." The teacher said, Kobatori laughed "Ok, But this time i'll do a Muti Shadow clone jutsu...Not even you can do that." Kobatori got in front of the class room. He did Hand signs "Muti Shadow Clone jutsu!!!!" 15 Clones appaired. "So do i get a A+ or what?" Kobatori said. "No, You get a F....I told you To do a Shadow clone jutsu...Not a Muti Shadow clone jutsu." The teacher yelled. "What ever...i don't really care if i get a F or not....Point blank im storger than you." Kobatori said seting back in his desk. the teacher signed "Now, Sence that is over..." The bell rings for class to be out. "Finaly..This stupid class is out." Kobatori jumped over the desk. Than ran out of the room. He stoped at the door way, as he wanted to walk ayu home. and as ryuu, and ayu came out. kobatori steped infront of ayu "hey, can i walk you home?'' kobatori blushed alittle. Ayu blushed, than pushed her two fingers together. "Sure, Kobatori....I would love to." Ayu talked the whole way, Untill they were at the door of her house. "Well, I guess this is it...Mabe tomorrow..um..sence theres no school...Mabe we can get some roman?" Kobatori blushed. "Like a date, Sure." Ayu smiled, As she began to open the door. "I guess i see you there." Ayu went inside her house. Kobatori walked To his house, Than That night he couldn't sleep because he was idsided about tomorrow. . . ((Another time skip, He's 14 now)) . . . . Kobatori was Part of the head family of the Uzamaki clan, One day his dad the 4 hokage, had a nother kid Named Naruto Uzamaki. Kobatori was 14 at the time, So he took care of his brother when his dad was doing hokage work. one night Kobatoru herd outside of his window. "Its come closer, Don't let it attack the village. Hold it back untill the Hokage comes...Don't let it attack the villagers."...Kobatori palsed for a second. "D-D-dad, Whats going on!!!!!" Kobatori's dad didn't respond. "Dad, Where are you, Whats going on!!!" Kobatori ran out side with his baby brother only to find this horible monster killing all of the villagers. Kobatori shook with fear, his tail threw a dead body 2 feet from kobatori "Dad!!!!! What is This Thing...Its killing all of your villagers." Still there was no respon from his dad. Than his dad appaired on king toad, Fighting the ninetailed fox. "Dad, No...you'll die....i don't want you to die...No!!!" Next thing kobatori seen was a ghostly monster behind his dad, His baby brother Naruto began to cry. Kobatori looked down at naruto to setle him down, And all f a sudend He felt like somthing had strucked him.He looked at his baby brother naruto, and seen a seal..The same place he felt the stuck...he looked at his belly and also had seen a seal mark. Kobatori looked up and his dad was gone, and so was the monster. "Dad!!!!" Kobatori began to cry. "I don't want you to go, Not like mom." A tear drop fell, than showed it drop slowly untill it hit his baby brother naruto in the belly. "Dad, you can't leave...." a few anbu black opps took Kobatori to a place, than explain everything. He was then named Hokage because he was the next in line.He lived the rest of his live trying to keep the ones close to him. To this day he still hasn't told Ayuu, he likes her.
Blaze Mortes · Wed Oct 03, 2007 @ 06:19pm · 1 Comments |
Kokuangyo no Jutsu (Bringer-of-Darkness Technique)-This genjutsu Makes the victom see nothing but Darkness, Allowing Kobatori to kill him.
_________________________________ Ninjutsu
Amaterasu (Shining Heaven)-This jutsu Allows kobatori to make heavenly light around the area, making his Victoms blind. Bunshin no Jutsu (Clone Jutsu)-This allows kobatori to make clones of himself.
Chakura Kyuin Jutsu (Chakra Absorption Technique)-With this jutsu, Kobatori can absorb his Victoms Chakera.
Chidori (One Thousand Birds)-By focousing his Chakera to the plam of his hand, Kobatori can make a deadly jab.
Dokugiri (Poison Air)-This Allows kobatori to make poison in the air around the victom.
Doton: Doryuheki (Earth Release: Earth Release Wall)-This jutsu allows Kobatori to form a wall to pretect him from anything.
Doton: Iwayado Kuzushi (Earth Release: Rock Lodging Destruction)-This jutsu allows Kobatori to shoot huge rocks tord his Victoms.
Doton: Retsudotensho (Earth Release: Split Earth Turn Around Palm)-This jutsu makes the earth cover its victoms, Than crashes in on them.Some what like the sand coffin, But it can cover the whole leaf village.
Doton: Yomi Numa (Earth Release: Swamp of the Underworld)-With this jutsu, Kobatori can trap a summoned monster in a quick sand like mudd, Than the summoned monster starts to sink in the quick sand like mudd.
Futon: Renkudan (Wind Release: Drilling Air Bullet)-With this jutsu, Kobatori hits his victoms with a drill like air bullit.
Henge no Jutsu (Transformation Technique)-With this jutsu, Kobatori can transfrom into any ninja he wants.
Hiraishin no Jutsu (Flying Thunder God Technique)-This allows Kobatori to move really fast, He learned this from his father.
Hyoro no Jutsu (Ice Prison Technique)-With this, Kobatori can inprison his Victoms.
Hyoton: Haryu Moko (Ice Release:Fierce Tiger bullit)-With this jutsu, It makes a tiger made of ice, To kill the victom.
Hyoton: Kokuryubo Fusetsu (Ice Release:Outburst Snowstorm)-When used, Kobatori makes a huge snow Storm.
Hyoton: Ikkaku Hakugei (Ice Release: One-Horned White Whale)-This jutsu makes a whale made of ice. To come up out of water, than lands right on the target.
Hyoton: Roga Nadare no Jutsu (Ice Release: Wolf Fang Avalanche)-This jutsu makes a Avalanche filled with Wolf fang bullits. Than hits the victom with deadly vorce.
Hyoton: Tsubame Fubuki (Ice Release: Swallow Snow Storm)-This allows Kobatori to make it snow.
Inyu Shometsu (Secret Healing Wound)-By using kobatori's chakera, He can heal any wound.
Jibaku Bunshin (Suicide Bombing Clone)-By doing a clone jutsu, The clone grabs on the victom than expoldes.
Joro Senbon (It's Raining Needles From Heaven)-This allows Kobatori to make it rain needles.
4.47 Kage Bunshin no Jutsu (Shadow Clone Jutsu)-This allows Kobatori to make clones of himself.
Kage Shuriken no Jutsu (Shadow Shuriken Technique)-This jutsu allows kobatori to make 100s of shadow shuriken clones.
Kakuremino no Jutsu (Cloak of Invisibility Technique)-This allows kobatori to turn invisible.
Kanashibari no Jutsu (Temporary Paralysis Technique)-This jutsu make the victom temportary paralysis.
Katon: Gamayu Endan (Fire Release: Toad Oil Flame Bullet)-When Kobatori summoned king toad, King toad shoots a oil bullit out, Than kobatori uses a fire release: Great fireball jutsu, Catches the oil ball on fire..Than burns the victoms alive.
Katon: Gokakyu no Jutsu (Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique)-This juts allows kobatori to make a huge Fire ball come out of his mouth, Than crash on the victom.
Katon: Hosenka no Jutsu (Fire Style - Art of the Phoenix Flower, the Touch-me-not)-With this jutsu Kobatori blows out bits of Fire at the Victom.
Katon: Karyu Endan (Fire Release: Fire Dragon Flame Bullet)-This allows Kobatori to make a fire Dragon, Made of fire crash on the victom.
Katon: Ryuka no Jutsu (Fire Release: Dragon Fire Technique)-This jutsu allows Kobatori to Breathe Fire at the victom.
Kongo Roheki (Adamantine Prison Wall)-With this Kobatori summons a wall to trap the victom.
Kuchiyose no Jutsu (Summoning Technique)-This jutsu allows Kobatori to summon a living thing, Kobatori uses it to summon king toad.
Kuchiyose: Doton: Tsuiga no Jutsu (Summoning: Earth Release: Tracking Fang Technique)-This allows kobatori to summoned a wolf, That can Track anyone.
Kuchiyose: Gamaguchi Shibari (Summoning: Toad Mouth Bind)-when summoned, Kobatori makes a toad mouth like wall, And if anything moves in it. The toad swollows it.
Kusanagi no Tsurugi: Ku no Tachi (Kusanagi Sword: Long Sword of the Heavens)-This allows Kobatori to make his sword bigger, With heavenly light around it able to blind the victom.
Kyomeisen (Vibrating Sound Drill)-This jutsu allows Kobatori To put a very loud noise in the victoms ear, Making him deafh for several hours.
Meisai Gakure no Jutsu (Hiding Camouflage Technique)-This allows Kobatori to turn invisiable.
Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu (Water Doppelganger)-This allows Kobatori to locate anyone on Water.
Nawanuke no Jutsu (Rope Escape Technique)-This allows Kobatori to esape from anything, Even if the thing he wants to get away from don't let him use any jutsu.
Yoraishin(God of Night Lightning)-This jutsu allows kobatori to contorl lighting.
Oboro Bunshin no Jutsu (Haze Clone Technique)-This jutsu allows kobatori to make clones of himself made of Haze.
Odama Rasengan (Great Ball Spiraling Sphere)-This jutsu is just a better verion of the Raseingon.
Raikiri (Lightning sword Blade)-This allows Kobatori to form lighting around his blade, Kobatori can also murge with the blade, Making himself lighting.
Ranshinsho (Important Body Points Disturbance)-This jutsu allows Kobatori to Disturb The important part of the human body, like lungs, Heart, And the brain, Theres no acape from this jutsu. Its said that its the most powerful jutsu alive.its forbetion in al 5 main Countrys.
bakuto Ryhiaki raseingon (The Great heavenly Raseingon)-With this juts, Ustead of Kobatori focousing all of his Chakera to his hand, Like the raseingon. Kobatori makes a heavenly light, Than sucks everything into it While its charging. And when it hits the victoms. The damge will never heal.
Rasengan (Spiraling Sphere)-By focousing his Chakera in his hand, Kobatori can make a chakera ball. That is very powerful
Ryusa Bakuryu (Quicksand in the Style of a Waterfall)-With this, Kobatori makes a Water fall of Quick sand, Than covers the whole area with Quick sand.
Sensatsu Suisho (Thousand Flying Needles of Death)-Kobatori throws needles in the air, Than does a Shadow needle clone jutsu, Makes 1000s of needles, Than the hit the target all at once.
Shihohappo Shuriken (Shuriken from All Directions)-When kobatori does This jutsu, He throws shuriken, Than make them hit the target at all directions.
Shikyaku no Jutsu (Six Legs Technique)-This allows Kobatori to form 4 more legs like a spider.
Shinranshin no Jutsu (Mind Body Disturbance Technique)-This jutsu Afects the victoms nerves, Making the victom move differant. Like if the victom moved his knee, He moved his elbow.
Shoten no Jutsu (Shapeshifting Technique)-Ths allows Kobatori to turn into anyhing he wants.
Shunshin no Jutsu (Body Flicker Technique)-This allows kobatori to move really fast.
Shuriken Kage Bunshin no Jutsu (Shuriken Shadow Clone Technique)-This allows kobatori to make shadow clones of Shuriken or Demon wind shiriken.
Soshoryu (Twin Rising Dragons)-With this jutsu Kobatori can summoning two headed dragon.
Suiro no Jutsu (Water Prison Technique)-Kobatori can trap any ninja in a orb of water, The walls are stong as steal.
Suiton: Bakusui Shoha (Water Release: Exploding Water Shockwave)-This allows Kobatori to send a Shockwave at the victom, And it explodes when it hits him.
Suiton: Daibakufu no Jutsu (Water Release: Great Waterfall Technique)-This allows Kobatori to flood the area with water.
Suiton: Goshokuzame (Water Release: Five Eating Sharks)-With this jutsu, Kobatori can make 5 Huge sharks. This jutsu requires water a lake under the battle area.
Suiton: Suijinheki (Water Release: Water Encampment Wall)-With this jutsu, Kobatori make a wall of Water, to pertect him from any other Water jutsu.
Suiton: Suikodan no Jutsu (Water Release: Water Shark Bullet Technique)-With this jutsu, Kobatori makes a huge Shark made of water crash on the victom.
Suiton: Suiryudan no Jutsu (Water Release: Water Dragon bullit Technique)-with this jutsu, Kobatori makes a Huge Dragon made of water, than Crashes on the user.
Suiton: Teppodama (Water Release: Gunshot)-This jutsu Kobatori can blast tons of Water at the user.
Taju Kage Bunshin no Jutsu (Multiple Shadow Clone Technique)-With this jutsu, Kobatori can make 100's of Shadow clones
Tanuki Neiri no Jutsu (Feigning Sleep Technique)-With this jutsu, Kobatori can make the victom go sleep for long peroids of time.
Tsukuyomi (Mind Reader)-This allows Kobatori to read minds.
Tomegane no Jutsu (Telescope Technique)-This allows Kobatori to se from far disances.
Zankuha (Decapitating Air Wave)-With this jutsu, Kobatori can take the air away from the victom for only 2 mintues.
Zankukyokuha (Extreme Decapitating Air Waves)-This allows Kobatori To take the Air away from the Victom to sufacate him/her.
4.161 Zesshi Nensan (Tongue Tooth Sticky Acid) _______________________________________ Sealing jutsu Fuin Jutsu (Sealing Techniques)-This is a basic sealing jutsu, That allows Kobatori to seal a commen thing like a tooth brush.
Fuin Jutsu: Genryu Kyu Fujin (Sealing Technique: Illusionary Dragon Nine Consuming Seals)-With this jutsu, Kobatori can take a demon Away from someone that had been sealed.And seal it in his ring.
Fuja Hoin (Evil Sealing Method)-This allows Kobatori to seal The victoms black chakera That way the victom can only use taijutsu.
5.5 Gofu Kekkai (Five Seal Barrier)
Gogyo Fuin (Five Elements Seal)-This sealing jutsu allows the user to seal any element he wants.
Gogyo Kaiin (Five Elements Unseal)-This allows the user to release the element he sealed, He can then control it
Infuin: Kai (Shadow Seal: Release)-This allows him to release from any genjutsu.
O Fuin (Subdue Seal)-This allows kobatori to seal someone or somthing in something for only a few hours. Juin Jutsu (Cursed Seal Technique)-This allows the user to seal the victom's spirt inside a ghostly monster, But the user also seals himself.
Ten no Juin (Cursed Seal of Heaven)-With this jutsu, the user seals the heavenly chakera away from the victom. Making it were he can't do ninjutsu, Or Genjutsu. Making it were the victom can only use taijutsu.
Shiki Fujin (Corpse Demon Seal Exhaustion)-This sealing jutsu allows Kobatori to take some of a demons chakera, and use it againest him.
Blaze Mortes · Wed Oct 03, 2007 @ 05:10pm · 0 Comments |
Name:Kobatori Uzumaki Age:5 Clan:Uzumaki Clan Rank:Gunin Village:Konoha Height:3ft 9in Weight:93Lbs Registration number:065023 Blood type:O- Bio:N/A Likes: Sakura, Music,and his dad. Day of birth: June 5 Dislikes:N/A Behavior:Very nice. Team: 7 Items':Teddy bear,one kuni, 5 demon wind Shuikin, And a Scoll that his dad gave him. (It Contains the 4th's sword) Pet:Rai uzamaki
Blaze Mortes · Tue Oct 02, 2007 @ 06:35pm · 0 Comments |
Name:Kobatori Uzumaki Age:12 Clan:Uzumaki Clan Rank:jounin Village:Konoha Height:5ft 9in Weight:123Lbs Registration number:065023 Blood type:O- Bio:N/A Likes: Sakura, Music, His sword, And is dead dad, Yondaime Uzumaki. Day of birth: June 5 Dislikes: Know it all people,People who dont Respcet his Title. evil people. And when people say he looks like a girl. Behavior:Very nice, Eazy going, And a all around guy. Team: 7 Items' biggrin emon wind shuriken, Wire,Shuriken,Kunai, Exploding tag, Smoke bomb, food pills(10),And His dads sword. Pet: Rai Uzamaki
Blaze Mortes · Tue Oct 02, 2007 @ 06:29pm · 0 Comments |
Name:Kobatori Uzumaki Age:14 Clan:Uzumaki Clan Rank:Gunin (But is stong like an anbu, So he were a anbu black opps uniform.) Village:Konoha Height:6ft 0in Weight:152Lbs Registration number:065023 Blood type:O- Bio:N/A Likes: Sakura, Music, His sword, And is dead dad, Yondaime Uzumaki. Day of birth: June 5 Dislikes: Know it all people,People who dont Respcet his Title. evil people. And when people say he looks like a girl. Behavior:Very nice, Eazy going, And a all around guy. Team: N/A Items' biggrin emon wind shuriken, Wire,Shuriken,Kunai, Exploding tag, Smoke bomb, Anbu black opps Food pills (15 in total) And His dads sword. Pet:Rai Uzamaki
Blaze Mortes · Tue Oct 02, 2007 @ 06:19pm · 0 Comments |
((This RPC is when he was 20)) Name:Kobatori Uzumaki Age:20 Clan:Uzumaki Clan Rank:Hokage Village:Konoha Height:6ft 11in Weight:182Lbs Registration number:065023 Blood type:O- Bio:N/A Likes: Hinata, Music, His sword, And is dead dad, Yondaime Uzumaki. Day of birth: June 5 Dislikes: Know it all people,People who dont Respcet his Title.And evil people. Behavior:Very nice, Eazy going, And a all around guy. Team: N/A Items' biggrin emon wind shuriken, Wire,Shuriken,Kunai, Exploding tag, Smoke bomb, Anbu black opps Food pills (15 in total) And His dads sword. Pet:Rai Uzamaki
Blaze Mortes · Tue Oct 02, 2007 @ 05:55pm · 0 Comments |
((This RPC is when he was 26)) Name:Kobatori Uzumaki Age:26 Clan:Uzumaki Clan Rank:Hokage Village:Konoha Height:6ft 11in Weight:182Lbs Registration number:065023 Blood type:O- Bio:N/A Likes: Sakura, Music, His sword, And is dead dad, Yondaime Uzumaki. Day of birth: June 5 Dislikes: Know it all people,People who dont Respcet his Title.And evil people. Behavior:Very nice, Eazy going, And a all around guy. Team: N/A Items' biggrin emon wind shuriken, Wire,Shuriken,Kunai, Exploding tag, Smoke bomb, Anbu black opps Food pills (15 in total) And His dads sword. Pet:Rai Uzamaki
Blaze Mortes · Tue Oct 02, 2007 @ 05:39pm · 0 Comments |