Eeee!! I want Spore to come out already! I can't wait untill March 3rd! eek Anyway, in Spore, you start out as a single celled organism, and progress to an animal stage, then a civilization stage, then a space age. The cool thing is, you get to design almost everything, completely and totally. Want your charecter to have 6 pairs of arms, be bright purple and green and be able to smack it's own a**? You got it. Technically, you can design anything you use. You houses, your charecters arms, legs, hands, feet, face, shape, texture, skin color, and MORE!!!! *TWITCH* You get to design your own space ship, tanks, airplanes, submarines, your cell, your animal, your tribal life, your strength, your intellegence level, your agility, and more. It's from the creator of the sims, there are hundreds (if not thousands) of different planets, eco systems, galaxies, stars, solar systems, species, and more. You can literally be like GOD in the Space Age. Peaceful, or VENGEFUL! >:[ You can abduct other alien life forms from other planets (the un-intellectual ones), and sell them to the intellegent aliens, or you can use them to populate any other planet. Don't like a certain species? Then illiminate it! You can literally redisign ecosystems and planets in just a few minutes. Barren planets, or lifeless planets, can be transformed into a lush jungle planet in a matter of minutes. (The period of time to transform a planet depends on what kind of planet you want it to be, to what degree of perfection you want it, and what lifeforms, etc.) You can then place an abducted life form on the planet, give it minimum intellegence for the moment being, impress it, and watch your power grow! Spore will be amazing. It should've come out earlier, but I believe it will be worth the wait. I believe they're making it on almost every console (Xbox 360, Wii, PC, Playstation 3, etc.?). Will Wright is the creator >_> and I love him atm. heart heart heart 4laugh