What the frick??? It's been a while since the last time I posted something on my blog/journal thing, and it's probably going to be a long one, so kick back, relax, and enjoy the rant that's now going to take place.
So it's been a while and I've never really posted much on this. Well, to start off, I'm doing well if anyone's wondering...well, doing well for someone who has high blood pressure. Yes, you heard it from me folks, I have HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE! I found this out after having went to the doctor in order to find out why I was having so many headaches. Oh well, I deal with it. At least it gives me an excuse to go to sleep during class, since some of the headaches just knock me straight onto my a** and my head onto the desk.
Valentine's day was over a week ago or so ago, so if there is anyone that ever READS this, Happy Valentine's Day (obviously EXTREMELY late!), and I hope that you did have a great day no matter what you did. I myself is not a big fan of this holiday. I guess that point of view is coming from someone who usually have a crappy Valentine's Day. I have the sorriest love life of all the people around me (locally, not speaking on broad terms here). I had a casual 'date' with a girl, but the final thoughts aren't very appetizing (spell check people????) to chew on, but oh well, she's moved on and found a 'gorgeous blond haired-blue eyed boy'. Back on the prowl for good ol' CK hm?
School and social life has been pretty good recently. I have lots of friends in far away places that I get to talk to oftenly, and I have friends that I go hang out with at least once a week outside of school. We may go chill at one of their homes, or go somewhere on my car and hang out. I had the said date occur on the eve of Valentine's Day, but I've already stated how that turned out. I'm getting decent grades in all my classes, including English III. I was having problems with H. English III last semester, and I ended up flunking that, and having to go take a regular English class so that way I won't look like a complete tard sitting there next semester in the 08-09 school year. I really like how school is going, so that's keeping me fairly content.
Well, that was my small rant about the last while since the last time I posted on this here blog/journal. I hope everyone has a great day, and hope that everyone is having a great weekend, and I shall see you next time. Rock on. biggrin
Chris Axl Wolf · Sun Feb 24, 2008 @ 05:42am · 1 Comments |