Total Value: 66,641 Gold, 12,500 Tickets
[Item Information]
Item List:
Black Tie
Prisoner's Shackles
Pirate Patch
Light Tanbark Leg Warmers
#FFFFFF Complex Shirt
Tiny Pixie Wings
Courted Ruff
Brown Nosey Face Tattoo
Scar of the Warrior
Reindeer Slippers
Hand Wraps
Brownie Ribbon Skirt
White Puffy Hat
Puppy Ears

Total Value: 272,832 Gold, 8,200 Tickets
[Item Information]
Item List:
Bronze Prince's Rapier
Orphan's Elephant Doll
Doll Ears
Alruna's Rose 8th Gen
Head Bandage
Superior Form
Gimpi 4th gen.
Drop Dead Gorgeous Onyx Skull Hairpin
G-LOL Dark Dollie Top
G-LOL Dark Dollie Shoes
G-LOL Dark Dollie Skirt
G-LOL Dark Dollie Socks

Total Value: 574,649 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Carol of Ol' Ebenezer 2nd gen.
KoNfUzEd MoNoChRoMe ToE SoX
Gray SKA shoes
G-LOL Dark Mistress Skirt
Emo Glasses
Devil Imp Plushie
Demonic Anklets
Dark Halo
Chain Of Command
Black Strapless Bra
White Leather Belt
Black Traveller Cap

Total Value: 682,711 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Lex's White Shorts
White Sporty Sneakers
White Ruffled Top
White Leather Belt
Silver Pocket Watch
Pora Ice (on my head) 4th gen.
Light Gray Leg Warmers
Holy Gauntlets
Guitar of Angellus
Gift of the Gods
Enchanted Book 6th Gen.
Carol of Ol' Ebenezer 5th gen.
Angelic Microphone
Blue Candy Striped Stockings
Mythrill Halo
Elegant Blue Ribbon
Angelic Headband
Blue PomPom Scarf

Total Value: 396,389 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Snow Feather
Oculus Magica
Carol of Ol' Nick 2nd gen.
Yellow Candy Striped Stockings
Fresh Grass Skirt
Bunny Tail
Bunny Luv
Angelic Microphone
#FFFFFF Complex Shirt
Winter Rose
Sacred Leaf
Holy $#17 (3rd gen)
Grunny Slippers
Green PomPom Scarf
Emerald Forehead Jewel

Total Value: 1,349,645 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Oculus Magica
Blue Heart Face Tattoo
Periwinkle Butterfly Terrycloth Tube-Top
Demonic Anklets
Angelic Microphone
Picolitrosso's Urn 3rd Gen.
CoCo Kitty Plushie
Panda Slippers
Dark Halo
Angelic Headband

Total Value: 640,880 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Carol of Ol' Ebenezer 2nd gen.
Black Fur-Trimmed Bra
Devil Imp Plushie
Dander 5th Gen.
Drop Dead Gorgeous Onyx Skull Hairpin
Chain Of Command
Were Feet
G-LOL Dark Mistress Skirt
Striped Stockings
Demonic Anklets
Dark Halo
Winter Rose
Gothic Veil

Total Value: 846,784 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Angelic Headband
Angel Imp Plushie
Kitty Slippers
Carol of Ol' Ebenezer 5th gen.
Winter Rose
Mythrill Halo
Holy Gauntlets
Guitar of Angellus
Gift of the Goddess
Bunny Tail
Bunny Luv
Blade Of The Golden Sun's Tunic
Angelic Earmuffs

Total Value: 1,361,450 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Ballet Toe Shoes
Guitar of Angellus
Bloody Eye Bandage
Pink Sweetheart Teddy
White Hachimaki
Inari's Beads
Radiant Prism
White Stockings
Elegant Veil
Holy Gauntlets
Ritzy White Pearl Necklace
Chuchip's Blessing
Rose Tea Time Waitress Dress
Light Purple Leg Warmers
Diapered Egg
Candy Pink Sweet Lace Headband

Total Value: 946,392 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Gift of the Gods
Chained Pocket Watch
Pink Bunny Slippers
Bunny Luv
Guitar of Angellus
Light Gray Leg Warmers
Bunny Tail
Elegant Veil
Winter Rose
Holy Gauntlets
#FFFFFF Complex Shirt
Fallen Wish 10th Gen.
Pink Ribbon Skirt
Padmavati's Lotus 7th Gen.