Yesterday, my friend pissed me off, here's the story:
We were outside during lunch brake, after eating we went outside, listen our MP3s
and all that, well i really needed to the toilete xd
So when I came back outside, well my friend took my ipod case and went to my "CRUSH" [ he was also outside ] and i just ran [ well i didin't run i just walked fast ] and she gave him my ipod case and he came tosee me and gave it to me and he was like "why did your friend asked me to give it to you and not them?"
Then i looked back to look at them and they had this evil smile on their faces.
Then this morning, when i arrived at school, he came to see me and asked me why I was shocked when he came to see me yesterday stare and i kinda like fled.
Then during recess, he was talking with my other friend and he was about to talk to me but I left all of my books [for next subject, i'm in high school] on the table and went to girls washroom.When i came back he wasn't there anymore, but i know were he usualy sits xd Im NO Stalker I looked at him and he keeps on looking at me, so i keep on turning my head around.
During lunch-break, he like cam towards me and my friends, but i went to the washrooms again, and when i came back my friends told me that he wanted to ask me why do I try to evitate him.I didin't answer.
We went outside again, and he was playing hockey, LIKE OMG!HE IS SPORTIVE! xd Listeing to music again =) Then my friend told me that Brigitte looks like a guy and acts like a guy since she plays a lot of sports and then she said that i'm pretty much like a guy also domokun only because i like sports.
And i was like, pissed so i walked fast to go inside the school, an HE needed to ask me what happened, so i walked faster stare
Me[do i look like a boy o.o , if ever i have a picture of that witch who said that i was i guy i would ask you guys to compare us for our physic , who is more feminin]
