▶ Basics
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[»]True Name: Dagran Alasandair
[»]Code Name(s): Biesht Kione
[»]Nicknames: Levy
[»]Affiliation: The Sea
[»]Marital Status: Single
[»]Occupation: Captain of “The Dirge of the Depths”
[»]Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
[→]Brief Biography:
[»] Long before Dagran was conceived, his mother Calypso sailed the seas with a band of misfits. She was human, petite in stature and beautiful- with long curly auburn hair and eyes as green as emeralds. But despite this beautiful appearance, she was one hell of a pirate. She sailed the seas far and wide, obtaining all sorts of valuable treasures and cutting down all those who opposed her. Calypso was ruthless yes, but she was great at what she did. So great that none of the men she met at ports could stand up to her, and that a problem. Without someone equal in strength or stronger, Calypso refused to bare a child.
Meaning she’d have no heir to carry on her legacy.
Until she met him.
During one of her journeys back to her home on The Isle of Man, her ship was intercepted by a rare creature known as a Leviathan. The creature itself toward high over her ship, it’s mouth opened- readily poised to tear into her crew members before swallowing them down. Despite the ferociousness of the sea serpent, there was something Calypso found captivating about it. Perhaps it was the iridescent scales that shined in the sunlight, the rows of large razor sharp teeth that lined its mouth, the rarity of it, or maybe it was the air of power the beast seemed to emanate.
As she stared up at the massive beast, Calypso could see just how little the creature cared for the Dirge’s crew- instead only focusing on the glint of gold that glimmered on her chest. It snarled and lowered itself down to her, its eyes watching her cautiously as she moved closer to the edge of the ship with her hands raised up. It wanted the trinket around her neck, and it made it well known. That gave her an idea. If the beast seemed quite interested in the glittering necklace that hung down between her breasts, perhaps she could lure it to the shore with it. If the tales of Leviathans were true, if she got it to shore, then it should revert into a human skin- making it much less of a threat, and much easier to handle.
Removing her necklace and holding it out to distract him, Calypso had signaled her crew to attack with her other hand suddenly. Not wasting any time, her crew leaped at the signal- hooking and tying the beast from the masts as well as the main deck before Calypso dashed to the helm to quickly steer the enormous ship to the shore- dragging the Leviathan with her.
With some effort and a lot of pulling, Calypso and her crew managed to pull the beast into the shallow waters before pulling it onto the sandy shore. When the creature was fully out of the water, his form shifted from that of a sea serpent to that of a man. For a wild beast, his human skin was handsome. He was lean and tanned with long wet black hair that clung to his shoulders, sharp unnatural silver eyes and a black mark that seemed to snake up his spine from his lower back. Even outnumbered and in a weaker form, he struggled with incredible strength- managing to throw a few of the Dirge’s most muscular crew members off of him easily.
He was perfect.
The crew, by Calypso’s orders, bound the Leviathan’s wrists to a post they nailed into the shore and left him to her.
The Leviathan man seethed with anger at having been bested by a human woman and dragged ashore. “How dare you you insolent wench!” he hissed in anger, rage glinting in his eyes. This only made Calypso grin. "You're going to pay for this. I will send you all to the depths for your transgressions!" He growled angrily, struggling against his bonds.
“Calm yourself sea beast." Calypso cooed, a mischievous smile on her lips. "I mean to do you no harm." she said calmly. "In fact, I actually have a proposition for you."
"Leviathan, wench." He hissed bitterly at her.
"Leviathan." She corrected, earning herself a scowl from him.
"If you give me a child to carry on in my name, I will release you from your bonds... and give you all the gold you desire.”
The Leviathan, dumbstruck by the proposal, narrowed his eyes at her. He didn’t trust her, not one bit… but the idea of being given all the gold he wanted was too tempting for him to decline her offer.
And thus, Dagran was born.
[→]What drives this character:
[»] "This world is a cruel place. It cares not for who you are or what you are. It is unfit for those such as yourself- the weak and the feeble. Here, only the strong survive. Here on these seas, I am the predator, and you are the prey. "
▶ Appearance
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[»]Appearance Age: 33
[»]Actual Age: Unknown
[»]Date of Birth: 10/12
[»]Place of Birth: Isle of Man
[»]Sex: Male
[»]Race: Human/ Leviathan
[»]Height: 6’3”
[»]Weight: 182 lbs
[»]Build: Average
[»]Blood Type: Unknown
[»]Natural Eye Color: Silver
[»]Natural Hair Color: Iridescent Black
[»]Current Hair Color: Iridescent Black
[»]Skin Color: Semi-tanned, golden brown
[»]Hair Length: Choppy, just above mid back.
[»]Defining Features: The mark of the Leviathan- a serpentine tattoo on his left side that runs up from his hip up to his chest. Jagged, thick scars on his arms and back. Piercing, silver eyes.
[»]Dominant Hand: Ambidextrous
▶ Personality
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[→]Five Major Personality Traits:
[»] Calm
[»] Collective
[»] Reserved
[»] Stern
[»] Distrustful of others
[→] Likes:
[»] Gems and riches
[»] Liquor
[»] A good scuffle
[→] Dislikes:
[»] Authority
[»] Humans (Mother excluded)
[→] Three Common Quotes:
[»] “Let’s give those insolent curs something to really fear.”
[»] “Only fools attack Leviathans.”
[»] “Come, let me show you who the ocean actually favors.”

▶ Basics
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[»]True Name: Dorian Deimos
[»]Code Name(s): Hell’s Serpent
[»]Nicknames: N/A
[»]Affiliation: The Sea
[»]Marital Status: Single/ Separated?
[»]Occupation: Occasional Thief/ Ship destroyer
[»]Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
[→]Brief Biography:
[»] I can still remember the day that damned woman Calypso made that offer to me- the offer to give me all the gold I wanted if I gave her a child. It was an imbecilic decision on my part- tainting our kind’s blood like that… and yet I still agreed to go through with it. It was my insatiable greed that got my better judgement that day.
I had been roaming the coast off of the Isle of Man for a while; the lure of ships and the treasure they held within was tempting me to linger there. I grew fond of the spoils that most held. So fond that I would steal their valuables and send the ships to the abyss afterwards. I planned to do the same to that damned woman’s ship before she had turned the tables on me and dragged me to shore.
Shortly after she spoke her offer to me, I gave her exactly what she wanted- granting her a child to carry on her name, a pirate’s name. I loathed the idea of giving her- a foolhardy human woman a child of my blood, but I did. In return, once at the end of every month she would bring me the spoils of her adventures. It was an unusual exchange at first that simply started with her giving me the riches she obtained and me merely giving her a few grunts or a word or two in return and nothing more. But, as the months went by and her pregnancy became more and more evident, I began bringing her small things from the sea. Although it wasn’t gold or precious gems like she would bring me, she seemed to enjoy the shells I’d bring her nonetheless. I still don’t know why exactly I did it… perhaps I had grown slightly fond of the fiery woman? Though I didn’t care for humans, there was something about her that I couldn’t help but admire.
However during one meeting, rather than bring me the usual treasures, she instead brought me the child- our child. A strong, healthy boy.
When I had first looked upon him, I felt a mixture of emotions. I could see my features in him- his bright silver eyes and his iridescent hair, but I could also see quite a lot of her in him as well. As I gazed down at him, I felt a sense of satisfaction and… love. I felt proud to have a child of my own- something I hadn’t thought of prior to Calypso since my kind was so rare- yet a part of me felt a bit disappointed in what he was… a half breed. He would never be able to live among humans, nor among my kind. I looked at his blood as a curse, but his mother thought of it as a blessing. Of course she would. Our b*****d child would have a strength greater than any one of her kind’s. He would indeed be able to carry on her name, but he would never hold up to mine.
When our time had finally came to an end, I gave her the ocean trinkets I had gathered as usual and touched my child’s head before parting ways.
It would be the only time I’d see him.
He was indeed a part of me, but he was her child now. Her responsibility. I kept my end of the bargain.
[→]What drives this character:
[»] "To me, you are insignificant- a grain of sand on the ocean floor. Worthless. Meaningless. Inferior. Cross me if you dare, but know this... I will put you in your place... be it on the blade of my cutlass, the dark depths, or within the confines of my jaws."
▶ Appearance
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[»]Appearance Age: 40
[»]Actual Age: Unknown
[»]Date of Birth: 03/06
[»]Place of Birth: Deep in the depths off the coast of the Isle of Sirens
[»]Sex: Male
[»]Race: Leviathan
[»]Height: 6’4”
[»]Weight: 187 lbs
[»]Build: Toned
[»]Blood Type: Unknown
[»]Natural Eye Color: Tarnished Silver
[»]Natural Hair Color: Iridescent Black
[»]Current Hair Color: Iridescent Black
[»]Skin Color: Semi-tanned, golden brown
[»]Hair Length: Shaved down the sides, choppy down the center- ending just above shoulders.
[»]Defining Features: The mark of the Leviathan- a serpentine mark on his spine that runs up from his lower back, tattoos on both of his arms, stretched earlobes, three long scars that run from his right eye and to the back of his head.
[»]Dominant Hand: Right handed.
▶ Personality
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[→]Five Major Personality Traits:
[»] Condescending
[»] Calculating
[»] Stern
[»] Harsh at times
[»] Finds amusement in provoking others
[→] Likes:
[»] Anything of value
[»] Weapons
[»] Women of the non-human variety
[→] Dislikes:
[»] Talking about Calypso
[»] Humans
[→] Three Common Quotes:
[»] “Is that it? Pity, I expected more from you. A lot more.”
[»] “Do you honestly think you can fight a Leviathan and win? I sink ships and devour crews whole. I have no problem in doing the same with you.”
[»] “Huh. So you’re not as weak as you look. Interesting.”