![User Image](https://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/095/4/b/THe_Sphinx_footer_2_by_NatsukiHanabashi.png)
XxEmo_Angelic_DemonxX 80.5//125
PolarMints 83.5//125
- - c h o c - OH - rawrr 87//125
Milkshax 74//125
Judge #1:
Matching: 6//1o
Originality: 7//1o
Flow: 5//1o
Overall Appearance: 5//1o
Commentary: The Queen wig is just horrible standing out on this. A red head accessory would have been so much more suitable. Textures are a bit everywhere on this and thigh-down is unattractive and looks like you just threw it out there. Red striped stocking would have fit this better with those gloves. Though, I do like the color choices and I do see potential in this but it's just not quite there.
Matching: 8//1o
Originality: 3//1o
Flow: 7//1o
Overall Appearance: 6//1o
Commentary: Obviously, using a commonly used color scheme can be boring and I have to say that's sort of the situation you have me in. There are so many items I see put together in this all the time in a red/black/white avatar. Besides lack of much originality, the avatar does match considerably well and the white looks pretty cool but you don't capture me, nonetheless.
- - c h o c - OH - rawrr
Matching: 9//1o
Originality: 7//1o
Flow: 8//1o
Overall Appearance: 8//1o
Commentary: This is my personal favorite for the round. Matching is only slightly off and I sense some mystique in this but I have a few problems. The anklets are too much white and I'd rather you just have none, and the star is for one, gray and two, out of place with the whole image. I'm loving how the skin pokes out.
Matching: 7//1o
Originality: 6//1o
Flow: 6//1o
Overall Appearance: 4//1o
Commentary: You would almost have been perfectly fine with skin balance if you hadn't used the white clean up thing, whatever it's called, which is too much white anyways. Green, white, and yellow all have their own problems when it comes to distribution. Overall, I guess I would say it's a decent matching avatar.
Judge #2:
Matching: 6//1o
Originality: 9//1o
Flow: 7//1o
Overall Appearance: 7//1o
Commentary:Need more green on the clothes and more gray. Love the hair and theme.
Matching: 7//1o
Originality: 5//1o
Flow: 7//1o
Overall Appearance: 7//1o
Commentary:The idea and color scheme was overdone. Though the avi look amazing.
- - c h o c - OH - rawrr
Matching: 7//1o
Originality: 6//1o
Flow: 7//1o
Overall Appearance: 6//1o
Commentary:The skin bother me since nothing really go with it. Same with anklet.
Matching: 7//1o
Originality: 6//1o
Flow: 5//1o
Overall Appearance: 6//1o
Commentary:Neck too bare. The arm are bare but leg aren't, make it unbalance. Need more white.
Judge #3:
Matching: 7//1o
Originality: 6//1o
Flow: 5//1o
Overall Appearance: 6//1o
Commentary: The hair, both the Queen's and the Daisy, both draw attention away from the avatar. And the two combined look extremely awkward. For the body, I dislike how you used only the present and tattoos. (You don't have to be a slut to embody lust.) Its also extremely top heavy because of the hair.
Matching: 8.5//1o
Originality: 7//1o
Flow: 7//1o
Overall Appearance: 7//1o
Commentary: First things first. The head looks more grey than black, and the detailing for the head looks off. The sword wasn't necessary, especially because the blade is silver, not white.
- - choc - OH - rawr
Matching: 8//1o
Originality: 8//1o
Flow: 8//1o
Overall Appearance: 8//1o
Commentary: Favorite so far. I love how mysterious she looks. Is she happy? Sad? She can be described in so many words.
I feel that she needs more white on her upper half, (maybe around her face?) The shoes are a bit awkward, and some of the crimson red shades don't match. Loved the layering of the skirts though.
Matching: 7//1o
Originality: 6//10
Flow: 5//1o
Overall Appearance 6//1o
Commentary: She looks awkward. I think its mostly because of your hair choice. It leaves an awkward gap in the middle of her forehead, makes the avi look top heavy, and bring focus to the face, which also looks awkward. The lips are too far down (I know this was how the item was made, but the item was made awkwardly in my opinion.) and the chuu eyes/winking eye just looks out of place. These choices also made the avi look rounder, and its best to try to accent the body and create an illusion that the body is longer. The head/upper shoulders are also oddly bare, and you need more white detailing to the upper half. The bottom half was decent, but the top half ruined the whole image.