Hi, I’m Earl Whatsonberger. I’m 764 years old and I have a girlfriend. My girlfriend’s name is Annastagia Nopertoppesangermayer. She’s 763 years old, I’m a year older. We own an apartment and have 765 kids; most of them are 543 year old girls. My mommy’s name is Blckamammaca and she is 1265 years old. I have a birthmark on my lower back and my girlfriend thinks it’s cute. My birthmark is shaped like the famous singer, Juaoperiahananwer. I have 2 pets named Mearliermaniejou and Zeeeeliautamlahertiea. I enjoy long runs under waterfalls. My favorite waterfall is named Kaolieohgeliaselfelia. My girlfriend has a pet name for me, she doesn’t like Earl so she calls me Monoipulaheartieasoerpha. I work at Burger King! My position is toilet cleaner/Gi-joe. I love my boss, his name is Frigertaliamayoeseeomanieaword Soniuquartervermaninamayer. My first gift to my wonderful girlfriend was a Barbie shaped peanut butter crunch chocolate. I name each of my toes, let me tell you their names; Suchaiamonoquer, Neyiouyokielterda, Bob, Verobuertasachermeyr, Jamezassinturermyblu, Fridameyertalaongamay. I know that’s only six but my mommy needed a toe transplant. I gave her Blueyerdamancazhepemanz, Epermoneckaburtina, Makatooathreeonondagabee, and Termayermeyerdoajettsonmackersbottom. Well I could tell you about the time I skinny dipped but my girlfriend is waiting for me in Mexico, so I’ll call you later, my number is 1067532536457-534607234968-3693406793-1. Later gator!
Ambo_178 Community Member |