Yay! It's a oneshot fanfiction i did when i'm supposed to be doing my assignments! xD
I wonder if anyone will read this? 0_o
Anywhoo, for those who did, R&R! xD Or Read and Review. mrgreen
Disclaimer: I do not own Shaman King, Dragonball, Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy VIII, and Cardcaptor Sakura. I only own the OCs in here, and i'm content with it. 4laugh
Warning: You WILL be confused since this is an AU fic.
~Shaman Twins Oneshot: At The End of Every Day~
Our favorite Shaman twins today have just finished off another day of intensive training, on their road to become the most powerful duo fighters in The Red Mages army.
One of them, the older one by a few minutes, known as Hao, plopped down on the sofa in the living room upon arriving at the Crescent temporary resident. The comfort made him sigh in content. It has been another very frighteningly tiring day.
It was the day where they have to train in combat with another TRM fighter, Heaven. She is not the strongest fighter in the group. In fact, she’s just above average, but with the most potential, seeing that she’s a SOLDIER First Class from Shin-Ra. Her specialty is mimicry, almost about everything, and she can store other peoples attack in magic cards that resembles a Clow Card. She can be considered a real threat if she’s not so naïve and innocent.
However, her most recent power she got was from training with Vegeta, the prince of all Saiyan. Yes, you heard me right, that is not a typo. I repeat, THAT IS NOT A TYPO!! So y’all can see why the twins can be really tired for the day. They were pummeled by ki attacks all day, even ones by the prince himself, which Heaven entraps on her cards and released Big Bangs and Gallic Guns upon the twins. Boy, did they have to run. One blast and they’ll be on the road to meet Hades.
The final Gallic Gun almost got to them, and Heaven had to let them go, just barely noticing that they were too tired to run another step. However, that last blast impacted the whole World That Never Was so much; even Xemnas went out of his lab to see what cause the tremor. Their training was abruptly stopped by the sudden disappearance of their partner in training.
The twins are just happy they’re not as unlucky as Heaven, who was almost in tears when she retold the twins the history of her training with his royal highness before their start. Obviously, she got it a lot worse than they did, and naturally, it wasn’t a happy experience. But it still felt like they were fighting the prince himself to the twins, since they were attacked originally by his techniques.
The younger of the twin, otherwise known as Yoh, was just about to join his brother on the couch when their adopted older brother, Riku came to the room, walk pass by him, and plopped down right next to the older twin, taking all the available space with him. Then he sighed in content, copying the older twin. It seems like he also had a rough day.
“Heeeeeey. I was gonna lay there,” wailed the younger twin.
The reply he got from Riku was a grunt.
Oh well. With that thought, he turned his back on them, and plopped down on both of his brothers, facing upwards.
“Yoh. You do realize that hurts, don’t you?” asked Riku.
It was a rhetorical question, but he still expected him to say something. Hao however, doesn’t seem to mind as long as he can stay there playing dead. Well, okay, resting.
“Yep,” was the answer Riku get.
He sweat dropped at the short answer he got and just let the kid go with it. He’s too tired for it anyway and they don’t need another fight for the rest of the week. At least, that was only in their thought. There’s gonna be another day of training tomorrow, no escaping that.
All three, thinking of the same thing, sigh miserably, not wanting tomorrow to come and see them. Please go away, they thought collectively. They’re so caught on thoughts of training, Yoh already dozing; that they didn’t hear the footsteps coming their way. Otherwise, they would attempt to run, no matter how tired they are. Riku and Hao would’ve thrown the sleeping Yoh off them if they have to.
“What in the world is wrong with this scene?”
All three boys groan in misery. Of all the things that have to happen now, it has got to be her.
“Plopping down on that couch looking like that, mom’s gonna kill you gu~ys.”
The sound of their sister/adopted sisters’ voice sounded like hell siren to the boys’ ears. Sephilea sure knows how to pick the right time to annoy them. Or make life more miserable for them. They already have her existence for that.
“Sephi, please. Not now. We’re dead tired as it is. We don’t need you nagging to worsen the state,” said Riku with all the energy he had left. Only it all came out at a murmur from Riku’s mouth, muffled by the couch (he’s facing the couch) and sounded like “Sefiiis O now, weaead aiad asisis.” and you got what I mean.
Since she can’t hear it, since it was too low a sound, she continued her brothers bashing. She pulled on Yoh’s jeans, indicating that they were a disaster.
“Seriously. You guys know mum loves this couch. She’ll ask dad to kill you guys.”
The mention of Sephiroth and Edea in the same sentence as the word ‘kill’, even not by their names, made all three boys’ eyes flown open wide in response. Somehow, even though they know what Sephilea said was not true, it still have an impact on the trio brothers. There’s Sephilea, living, breathing, and existing only to hassle them; there’s Sephiroth, who is normally a really great dad, but still, you don’t want to see him mad.
“I’m telling mom right now,” Sephilea threatens her brothers with a sly smile that resembles Sephiroths’ on her lips.
Then, there’s Edea. That is one woman aka Sorceress you do not wanna mess with. Oh no. Never.
All three boys scrambled to get up at Sephilea’s words and rushed to their rooms, each trying to clean themselves before they can be spotted by mommy dearest.
Their reactions caused Sephilea to giggle. Works like a charm, every time.
The three boys was nearing the set of stairs in their temporary resident, all three rushing to get to the bathroom first, when they meet Sephiroth standing at the foot of the stairs with Masamune on his hand.
All three boys froze, rooted to the spot, Yoh and Riku’s faces decorated with the looks of ultimate horror, while Hao only looked surprised.
‘No way! He’s really gonna-‘
With simultaneous thoughts and a shared look, Yoh and Riku scrambles in every direction, not knowing where they were really heading. Anywhere just to get away from the wrath of Masamune. Hao however, just stood rooted to the spot, blinking at his running brothers.
‘What? He was just gonna polish that katana.’ Hao seems to somehow forgotten that only he can read other peoples’ mind. Then again, he’s always calm in appearance anyway.
With that reaction, Sephiroth simply stand there, at the foot of the stairs, confused.
“What did I do?” the father of four asked his daughter, while he eyed two of his sons that was running away from him like he’s gonna kill them (Hao sweat dropped anime style when he heard that thought), headed for the kitchen.
Only she was laughing so hard, she was already rolling on the floor and couldn’t answer. Hao glared at her. This is all your fault.
“Figures.” Sephiroth sweat dropped anime style. That laugh is the answer to everything.
“What did she did now?” he asked Hao a different question instead,
“Oh, nothing much, just that she told us that mom told you to kill us because we stain her favorite couch.”
The ever mighty Sephiroth had to drop another sweat again, anime style. He was just gonna ask how THAT came to their thoughts when he was interrupted by the sudden reappearance of Yoh and Riku from the kitchen. Personally, Sephiroth thought they looked paler than when they saw him. Then he noticed Hao, who was in front of him, turned a bit paler too.
“Sorry, dad. Gotta go,” said his older twin, who then blasted pass by him (Heaven taught them how to fly the Z way) and onto the next floor.
His other two sons quickly followed behind. Now he got back in confusion world again.
‘What in the world-‘
Then he saw Edea emerged from the kitchen, holding a kitchen knife, looking as confused as he felt. Suddenly, it all became clear as a cloudless sky.
xD ~The End~ xD
I wonder if anyone will read this? 0_o
Anywhoo, for those who did, R&R! xD Or Read and Review. mrgreen
Disclaimer: I do not own Shaman King, Dragonball, Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy VIII, and Cardcaptor Sakura. I only own the OCs in here, and i'm content with it. 4laugh
Warning: You WILL be confused since this is an AU fic.
~Shaman Twins Oneshot: At The End of Every Day~
Our favorite Shaman twins today have just finished off another day of intensive training, on their road to become the most powerful duo fighters in The Red Mages army.
One of them, the older one by a few minutes, known as Hao, plopped down on the sofa in the living room upon arriving at the Crescent temporary resident. The comfort made him sigh in content. It has been another very frighteningly tiring day.
It was the day where they have to train in combat with another TRM fighter, Heaven. She is not the strongest fighter in the group. In fact, she’s just above average, but with the most potential, seeing that she’s a SOLDIER First Class from Shin-Ra. Her specialty is mimicry, almost about everything, and she can store other peoples attack in magic cards that resembles a Clow Card. She can be considered a real threat if she’s not so naïve and innocent.
However, her most recent power she got was from training with Vegeta, the prince of all Saiyan. Yes, you heard me right, that is not a typo. I repeat, THAT IS NOT A TYPO!! So y’all can see why the twins can be really tired for the day. They were pummeled by ki attacks all day, even ones by the prince himself, which Heaven entraps on her cards and released Big Bangs and Gallic Guns upon the twins. Boy, did they have to run. One blast and they’ll be on the road to meet Hades.
The final Gallic Gun almost got to them, and Heaven had to let them go, just barely noticing that they were too tired to run another step. However, that last blast impacted the whole World That Never Was so much; even Xemnas went out of his lab to see what cause the tremor. Their training was abruptly stopped by the sudden disappearance of their partner in training.
The twins are just happy they’re not as unlucky as Heaven, who was almost in tears when she retold the twins the history of her training with his royal highness before their start. Obviously, she got it a lot worse than they did, and naturally, it wasn’t a happy experience. But it still felt like they were fighting the prince himself to the twins, since they were attacked originally by his techniques.
The younger of the twin, otherwise known as Yoh, was just about to join his brother on the couch when their adopted older brother, Riku came to the room, walk pass by him, and plopped down right next to the older twin, taking all the available space with him. Then he sighed in content, copying the older twin. It seems like he also had a rough day.
“Heeeeeey. I was gonna lay there,” wailed the younger twin.
The reply he got from Riku was a grunt.
Oh well. With that thought, he turned his back on them, and plopped down on both of his brothers, facing upwards.
“Yoh. You do realize that hurts, don’t you?” asked Riku.
It was a rhetorical question, but he still expected him to say something. Hao however, doesn’t seem to mind as long as he can stay there playing dead. Well, okay, resting.
“Yep,” was the answer Riku get.
He sweat dropped at the short answer he got and just let the kid go with it. He’s too tired for it anyway and they don’t need another fight for the rest of the week. At least, that was only in their thought. There’s gonna be another day of training tomorrow, no escaping that.
All three, thinking of the same thing, sigh miserably, not wanting tomorrow to come and see them. Please go away, they thought collectively. They’re so caught on thoughts of training, Yoh already dozing; that they didn’t hear the footsteps coming their way. Otherwise, they would attempt to run, no matter how tired they are. Riku and Hao would’ve thrown the sleeping Yoh off them if they have to.
“What in the world is wrong with this scene?”
All three boys groan in misery. Of all the things that have to happen now, it has got to be her.
“Plopping down on that couch looking like that, mom’s gonna kill you gu~ys.”
The sound of their sister/adopted sisters’ voice sounded like hell siren to the boys’ ears. Sephilea sure knows how to pick the right time to annoy them. Or make life more miserable for them. They already have her existence for that.
“Sephi, please. Not now. We’re dead tired as it is. We don’t need you nagging to worsen the state,” said Riku with all the energy he had left. Only it all came out at a murmur from Riku’s mouth, muffled by the couch (he’s facing the couch) and sounded like “Sefiiis O now, weaead aiad asisis.” and you got what I mean.
Since she can’t hear it, since it was too low a sound, she continued her brothers bashing. She pulled on Yoh’s jeans, indicating that they were a disaster.
“Seriously. You guys know mum loves this couch. She’ll ask dad to kill you guys.”
The mention of Sephiroth and Edea in the same sentence as the word ‘kill’, even not by their names, made all three boys’ eyes flown open wide in response. Somehow, even though they know what Sephilea said was not true, it still have an impact on the trio brothers. There’s Sephilea, living, breathing, and existing only to hassle them; there’s Sephiroth, who is normally a really great dad, but still, you don’t want to see him mad.
“I’m telling mom right now,” Sephilea threatens her brothers with a sly smile that resembles Sephiroths’ on her lips.
Then, there’s Edea. That is one woman aka Sorceress you do not wanna mess with. Oh no. Never.
All three boys scrambled to get up at Sephilea’s words and rushed to their rooms, each trying to clean themselves before they can be spotted by mommy dearest.
Their reactions caused Sephilea to giggle. Works like a charm, every time.
The three boys was nearing the set of stairs in their temporary resident, all three rushing to get to the bathroom first, when they meet Sephiroth standing at the foot of the stairs with Masamune on his hand.
All three boys froze, rooted to the spot, Yoh and Riku’s faces decorated with the looks of ultimate horror, while Hao only looked surprised.
‘No way! He’s really gonna-‘
With simultaneous thoughts and a shared look, Yoh and Riku scrambles in every direction, not knowing where they were really heading. Anywhere just to get away from the wrath of Masamune. Hao however, just stood rooted to the spot, blinking at his running brothers.
‘What? He was just gonna polish that katana.’ Hao seems to somehow forgotten that only he can read other peoples’ mind. Then again, he’s always calm in appearance anyway.
With that reaction, Sephiroth simply stand there, at the foot of the stairs, confused.
“What did I do?” the father of four asked his daughter, while he eyed two of his sons that was running away from him like he’s gonna kill them (Hao sweat dropped anime style when he heard that thought), headed for the kitchen.
Only she was laughing so hard, she was already rolling on the floor and couldn’t answer. Hao glared at her. This is all your fault.
“Figures.” Sephiroth sweat dropped anime style. That laugh is the answer to everything.
“What did she did now?” he asked Hao a different question instead,
“Oh, nothing much, just that she told us that mom told you to kill us because we stain her favorite couch.”
The ever mighty Sephiroth had to drop another sweat again, anime style. He was just gonna ask how THAT came to their thoughts when he was interrupted by the sudden reappearance of Yoh and Riku from the kitchen. Personally, Sephiroth thought they looked paler than when they saw him. Then he noticed Hao, who was in front of him, turned a bit paler too.
“Sorry, dad. Gotta go,” said his older twin, who then blasted pass by him (Heaven taught them how to fly the Z way) and onto the next floor.
His other two sons quickly followed behind. Now he got back in confusion world again.
‘What in the world-‘
Then he saw Edea emerged from the kitchen, holding a kitchen knife, looking as confused as he felt. Suddenly, it all became clear as a cloudless sky.
xD ~The End~ xD

"...i run with vampires
...i run with Edward Cullen"
...i run with Edward Cullen"