I'm not allowed down-time anymore. Not even when I'm trying to ******** sleep. Last night, I was running around crazy doing--as I ******** speak, I'm getting yelled at to get up and get something.
I haven't gotten any day-time down-time for two days of the weekend. And everytime I ever do something--it's wrong.
No matter what.
I was sweet and made mom a banner for her birthday, I get a "Thank you...why is it blue?" {she doesn't like blue...didn't remember that}
I iced her birthday cake and I get a "Aw...now why's the plate so messy?" {I didn't have propor tools to ice around the sides, so some got on the plate.}
I hung up the cloths when asked. No thank you this time just a "WTF you did it wrong."
I had to unload the dishwasher. I got yelled at for not loading it--even when she just asked me to unload it.
What the ******** man.
What the ********.
I'm not appreciated in this house. Ever. Even when I try my damnedest mom still says I do it wrong.
So why am I still doing things?
I get treated the same either way. So, thats why I opt not to do anything for the ******** family who doesn't even care anyway.
Though--I am going to clean my room anyway, it's getting to gross for even me. It's not lot and it wont take long, but still.
I grounded myself in my room. I'm not comming out for the rest of the day. But before I actually turn that into aftect, I'm going to get my cat and bring her back in the room...just so I know where she is.
I feel terrible when people say I do things wrong, even though I atempted my best sometimes. Mom things I'm just lazy but...I'm trying and that should count for something. I mean, I should revert to doing absolutely nothing again.
Then she'll appreciate what I do did.
Anyway. Next topic.
My DSi's R button is broken. I don't have the foggiest of ideas on how it happened, so I'm sending it to nintendo on my own account. They said they'll repair it and it'll come back within ten days.
Can't you hear my enthusiasm?
I have to copy notes into my real Science book and stuff. I didn't have it last time. I'm going to use a three subject note book to organzie between homework, classwork, and notes.
I beat my record of 65 gwam in typing. My new highest is 76 gwam.
Can you beat that?
Leave a comment and tell me.
Health said that lonliness is common in teens and wello--it's true. And it sucks. And do you wanna know something else? That feeling only comes around when I'm at home.
Gee. I wonder why.
Maybe its because I'm told I can't do a damned thing {in so many words} and I should do better--even though I fufilled the obligations given to me.
I'm going back to family. I should stop.
I will.
Well, 358/2 Days is comming out on the 29--can't wait actually. Mom said she put away 30$ of my Graduation money for it.
Doubt she did.
Doubt I'll get it.
Because, yanno, I'm worthless and can't do anything right?
Or at all.
I can't do anything can I? Not a thing.
And I bet.
I won't amout to anything.
Not anything.
Not ever.
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