Anyone who's happened to see my Aquarium Message Bottles has probably noticed me asking questions about what you would do in a certain situation. These posts are basically me practicing DMing a dungeon that I technically haven't completed yet. For those of you who don't know what these referneces are pointing to, they're from a game called Dungeons and Dragons. Which, in my opinion, is the best way to play RPGs.

For anyone who's interested I'm going to start posting the questions and responses to the messages I send out. You can either respond here in the journal, on my profile page, or in the Aquarium where your response, if appropriate, will earn you gold.

Post 1: You're in a corridor and you see a door. The door is old and has two arrows sticking out of it. What do you do?
Response 1: Pull the arrows out to use on whatever's behind the door.

P2: You have just pulled three arrows out of an od door and you hear a clicking noise from above. What do you do?
R2: Kick the door and run away!

P3: After kicking the door then turning and running frantically away you hear a loud crashing behind you. What do you do now?
R3: Ummm, is s**t my pants an option??

P4: After you here the loud crash you; it scares you so badly that you soil yourself. (Your DM feels you have really realistic roleplaying skills and awards you 50 XP. Pick a character class and race.)
R4: uhhhh, myself I guess

P5: Which would you rather be? Strong, Nimble, Resistant to Disease, Intelligent, Insightful, or Influential?
R5: I would like to be intelligent..probley be able to be smart as my smarty friends I have.

P6: Which would you rather be? Strong, Nimble, Resistant to Disease, Insightful, or Influential?
R6: resistant to disease

P7: Which would you rather be? Insightful or Influential?
R7: insightful! because even if im influentail, if im a retard and influenting them badly thats not good

P8: If you could be good at anything, real or fictional, magical or scientific, what would it be?
R8a: Singing
P9: If you were a wizard (not a magician), what would you want to be god at? (i.e. making explosions, mixing potions, crafting magic items, casting spells silently, etc.) Don't be afraid to be specific.
R9: casting spells silently
Alternative responses: elemental spells

R10: would you rather be good at casting magic or fighting? What specific type of magic style or fighting style would you use?