(( 7 sins [In whatever forms you prefer], Captured girl))
 Lily woke up in a cage, seeing she was wearing an odd outfit, one what barely covered her. She saw some torches lit, and could see the shadows of people."Oh great 7 sins, we have brung you a girl to feast on, in order for us, your loyal servants, to live in peace and harmony for another 20 years." The leader yelled out, holding up a torch. She could see weird statues in front of the man. The statues eyes turned red, and the people fled, as she was left there in the dark temple. The torches went out, as the place was now pitch back. She heard the statues crack open, and was terrified, closing her eyes even though she could not see, hoping it was all a dream.
((Demon King/ Fallen Angel))
 Luisa gripped the wet grass with her hands, feeling the rain fall on her. She was on the ground, thrown out of heaven because she protected an innocent demon boy from death. She knew she was in a forest, she could hear the rain falling on leaves and animals scurrying away. She could not get up from the ground, she was too weak. A blindfold covered her wounded eyes."Someone...please....help...me..."She slowly said. She did not know that the animals were scurrying away because of something big in the forest, something dark, and demonic.
(( Killer Prostitute/ Male Victim)) "Dark Angel" sat in her room behind the stage, re-putting on her black lipstick. She was one of the prostitutes here, who worked for money. She was called the Dark Angel, since she had the body of an Angel but of course was too dirty to be an innocent white angel, hence her outfit was all black and showed off her body, her breasts sticking out the most. She nibbled on her chocolate bar. She always killed the men she lured into her room, always disposing their body and taking all of their money for herself. She heard knocking on her door, and, putting nothing on but a black very-revealing bra, slave collar, and black panties. "Come in~!"She purred to the person outside the door, her next victim.
((Angel of Love, heartbroken sadist boy))
 Anima was sitting in a tree, humming, when she saw someone crying in the park. She watched curiously, seeing the thrown down phone with the words, "Breaking up w/ u, found a better man : P" on it. She felt bad for the boy. She knew he was sad, and she had to help him, but she decided to leave it alone, let the boy rest from it. As she fell asleep, she did not see the boy see her. She woke up in a cage, and looked around, seeing candles around her. She saw the boy, reading from a book, with her picture in it and the words "Angel of Love" written on the top of the page.She was confused, but saw knives and other torture devices on the walls. Seeing the candles around her, she was a bit terrified. What did the boy want from her? His lover back?
((Captured slave/ogre master))
 Rossetta sat in a cage, asleep. Her tail moved from side to side, chained down.Her wrists and ankles also were chained, and she had a chained leash on. She was the most uncontrolled captured slave that was put into this place, which is why there was a "DO NOT TOUCH" sign on her cage.She growled as she slept, her wings also held up to show her body, which was still a virgin.Anyone who would be able to tame her would have a sweet reward, an untamed, pure body.
((Kidnapped wolf girl/ Tentacle god))
 Scarlet, a wolf girl who was part of a pack, slowly woke up as she looked around, noticing she was in a dark room.She saw she was on a bed and was chained down.She blinked in confusion."Where...where am I..?"She said looking around.The last thing she remembered was her and the pack getting trapped underwater, and darkness.She looked up, seeing the door begin to open.
((Pokemon in human form/Pokemon in human form))
Xx_T3CHN0_FR3AK_xX · Sun Dec 13, 2009 @ 02:49am · 1 Comments |