I work underground if you need me pm me and I do the job for you!!!
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Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 @ 02:41am
Challenge of Five
1."Five" card - the challenge for me.
You have the card of the High Priestess, govern by the moon. This card reveal a challenge fo you that a secret of your's or secrets of others people that going to be reveal (which of course affect you too.)
2.How has the past affected this situation?
In the past the secrecies of whatever it is, has being well kept. But as we all know, as the qoute goes on " Paper cannot be wrap around fire with out getting it burn"
3.How do I limit myself in this situation?
You can limit yourself of this situation by not allowing yourself to get affected to much by this. Not letting it get to your mind and affect your every movement. You should try to stay calm especially if it is not to your favor.
4.What's my attitude towards this?
However, it shows contentment, so I assume the secret is a very pleasing thing to hear. You must be happy, well at least I hope you are, since that is what the card indicated.
5.What action do I need to take to break out of it?
The said you should be stubborn and stand your ground. Don't bunge a inch because a firm atitude and resolute action will help you.
Past Present Future
Reckoning... the influence of a time of reckomimg is passing. This setting of accounts may have produced surprising revelation which led to beginnings, endings and rthe resurrection of things once thought dead or resolved.
What are surrounded by sponaneity and enthusiasm which may turn to impatience, anger, and theatrics if control is lost. News of an oppirtunity is near.
Indeciscion.... you will soon encounter indecision in either yourself or another. There are times when it is best to decide not to decide. If a decision must be made, gather as much informatiom as you can.
Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2005 @ 05:27pm
MY Psychich Reading Shop
 Among the buildings, among the many roads and alleys of the Underground Society--a city hidden from the world where only those lucky enough to stumble upon it, or to be taken there know its location...The city of eternal night--Among these buildings, in the more prosperous part of the city is a small mystical store. The windows of the store adorned with beaded curtains and mystical trinkets. A sign hanging over the door in a medievel fashion, with flourished writing and a crescent moon stated,"The Psychic Star Reader/Tarot Moon" Inside of that shop is a young woman by the name of Sona who does tarot card, and I-Ching readings for those who venture into her shop. The shop like the windows, filled with mystical trinkets and decorations. Behind the counter glass counter stocked with tarot decks and "magical" jewelry, the wall is full of shelves stocked with potions and ingredients. Sona, a young ordinary-looking girl doesn't seem capable of much...but you never know.ATTENTION DISCLAIMER!!!!<center> ~*~This Tarot or I-ching reading isn't 100% accurate and it is for entertainment or advising purposes only~*~<center> ~*~I can do Personal or Private tarot readings~*~
~*~Personal readings will be done through PMs or AIM while Public ones will be done in this thread~*~<center> ~*~Type of Reading and Prices~*~ Tarot Card Special arrow 1 card for general reading ~ 250g
3 cards for past, present, future ~ 900g
7 card reading varies ~ 2000g
Subject to price may varies You may ask for a specfic reading and Ill tell you if I can or cannot and the price. I-Ching Reading
I-Ching reading (answer a specfic question)- 600g<center>
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