i doubt anyone reads this xd but the contest ended 3nodding jessie won the 7k prize with her pic, and shivvy won the 3.5k prize for his idea about the missle gettnig lost in the post rofl
so congrats you two! ^^
Fu · Sun Apr 30, 2006 @ 09:10am · 0 Comments |
Collage Contest for Cafe Blue!
Here's the deal. The idea of a collage of memorable events from the thread was mentioned once,and on an almost unwonted whim I decided to pursue this idea. Ella (Elegant Destruction) is helping out by making it into a contest so people will actually participate in it. So far I've got Ideas and only 2 artists but that will soon change, or at least I hope. I mean come on people, a chance to win 7k in gaian gold just for drawing a picture of a memorable moment in your favourite thread! What beats that?? Nothing! So enter, enter I say! rofl
In any case, here's the contest:
Idea Contest:
Send an idea or two (try not to send more then 2 please crying ) to my mule account, Safyre Love, with the subject "collage idea". Please include as much info as you can, including page numbers if feesable! At the end of the 2 week period I will pick the best idea that was sent to me, and that person will recieve 3500g.
Pic Contest:
Send my mule, Safyre Love, a PM with the subject "i want to draw". I will then assign you an idea that was sent to me by someone with as much info as I can. If you need more then I gave you let me know, we can work it out. When you are done just PM me the image with the subject "collage pic" and your entry will be complete.
it can be sketch, CG, traditional medium, whatever you wish. and be creative, and most of all have fun! heart
the prize for this contest is 7000g, so good luck!
The contest will be over April 14th! Though I might extend it depending on how many art entries there are.
Once again good luck, and have fun!
Fu · Mon Apr 03, 2006 @ 08:10am · 0 Comments |
jessie's pic http://tinypic.com/view/?pic=t6dk5l
Fu · Mon Apr 03, 2006 @ 07:34am · 0 Comments |
These are the idea entries for the collage contest:
Pandy The big family! And perhaps the "soap operas" we made and arrow the surgery (had to knock it down a little, sorry)
cscull12 well this is just a thought, but how about you put the reaction of the winners on the pic? it's be kinda funny i think... *sees image in head* arrow either that or just the mass of projectiles that we've all grown to love (and learned to dodge)
Shivvy arrow -Fire Extinguisher Wheelie Chair Race! (I don't think anyone is gonna forget this) -Ella's Lost Missile in Post! (Or this one) -When I took my paper bag off in the thread
BluestarSugar A group pic of the regulars throwing all sorts of things. Definetly the "marriages" that have occured on the thread. Just to name a couple.
The Great Ice Queen arrow the first happen back at ian's trial. When he was on trial rosen started the idea that it was rufus who was the real curprit, and started 100s of threads of a similar nature, seroiusly, it really took off!!! and cafe blue's expanding emprie of sister threads *little at the moment* but getting there ^_^
eastwolf Memorable moment: PAGE 1000 celebration!
Dark Fu: well then we'll tie dark up and leave him in a corner with a note that says "for rosen only," and a pair of handcuffs for her to use as she wants to twisted rofl
Kris my idea is me and shivvy selling everyone and everything in one of our scams!!!
Zibi Ella gives us a mere glimpse of her power.
D Welcome, greetings, and Salutions! Have fun, enjoy the rid-errrr, I mean chat, keep all arms, and legs inside the car at all times, and please, please do not feed the Kris. Thank you, Enjoy Cafe Blue ^__^
Fu · Mon Apr 03, 2006 @ 07:32am · 0 Comments |