You're a GDer! That means you either love sex, controversial things, porn trolls, or the latest trends. Whichever one you are (and even if you aren't any of them) you love to have fun. People don't tell you not to take things too seriously because you never do. Horrah!
Take this
I got GDer. I hate my life.
But really, if you think about it, modern GDers are pretty much what non-spammy CBers were back in 04 early 05.
And a little gold experiment I did on my muley:
I have 2838 gold.
It is 5:20 PM
I will vote HONESTLY (meaning that I vote what my opinion for the avatar is, not just a 1 or a 10) in the avatar arena until 5:50 PM.
Number of comments made: 4
Finishing gold: 3812
Nearly 1k in a half hour? Not bad.