Poem of the Journeyer of Life
by Lubinski
I know the destination of my life will go
every living soul follows to this goal
I know this to be so...
so I take this in heart.
and walk on this path with a calm and a smile.
'Why do you smile if you know where it goes?'
those who I walk along side this journey we all take in stride will ask
'Is it not sad?
that we all follow to this goal?
with no way to evade the final step?
that is the end of this journey?'
No...I reply to these fellow journeyers
For I know what is the goal.
but I do not know how it will unfold...
I may have many steps to take
I many not have many more either.
'Then why do you smile?'
'How can you smile?'
Simple...I reply
For if you know your end it nigh
if you know that a journey will end
you can fill it with all that you can.
'Fill it with what?'
with friends
with family
memories and dreams.
Loves and splendors it is your choice if wish at all to do so.
'But those can pass away'
this may be so...
but it is the the emotion and memory
when we had them is what made that moment special.
nothing but moments it time
like a step in a journey
you only can take it once
and then it is gone
so why not take it in good stride?
'you are right'
'there is no need for this journeys end to bring sorrowful thought before that final step'
'Nor that final step itself'
Indeed my friend let us walk together and share the journey is stride and smiles
for we both now know...
it is not the end that is the goal
For it is how you take the steps between the beginning and the end.