Wow, it's been a long time hasn't it? Err, I don't know how to apologize for this but,
I'M SORRY this took so long. In fact it's not even really complete. I'm actually out of high school now and am in med school, but when I was cleaning up I found my sketches of this. I can't believe I forgot, I mean your character is just so beautiful that I have some random sketches of her all over my old sketch book.
But now I'm just rambling.
Anyway on with the showing.

As you can see I did two pictures on one page, and I'll describe what they are saying/doing in case you can't understand/read/see it.
On the left is the beautiful ASERES. That was meant to be the cover. C:
On the right is a text box that reads:
wow, look at that.

On the left both Reign and the Gnome are starstruck. Reign saying:
WOW!The Gnome gets jealous and attacks Reign because he see's him as a rival.
The text box says:
maybe she is why I... and continues on the next page saying:
why I was drawn here.ASERES:
Are you okay? ASERES:
? Reign:
umm... uhh...Reign:
Lux and L3G1T(I never did finish sketching him) standing side by side. ASERES:
! Lux:
You done yet?ASERES:
Yeah, sorry I took so long. Lux:
Well, it is a rare drop.Reign:
Ah! she left!Next page.
Stupid stupid! I missed my chance to ask her! Lux:
Now that we all got eight we should head out. Reign: (muttering)(sulking)
stupid stupid. L3G1T:
Now all we got to do is get 5 more items from Bill's Farm.
Ah! Hold on I almost forgot!Lux:
huh? L3G1T:
?Reign is just sitting there feeling lifeless. ASERES:
HEY YOU! Reign:
me?!Next page.
Forgive me, I almost forgot about you. Here this will make you feel better. and she heals Reign.
there. Reign:
Ah! ASERES gets up
Reign: thinks to himself
I will steel my courage and ask her! calls out to ASERES
what?Reign: takes a deep breath and bows
Please teach me how to fight!ASERES:
She says no.Reign:
I see...ASERES:
Why are you deciding for me? Lux:
Hmph! he looks like an idiot.L3G1T: comforting the crying Reign:
There there. ASERES:
Fine, I will teach you!Reign:
Really?! Yay!
Well lets see what you can do.Reign: do I do that?Lux:
this is a waste of time.L3G1T:
Oh?Next page.
Reign is thinking and spots a fluff ball.
Okay watch me! I got this!ASERES:
Just hurry up.Now this next part is just light sketch and I don't know if you can see it but it's Reign running up to the fluff ball and punting it.

The fluff ball flies high up and falls back down receiving little damage.
hows that? ASERES:
oh god.Next page.
The fluff ball gets mad and attacks Reign. ASERES:
This is a mistake, this guy sucks. L3G1T:
lol Lux:
I could have told you that. 
Why don't we let him "learn by watching" so we can just complete this quest already. Lux:says to himself
I say abandon himL3G1T:
That way everyone is happy!ASERES: feeling guilty
...well I guess. Lux:
Good because I already got everything so lets go.Reign still being attacked by the fluff ball:
Ow ow ow ow! ASERES:
Hey Reign! Reign:
uhh... Lux:
Reign we have to go but you are welcome to watch us fightReign:
He's easy. L3G1T:
lolReign and Fluff ball:
In the Zen gardens, ASERES the only one who is unafraid the fight the creepy doll.
The doll is moving! L3G1T:
Oh god! Lux:
Kill it with fire!
At the lake fishing. L3G1T peacefully and dutifully setting up his bait. ASERES catching them with her sword. Reign struggling and Lux catching buckets more then everyone else.

Then in the Aquaducts L3G1T got abducted so ASERES is doing all the hard work fighting off the alien creature things while Lux and Reign struggle to get L3G1T out.

Of course everyone relaxing at the beach. Lux is in the background hitting on the water ladies (I don't remember what they were called.) ASERES tanning and reading, L3G1T and Reign are building a sandcastle.

In the ruins everyone is eating at a campfire with the monsters, one is hitting on ASERES, Lux is perfecting and seasoning the food in the center, L3G1T is scarfing down some food while Reign is roasting a marshmallow.
Now I'm sorry I don't finish out lining or coloring it, but I seem to have no talent for that. As you can see...

If you wanted to you could take all the pictures of you to an artist and ask them to color it for you, it could make for some nice icons.
But I'm writing this at 12:15 new years day so Happy new year!. Hopefully you'll reply. Also, thanks for letting me draw this. C:
(Also I just noticed that the pictures may look cut off but the whole image is there if you were to copy it.)