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Gaia Life
A catalog of my experiences as an employee and citizen of Gaia.
Week Forty-Nine and Fifty: Hot Fun in the Summertime
Okay, seriously though, this whole "not writing a journal every week" thing is starting to get out of hand, yeah?

With all the stuff going on it's been getting harder and harder to keep up with these. Still no plans to stop writing them, but I might have to change the frequency of them so that I don't look like as much of a chump when they all come out late, with old information and tired jokes.

Anyhow, here we go again!

Here in my Car
We just released Gaia cars. Yay, yippee, and so forth. I personally have a lot of fun racing -- not only because it's Gaia's first competitive game, but also because I happen to be really good at it rofl

The main thing I want to talk about is this common complaint:

Joe User
Why are you working on Gaia Cars when you should be working on Battle System!?!

It's an understandable concern but an invalid complaint. Development on the Battle System never stopped as a result of Gaia Cars.

Gaia isn't what it was in the early days, with Lanzer coding everything alone in a tiny room. We're an office with multiple teams and developers. Just because one project is being worked on, it doesn't mean others aren't or were even affected.

I also wanted to point out that this is a very cool example of how sponsorships can benefit Gaia. Toyota sponsored Gaia Cars, and as a result we got a fun set of feature that will stay on Gaia, which includes a new gold sink, a mini game where you can actually play with your friends, and something new to customize and show-off.

If you understand the heading to this section right-off-the-bat, you're my best friend.

The Gaia Film Festival is accepting submissions for a couple more weeks. We just lifted the US-Only restriction (no announcement was made about that change to my knowledge, though) so if you're a foreign director looking to make a movie about crying mimes in black-and-white, now's your chance.

One of the funny things about submissions to the film festival so far is how many users submitted copyrighted content, stuff they didn't even make, or who blatantly missed the point of the contest. Not to mention a few who submitted things like:

dood u guyz shud see this metallica video its so sweet

... which, while I appreciate music recommendations, the Film Festival submission form isn't appropriate for that smile

Art Update Coming
So very soon I'll probably start a guild to showcase arts that people send me - because I have a HUGE stockpile of new arts that I've collected over the last few months which I have yet to put up.

UPDATE: I created the guild here! Swing by and check out the art!

Format Experiment
So I've been pretty much writing free-form about whatever I think is interesting and relevant enough to put up. I also am constantly getting questions from users about stuff. As an experiment in a little format change, if you have any questions of any kind that you'd like me to attempt to answer, include them at the end of your comment. I'll try to get the answers together for the next journal update.

A change of pace is good every once in a while!

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Cid High-Wind
Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Jun 20, 2007 @ 12:13am
Fleep's art guild? Sign me up!

Also, my question is this. If you were stranded on an island, what three things would you want to have with you?

commentCommented on: Wed Jun 20, 2007 @ 12:13am

Ciddy and I are so happy that you have finished labor and have produced a journal entry. =')
Too bad you're using it for gold. D:<

Oh, well.
I shall forgive you.

The car thing is cool.
But I absolutely suck at it.
Why do I keep losing? D:<
Especially when I think I'm winning? DD:
Oh well.
Its fun. =)

I'm sending you art next month through snail mail.
Hopefully it won't get lost.
Which reminds me..I should probably finish it.

Edit: Oh! Question!
Pepsi or Coke?
(Lame. D: Gotta think of something better)
What color/style are your avatars eyes?
Editedit: Sign me up for guild, too. ;D
Editeditedit: WTF? I need to stop editing!
But happy 50 journal entries. ;D

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Jun 20, 2007 @ 12:22am
heart Yea fleep! have fun racing, you deserve that much of a break!

Hope to see more soon. (can't wait to see the art)



commentCommented on: Wed Jun 20, 2007 @ 12:22am
^^ Awsome, an Art Guild!
That reminds me... I must get to work on that art work... ninja

What's your favorite Game System?

Vincent Valentine-Jenova
Community Member
Scandi the Vampire
Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Jun 20, 2007 @ 12:28am
hey i love the cars but due to the speed of my isp and the speed of mouse i suck , even pepper could beat me.
i still want my dragula.

Question: any other car's planned ? a Camry would be awesome.

commentCommented on: Wed Jun 20, 2007 @ 12:29am
oh i almost forgot, can i join your art guild Please?

Scandi the Vampire
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commentCommented on: Wed Jun 20, 2007 @ 12:39am
An art guild eh?
Hm, I should definitely crack a whip at drawing some arts...

As for Rally, thank heavens I don't drive as badly in real life >_<;;

commentCommented on: Wed Jun 20, 2007 @ 12:50am
if you're referring to this thread which im assuming you are because you have posted in it several times, it wasnt about the battle systems lack of release... that just seemed to be the topic of conversation because it was dropped in as an example.

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Jun 20, 2007 @ 12:51am
Congrats at being good at racing!

Questions? Really?! Where do I start...
-About how many people work at Gaia?
-How many hours do you put in a week?
-What's your favorite feature on Gaia?
-Do you have to have a Gaia account if you work there, or is it optional?
-What's your favorite part of your job?
-Have you ever encountered a Fleep groupie?
-What kinds of video games do you like? What systems do you have?
-Do you like anime? If so, what's your favorite?
-Do you have any pets?
-How'd you get your job at Gaia?
-Do you have any siblings?
-Do you ever have a conversation with someone and mention that you're Fleep, and have people know you?
-Do you have a busy summer?
-Do you take a lot of vacations?

EDIT(my second wind):
-What's your favorite book? Any books you're reading now?
-What kind of music do you listen to?
-Who do you trust more than anyone else in the entire world?
-What do you fear?
-How many people does Gaia hire a year?

I'm not done...

commentCommented on: Wed Jun 20, 2007 @ 12:51am
Apparently, one of my friends saw you in Gaia Rally and took a picture of it, with the two of you standing next to each other and saying something like "Fleep and me pwn all you n00bs!"; his name was Skine99. Does that ring any bells wink ?

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Jun 20, 2007 @ 12:51am
An art guild?! SCHWEET! You could put my stuff up even! YAYZORS! xd

As for questions:

I don't understand the Lanzer comment did he create Gaia?

commentCommented on: Wed Jun 20, 2007 @ 12:53am
Whooo~! Fleep art guild? Add meh. domokun heart

Also, my question:
Do coconuts migrate? :B <3 xB <3 Monty Python and the Holy Grail~~

Community Member
Tai Naito
Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Jun 20, 2007 @ 01:01am
D: I don't think I understand the heading.

Unless it has to do with when Springfield made his first movie or when he first debuted as greatness or something like that. Cause... cause I know SOME good director did @@;; Is that it? biggrin

Oh man, Fleep: The first man who is loved so much he has to make a guild to show off with xp

I totally wanna see your car! -wonders if it's in your siggy or not-

commentCommented on: Wed Jun 20, 2007 @ 01:20am
<3 Yesssss.... this whole "not writing thing" a tad out of hand.... but...... FLEEP NEVOR PHAILS US!

You didn't mention your gaiaversary emo I thought that was fun times, yo.

.... and.... no entertaining fun links.... H'awwwwww... those are the highlight of my week whenever you update (I'm just messing with you, I know you're busy)

Yeata Zi
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commentCommented on: Wed Jun 20, 2007 @ 01:21am
Crazy, I happen to like Gaia Cars so no worries from me. I'm also thrilled to see you guys added it to the world map.


Fleep, if you could change something on Gaia without worry of user or staff approval. What would it be? Whether it's as small as the font type on a single page, or as large as removing the forums in place for something else entirely new.

Any word on filming the panels at Anime Conventions and showing them on the site afterwards? That little clip was nice, but the entire panel would have been a perfect subsitute for users who cannot attend the conventions.

Any behind the scenes info on ANYTHING upcoming for the site?

Have you ever killed a man? eek

commentCommented on: Wed Jun 20, 2007 @ 02:07am
...User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show....

I always lose in the races!!

...User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show....

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Jun 20, 2007 @ 02:13am
Flim Springfield, I acctually got that one!

commentCommented on: Wed Jun 20, 2007 @ 02:15am
Blar cars. I hates them IRL (vicious money sinks, smelly, dangerous, and totally not the jetpack or hovercar that should have been available in 2000! it's the 'future' darn it!) so I have zil interest in getting one on Gaia.

I wonder if I can enter the game without actually owning a Gaia car ... *will have to try that*


Lawl. Film Springfield. I have to get my coworker to loan me her Simpsons DVDs, I haven't seen that episode since the original air date ... gonk

Also... A question for Fleep:

Um. Read anything good lately? Though... I rather doubt that you have time for reading these days, right? xd

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Jun 20, 2007 @ 02:32am
Nice to see a fresh post Fleep! smile Just hasslin' ya,I know you are busy as all get out, so you are forgiven..hehe.Cars was a clever idea,dint see that one comin!!We could use some more "girly" colors...baby blue,lavendar,you know...lol *hint hint*. Pickin again! wink Anyways,nice job on our latest "toy".
Film S'field...hmmm...must be,has to be,gotta be Simpsons-ish!! ~Squee!~Only thing thats gunna suck is the WAIT.Bleh.Ah well.Do what ya gotta do to get it as right as you can.
Til next post..I shall be a'lurkin'! xx

commentCommented on: Wed Jun 20, 2007 @ 02:37am
User ImageYo,ho, haul together, hoist the Colors high.
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Woot you created the Guild! ^^ 3nodding
Question: Which Admin do you best get along with? [don't say Lanzer] xd
Heave ho, thieves and beggars, never shall we die.User Image
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

Murder Pirate
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commentCommented on: Wed Jun 20, 2007 @ 03:02am
...Don't tell me you're the one going through all those videos... >.> I feel sorry for you if that's the case.

I'd just like to add here (because I'm too lazy to start a topic and your journal actually gets read), that I for one appreciate the Scion sponsorship. Tweens don't buy cars, the 16+ group buys cars. This shows that gaia hasn't completely forgotten that there are users over the age of 13 on the site, which I greatly appreciate.

I don't have any real questions for you, I'm afraid. Lots of little spammy things I'd like to ask you, but I can't think of anything worth saying. xd

commentCommented on: Wed Jun 20, 2007 @ 03:15am
aww you didnt tell us how your quest system is going.. isnt the quest system your baby anymore?

Dray Gunn
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Kathleen Starr
Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Jun 20, 2007 @ 03:43am

commentCommented on: Wed Jun 20, 2007 @ 04:29am
Yay, Fleep is back! :DDD
It's getting rather annoying when it comes to those comments about not working on a project when you make a new one.
I like the cars, except, I think they need a few changes, something that you can win aside from the pride of beating someone else. Like a betting machine, maybe even more players than two, or even random obstacles and more tracks! I think it would be much more exciting and competitive.

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Jun 20, 2007 @ 04:30am
Love the new features Fleep, tell the team who made cars to keep up the good work.

My Question is: Did Gaia go to Toyota, or did Toyota find Gaia?

ninja Secret question: Do you think this opens the door for other companies to have a sponsored feature on Gaia? ninja

commentCommented on: Wed Jun 20, 2007 @ 05:32am
My first thought when the cars feature came out was "OMG Gaia's turning into Neopets! gonk " but you guys actually did a really good job with it. The races are pretty fun, although I've only one once so far. sweatdrop One thing I'm annoyed about is that the Scion (a.k.a. Box-on-wheels) gets loads more cool stuff than any of the other cars...I wanna be able to pimp out my awesome Posssum too! (ooh, look, I rhymed! sweatdrop )

I also spent half my day attempting not to blow my top at all the anti-sponsorship/"Why can't they just release battle already!" threads swarming the GCD crying I felt almost personally insulted, and I'm not even a dev!
(wish I were, though!)


- Are you coming to AX this year? (Please tell me you are...well, only if it's true)
- How many interns has Gaia hired for the summer?
(still kinda hoping to hear I've gotten one, although I'm not holding out too much hope at this point)

Crap, I thought I had something else to ask, but I forgot. Expect ninja -like additions to the question list later, I guess~

Ryuu Hime
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commentCommented on: Wed Jun 20, 2007 @ 05:33am
Whoo! pretty cars! biggrin

My questions are:
-Will the rally ever give out prizes or gold?
-Are there any other sponsored features coming that you can tell us about /hint at?

Thanks a bunch ^^

commentCommented on: Wed Jun 20, 2007 @ 06:26am
Oooh. Nice!

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Jun 20, 2007 @ 06:49am

.:[I Came, I Polled, I Posted]:.

Silly people thinking that the Battle System isnt coming first on the list of Things to do

Main reason why I wanted to post a comment was to ask questions thats been in my head for a while, so here are 3

- Paper or Plastic?

- Boxers or Briefs?

- If all the People in Gaia HQ were stuck on an Island who would you eat first to survive and why?

commentCommented on: Wed Jun 20, 2007 @ 07:20am
While I do find cars amusing, if rather lacking in depth, I found something interesting:

"...not only because it's Gaia's first competitive game..."

Where's the Fishy Love? crying </3 *Stacks trophies in a row* Gaia's first and (In my biased opinion) best game, Fishing, complete with trophies every month 3nodding

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Jun 20, 2007 @ 07:56am
Hi Fleep.

Like I said, I want to race you.

commentCommented on: Wed Jun 20, 2007 @ 09:23am
A dragon dreams...

Nice update! Cars!!! I picked the one that most looked like a jeep, because it may be the only car I'll ever drive in my life. xd

Favorite video game? heart
Are you into Pokemon? heart
Uh, do you watch Code Lyoko? heart

...of what she might be...

Community Member
Chocobo Princess
Global Moderator
commentCommented on: Wed Jun 20, 2007 @ 09:53am
The Cars are fun and look great with our slightly-SD-style character avatars. 3nodding

Also, don't worry about the Battle System. I believe it to be an apocryphal myth toward which Gaia strives but which she will not ever actually attain.

I have a few questions:

1. Is it possible to obviate the Cannot Connect to Server error we get during peak times?

2. Why does Word Bump have even less love than Fishing? It doesn't even have a glitch thread or a guide, and the prize credits can no longer be exchanged. emo

3. Will Ink Mixing be back up soon? A lot of people miss it, and "It's been broken since October; go do something else on the site," while true, lacks that friendly happiness one hopes to share when responding in the Q&A... sweatdrop

commentCommented on: Wed Jun 20, 2007 @ 11:33am
I like the new features, and don't care why they're made, but I'm easy to please. whee
So Go Gaia! Toy cars! I wanted to race my UFO! scream

How big is the site art before it is shrunk down to fit on the site? I noticed that the world map is very detailed, and figured that it must have been huge when drawn, and shrunk to fit.

Edit: Lol, that's the same episode that spawned, "The Goggles! they do nothing!"

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Jun 20, 2007 @ 02:31pm
One of the funny things about submissions to the film festival so far is how many users submitted copyrighted content, stuff they didn't even make, or who blatantly missed the point of the contest.

xd Why am I not surprised.

Love the new Gallery Guild, I notice you gave my art a name: "Bishie" xd (Vampire Louis on a new account) I don't think I've ever named my work but I'm amused that you did, it's cute, like a pet.

commentCommented on: Wed Jun 20, 2007 @ 02:49pm
User Image

Question: Who's coming to Otakon?! And will you be selling lots of fun stuff?! (I want gaia undies)

Moonlight Silver
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Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Jun 20, 2007 @ 05:27pm
Racing is not the first competitive game. Gaia Fishing was not only THE first game on Gaia, it's also the FIRST competitive Gaia game, and for the moment it is still the ONLY game on Gaia that awards real prizes for said competition: trophies.

commentCommented on: Wed Jun 20, 2007 @ 06:00pm
Congrats on your 50th journal entry!!! ^O^

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Jun 20, 2007 @ 06:00pm
kuuuul! whee

but this means you were getting overloaded with lots of art whee

commentCommented on: Wed Jun 20, 2007 @ 09:32pm
Just a second....

personaly, I don't like racing, but customizing your car is fun.... Also, lifted the restriction? Cool! I'll try to do something....

....I have to go find something to beat you to death with....

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Neurotic Unicorn
Community Member
commentCommented on: Thu Jun 21, 2007 @ 01:46am
Lawlz at Film Springfield!
Cars were a surprise for sure. Good work to everyone.
They are loads of fun, but need some work like ways to bet on races and more colors and such. Which leads me to my questions...

1. Will we be getting shop updates in the future for auto items?
2. Will there be racing trophies or prizes awarded in the future as in fishing?
3. Will there be some kind of betting machine for races between users in the future?
4. Who all will be attending the KiKi Road Trip, admin and staff wise?
5. Springfield the Simpsons live in, what state?
(and it can't be Ohio, I live 15min away from that Springfield and it's "hood" as hell)

MUAH! heart Big pixel smooches for you Fleepy

commentCommented on: Thu Jun 21, 2007 @ 04:47am
Thought of a good question. ;D
Will you go to Acen on the Kiki Kitty Road Trip?
You know you want to. ;D

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Thu Jun 21, 2007 @ 06:41am
Love the art guild! Thanks for clearing that up about the cars/battle system.

commentCommented on: Thu Jun 21, 2007 @ 01:07pm
I still need to race you.
ninja ninja

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Gothic Waffle
Community Member
commentCommented on: Thu Jun 21, 2007 @ 02:52pm
So much art @__@

And my question is this: What do the Gaia Offices look like? Are they regular cubicles?

commentCommented on: Thu Jun 21, 2007 @ 08:05pm
I have decided, that Fleep, is woot, and thus, fwoot!

Dwarf Woot
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Wrath of Ezekiel
Community Member
commentCommented on: Thu Jun 21, 2007 @ 09:43pm
So Fleep, I have an interesting question to ask. Who decided to bring the Kiki Kitty tour up to FanExpo in Toronto, Canada?
The thing is now it's like mandatory for me to go to it. XD

commentCommented on: Thu Jun 21, 2007 @ 09:44pm
i willlook add your guild and i maybe make art for you sometimes .

as for the questions

can you give us an percentage botu the batlle sytem how much it isnt finished like (75% finished) or something

can you also to that with non sponsored questst

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Beelzeboss Devil of Metal
Community Member
commentCommented on: Thu Jun 21, 2007 @ 10:29pm
have yet to comment in a while and I feel like the poorest person who reads this journal after your removal from the spotlight
HALLOWED BE THY NAME OF GAIA CARS! I am perhaps too good at that game
i would meet up andx rally with the inventor of cars him(her, Zurg)self and destroy them XD
AND now for my question
herd ya lyke mudkipz? yay or nay?

commentCommented on: Thu Jun 21, 2007 @ 11:43pm
Sweet! An art guild for Fleep? AWESOME!!
As sad as it sounds I can actually picture Lanzer in a small dark room coding something like that ...

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