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Gaia Life
A catalog of my experiences as an employee and citizen of Gaia.
Week Eighty-One: In Between Days
Hey guys,

So we're a week into the Summer Festival and the big water balloon fight is nearing a close. It's been an insane couple of weeks, and this one was craziest (even though I didn't spend as much time in the office).

I'm spending this Labor Day weekend trying to rapidly decompress from the stress of running events.

Slippery When Wet
This event had a few hitches, but all in all I consider it a success. We tried to take some of the best parts of past events, and then spent a lot more time focused on what is actually fun in terms of gameplay.

It's looks like I kicked a lot of the glitches in the butt, except for the glitch where items occasionally don't grant (although, that's tied to other issues on the site - not the event specifically).

The burden now falls upon our event team to make Halloween even better. Aieee, that's a really tall order gonk We have some cool ideas, though, and we're going to start development ASAP!

And Justice For All
One of the toughest parts of this event has been managing user personalities, mentalities, and speculation. After a number of glitches (and being one of the sole keepers of the secrets behind pumping, team size, and active members) I've had to act as referee for the event and make decisions which not everyone liked, but that was necessary to get on with the game.

During the run of this event, especially in the patchy parts, I found myself getting hundreds of PMs from users who decided that the more they PMed me with complaints, the more likely I was to give points to their team rofl There was even a thread on one of the teams' home forums called "EVERYONE PM FLEEP!"

The funniest thing, for me, is how many users thought other teams' users were hacking Gaia to increase their score. I had to make a sticky thread in the event forum saying that nobody was cheating, that the event was proceeding as intended, etc. etc.

The Score
One decision I made at the very last minute (because I thought it was important for users to have fun with this event) was to allow users to see a score breakdown, and to track their launch times.

Generally, I think that an understanding of how their actions affected their teams' score was a good thing and a necessary change. Users knew where to focus their efforts, they were able to organize their teams to work towards common goals, and they became more aware of the potential negative repercussions of hitting a particular team, or throwing water balloons instead of pumping.

I couldn't let them know EVERYTHING about the mechanics of the event -- like how "Active Members" are calculated or how pumping times are adjusted for each time. Too much of an understanding of these specifics would open this event far too wide for cheating and exploitation.

Even with the limited information we gave them, users have found ways to get the upper hand in a negative fashion. It also gave them a reason to complain to me with mountains of math based on nothing at all. A very popular example of this was users who calculated the "pumps per person" average on each team and complaining that Durem's was higher than everyone else's. Two things on the matter:

1) I got, without a doubt, the most # of complaints from team Durem, which wouldn't bother me so much except that they were so far ahead of everyone else most of the event.

2) The average pumps-per-person doesn't really have any relevance with regards to pumping times or launches. The event may indirectly change this value, but there are so many other factors involved that focusing on this will get you nowhere.

Rage Against With The Machine
One of the unfortunate aspects of this event (and something we'll hopefully have a better solution for in future events) is the amount of unacceptable hostility that's cropped up during the event.

On the one side, it's really cool that users are getting SO into the event. Some have taken it so seriously that when they thought the game was unfair, they were prepared to quit Gaia. All that tells me is that they take Gaia more seriously than anyone (I wonder if this type of user is actually less likely to quit than other users?)

On the much more obvious side, some of the behavior breaks Gaia's rules, is hurtful, and is just plain stupid. I'm upset that certain mean-spirited users decided to bring down the tone of the event in this way, and I'm apologetic to our moderation team who had to deal with the fallout from flaming in the event forums.

No Rest for the Weary
I usually don't like to include Gaia in my time off (well, mostly after 3 weeks of almost literally doing nothing but Gaia), but I decided that after this crazy week and last-week's half-written journal entry, I owed you guys my thoughts on the event so far.

That in mind, even though the event's not over yet, I'd like some feedback on a couple of things. You can either include it in your journal response, or PM it directly to me:

Fleep's Summer Festival 2007 Feedback Questions

1. Do you like that there was a competitive aspect in this event?

2. Did you like the media pack? Should we release things like this for future events?

3. Did you feel that the event lasted too long?

4. Did you feel as though there was enough new content during the first week to keep you interested (release, media pack, manga)

5. How do you feel about this event as compared to past events?

6. Would you like to see this event again next year?

7. What was your favorite thing about this event?

8. What would you have changed about the event?

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Freya Rising
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Sep 02, 2007 @ 11:15pm
1. Do you like that there was a competitive aspect in this event?
-Yes, very much so.

2. Did you like the media pack? Should we release things like this for future events?
-Definetely. This adds a sense of contribution and involvement, and that we can show support with official art

3. Did you feel that the event lasted too long?
-Not long enough.
4. Did you feel as though there was enough new content during the first week to keep you interested (release, media pack, manga)
-I would liked to have seen maybe one of two more items, or at least a new pose for the squirt gun so we can hold it in one hand, not two.

5. How do you feel about this event as compared to past events?
-Much better and well handled. For the most part, glitch free. The 3 moinutes is perfect, as 4 or 5 was like the event was dragging itself.

6. Would you like to see this event again next year?
-Yes, of course!

7. What was your favorite thing about this event?
-The items and the large scale of involvement and participation with the user base

8. What would you have changed about the event?
-More items, and maybe more media pack items.

commentCommented on: Sun Sep 02, 2007 @ 11:22pm
1. Do you like that there was a competitive aspect in this event?
Some people were seriously mean.But once you ignore them it's cool ^^

2. Did you like the media pack? Should we release things like this for future events?
Yes it was great!I'd love some more Gaia Backgrounds for creating mini comics of our own.

3. Did you feel that the event lasted too long?
Hmmm in a way yes but it was alot of fun.

4. Did you feel as though there was enough new content during the first week to keep you interested (release, media pack, manga).
Hmmm yes!The manga was the best part heart

5. How do you feel about this event as compared to past events?
There was alot of gold and water balloon granting as gifts.
I thought the items would be like halloween,you know 2k7 summer shirt,2k7 summer sandals,bucket & Spade etc.

6. Would you like to see this event again next year?

7. What was your favorite thing about this event?
Manga! blaugh
The pools in towns!

8. What would you have changed about the event?
Giving gold as gifts,See No.5.
People would be alot more greatful for once off summer collection clothes.
But I guess with Summer over,I can see now that any summery items wouldn't be in fashion for particularly long.

Great work guys heart

Emo In A Teacup
Community Member
Yeata Zi
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Sep 02, 2007 @ 11:28pm
Fleep's Summer Festival 2007 Feedback ANSWERS!

1. Do you like that there was a competitive aspect in this event? Yush. "Twas fun.... even so.

2. Did you like the media pack? Should we release things like this for future events? Erm.... It was cool. Ad.... I think so <3

3. Did you feel that the event lasted too long? Ehhhhh... I had my meter filled the first day.... But.... for others it took longer......

4. Did you feel as though there was enough new content during the first week to keep you interested (release, media pack, manga)..... I was rather busy the entire week.... and... basically.... Was only active the first day XP..... but teh manga was nice.

5. How do you feel about this event as compared to past events? A+ I liked how it involved all aspects of Gaia...... it would be cool (for future stuff) If you somehow decorated other games (like Slots...) Just for the heck of it.

6. Would you like to see this event again next year? Sure <3

7. What was your favorite thing about this event? Ehhhh..... I'm a bit of a plot-head..... so.... the manga update was great..... I also really liked the drench-o-meter titles.... they made me giggle.

8. What would you have changed about the event? Nothing really.... Well..... maybe I'd allow pumping in all threads (because I'm Lazy)

commentCommented on: Sun Sep 02, 2007 @ 11:29pm
Very nice. Probably one of the best events yet, in my opinion, though I think it should've be cut a little shorter.

Anyways, good job with the event. 3nodding Here's hoping Halloween is good and that Jack doesn't forget how to count.

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Sep 02, 2007 @ 11:30pm
1. Do you like that there was a competitive aspect in this event?

2. Did you like the media pack? Should we release things like this for future events?
Yes! Especially because I saw several people charging others for banners to put in their sigs before the media pack came out.

3. Did you feel that the event lasted too long?
I think about a week is a good. It scared me at first when it was August 27-September 7th! But when the annoucement about the 3rd came out I felt MUCH better!

4. Did you feel as though there was enough new content during the first week to keep you interested (release, media pack, manga)
Definitely! I think it would be a good idea to release the media pack the first day!

5. How do you feel about this event as compared to past events?
I liked it a lot because it really requires you to spend a lot of time doing things to help your team, rather than just posting here and there and running around towns to collect items.

6. Would you like to see this event again next year?
Yes, definitely!

7. What was your favorite thing about this event?
My favorite part by far was the competition. I really enjoyed running around the forums chatting with people and pumping water.

8. What would you have changed about the event?
Other than glitches? Nothing really. Maybe adding a prize for pumping? In any case, it was really great.

Nice job on the event! I loved it!

commentCommented on: Sun Sep 02, 2007 @ 11:45pm
1. Do you like that there was a competitive aspect in this event?

I did and I didn't. I loved the fact that we had different teams, I thought that was a great idea. It was a great way for users with similar interests to join up and act as one, and hopefully walk away with a bunch of new friends to enjoy future events with.
What I didn't like about the competitiveness was how everyone ganged up on eachother and accused them of hacking the event or cheating. It was also unfortunate that members from Durem would spam up other teams forums with "hate threads" I am not hating on Durem at all, I was a member of it, but what certain users where doing was unfortunate. Other teams did it as well, but I found that durem let our winning streak get to them a bit.

2. Did you like the media pack? Should we release things like this for future events?

The media was a great idea, users used it to make a lot of great banners. I would love to see it a future events.

3. Did you feel that the event lasted too long?

I think it is a perfect length, a little bit longer would be too much, and a little bit shorter would be too short. I believe it was a perfect length for the type of event you were running.

4. Did you feel as though there was enough new content during the first week to keep you interested (release, media pack, manga)

Definitely, the Manga was amazing by the way, the story is getting so exciting!

5. How do you feel about this event as compared to past events?

One of my favourites by far. The site didn't even slow down with all of the traffic it was getting. Well done Fleep and team!

6. Would you like to see this event again next year?

Yes I would, you can never have too many events!

7. What was your favorite thing about this event?

The teamwork required to win the event. I loved how dedicated some users were, it really inspired me to keep going and win it for them. That made it so much fun.

8. What would you have changed about the event?

I really can't say, I am out of creative ideas for today. But I think the fact that I can't think of anything to change is a good thing xP. Maybe an event item as a reward for pumping? I know there is one for the winning team, but an item for reaching a pump number would be cool.

Thanks for all your hard work fleep! Get some rest!

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Sep 02, 2007 @ 11:52pm
1. Do you like that there was a competitive aspect in this event? I do. It made things tough, but interesting. :3

2. Did you like the media pack? Should we release things like this for future events? I didn't use it, but I still thought it was really cool! If you were to have them again, I think I would release it before or at the same time as the event. however, so there's more time to advertise your team before everybody's joined up.

3. Did you feel that the event lasted too long? Some people might enjoy it that way, but after a while I kind of lost interest.

4. Did you feel as though there was enough new content during the first week to keep you interested (release, media pack, manga) I was certainly interested in the new content, which in turn encouraged me to pump more so yeah. I think so.

5. How do you feel about this event as compared to past events? It wads unique and fun, but it's hard to top Caroling and Egg Hunting. They're at about the same level.

6. Would you like to see this event again next year? Sure, why not?

7. What was your favorite thing about this event? I really liked the pools and water-balloons in Towns. Especially the pools for some reason. Ah, the simple things. whee (Unfortunatly, I was only able to get into Towns once, but I still really enjoyed it.)

8. What would you have changed about the event? I would've made Gambino win! >.0 (I kid, I kid.)

Gambino forEVER!!!!

commentCommented on: Sun Sep 02, 2007 @ 11:52pm
1. Do you like that there was a competitive aspect in this event?
I'm iffy on this one. Overall, yes, Competition keeps one sharp, and keeps interest going for longer than it would otherwise. It also, however, has an unfortunate tendency to bring out the worst in people. I was seriously dismayed by the immaturity so many Gaians have displayed during the course of the event, and of course, I am sad that my team is dead last, despite making a dedicated and concentrated effort to pump regularly whenever I'm online.

It's hard to feel competitive when, after doing all I can, the hard work shows absolutely no benefit.

2. Did you like the media pack? Should we release things like this for future events?
It was pretty cool, yeah. A lot of users seem to have made good use out of it. Some did things in pretty damned poor taste, but ... again, competition always brings out the absolute worst in people, doesn't it?

3. Did you feel that the event lasted too long?
... kinda, yes. A simple week would have been fine. I've lost track of how long it's been going on but it seems like "Forever" ... >.<

4. Did you feel as though there was enough new content during the first week to keep you interested (release, media pack, manga)
Not really. The competitive aspect, as mentioned, kept me interested, as well as the potential promise of prizes. Adding new content later on over the course of a long event just seems to be attempting to stretch something out. Most people I know were done with the event entirely after getting the items, as there was little real reason for them to stick with it.

5. How do you feel about this event as compared to past events?
There were a lot fewer glitches compared to events of '04 and '05, which always pleases me. I haven't seen as much outright asshattery as I did with the '05 Halloween, but there were nevertheless a lot more jerks than some other events. The concept of a Waterballoon fight was a great one, though in my experience, they tend to be more "free for alls" rather than "team efforts." I'd have had a lot more fun if it was a simple waterballoon fight, and I could hit anyone, rather than needing concentrate my efforts on pumping (which is, to be honest, is just as boring and tedious as bumping, which is part of why I gradually slacked off on it) to support an obviously-failing "team effort."

6. Would you like to see this event again next year?
Perhaps a revised edition, yes. I absolutely adored the water ballooning in Towns and the pools. It was neat getting my meter up to get the items--the custom titles were hilarious. For such a long event, I'd love to see higher goals than just 50--like I said, most people I know were bored after just a day. I'd rather see things based more on individuals though, than teams. xp

7. What was your favorite thing about this event?
I really liked that a lot of information was readily available--the way scoring works, the best ways to earn points for the team, and the obvious meter to demonstrate our progress in getting the items.

8. What would you have changed about the event?
If I was to design a team game like this... I actually think I would have hidden each team's score and member count until after the event. It'd prevent people from joining a team at the last minute just to be on the "winning team" and could also have placed a limit of sorts on the inter-team bickering, of one team lording their lead over the others, of low-scored teams losing spirit and giving up, stuff like that. The guessing would have had people on edge with the mystery of it all.

But I'm just evil like that. biggrin

Anyways, overall I'd say this event was successful. And it doesn't surprise me at all that Team Durem is #1 in Bitching. rofl

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Mon Sep 03, 2007 @ 12:21am
Fleep's Summer Festival 2007 Feedback Questions

1. Do you like that there was a competitive aspect in this event?
I liked it yet hated it. It brought an aspect of working together that Gaia has never seen before but it also brought about some very intense flaming. Sure it was ok to go to another town forum and say "You guys are goin down" but some people started being completely offensive.

2. Did you like the media pack? Should we release things like this for future events?
The media pack wasn't something I liked in particular but everyone seemed to enjoy it and I suggest you keep doing it.

3. Did you feel that the event lasted too long?
I think it would be better suited to be 5 days. That way the Friday night could be a last stand for some teams.

4. Did you feel as though there was enough new content during the first week to keep you interested (release, media pack, manga)
No. I think you need to introduce new aspects as you go. Like maybe the balloons are all you have at first but then the superweapons could be released on the third day as a way to get people inspired to start pumping and come back for a win.

5. How do you feel about this event as compared to past events?
Much better since it was mroe then just one button. You had two different options and the team aspect going. Definately best event yet.

6. Would you like to see this event again next year?
Yes but definately some improvments to it and new aspects. I especially would like something like the superweapon hitting another team puts their superweapon back to zero.

7. What was your favorite thing about this event?
Having a team to support. Being proud of belonging to a team. Working with friends and making new ones. It was the best thing to bring Gaia closer together as a community ever.

8. What would you have changed about the event?
The superweapons hitting reduces another teams superweapon pumping OR makes that team lose points. The glitches. Obviously not planned but rolleyes . Another way to come back. Some teams fell too far behind near the end and I felt a little bad about that. I know this is almost uncontrollable but keeping flaming down.

commentCommented on: Mon Sep 03, 2007 @ 12:23am
1. Do you like that there was a competitive aspect in this event?
- Yes, it got me more into the event and I participated more.

2. Did you like the media pack? Should we release things like this for future events?
- I thought the media pack was nice but I didn't use it. It is nice to have to have the option, though.

3. Did you feel that the event lasted too long?
- No, I think it lasted a fair amount of time. :3

4. Did you feel as though there was enough new content during the first week to keep you interested (release, media pack, manga)
- I thought there was a lot of content. I was content with the content.

5. How do you feel about this event as compared to past events?
- It was a breath of fresh air. It was good to have something new and compete against other Gaians.

6. Would you like to see this event again next year?
- I would like to see an event similar to this except, next year, I want to be on the winning team.

7. What was your favorite thing about this event?
- I like the water gun~<3

8. What would you have changed about the event?
- I wouldn't have changed much of anything...Except let Gambino win next time.
We deserve it.

Community Member
[damaged roses]
Community Member
commentCommented on: Mon Sep 03, 2007 @ 12:31am
Fleep's Summer Festival 2007 Feedback Questions

1. Do you like that there was a competitive aspect in this event?
-I liked it, a lot. It helped with the spirit of the event.

2. Did you like the media pack? Should we release things like this for future events?
-Yes and YES! That was so unexpected... it was like a little gift from Gaia. It showed how into it you guys even were.

3. Did you feel that the event lasted too long?
-Just a tad, but I was more into the having fun with it than the hardcore pumping, winning aspect. Those that are really hardcore into the event might think differently.

4. Did you feel as though there was enough new content during the first week to keep you interested (release, media pack, manga)
-During the first three days it felt like I was doing the same thing, so I got bored. After the media pack and release, it got more entertaining, built up the spirit again.

5. How do you feel about this event as compared to past events?
-This is the most fun I've had with an event. I haven't seen users come together so quickly like they did for this in such a long time.

6. Would you like to see this event again next year?

7. What was your favorite thing about this event?
The items and gold! ;D No, it was the fact I could pelt people in forums and towns with balloons, squirt guns, and just... you could tell you guys really worked on it and it showed. That was my favorite part of it.

8. What would you have changed about the event?
I would've given it less time running than it did.

commentCommented on: Mon Sep 03, 2007 @ 12:54am
1. Do you like that there was a competitive aspect in this event?
It works both ways really, I loved the comraderie and teamwork aspect, but some people took it too far and really took the fun out of it for my team and others.

2. Did you like the media pack? Should we release things like this for future events? heart YUSH LOVED IT TO PIECES!

3. Did you feel that the event lasted too long?
No, it's about right 3nodding

4. Did you feel as though there was enough new content during the first week to keep you interested (release, media pack, manga)
No, surprised sorry but I lost my intrest in pumping the second day and have'nt went back since. Went back for the manga and i'll go back for the movie, I won't be pumping anymore though.

5. How do you feel about this event as compared to past events?

6. Would you like to see this event again next year?
I could live without it...

7. What was your favorite thing about this event?
Pools in town heart

8. What would you have changed about the event?
there would have been something more to do in towns , you could have had balloons thrown in town count for team scores. water balloons = awesome gold sink! And Fleep would have been on Durem evil

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Mon Sep 03, 2007 @ 01:10am
1. Do you like that there was a competitive aspect in this event?
    Yes, since it gets more people involved and puts most aggression to good use.

2. Did you like the media pack? Should we release things like this for future events?
    It was alright. I personally didn't use it since it released after the event lost it's appeal to me, but it was still kind of neat. I'm sure others enjoyed it much more.

3. Did you feel that the event lasted too long?
    Yes. A 3-day weekend event would've been perfect, but after the third day, I didn't even bother.

4. Did you feel as though there was enough new content during the first week to keep you interested (release, media pack, manga)
    Nope, but over a shorter time frame, I think it would've faired better.

5. How do you feel about this event as compared to past events?
    It was okay and I did enjoy it for a while, but it felt like a rehashed Halloween 04/Halloween 2k6 forum game, overall. Split everyone up into teams and have them perform actions to work towards a goal, while dealing with flood control measures. Seems like a difficult area for innovation, though.

6. Would you like to see this event again next year?
    As in an event for Summer, yes. This particular one, probably not so much.

7. What was your favorite thing about this event?
    Just getting to chat with others from vastly different areas of the site.

8. What would you have changed about the event?
    Definitely shortened the time frame for the event and maybe have a higher target for those who want to spend more time in the event. Honestly, I got to my 50 balloon hits, pumped 100 times and got tired all in a day and a half.
    Perhaps having the event reflected throughout the site more would get more people involved as well.

commentCommented on: Mon Sep 03, 2007 @ 01:20am
1. Do you like that there was a competitive aspect in this event?
I did actually. However, there will always be people who take things more seriously, I like how we had sort of, teams. I think similar concepts could be used in future events. Like, this Halloween. You could divide teams not only by skins, but by alliance. (I.E. You can be a Vampire/Werewolf/Whatever that sides with the "Good Guys" or a Gaian that sides with the "Bad". Or you could have a skin and be neutral.)

2. Did you like the media pack? Should we release things like this for future events?
I loved it! Gaia needs more graphics we can use. I'd love to see an Image Archive besides that photobucket account.

3. Did you feel that the event lasted too long?
Well, I liked the chance it gave other users to play, but I finished it in the first day.

4. Did you feel as though there was enough new content during the first week to keep you interested (release, media pack, manga)
Well, I loved the manga and media pack, but the thing is all there was left to do was Pump after the first day. If you had the event evolve as it progressed, story wise, I'd enjoy it more. Have a Gradual build up to the manga.
Also, If nothing happens next week, before MMVII, I'll be sort of disappointed. Have an NPC post or something. XD In fact, if you sent out another "Secret Message" from an anonymous NPC ([NPC] Deep Throat, XD) to draw us into the Ian's backstory a bit more, I'd love that.
5. How do you feel about this event as compared to past events?
It was very fun! My event experience is somewhat limited, but this one of the most fun Events I've ever participated in.
6. Would you like to see this event again next year?
Oh yes, but with slightly more NPC interaction, and plot stuff.
7. What was your favorite thing about this event?
I love the fact you brought the NPCs back. XD Liam and Sasha were blank for so long.
8. What would you have changed about the event?
I'd like to see more plot involvement. Even just going on in the background. Give us something to talk about while we play. Also, add in rewards for pumping. It gets boring after a while.

Cube B
Community Member
President Pikachu
Community Member
commentCommented on: Mon Sep 03, 2007 @ 01:24am
1. Do you like that there was a competitive aspect in this event?
~Yes, it helped people build teams and make new friends, which was pretty cool.

2. Did you like the media pack? Should we release things like this for future events?
~Yes, it was an awesome idea.

3. Did you feel that the event lasted too long?
~No, but after a few days I was done with it.

4. Did you feel as though there was enough new content during the first week to keep you interested (release, media pack, manga)
~Yes, but more never hurts. 3nodding

5. How do you feel about this event as compared to past events?
~It was better than the rest this year imo.

6. Would you like to see this event again next year?
~Yes. Summer doesn't have holidays, but we have summer break so many gaians are online, and we need an event to keep us busy.

7. What was your favorite thing about this event?

8. What would you have changed about the event?
~I probably would've just added the storyline into the event.

commentCommented on: Mon Sep 03, 2007 @ 01:40am
1. Do you like that there was a competitive aspect in this event?
Yes, it made it more fun to be on an opposing team to a friend and be able to "get" each other while keeping a friendly conversation going.

2. Did you like the media pack? Should we release things like this for future events?
The media pack was neat. It saved me the trouble of digging through the pages code to find the images I wanted. :p

3. Did you feel that the event lasted too long?
It lasted long enough for me to get items on 5 mules so far, one at a time, so I wasn't stressed about getting them as fast as possible. Not that I'd want to see every event last so long. Sometimes a frantic pace is a good thing, but in summer, leisure is the feel of the season.

4. Did you feel as though there was enough new content during the first week to keep you interested (release, media pack, manga)
Yes, it was somewhat like a real event in that they scheduled more things spanned over time to keep customers coming. You just lacked cold hot dogs and overpriced water and beer. xd

5. How do you feel about this event as compared to past events?
It was very fun, I didn't feel like I had to compete too hard to have fun, and I didn't feel that anyone had an unfair advantage. And I'm Aekea, in 2nd place xd

6. Would you like to see this event again next year?
Yes, very much so.

7. What was your favorite thing about this event?
The items! xd I'm an item whore of course. I also liked being able to randomly smack others with the balloons, and make it a playful point of conversation.

8. What would you have changed about the event?
I'd have had NPCs set to post randomly, so we could soak/pump them as well. You could soak the same person more than once, so it would have been more of a race to get to them first with a balloon, but after that, you could still say you did it. 3nodding

Personally, I had a good time. I got into a thread with other people my same age who have the same way of thinking (forgive me, but it was in Gambino crying ) and we had fun and conversations and thankfully I missed out on the trolling (my compliments to the diligent moderation staff!) because I was told it was the epilepsy trolls. gonk

Now, get your asses on the Halloween event! scream
I want skins 'n items! blaugh

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Mon Sep 03, 2007 @ 01:55am
1. Do you like that there was a competitive aspect in this event?

Yes, it made it fun. The majority did keep it light hearted but some people really did take it too personally.

2. Did you like the media pack? Should we release things like this for future events?

Big Yes from me, I love being able to download the all the pictures instead of waiting for them to appear. Good quality pictures enabled us to make better signatures and it's nice to be able to keep it for future reference. I'd love to see it used again, especially for Halloween.

3. Did you feel that the event lasted too long?

A little, maybe five days would have been better.

4. Did you feel as though there was enough new content during the first week to keep you interested (release, media pack, manga)

This week has been great for content and it's the first manga I've stayed up to read page by page. Being in a different time zone does restrict this most of the time.

5. How do you feel about this event as compared to past events?

I compare it to recent events and it's been one of the best. Nothing compares to H2K4 though, unless you have us slaying one another during this Halloween. The Buffy freak in me is hoping for a 'Mr Pointy' as an event item this year.

6. Would you like to see this event again next year?

Oh yes, I think it's been a great sucess. Viva L'Aekea next year xd

7. What was your favorite thing about this event?

I think the team spirit and the fact that it brings people from different forums together. People we might never meet otherwise, that's always the best part about events.

8. What would you have changed about the event?

Don't encourage teams to invade the other teams forums, it brought out the worsed behaviour in some people. In fact it would be nice to 'lock' those forums from other teams, not so they couldn't read but so they couldn't post. It just got a little harsh in there.

Question for you:

19th September, are you going to dress like a pirate and encourage the rest of team to do so in the office? It is Talk Like a Pirate Day afterall xd

commentCommented on: Mon Sep 03, 2007 @ 02:01am
I'd first like to say thank you very much, Fleep, for working so hard on this event. Get some rest, though, you deserve it!

Fleep's Summer Festival 2007 Feedback Answers:

1. Do you like that there was a competitive aspect in this event?
Yes, I kind of did. I didn't know what team to join so I split the decision between my main and mule. My mule is winning while my main is sooo last xd
I mostly stayed in my own threads, though, so I didn't witness much flaming.

2. Did you like the media pack? Should we release things like this for future events?
Yes, I liked the media pack. I didn't use it, though, because I'm not artistically inclined. The media pack made me feel like I had permission to use Gaia images. Usually if I save images to my computer, I feel like I'm stealing even if I give appropriate credit.

3. Did you feel that the event lasted too long?
No, I think it was great to have the event last this long. My classes started the same week as the event so this length of time was enough for me to get involved with the event as well as attend school and complete homework. I do think, however, that only the summer event should be this long. Other events should be timed as they have been in the past.

4. Did you feel as though there was enough new content during the first week to keep you interested (release, media pack, manga)
Yes. As I said in question 3, I just started classes. I didn't have the chance to get online for the release of the manga so the fact that I was distraught over choosing homework rather than Gaia...kept me more interested.

5. How do you feel about this event as compared to past events?
I like how things seemed more organized. I actually enjoyed the Zurg invasion of the forums, so I think maybe there should be more NPC interaction in the forums.

6. Would you like to see this event again next year?
Well, maybe not the same exact event, but another Olympics would be enjoyable. I wasn't around for the first one.

7. What was your favorite thing about this event?
Probably the plot update. I really love stories ^^
Other than that, I don't think I can really choose one favorite thing. I always like items, and I enjoyed getting gold because it means I'm that much closer to my endless quests xd
I really liked that fact that I was part of a designated team, one recognized by all of Gaia, not just a support thread that I've joined.

8. What would you have changed about the event?
Um...I'm not sure. I don't like the fact that Isle de Gambino is last...but I suppose I could have done more to support it.
Instead of gold as prizes, maybe we could have more items. But I'm happy with what I have, so I don't really know if I would change anything.

Crystal Kinamoto
Community Member
Sir Knil the Sky Knight
Community Member
commentCommented on: Mon Sep 03, 2007 @ 02:25am
This is my first time commenting on one of your entries. I have been a regular reader though. xp ninja

My responses:
1.I greatly enjoyed the competitive aspect.

2.The media pack was a nice addition. I think it's a good idea to release similar stuff with future events.

3.No, I feel the amount of time for the event is good enough.

4.Yes, there was enough new content to renew my interest when it was starting to fade.

5.This is one of my favorite events since I joined back in Jan. '06.

6.I would love to see a second annual Summer Festival.

7.Quite a toughy. I think the aspect of competition encouraging users to be active in forums was my favorite.

8.Perhaps give more inncentive to pumping other than earning points. Perhaps besides a rank for throwing balloons, a pumping rank as well with a few different grants would be nice to add on to the event.

Bottom line:
I enjoyed this event. It's a nice change of pace from the more simplistic ones for Gaia's Anniversary, St. Pattrick's Day, and Easter.

commentCommented on: Mon Sep 03, 2007 @ 02:52am
Fleep's Summer Festival 2007 Feedback Questions

1. Do you like that there was a competitive aspect in this event?

2. Did you like the media pack? Should we release things like this for future events?
Thought it was kind of useless.. Most people just "save image as" to make signs and stuff

3. Did you feel that the event lasted too long?
Mehhhh... It was fine..

4. Did you feel as though there was enough new content during the first week to keep you interested (release, media pack, manga)
I just wanted to win the event. xD;;
I don't like spending money on event giveaway items

5. How do you feel about this event as compared to past events?
I thought it was nice to have only 1 giveaway type thing, I HATED last year's Christmas Event.. WE had to post and, we had to carol.. it just had TOO many things going on.

6. Would you like to see this event again next year?
LOTS of storyline, I LOVE storyline.
I loved this event, I just wish that.. the balloon fight's.. like.. balloons brang down people's scores by 5?
I 'unno.
Nevermind. xD It was perfect.

7. What was your favorite thing about this event?
The shirts

8. What would you have changed about the event?
I would love that.
A very light brown shirt, but a cute chibi bear head on it, that came in S/M/XL sizes.
Nothing else though.

The Sexy G
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commentCommented on: Mon Sep 03, 2007 @ 03:25am
Just a second....

I think you did great Fleep...

1. Do you like that there was a competitive aspect in this event? Yes

2. Did you like the media pack? Should we release things like this for future events? Yes

3. Did you feel that the event lasted too long? No

4. Did you feel as though there was enough new content during the first week to keep you interested (release, media pack, manga) Yes

5. How do you feel about this event as compared to past events? It was better than most...

6. Would you like to see this event again next year? Perhaps, but with a twist...

7. What was your favorite thing about this event? The items...

8. What would you have changed about the event? The ability to to make topics in the enemy forums...

....I have to go find something to beat you to death with....

commentCommented on: Mon Sep 03, 2007 @ 03:31am
||1. Do you like that there was a competitive aspect in this event?

Yes. I found that to be the best part. It's always good to have a healthy competition every once in a while.

||2. Did you like the media pack? Should we release things like this for future events?

Yes. Yes. I would like to see something animated maybe. Like the lead NPC throwing a water balloon, perhaps shouting the teams name.

||3. Did you feel that the event lasted too long?

When I thought it was going to be 2 weeks then yes. But when I found out it was, give or take, a week I found it to be just enough time to have fun but not feel as though it was dragged out.

||4. Did you feel as though there was enough new content during the first week to keep you interested (release, media pack, manga)

Yes. When the media pack came out, it was at a good time when nothing but pumping was getting a little redundant. It was like a moral boost. Same goes for the manga. It reminded me that there was going to be something new and more exciting coming up in the future for Gaia.

||5. How do you feel about this event as compared to past events?

I found it to be more interactive. It was the peoples game. Unlike with the Zurg Plot, where it was more like converting to someone else's way of thinking.

||6. Would you like to see this event again next year?

Yea and no. I would like to see you guys trying to outdo yourselves. That's what makes life so entrusting, when you try to better what you've already made "perfect."

||7. What was your favorite thing about this event?

The comradery that was shown through the positive players of every team. Maybe it will be the Grand Prize too when I see it wink

||8. What would you have changed about the event?

All the flaming that took place. It really was a shame. It kind of brought down the moral at times. It wasn't really what people would say, it was more the fact that they would take it that far. Poor sportsmanship can ruin any game.

||All in all it was a great event. I want to thank you and the others who worked on it. I can't wait to see what you guys have in store for us next ^.^User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

Digital Puppetry
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commentCommented on: Mon Sep 03, 2007 @ 04:03am
1. Do you like that there was a competitive aspect in this event?
i enjoyed the competitive aspect very much. it's been a while since i've been involved in a team competition and i really enjoyed being in one again. (i need to start playing soccer again xd )

2. Did you like the media pack? Should we release things like this for future events?
the media pack was cool. i saw a lot of people use it for banners. i didn't use it, but that's more because i was busy pumping and doing school work this week.

3. Did you feel that the event lasted too long?
it's too short! gonk i was excited to have the competition last two weeks, with the team that was the most dedicated winning. it was depressing hearing that the water fight would end after only a week.

4. Did you feel as though there was enough new content during the first week to keep you interested (release, media pack, manga)
there was enough content to keep me interested (not saying i wouldn't like more, though ninja ).

5. How do you feel about this event as compared to past events?
i liked it more than the past events, but that's probably because i really got into this one. i definantly liked it better than the 'click the floating thing' events, though those are fine for small holidays. i enjoyed the fact that you had to choose one team, which hasn't really happened before.

6. Would you like to see this event again next year?
i would love to see this event again next year. i would even like to see it happen at about the same time. it fit well between the end of my summer job and the start classes (since you don't really do anything the first week anyways).

7. What was your favorite thing about this event?
i just liked the event in general. there was a giant robot (got to love the giant robot...tell the plot guys to add some if you get a chance), competition, a bit of strategy, and it lasted a while.

8. What would you have changed about the event?
i would have changed the items slightly: had the squirt gun look more like a ray gun and have team vests instead of shirts. i can't wear the shirt with the squid shirt, which is sort of depressing. there aren't any event vests that i know of and i'd like to see some in the future (or have the squid set changed so shirts can be worn with it...but that's not anything you can change).

commentCommented on: Mon Sep 03, 2007 @ 04:46am

1. Do you like that there was a competitive aspect in this event? I did, really. I didn't do much after the first couple of days simply out of laziness, but when I was super active in the event, I did like the competition aspect.

2. Did you like the media pack? Should we release things like this for future events? What media pack? @_____@ (I either don't know about this or I'm really tired and can't comprehend your question)

3. Did you feel that the event lasted too long?
No, I'm glad that its long because it really gives the teams a chance to try and catch up.

4. Did you feel as though there was enough new content during the first week to keep you interested (release, media pack, manga)
Mmm, the first couple days, yes. The manga kept me entertained, but not so much the forum and gaining team points.

5. How do you feel about this event as compared to past events? Its great. : DD
Its definitely among the top events, including H2k4 and the Olympics event. <3

6. Would you like to see this event again next year? Mmm, I think it would be nice. Though maybe have it in the dead of summer so that we aren't too bored between Easter and Halloween.

7. What was your favorite thing about this event? The items are amazing. Seriously. Go art team! And the manga! <333

8. What would you have changed about the event? Maybe allowing members into different teams forums? It was rather annoying shifting through the Durem threads in the Aekea forum.

You all did amazing on the event.
Pepper's so proud. :' DD

In Between days...
I read a book with the same title.
It was okay-ish.

Community Member
Vincent Valentine-Jenova
Community Member
commentCommented on: Mon Sep 03, 2007 @ 04:52am
1. Do you like that there was a competitive aspect in this event? Yes and no. I love being able to pick a team, but some people can take the compotion too far.

2. Did you like the media pack? Should we release things like this for future events? I loved the media pack.

3. Did you feel that the event lasted too long? possibly... but as a beggining college student, I liked the ablity to not have to be online the whole time to do the event.

4. Did you feel as though there was enough new content during the first week to keep you interested (release, media pack, manga)
5. How do you feel about this event as compared to past events? Meh, I love all events equally... execpt for the PANTS!

6. Would you like to see this event again next year? Sure, it could be fun!

7. What was your favorite thing about this event? Ummm... being able to throw things at people... And the pools in town, that was a nice surprise.

8. What would you have changed about the event? Uh.... how many people complained... but that cant be helped...

Now, Fleep! GET SOME SLEEP! 3nodding

commentCommented on: Mon Sep 03, 2007 @ 05:13am

.:[I Came, I Polled, I Posted]:.

1. Do you like that there was a competitive aspect in this event?
Yes, but it was short lived for me. The incentive of Items was the main drives of it for me.

2. Did you like the media pack? Should we release things like this for future events?
Yes, but I wish it had other things that werent seen, like Art or wallpapers etc

3. Did you feel that the event lasted too long?
In terms of the Items given out, yes. The more the items, the longer the event.

4. Did you feel as though there was enough new content during the first week to keep you interested (release, media pack, manga)
Yes, but again lacking items.

5. How do you feel about this event as compared to past events?
It was a great event, very nice atmosphere leading up and starting the event. Was better than this years Valentines, St Patricks and Easter. But still, need more items.

6. Would you like to see this event again next year?

7. What was your favorite thing about this event?
The Competitive aspect of the event, and of course how that lead to getting items.

8. What would you have changed about the event?
More Items blaugh More Levels of achievement and rewards.

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Mon Sep 03, 2007 @ 05:15am
Fleep's Summer Festival 2007 Feedback Questions

1. Do you like that there was a competitive aspect in this event? i didnt really like the competitive aspect of it to be honest, users were getting very out of hand and rude and while i know you cant control the users reactions, i think it went too far.

2. Did you like the media pack? Should we release things like this for future events? yes, you should also release some desktop background and have the older ones available for use.

3. Did you feel that the event lasted too long? Yes, it should have only gone on for a couple of days, i know you all wanted to give all the users a chance to participate and get the items, however maybe running it over a weekend might work out better.

4. Did you feel as though there was enough new content during the first week to keep you interested (release, media pack, manga) for the most part, it just went for too long so it was hard to keep interested.

5. How do you feel about this event as compared to past events? it was much better than the st patricks day and easter events.

6. Would you like to see this event again next year? hm, maybe with the few suggestions added/removed

7. What was your favorite thing about this event? the items, hehe and also being able to drown Sasha with water balloons.

8. What would you have changed about the event? it went for too long and seperating the users into teams caused a lot of unneccessary aggression between users.

commentCommented on: Mon Sep 03, 2007 @ 05:22am
1. Do you like that there was a competitive aspect in this event?

Yup, it was pretty cool! biggrin

2. Did you like the media pack? Should we release things like this for future events?

I didn't personally use it but I think it's a really good idea. I'd like to see it released earlier in the event though, preferably on the first day...or maybe start with a couple images on the first day and then add a couple every day.

3. Did you feel that the event lasted too long?

Maybe a little, but I'm glad it lased as long as it did because I happened to be on vacation this week and don't have as much time to spend on the computer. (haha)

4. Did you feel as though there was enough new content during the first week to keep you interested (release, media pack, manga)?

Kind of. I would have liked to have seen some more variation in the mechanics of the event as time went on though...pumping and throwing balloons got pretty old after the first 2 or 3 days but I forced myself to keep going because I had 4 accounts that I needed to get items for. gonk

5. How do you feel about this event as compared to past events?

Well, the mechanics were pretty much the same as most of the other forum based events (click a button to perform an action on another user/npc), but the general unglitchiness of the event made it very enjoyable. 3nodding

6. Would you like to see this event again next year?

Not this particular event, no. I want to see another Olympics next year!!

7. What was your favorite thing about this event?

Throwing balloons was pretty fun, but I liked seeing all the team spirit in the forums most.

8. What would you have changed about the event?

- Discouraging 'raiding' other teams forums...it caused a lot of flaming.

- I'd really like to see new ways to earn points for your team being introduced later in the week. It was boring seeing Durem being so far ahead for practically the entire event (even though this account is from Durem). Maybe the water superweapons could have been introduced after a couple days instead of on the first day?

- It would have been cool to see an item for pumping...even though having to fill 2 meters on 4 accounts would have made my life doubly miserable!

Ryuu Hime
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Domain Name
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commentCommented on: Mon Sep 03, 2007 @ 05:30am
Fleep's Summer Festival 2007 Feedback Questions

1. Do you like that there was a competitive aspect in this event?
Absolutely! I thrive on competition. 3nodding

2. Did you like the media pack? Should we release things like this for future events?
Neutral. I didn't use it, but it looked nifty.

3. Did you feel that the event lasted too long?
A bit. Anything longer than 3-4 days is pushing it in my opinion.

4. Did you feel as though there was enough new content during the first week to keep you interested (release, media pack, manga)
Not really. I stopped really being interested after a few days. There's only so much ballooning or pumping I can do in one stretch and remain unbored. Since the media pack wasn't really a motivator for me all that was left to fill a week was a few pages of storyline. *shrug*

5. How do you feel about this event as compared to past events?
Twas better than most. Gaia has had relatively few competitive events, which is something I lament. You people still haven't topped Halloween '04 as far as I'm concerned, though. I want a really HARD competitive event that directly pits player vs player and has consequences for being beaten on (forced out of thread, turned into a zombie, whatever).

6. Would you like to see this event again next year?
Sure. It would be better if it were a bit shorter and you took my suggestions into account, 'o course. wink

7. What was your favorite thing about this event?
The detailed stats page. The relatively long time to complete the balloon throwing was kinda nice too (2.5 hours minimally)

8. What would you have changed about the event?
I really disliked the cooperative aspect. There are 130 thousand people on my team - I feel like what I'm doing isn't really having a significant effect. Even if I was the best team-mate in the world and pumped every minute I was awake, if my team was lazy it would do squat. The people who benefit the most from the system are the leechers and mules. I'd much rather see each person pulling their own weight and then reward the top 10% of active participants or something. It would've been triple the cool if you allowed people to throw balloons for prizes in Towns, but understand that there is probably a technical barrier there. Maybe when Battle comes out we can see events extending there?

Oh, and one more thing. We couldn't hit the back button and then try to pump again, because whatever mumbo you put into the links went bad. I didn't like that. I love my back button. Stopping me from using it angers and confuses me! domokun

commentCommented on: Mon Sep 03, 2007 @ 05:46am
Fleep's Summer Festival 2007 Feedback Questions

1. Do you like that there was a competitive aspect in this event?
~Yes, competitions among teams are the sole purpose of an event. No competitions = boring event.

2. Did you like the media pack? Should we release things like this for future events?
~The media pack is great, it's a nice addition to the life of the event to keep it breathing.

3. Did you feel that the event lasted too long?
~Yes and no. I'm used to events that lasted in a day or couple of days but it seems that I'm adjusting to events like these and I'm pretty sure that I like long events.

4. Did you feel as though there was enough new content during the first week to keep you interested (release, media pack, manga)?
~Yeah, manga plots plus event attracts Gaian interests and maybe we can break the 100k users online historical mark.

5. How do you feel about this event as compared to past events?
~Great! The competitions set it aside from past events. It's as if the meaning of Gaia Online is systematically uprising.

6. Would you like to see this event again next year?
~I'd like to see it every month!

7. What was your favorite thing about this event?
~Teams, items, fun, flames, forums, competitions, stickies concerning glitches, new game systems (i.e., launchers), mods participation, etc.

8. What would you have changed about the event?
~Nothing, I want additions. 4laugh

Community Member
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commentCommented on: Mon Sep 03, 2007 @ 06:12am
Started wonderin ifn you drowned Fleep...lol...I'll be back to throw my event cents in later,after some much needed sleeps.Kudos Fleep!!!!! xx

commentCommented on: Mon Sep 03, 2007 @ 06:51am
Fleep's Summer Festival 2007 Feedback Questions

1. Do you like that there was a competitive aspect in this event?

2. Did you like the media pack? Should we release things like this for future events?

3. Did you feel that the event lasted too long?

4. Did you feel as though there was enough new content during the first week to keep you interested (release, media pack, manga)

5. How do you feel about this event as compared to past events?

6. Would you like to see this event again next year?

7. What was your favorite thing about this event?

8. What would you have changed about the event?
1. I would have liked this more if it weren't for the fact that people were making personal attacks left and right.
2. Media pack == Hell yes.
3. More or less on the dot to tell you the truth. I might have wanted it to last until Tuesday for that chance to get Barton to at least 2nd again.
4. You guys should do more tie-ins like this in the future.
5. Very well done. Seems you guys have also fixed the database lag from having dozens-upon-dozens of thousands of users all access at the same time from all across the globe.
6. Yes! Maybe by then the launch glitch will be permanently prevented to stop the complaining and the referee decisions placed on you due to that.
7. Chilling in the pools and the joy of pumping with other Bartonites while chatting about this wonderful event!
8. Once again, the glitches. Point counting for two teams stopped for ~5-6 hours, random launches that added 5+ launch counts, and item granting. Which all link back to complaints by users and "I R GUNNA KUIT LOLZ" threads.
Love ya Fleep, and hope you get some R+R before the next project starts up again. :3

Kiyoske Dante
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commentCommented on: Mon Sep 03, 2007 @ 06:59am
1. Do you like that there was a competitive aspect in this event?
Yes. I did enjoy the idea of competition in the event even though I'm not very competitive by nature. It's fun to rally 'round a flag with other people.

2. Did you like the media pack? Should we release things like this for future events?
I think that was a great idea. Too bad it wasn't released sooner.

3. Did you feel that the event lasted too long?
Well, the event was really fun the first day or so, but once all the event items were had, there was nothing left to do but pump and pump some more. At that point, I just wanted it to end. I was thinking it would have been better if the wait time between actions were longer, so it wouldn't have been so easy to collect the items so fast. That was my experience at least. But I could imagine how those users who maybe could not devote as much time to the event as I did would benefit from the longer event time.

4. Did you feel as though there was enough new content during the first week to keep you interested (release, media pack, manga) Like I said, after I got all the items the first day, there wasn't much to do, except wait for the manga to come out, which made things more enjoyable again.

5. How do you feel about this event as compared to past events?
Over all, I think this event was excellent. I really loved all the different things we had to play with in Towns. This was by far the best event I've experienced here on Gaia. I can't wait for Halloween. I don't know how you will top this.

6. Would you like to see this event again next year?
Definately. I'd like to see this become a regular Gaia tradition, water war included.

7. What was your favorite thing about this event?
That's a tough one. I guess I was most excited by the forum game. It was very impressive.

8. What would you have changed about the event?
I think I would have liked to see more items in the forum game. Even though there were ten levels to achieve, there were really only three items, the shirt, the splash thingy, and the squirt gun.

commentCommented on: Mon Sep 03, 2007 @ 07:02am
1. Do you like that there was a competitive aspect in this event?

2. Did you like the media pack? Should we release things like this for future events?
-I loved it! So yeah, I think you should release more media packs on future events.

3. Did you feel that the event lasted too long?
-No, since many people were probably still on vacation during the first days of the event, it didn't lasted too long.

4. Did you feel as though there was enough new content during the first week to keep you interested (release, media pack, manga)
-Mh... probably no, maybe you should have added more items or more manga pages.

5. How do you feel about this event as compared to past events?
-It was fun and there were almost no glitches... you did a great work!
Probably it wasn't as fun as some Halloween and X-mas events because there wasn't a real story releated to the battle, but it was indeed really good.

6. Would you like to see this event again next year?
-I don't know, I'm still undecided (usually I'm not at home, during the end of August).

7. What was your favorite thing about this event?
-The shirts, the media pack and the manga.

8. What would you have changed about the event?
-I would have added at least one more pose to the Water Splash (without the splash, I think the puddle on it's own looks better).
Also, I think the manga was too short.

Syd Barrett
Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Mon Sep 03, 2007 @ 07:36am
1. Do you like that there was a competitive aspect in this event?

2. Did you like the media pack? Should we release things like this for future events?
Yes yes and YES! I loved it. I was only unhappy that it didn't come out sooner!

3. Did you feel that the event lasted too long?
I think it was a fairly good length for a competition...because some people couldn't be on as much as others like me who could be on almost 24/7.

4. Did you feel as though there was enough new content during the first week to keep you interested (release, media pack, manga).
I suppose. It would be nice if there was more to keep us entertained that we could start and stop easy since just pumping and read threads for 3 minutes gets boring quick if its just spam.

5. How do you feel about this event as compared to past events?
Best event ever. Hurt feelings aside. Even better than trick or treating at user houses for the first time.

6. Would you like to see this event again next year?

7. What was your favorite thing about this event?
The water canons

8. What would you have changed about the event?
Have all the NPCs from the towns in swim wear so no NPC fangirl/guy is feeling left out. I really wanted to see Edmund in a speedo. User drawings are nice, but its not the same as something official. 4laugh
I would change the reliance on the event forums for the 3 minute entertainment. I think with less focus on it, the less likely there will be as much abuse and hurt feelings as there would be others for people to do besides post nonstop. Perhaps a mini-game? Just something to do if they don't want to post or want to get their mind off what someone posted without having to leave the event pages.

commentCommented on: Mon Sep 03, 2007 @ 08:00am
1. Do you like that there was a competitive aspect in this event?
Well, yes and no. The aspect of Team vs. Team (especially since it was a four-way water war) and drumming up support for ones team was kind of fun, but the fact that many users turned trash talk into full out meaness (Which I realize you had no conrtrol over) kind of ruined it.

2. Did you like the media pack? Should we release things like this for future events?YES. I really liked the media pack, partly because I'm one of those weird fan nerds who likes making icons and such. I would LOVE to see things like this in the future. It was so nice being given the images in one neat package instead of having to dig through threads and being all "hay guyz do u have this piktar????" (I personally would like to see model sheets, if they exist, of the NPCs, though I'm not sure who would decide on that.)

3. Did you feel that the event lasted too long?
No. For an event like this, I feel a week was good. It gave many users who had other things to (School, work, etc) a chance to participate.

4. Did you feel as though there was enough new content during the first week to keep you interested (release, media pack, manga)
Oh, definitely. I personally would've liked to see some art that was summer-event themed but not tied directly to the water war/story line (I.E. some kind of silly random promo art), but I have no idea if that's even possible. I realize it takes a lot of work to put stuff like this together.

5. How do you feel about this event as compared to past events?
It...felt a lot like H2k5, though this was mostly caused by members. Even though I thought the idea of a member vs member competitive event was fun, it always turns user against user and there are always people who take it too seriously and get nasty. I acutally kind of liked the 2k4 Olympics better, where the NPCs where competing with one another, but the members were not. People could show support for their favorite characters without feeling a need to directly attack one another.

6. Would you like to see this event again next year?
No. While it was fun to compete and try to work as a team, it got really nasty and a lot of people got annoying.

7. What was your favorite thing about this event?
Really, my favorite thing was my favorite thing about most events; an opprotunity to make crack threads. I did like the (small amount of) NPC involvment, though. (needs moar josie plz)

8. What would you have changed about the event?
Well, since I can't think of a way to prevent people from getting mean and annoying I can't think of a way that could possibly improve it.

Bunnyfish Mel-Mel
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commentCommented on: Mon Sep 03, 2007 @ 08:15am
1. Do you like that there was a competitive aspect in this event?
-Yes! But the hurtful flaming was a bad side effect.

2. Did you like the media pack? Should we release things like this for future events?
-I think it was a great idea.

3. Did you feel that the event lasted too long?
-One week is just right, so everybody gets a chance to participate.

4. Did you feel as though there was enough new content during the first week to keep you interested (release, media pack, manga)
-I think there should have been a kind of update each day. For example a news report on how the teams are doing or maybe the reaction of the NPCs to the event.

5. How do you feel about this event as compared to past events?
-This event was much better than previous events! It encouraged users to interact with each other instead of just bumping to get items.

6. Would you like to see this event again next year?

7. What was your favorite thing about this event?
-Team work!

8. What would you have changed about the event?
-It would have been really fun if throwing balloons in towns counted towards the teams' score aswell, or to have other options to raise the teams score, for example interaction with the NPCs.

commentCommented on: Mon Sep 03, 2007 @ 08:49am
1. Do you like that there was a competitive aspect in this event?
No, I didn't I mean, it's nice that the winner could get a special item, but all the flaming it's caused is just kinda ... annoying.

2. Did you like the media pack? Should we release things like this for future events?
Yeah, that'd be nice. People like the artwork and stuff that goes in to events, it'd be fun.

3. Did you feel that the event lasted too long?
I don't see why, Halloween and Christmas usually last longer/just as long, but they are real commercial holidays, so maybe it was a little long. Atleast it isn't going to last two weeks!

4. Did you feel as though there was enough new content during the first week to keep you interested (release, media pack, manga)
Well, not really. I got my items on the first night it was released (UKer here) and that was about it. Barely did anything else.

5. How do you feel about this event as compared to past events?
It's nice that I got the events so quickly, and the site wasn't too laggy, but I prefer the others (more items, usually a bigger plot update)

6. Would you like to see this event again next year?
NO! Next year should be an Olympics event! I don't want the first Olympics to be a one-off. I mean, Make it better. The race was kinda lame, but do an event for it! It's not going to be hard to beat what was done last time.

7. What was your favorite thing about this event?
My team winning wink Well, pretty much that. I suppose I liked that it broke up the space between Easter and Halloween (easter was the last event right? It was a while ago ...)

8. What would you have changed about the event?
Mass temp-bans for all of those people going "DUREM SUCKS" or "DUREM'S CHEATING" and all that, but replace the names of the towns with the other names. Seriously, it's really annoying when people take something that doesn't even exist in real life and feel like they have to insult and flame over it.

The Last Lord of Time
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Cid High-Wind
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commentCommented on: Mon Sep 03, 2007 @ 09:13am
I bet you like being the one to ask questions for a change. lol

1. Do you like that there was a competitive aspect in this event?

Yes. I've always loved that thought of competition. It was the same thing back in '05 when it was Gambino vs. Von Helsons. Though, I prefer to call myself a "friendly fire" kinda person. As in, I'm not seriously mean to other teams and such. I just like to give crap. xp

2. Did you like the media pack? Should we release things like this for future events?

Yeah, the media pack was fun. I didn't use it for anything, but being able to have it there in case I did come up with something was a good idea. I'm going to save those images so I can post them in the future and be all "Remember SummerFest '07?".

3. Did you feel that the event lasted too long?

Well, two weeks is a long time for the event. I'm glad the pumping part stops tomorrow though. The rest of it is good enough to last two weeks, IMO.

4. Did you feel as though there was enough new content during the first week to keep you interested (release, media pack, manga)

Yes. Having things to look forward to (besides pumping more and balloon fights in towns) is a plus. And we're still waiting on the first MMVII. surprised

5. How do you feel about this event as compared to past events?

It was pretty fun. Pumping did get old after the first day or two though. But I still go back and help my team. At least there wasn't tons of lag. That's been majorly improved upon. And we still get prizes in the end. wink

6. Would you like to see this event again next year?

Yeah! It should be a new holiday, like Halloween or Christmas.

7. What was your favorite thing about this event?

The plot update. surprised Though I still loved the competitive nature of the event and being able to score some nice items because of it.

8. What would you have changed about the event?

Like I said, two weeks may be just a little too long. And people being complete bitches to other teams. But there's really nothing that can be done about that. lol

commentCommented on: Mon Sep 03, 2007 @ 09:17am
Fleep's Summer Festival 2007 Feedback Questions

1. Do you like that there was a competitive aspect in this event? Yes! Competitiveness is great! We need this more often!

2. Did you like the media pack? Should we release things like this for future events? I personally didn't use the stock graphics, but I do really enjoy the banners and whatnot. If they were released a tad bit earlier, to help build up hype, it would've been a lot better.

3. Did you feel that the event lasted too long? 2 weeks is sort of immaculate and overdrawn in the length of time. A week would've been much better.

4. Did you feel as though there was enough new content during the first week to keep you interested (release, media pack, manga) Somewhat. It just now seems a little to repetitive now that the Manga Release is over and done with. I would've liked something new every other day.

5. How do you feel about this event as compared to past events? This event really kicks the other events in the rear.

6. Would you like to see this event again next year? Yes! But with more stuff! Maybe a really big "Super Soaker" and more ways of "Soaking" your opponent!

7. What was your favorite thing about this event? Towns!!!! I loved the Real-Time interactivity with the super soakers and balloons! I wish we could've incorporated the balloon throwing into our scores in towns! It would've been great! Almost like Gaia-paintball or something like that.

8. What would you have changed about the event? The interactivity and integration of towns. I would've loved to have towns used as the "Battlefield" in throwing balloons. But I think that with Battle System we'll be able to do something better next year!

Thanks Fleep! I love you all at Gaia! I hope to be working with you guys in the next couple of years! Submitting my resume after my BA degree!

----edit: Hi Cid!

Keiji Arashi
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The Lord Harbourer
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commentCommented on: Mon Sep 03, 2007 @ 09:45am
Putting this here as a back-up.

1. Do you like that there was a competitive aspect in this event?
Yes. It was fun, but a lot of people were a bit over-competitive. There were many friendly competitors (look in the Barton Forum. There were many "Hey, come sit and chat" topics for all teams) the people who just went around flaming and spamming (I got a few stupid responses from someone who posted "poopey hole" in the BARTAAAA thread). The competition was fun, and it was great to be a bit patriotic to your team, but some people just got too angry.

2. Did you like the media pack? Should we release things like this for future events?
Oh, yeah. That was fun. It meant less effort and it was easy to make some good images with it. 3nodding

3. Did you feel that the event lasted too long?
No. It wasn't too long so that it was boring, but it was long enough fr everyone to get the items and pump. I did run out of steam the last day or so for pumping, though. sweatdrop

4. Did you feel as though there was enough new content during the first week to keep you interested (release, media pack, manga)
The manga was enough to keep me occupied in the GCD, but it would've been more fun if some of you admins were controlling the NPCs a bit, like at Hallowe'en/Christmas/The Balls. That was the only thing. It was pretty fun trying to hunt down NPCs at these events, and in Towns during Hallowe'en.

5. How do you feel about this event as compared to past events?
As I said, it had improved on a lot of things (Water Balloon fight. Genius xD) and the town event was pretty damn awesome to do. The only gripe I had was the lack of NPCs and announcements. That's just nitpicking, though.

6. Would you like to see this event again next year?
I really would. x3 But it'd have to have it's details changed a bit, and the coding triple-checked. Maybe a neutral watercannon to mak it more exciting?

7. What was your favorite thing about this event?
Either soaking Durem, hanging out in BARTAAA or just having massive water fights in Towns with random people.

8. What would you have changed about the event?
Triple checked codes, the neutral water cannon, and less flames and spam. Maybe less late in the Summer, too. Imean, some people are going to school, and I have it tommorrow. sweatdrop

commentCommented on: Mon Sep 03, 2007 @ 10:30am
1. Do you like that there was a competitive aspect in this event?
Yes, although it did make some people less apt to talk with people from other teams... then again it also helped people from the same team relate to each other better since they had a common goal.

2. Did you like the media pack? Should we release things like this for future events?
The media pack was definitely nice. At least it makes me feel more comfortable about using the sites pictures.

3. Did you feel that the event lasted too long?
I've been thinking on that one. It has certainly been a long even, but the time limit seems to suit it.

4. Did you feel as though there was enough new content during the first week to keep you interested (release, media pack, manga)
D= I wish the manga were longer, but yes. I was interested for most of the contest.

5. How do you feel about this event as compared to past events?
This was great compared to the last few events you guys have done. In fact, I love the idea of of the competition now that I think about it. If it had only been about throwing enough water balloons to get items, then this event would have been boring after the first day.

6. Would you like to see this event again next year?
Yes, but you'll have to spruce it up of course. That's the problem with something fantastic. You have to make the next thing better.

7. What was your favorite thing about this event?
Pelting NPC's in the face with water balloons... even if they aren't real.

8. What would you have changed about the event?
Well, I think the obvious thing would be to control the glitches a little more. It's almost depressing to see that your enemy had 2000 some points... even if they don't.

Pirate Panther
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commentCommented on: Mon Sep 03, 2007 @ 02:20pm
User ImageA dragon dreams...

1. Do you like that there was a competitive aspect in this event?
Some what. But I think there should be more than a winning prize: a participant prize.

2. Did you like the media pack? Should we release things like this for future events?

3. Did you feel that the event lasted too long?
Two weeks seems long, but I think it is just me. Time goes by a lot faster these days, so it would allow for other Gaians to make it to the event (like if they were taking a weeks break or something).

4. Did you feel as though there was enough new content during the first week to keep you interested (release, media pack, manga)

5. How do you feel about this event as compared to past events?
I've only been on here for a year, but I liked Christmas a lot better in some ways (I love items). 'Hacking' the Mothership was fun too!

6. Would you like to see this event again next year?

7. What was your favorite thing about this event?
Pools!! and Items xp and throwing water balloons in towns.

8. What would you have changed about the event?
Balloon trowing intervals. 180 Seconds?! gonk I know that is so people can't cheat or something, but I'm always one to thirty seconds too fast. If it was cut by ten seconds my internal timing might start being right. xd

...of what she might be...User Image

commentCommented on: Mon Sep 03, 2007 @ 03:16pm
Can't be bothered to answer all those questions (yes, eight is too many for me mad ) but all I want to say is can there be some sort of recognition for the top pumpers of each team. Just a little bit in a newsletter or something. My pumping buddy ( xd ) and I have been trying so hard and if one of us gets a mention for our hard work we'd be so happy. :]
Although I'm at 836 at the moment and some people are probably over NINE THOUSAND one thousand so I doubt I'm a top pumper but I hope my friend is, he's sacrificed so much sleep for this. xd

Q Cumba FX
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commentCommented on: Mon Sep 03, 2007 @ 03:40pm
1. Do you like that there was a competitive aspect in this event?

Yes and no. I was completely fine with the competitive aspect when it came to the scores. Some users though made it into some form of personal attack. And made is less fun. But there is really no getting away from it.

2. Did you like the media pack? Should we release things like this for future events?

Truthfully, I didn't see much of it. I thought it was interesting, but I didn't really do much with it.

3. Did you feel that the event lasted too long?

No. Longer events are great. It is easier to enjoy, especially when time schedules conflict. Two Halloween's ago I missed almost the entire event and had to shove it all into one day because it was so short. Longer events are better.

4. Did you feel as though there was enough new content during the first week to keep you interested (release, media pack, manga)

The manga, other then one frame, felt like it had nothing to do with the event. It was nice to include it during the event, but it would have been fine to have it after the event. They didn't connect in any way and it made the release feel disjointed.

5. How do you feel about this event as compared to past events?

Pretty nice. I'm not up for forum spamming and the first zombie event made me cry, it was horrible. Even though it was so awesome. It had interaction where I could interact, but still go about my Gaia business and not have to spam the forums for items.

6. Would you like to see this event again next year?

I would like for you to try something different.

7. What was your favorite thing about this event?

The Aekea bot going nuts! Every 5 minutes, just goes to show you bots and water just don't mix.

8. What would you have changed about the event?

Not display things like how team size effects the pumping. This just caused users to attack certain teams with mules. While the information is nice, it isn't necessary.

commentCommented on: Mon Sep 03, 2007 @ 04:13pm
1. Do you like that there was a competitive aspect in this event? yes

2. Did you like the media pack? Should we release things like this for future events?
3. Did you feel that the event lasted too long? no

4. Did you feel as though there was enough new content during the first week to keep you interested (release, media pack, manga) yes

5. How do you feel about this event as compared to past events? much better

6. Would you like to see this event again next year? hell yes

7. What was your favorite thing about this event? how long it lasted

8. What would you have changed about the event? nothing

The anti-social cookie
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commentCommented on: Mon Sep 03, 2007 @ 05:01pm
1. Some-what, when the other members got really serious about it and just plain mean, it stopped being so fun.

2. Yes. While I didn't use it, it was nice to have access to those graphics and such.

3. Just a bit too long, but I'd say it was necessary. With two and a half hours (assuming there are not breaks between the three minute period) to get the main prize, having a long time to get there was worth it.

4. Yes.

5. Much more interactive, and best one of this year.

6. No.

7. The event items.

8. Other teams being able to raid other teams' HQ. If they wanted to yell at each other, they could've just stayed in the main event forum.

commentCommented on: Mon Sep 03, 2007 @ 05:20pm
1. Do you like that there was a competitive aspect in this event?
Yes. In a competition there should be competitiveness.
2. Did you like the media pack? Should we release things like this for future events?
Of this I have no idea what you are talking about. redface
3. Did you feel that the event lasted too long?
I don't think it lasted long enough in general. The complaining from everyone
and reactions to idiocy though made it seem that it lasted longer than it should have.

4. Did you feel as though there was enough new content during the first week to keep you interested (release, media pack, manga)
Yes. I loved the manga (and I want some more!!)
5. How do you feel about this event as compared to past events?
This is my favorite event (I've participated since Xmas 05). I like competition. I'm a former cheerleader, so maybe that's just me.
6. Would you like to see this event again next year?
Yes. Of course you should remind people that it is a competition so don't take everyone's words to heart. Also that if they reply to the idiocy with rude comments, they are just as bad.

7. What was your favorite thing about this event?
The overall competitveness. It's early so I doubt I spelled that right.
8. What would you have changed about the event?
People's reactions. However, I can't do that. But with the physical aspect of the thing, I would have changed the way the launches were done. I was Barton, and I don't think our launches got counted right at all. The meter took ages to move. I would be gone for hours and come back and see the meter still half full, but at least half of Barton was pumping. That's what frustrated me.

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commentCommented on: Mon Sep 03, 2007 @ 05:56pm
Fleep's Summer Festival 2007 Feedback Questions

1. Do you like that there was a competitive aspect in this event? Yup. I liked the four-way split to it. It was pretty creative, if you ask me.

2. Did you like the media pack? Should we release things like this for future events? Meh, I didn't use it much. Those who would be interested had already made their own screencapped "media packs." If you do release it, release it in the beginning of the event!

3. Did you feel that the event lasted too long? No, not at all. It ends today, Labor Day. That feels just right. I'm glad that you cut the event a few days short, though.

4. Did you feel as though there was enough new content during the first week to keep you interested (release, media pack, manga)? Too bad the manga wasn't really connected to the event. It'd be cool if mid-way through, or on the last day, a sudden change would occur to slightly modify gameplay. That'd spark interest, I'm sure. Was I active through the entire event? No. Only on the first couple of days. Then my Wii's wi-fi went back up, I downloaded Super Metroid, and have been playing that instead. Sorry, Gaia, you just can't compete with that. Dx

5. How do you feel about this event as compared to past events? BEST. EVENT. EVAR. Seriously.

6. Would you like to see this event again next year? Maaaaybe. It depends, will it be a rehash, or shall you spice it up? Maybe by then we could integrate Towns? Use squirt guns?

7. What was your favorite thing about this event? The game mechanics. They seem very fair and unique. The users get a choice of how to play the game: pump and help the team, or throw and get the items. Balance and teamwork is key! I'm sure if glitches didn't grip the system midway, the scores would be much closer.

8. What would you have changed about the event? The timer. It's a very convenient feature, but a little inefficient. I suggest that instead of users having to throw test balloons only to be met with a flood-control timer, they shouldn't have the option to throw/pump at all until the full three minutes have passed. By this, I mean that the buttons themselves disappear from the user's view until three minutes have passed. This should help people to maintain smooth conversation during these kinds of events. I don't know how hard this would be to program. Maybe you've thought of it already, but don't have the gusto to take on such a time-consuming improvement for so little a feature. I don't know, I just thought it'd be nice. xD

Also, don't feel sad about certain users' behavior throughout the event. It's not your fault that they are so immature. I doubt there is a way to make people more friendly without taking away too much of the competitive factor.

commentCommented on: Mon Sep 03, 2007 @ 06:16pm
1. Yes

2. Yes, way more of them

3. Yes, but again I guess it was fine for the ones who can't log in each days.

4. I dislike 'changes' while the even if on, I mean the manga was fine, but the rest could have been out at the start.

5. It was very nice, can't wait for Christmas and Halloween.

6. With some changes absolutely, I mean if it's exactly the same year after year it would be boring a bit... but if there is new things and stuff

7. The items, well I'm an item collector so...

8. I don't know... it somehow bother me not being able to get the other shirts for free... and well the winning prize to the winning team only... I mean all team could get a little something...

I also hope that the active members don't count for the whole thing I mean if my team win and all I hope get the item and all... because after 3 days I've got pretty bored of the event... but thats because I'm active a bit each day so the events are always completed fast for me and well pretty boring after a day or so generally. ( I understand why they are runned that long... just well for active member it's always boring to see those event running for a week or even more)

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