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Gaia Life
A catalog of my experiences as an employee and citizen of Gaia.
The Factarellos of Life
So in the last update I said I'd be responding to questions posted in my journal comments. I'm going to respond to a select few today. As always, I can't give away sensitive company information OR answer every single question submitted to me - but I'll do my best to give you guys fun and interesting information!

The Questions

Do you have any favorite sponsorhips from last year that you particularly liked for whatever reason? (Tsukabu Nosoratori)

My favorite sponsorship from last year was definitely the "Anime 101" line of free anime episodes from Funimation. It was easy to set up, made good use of Cinemas, and I thought it fit in really well with Gaia's audience.

Do you HONESTLY believe that Gaia has valid competitors? (Seth Regente)

In Gaia's space there are numerous competitors, whether that be the social networking element (Facebook, MySpace), the casual gaming elements (Kongregate, Addicting Games), social gaming element (WoW, Neopets, Second Life, any MMO), or the entertainment element (TV, movies, video games, pretty much anything that's fun). No matter what, we're vying for users' attention, and with the virtual worlds being really hot right now, there are already a slew of Gaia copycats out there who instead of learning how this works for the first time - like we are, since we're pioneering a lot of it - are just copying the best parts of a site like ours.

In terms of sensitive info, if I were to say something like "Gaia has big plans to expand our social experience onto cell phones" (which is just an example, FYI, I'm not saying it is or isn't true), any of those competitors might try to own that space first. The people who "do it first" often have the advantage.

Any news on when we might be getting a non-sponsored quest? (Bria_Teragram)

Still working on it. It was delayed somewhat by the fact that I had to help another dev modify the quest system to integrate better with Battle stuff, but it's definitely on the way. I won't give a time schedule, because honestly, there's a good chance it will shift around.

I'm going to skip a slew of interesting technical questions from Pritchard, which while I would LOVE to answer them, I think the answers would be uninteresting to most Gaians. Props to Pritchard, though! blaugh

Any possibility of getting orphans back soon? (Sgt.PepperHat)

I would so love to do this, but there are no plans at the moment.

Can we expect to see more sponsored items in the cash shop? (Spirrow)
I was more miffed than anything else at the MTV Cash Shop stuff--paying to be advertised-at? (Rayinte)

This was a response that I actually didn't understand too much. It's an item you can buy in the Cash Shop like any other. If you like it, you buy it. For some reason, attaching the "MTV" label to it made users angry, but they're the ones who funded its creation. There's absolutely no reason it should cost anyone anything unless they like the item. In which case, treat it like any other Cash Shop item.

Lanzer, I think, also mentioned in the ATA that what was intended to happen to Santa was incredibly depressing... Care to elaborate? (Fvr v2)

I've debated whether or not I should tell users about this, and I decided that I wouldn't, in case we want to continue that storyline this year smile

Do you believe that Gaia - as it currently stands - has enough diverse content, activities, physical structure, and moderation to make the most of the insane surge that will come with the release of the Battle System?

I'm not sure that I'd describe it as or expect an "insane surge", but that would be nice.

Of course, if users are coming and staying for the Battle System, then the Battle System should be providing enough additional content (on top of what Gaia already has and all the stuff coming in 200 cool .

As far as moderation and physical structure, I don't think so -- but that's an issue we have to deal with anyway as the site grows - it's not a Battle System-exclusive problem, just one that might be aggravated much more as a result of it.

Are you an Adult Swim fan, and what show(s) do you enjoy most? (Smaddy)

Of the Adult Swim exclusive lineup (Futurama will always be #1, but that was a FOX show) I'd have to say my favorites are/were Metalocalypse and Aqua Teen Hunger Force. I used to watch Adult Swim (or the seeds of it) way back in the day when Space Ghost Coast to Coast was still in its first run (though it started in 1994 and I didn't start watching it until 1997).

Will there be a point when the admins can say "We're breaking even without sponsors, but if we accept this sponsor we could afford to expand more if we wanted"? (Riddle-Me-This)

Gaia is a size where for better or worse, other companies will want to do business with us. I doubt you will ever see a Gaia again without sponsorships - because it's definitely a part of this kind of business model, it's a good source of revenue, and it gives us partnerships with businesses we do want to do business with (esp. since we want access to some of that sweet, sweet copyrighted content).

If we did get into a situation where we were breaking even without sponsorships, it's more likely that we'd become a lot choosier.

Are you going to add more random picture links to your journals again? (Tai Naito)

Sporadically I might, but even updating this takes up a TON of time. As Gaia has grown the demands on us devs has grown tremendously too. If at one time I could have just taken an hour break to play ping pong, now I'm lucky if I can get some ping pong time in after hours.

Just how casual do some of you dress? (Losaru Taiyo)

Most of us just dress how we would if we were going out with friends. Not quite pajamas and slippers biggrin

I was wondering if you knew anything about possibly having another gaia Olympics? (Yeata Zi)

Unlikely that this would happen. Not my choice. If it were up to me, we'd be doing an event every single month. As it is, it looks like we'll be doing fewer events than usual.

Who decides which items to include in your quests? (Lyca_Watyre)

I'm going to assume you mean sponsored quests? Normally it is a cooperation between us and our sponsors, but generally speaking they get final say with us having veto power. If there's an item that we think wouldn't go over particularly well with our audience we let them know -- but sometimes they have their own reasons for choosing a particular item.

Do you feel that you have to spend more and more time every year working on big events? (Yen Quest)

If you consider the added focus on the quality of the events (e.g., functionality, the site not crashing, etc.) then actually we're spending less time on each event, relative to the amount of benefit produced. Literally, though, Summer Festival took a long time, Halloween took longer. Christmas was a smaller event, so it didn't take so long.

Since I've been continuously working on the sponsorship / event team since the start of 2007, I've had the opportunity to streamline and optimize a lot of the techniques, code, and processes used in event creation. So a lot of things that we had to learn for the first time (or remember to learn) can now be reused.

The main extra time sink that goes into events comes in the form of quality assurance and art. Our events have a LOT more high-quality art than they used to have, they go through a much more elaborate QA cycle, and a lot more time is spent reviewing that the way we set up the event isn't going to put too huge a strain on our servers.

Thanks to that last bit, we've been able to break the "Total Users Online" record with every single event since Summer Festival.

While working on events, quests, and such, will you think of a topic or two, and write it on a sticky note as a reminder for the next journal entry? (Yen Quest)

Yes, I used to do this! Not so much anymore though, since my journal updates aren't as regular.

During the last Valentine's Day event, if you were of the same gender and did the love action, you got a message of disgust. Is it possible for Gaia to tweak the system so that gay people wouldn't get that message if they did to each other (that sounds so wrong XP) and that you could tell with you were about to do the action to? (Earth Terminal Destiny)

Okay, I'm going to clarify this once and for all:
The kissing responses for the Valentine's Day Event are 100% random.

As far as giving a person a choice... well, what would be the fun in that?!

With the sponsorships currently, is Gaia able to make enough money and not lose money? Or is Gaia still losing money right now even with the sponsorships? (Lady Kayura)

Losing money, even with sponsorships.

What is your band's name on Rock Band? (Gene-kitty)

I have two bands. A glam rock band called "Lovesnake" where my character's name is "Glorio", and a metal band called "Blood Gut" where my character's name is "The Geech".

Wow. That was a lot of questions! Time to relaxify.

Go ahead and send some more questions if you like. The next update might be a more conventional one, but if there are enough good questions, I might answer those instead!

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commentCommented on: Sat Feb 16, 2008 @ 12:11am
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User Image User ImageAly says:User Image User Image


User ImageKthanxbai.
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commentCommented on: Sat Feb 16, 2008 @ 12:11am
Still working on it. It was delayed somewhat by the fact that I had to help another dev modify the quest system to integrate better with Battle stuff, but it's definitely on the way. I won't give a time schedule, because honestly, there's a good chance it will shift around.
I just asked Qixter about this, too -_-;; Been worried about how Battle, while expanding on Gaia's Story, will separate the story from the site completely and kill me inside. Qixter and You cleared everything up, and I have full faith in all of Gaia now.

Made a really big thread about hardcore users on Gaia. Funny how that when Gaia has staff which can actually do something to change the site at our request, users become apathetic to make changes themselves.
I'm going to skip a slew of interesting technical questions from Pritchard, which while I would LOVE to answer them, I think the answers would be uninteresting to most Gaians. Props to Pritchard, though!
Whoot! xp
If we did get into a situation where we were breaking even without sponsorships, it's more likely that we'd become a lot choosier.
What would you do if Gaia sold itself out for a hundred and eighty million dollars? Like, for seriously. Are employees usually just removed and replaced after business takeovers? Would you join the rebellion of Gaians against any foreign force? Heck, we're hostile enough to our own kind! Just imagine if Gaia was bought out rofl
physical structure
Do you know anything about the new Arena System? Think it could evolve into a general content portal if there was demand enough? I think embedding the top 10 list would be nice, and could allow user content to run along side-by-side with official gaia content. How about it... C'mon. That has event system opportunities!
Are you keeping your beard? I threaten want you to.
Thanks to that last bit, we've been able to break the "Total Users Online" record with every single event since Summer Festival.
Awesome! biggrin Props to you guys.
While working on events, quests, and such, will you think of a topic or two, and write it on a sticky note as a reminder for the next journal entry? (Yen Quest)

Yes, I used to do this! Not so much anymore though, since my journal updates aren't as regular.
What do you think on writing on paper vs typing something up as a reminder? I kinda want a notepad to write stuff on. I feel at home with it...
Losing money
Find it then.
Wow. That was a lot of questions! Time to relaxify.
Not quite yet. I have more questions.
Go ahead and send some more questions if you like. The next update might be a more conventional one, but if there are enough good questions, I might answer those instead!
Oh... You had predicted this? Arr, just like a seaside bearded pirate! Just the feel of the wind is enough to tell you what's coming next. Yarrrr.

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commentCommented on: Sat Feb 16, 2008 @ 12:12am
Awww! No 2nd Gaian Olympics? gonk

Thanks for answering all the questions!

commentCommented on: Sat Feb 16, 2008 @ 12:22am
Live And Die

It seems like Gaia is always going to have problems with money. s:
Which is why I have a question for you-

What do you personally feel is the positive and negative of making Gaia a "Pay to Play" site?

[ x X x ]

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Cid High-Wind
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commentCommented on: Sat Feb 16, 2008 @ 12:37am
Thanks for the answers!

I'll have to think of something interesting to ask for later.

commentCommented on: Sat Feb 16, 2008 @ 12:41am
As always, I enjoyed your update!

My only comment is that I'm seeing Gaia be more stable during events than it ever has in the past. This is a good thing.

OH- and we got word bump back! This makes me happy too! You all do a wonderful job with limited resources. Thank you!

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commentCommented on: Sat Feb 16, 2008 @ 12:43am
How long does it take to make one item one with one or two poses to be added for the coding to be made?

Do you have a favorite event of all time on gaia so far?

commentCommented on: Sat Feb 16, 2008 @ 12:55am
Pardon me for asking but... If Gaia is losing money as is, wouldn't adding certain features which will add even more bandwidth costs (ie. Battle, unless of course it would be a pay to play feature), be a bad thing since it would suck out even more of the company's funds? redface

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Lady Kayura
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commentCommented on: Sat Feb 16, 2008 @ 12:57am
Wow, thanks for taking the time to answer so many questions! So I now have another. You said that Gaia is losing money, even with sponsorships. So is there any fear that Gaia will simply run out of funds and be closed down?

commentCommented on: Sat Feb 16, 2008 @ 01:30am
Thanks for the answers!

I have a question, will we ever be able to adjust the layering on gaian clothes?

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commentCommented on: Sat Feb 16, 2008 @ 01:33am
You've given me a lot to think about.
*strokes beard*

commentCommented on: Sat Feb 16, 2008 @ 02:14am
Thanks for answering the questions. There is definitely a lot to think over. ^^

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commentCommented on: Sat Feb 16, 2008 @ 02:30am

Wow, Fleep.
That certainly was a mouthful.
And a good read. =)

There's really nothing that especially struck my attention, thus I have no real comments about anything. D:
Ah, well.

commentCommented on: Sat Feb 16, 2008 @ 02:31am
no Gaian Olympics? emo i joined too late in 04 to experience the one then.

are we not having a Summer Festival this year then? because having the Olympics instead would be what i thought you guys would do.
who do we have to prod to get such an event? ninja

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commentCommented on: Sat Feb 16, 2008 @ 02:39am
Ty for answering my Q! Yes, I did mean sponsored quests. Fleep can see into my brain! O.O

I do love your updates though. Hope you'll have some time to do another soon! Thanks fer taking time out for us.
Another Q!

If you were stuck in a room with three NPCs, which ones would it be and why?
(yes, there is a potty and food..but no TV or Radio)

commentCommented on: Sat Feb 16, 2008 @ 03:55am
Hey, Fleep~!

Thanks again for doing this
heart Even if now we have the Ask the Admin threads, and the staff is starting to answer more questions than before, you're still my Source Nº1 xD Now we have to see if that's a good thing or not.

I've got a question for you, and I want to apologize if you've already answered it in the SF. I'm also gonna try not to get bitchy about it, because I'm a bit biased, but oh well.

Lanzer's been hinting that our dear Timmy will/could have something to do with a new skin shop. If that's really going to happen, if there's any plan to do that, would it be a special store, like the Cash Shop, or a normal one? I understand if you can't answer this

The other thing I wanted to ask about were the Event Skins. I know lots of people want the old skins available, and after all this time, every time I hear it I just want to choke them... ANYWAY, *cough* with this possible new shop, are the old skins going to come back, or you'll make new skins that'll resemble them? And what about the latests event skins, such as the Zurg one and the Vampire one? Why are those still available? Whenever someone complains about this (I've been one of those, I admit it), a very tiring discussion begins to whether it's fair or not - Err, making long story short, are you going to leave these new skins available forever? Was it a mistake of coding, or is it a new 'policy'? I'd like to know.. all of those who have to put up with my constant bitching will thank you for it sweatdrop

Well, thanks for everything you guys are doing =D See you next time!

Nite Lewis
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Seth Regente
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat Feb 16, 2008 @ 04:06am
Much thanks for answering my question.
I don't know if I totally agree with all the elements on the list you mention (mostly I doubt they see US that way, even if we see them as such,) but I'm glad to know Gaia has an idea of who we're vying for membership with.

commentCommented on: Sat Feb 16, 2008 @ 04:45am
Malee's question is Why is Fleep so full of awesomeness?

Community Member
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commentCommented on: Sat Feb 16, 2008 @ 05:41am
Thanks for answering my question! You have officially moved up several points in my book for being a fan of Space Ghost C2C and Aqua Teen. 3nodding (Can there be an [adult swim] sponsorship in the future? wink )

The Valentines event was great this year! I enjoyed the items quite a bit. The pickup/rejection lines were also really hilarious!

The only glitch feedback I can provide is:
- Can the system be altered so that if you [Action] (kiss, stake, bite, zap, whatever...) someone, the [Action] button is grayed out, removed, or something? I sometimes lost track of who I had kissed during the event, and the system would mess up everytime I got a "you already kissed" error.

- There were definitely issues where if you got an Error (either for trying to Kiss again before 2 minutes, or for Kissing someone you'd already Kissed) on a Kiss that earned you a Prize, you wouldn't earn the prize. A couple of my gold levels were eaten because I got Errors. (Yes I checked my gold count and it didn't go up.) Then the next time I kissed someone it's like it totally skipped the Prize granting one and it would say "4 more until the next step".

commentCommented on: Sat Feb 16, 2008 @ 05:55am
Nice update Fleep.Humm...tryin to think of a ? for ya.One thats not been answered already that is.Well I reckon I will come back and edit if I can think of something,its just too late for my lil brain to fully function correctly.Oh well here's one sort of.I dont think I have seen it so I'll ask it anyhoos.
Are you gonna post the number of times you was kissed in this year's event?

Thanks again for all the hard work ya'all put into Gaia. 3nodding heart xx

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commentCommented on: Sat Feb 16, 2008 @ 06:43am
wow thanks for all the answers

commentCommented on: Sat Feb 16, 2008 @ 11:51am
Haha, thats alot of Q & A

Manchester I Darkfield
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Jiang Ryudo
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commentCommented on: Sat Feb 16, 2008 @ 03:13pm
D: So much questioning...

Yet I still don't have any well I guess I have one; what do you think of the "Four Horsemen" MC from this month? Likes or dislikes?

If likes, why?

If dislikes, why?

whywhywhy~! heart

commentCommented on: Sat Feb 16, 2008 @ 03:21pm
I'm confused, if you guys are consecutively losing money every single month, how have you not run out of money completley and gone under yet?

Crawfish Prime
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commentCommented on: Sat Feb 16, 2008 @ 03:57pm
Cool stuff.

But an event every month? Do you have a death wish Fleep? xd

Real question:

What is the OS of choice in Gaia Land?

commentCommented on: Sat Feb 16, 2008 @ 05:31pm
If Gaia continues to loose money even with the sponsorships, will it eventually need to be shut down? D:

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Karo Kiba
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat Feb 16, 2008 @ 07:10pm
Fleep, why does it seem like all the devs and staff are ignoring my questions and complaints? I feel ignored here!

Seek Justice. Love Mercy. Walk Humbly with your God. heart
commentCommented on: Sat Feb 16, 2008 @ 08:52pm
Too bad Futurama isn't on Adult Swim any more crying I've got the dvds though! (and the movie)

Tsukabu Nosoratori
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commentCommented on: Sun Feb 17, 2008 @ 02:20am
As it is, it looks like we'll be doing fewer events than usual.
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

Well, that's depressing. :[[

Gaia isn't going to like, go bankrupt or something scary like that, I hope?

And also, you're very busy, so do you like energy drinks? o.0
If you do, what's your favorite? I like Java Monster myself. Its coffee and an energy drink all in one convenient can. burning_eyes

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

commentCommented on: Sun Feb 17, 2008 @ 02:21am
User ImageUser Image

So, you like Space Ghost, too? x3 I actualy have the first season DVD of it, and i haven't watched it in quite a long time... Maybe I should. xD Oh, and my brother even has a mug that looks just like the Space Ghost uses on the show (bought it off of CafePress). [/randominformationfromLinkoftheday]

Anyway, now, I have a question for you:

If you could pick out any company for Gaia to sponcer, which one would you pick? And, if the sponcering came with an item, what item would you have the Art Team create for it?

link freak131
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commentCommented on: Sun Feb 17, 2008 @ 02:33am
-I keep hearing that Gaia is actually losing money. But how is this so, with sponsorships, and kids buying Gaia Cash cards left and right?
What's the source of this downfall, and how does it affect Gaia?

commentCommented on: Sun Feb 17, 2008 @ 02:59am
Wow, Commenting in your journal for the first time. O:

What to ask.. how to ask it... XD

Are you a part of any other online communities? :U

Or does Gaia take up too much time/is just too awesome for you to do too many other things?

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commentCommented on: Sun Feb 17, 2008 @ 04:17am
Thank you very much, Fleep. I very much appreciate it. Thank you, and good luck!

commentCommented on: Sun Feb 17, 2008 @ 06:34pm
Fleep, many of the fanclubs in the GCD are worried that the admins and devs might put events over storyline. We fear that we may never have certain storylines finished--or that there would be little plot at all in the near future. Do they honestly believe that Gaians care more about events than plot?

It's not true--at least, for the fanclubs. We care very deeply for plot; it's the very reason behind their existance. Being a Gino fangirl myself, I am worried that my fellow "Haremites" and I will never know if Gino made it out of the Von Helson dungeon or not! gonk

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Seraphim Call
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commentCommented on: Sun Feb 17, 2008 @ 07:49pm
You ate Santa Cow, didn't you?! gonk

commentCommented on: Sun Feb 17, 2008 @ 09:01pm
Thank you for answering my question.

Yeata Zi
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commentCommented on: Mon Feb 18, 2008 @ 04:33am
Yay! My question made it xd
Rock band rox razz
We used one of those pre-made names once...
"They Inverted the Loaf Dogs"
With the beefy guitarist lady "MoMo"

commentCommented on: Mon Feb 18, 2008 @ 08:20pm
Aww, you answered my question heart Jeez, I wish you weren't so busy @@;;

Tai Naito
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Community Member
commentCommented on: Mon Feb 18, 2008 @ 09:44pm
wow you write a lot

commentCommented on: Tue Feb 19, 2008 @ 02:13am
Hm.....so is the sponsorships not giving enough money or something? Is that the reason why gaia is losing money even with sponsorships? surprised

mega sexi warrior
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commentCommented on: Tue Feb 19, 2008 @ 12:25pm
Hehe... Blood Gut... The Geech...

No, I don't have anything intelligent to say... sweatdrop

commentCommented on: Tue Feb 19, 2008 @ 06:00pm
I've been asking this question to the GCD since this week began, but I'd love some feedback from you as well. (Also, Snap came out with the second episode... it's going slow since mid-terms and stuff are up and on us.)

"What I really dislike is how far Gaia's strayed from its past...the thing which brought the most dedicated users...and what they still have listed for the banners.

http://www.gaiaonline.com/info/about.php?info=grow still has this listed:
<A HREF="http://www.gaiaonline.com/index.php?referral=76439" target="_new"><IMG SRC="http://s.gaiaonline.com/banner_gaia.jpg" border="0" alt="Gaia Online anime roleplaying community"></A>

Gaia Online anime roleplaying community

Gaia has strolled SO FAR away from this it isn't funny anymore. Yes, the site's people has changed...but their ideals haven't. They didn't JUST come on here to talk like if it's Habbo Hotel, they came because we have that anime clique. We HAD that roleplay clique.

Both of those are going down the s**t tube with every updated layout. It's like a layout a generation...and to ******** with what the most dedicated users would like back, majority rules and majority wants cool and sleek and saying ******** the original concept of Gaia Online.

I had an interview with Lanzer back in 2006 about this, and he says the site's changed...I don't get why.

Watch the interview here:

Here's what Gaia USED to look like:
http://web.archive.org/web/20030222074143/http://www.go-gaia.com/ <--First layout
http://web.archive.org/web/20030801111615/http://go-gaia.com/ <--Second layout
http://web.archive.org/web/20040622053634/http://go-gaia.com/ <--Third layout
I'm not going to look up more, but you can see how the site slowly degrades in anime-ish design.

So, what do you think about how Gaia's being run now?"

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commentCommented on: Wed Feb 20, 2008 @ 02:11am
Awesome Job, Fleep. Like Usual.

Any particular reason on WHY we're having less events/plot updates?

I understand that some of the higher ups feel that we don't exactly like them, but...

They're completely wrong. They're a part of what makes Gaia, Well, Gaia.

Any and all elaboration on this would be awesome, Fleep! Thanks.

commentCommented on: Wed Feb 20, 2008 @ 02:19am
U are not an admin,nice to meet u

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Arashi Tetsuhasu
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commentCommented on: Wed Feb 20, 2008 @ 06:29am
I'm pretty sure I remember you saying that the sponsor decides the item we get with you guys making suggestions... How do they decide it? Do they just say what it is? Or is a sit-down discussion, or what?

commentCommented on: Thu Feb 21, 2008 @ 05:26pm
Wow... it's kind of hard to believe that with all the sponsorships going on, MC donations and the Gaia Cash Cards that Gaia could actually be losing money; though thinking about it, for any real progress to be made on the battle system, forum interface design, hardware maintenance/replacement/upgrades, and the assistants that fetch you wonderful dev's bag after bag of I.V. coffee on those week long coding binges before an event drops, you need a gigantic staff, and every one of those greedy bastards hard working people wants a buck.

Anyhow, question time:
With the American dollar the way it is, shouldn't GaiaHQ just move up north to Canada for want of a more stable economy? Come on... We love you guys up here...

Zarin Denatrose
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Dark Silver Hawk
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commentCommented on: Fri Feb 22, 2008 @ 04:26pm
Question: Since Gaia is losing money, are you in danger of getting into any serious money trouble in the near future? And if such a thing were to happen, would cutbacks be made, and what areas of the site would probably be affected by them?

You are awsome, Fleep! Keep on... ummm... awsome-ing!

commentCommented on: Mon Feb 25, 2008 @ 04:38pm
Thanks for answering the questions, but i have one.

Was there no plot on Xmas and valentines on purpose or did you guys just not be able to make one in time?

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RIP florkie

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commentCommented on: Mon Feb 25, 2008 @ 06:13pm
Nice set of questions, thank you for answering them.
Though I am disappointed, I would've been interested in the answers to pritchard's technical questions, too. sad

Anyway, this probably isn't your department, but...

What did you think of the last film festival, and do you think there will be another one?

If there is a new one...
Do you have any ideas for how differently it would run?
(Going through Youtube again, or a different medium?)

So after reading all the other comments/questions, I have a new question.
That ironically has nothing to do with losing money.

What's Gaia's intended audience(demographics)? It's obvious it has changed over the years. So who are you guys marketing toward these days?

commentCommented on: Mon Feb 25, 2008 @ 10:25pm
I have a question. I was wondering what steps you guys take to test botting security. Like do you have a guy who sits around trying to not trigger the security with a bot to find the flaws? As well as trying to trigger the security manually without a program to see how users might accidentally get caught instead? Anything you have to say about this subject would interest me greatly and I understand that a lot can't be said due to botters taking advantage of information. Sorry if someone has asked about this before but I hadn't seen anything on it in the last few entries though I'm still reading through your journal.

Thanks and keep up the fantastic work Fleep ^_^

Captain Capacitor
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