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Gaia Life
A catalog of my experiences as an employee and citizen of Gaia.
Week Twenty-Two: Moonshadow
It's been a busy week for me, so I'll try to cover some of the highlights of what's been going on...

Number 09
So the biggest news this week is that everyone's beloved 09 has been shot down. This came as much a surprise to me as it did to all of you. The manga actually made me tear up a little.

Some users have gotten in a huff because Yuzi and Wandering Mind were made a part of the event storyline. I gotta mention:
  • It has NOTHING to do with the fact that Yuzi is a mod
  • Their involvement in the storyline was a result of 09's actions, not their actions
In spite of this, it's cool that the users had a chance to shape the event in this way. The GiB (Gaians in Black) were also mentioned in an earlier storyline update. Hopefully we get to see more of this kind of user-influence in the future.

Things to Come
As I mentioned earlier, we're all still spending a lot of time fixing bugs around the site, tightening things up, and generally laying off the new features wherever possible.

The way we define bugs varies a lot -- it's not just things that are broken, but also things that don't work well, things that could be better, things that could look better, etc. Basically upping the overall quality from crap to gold.

Will you stop complaining now? Haha, I'm just kidding -- that'd be impossible.

Holiday Contest
So this is what a lot of you came for ... my contest! It will be a short one but it should be fun.

The Rules
1. READ EVERYTHING. Breaking the rules will disqualify you INSTANTLY. No second chances.
Following the rules is part of the contest. If you break the rules in any way, you will be disqualified. There's going to be enough competition that I'll have no compulsion to give second chances. READ EVERYTHING.

2. Submit entries THROUGH PM with the title "DEC 06 CONTEST ENTRY"
Any PMs regarding the contest without this title will disqualify you. Do not PM me asking me for clarification on the rules, asking me if you won, etc. The only thing I want to see in my inbox from you regarding this contest is the entries smile

3. PMs must be literate and well organized
I will instantly delete any PM that is messy, doesn't have proper punctuation, has horrible spelling, or doesn't make sense. If you struggle with the English language, I won't hold that against you, try your best. Also, there are going to be a series of responses - separate them on different lines.

4. No comments just about entering
Do NOT leave a comment on this journal about how you're entering, without saying anything else. Anybody who leaves a comment JUST about the contest will be disqualified.

5. Do not ask me about scoring
Ultimately, I judge what is fair and what isn't. If you ask me what I thought of your submission, how many points you got, or anything in that area, you will be disqualified.

6. One submission, one PM
All submissions must be in a single PM. Sending multiple PMs with entries will disqualify you.

7. Deadline
All entries must be in by Saturday, December 23nd - the day before Christmas Eve. Once it hits midnight in California Sunday morning, the contest is over.

The Contest
The contest itself will be part scavenger hunt and part writing portion. Here are the portions:

Part I: Reference Scavenger Hunt
All throughout my past journals I've made hidden or obvious references to music, movies, television, and video games. Provide a list and description of every reference I make. The more references you get (that I actually INTENDED to make) the better. Provide a link to the journals you're referencing.

If you're not sure if it's a reference or not... submit it anyway! You don't lose points for wrong answers. This will be scored on a 100 point curve (the person with the most gets 100, and everyone else's are adjusted accordingly!)

Part II: "I Know What's Right For Gaia"
Everyone thinks they know what's best for Gaia, right? Prove it! This portion of the competition lets you come up with a way that you would enhance Gaia -- either by adding a new feature, changing an existing feature, changing the way the site is run, changing the art, or something I haven't even thought of. Entries will be scored from 1-100 based on:
  • Originality - the more creative, the better
  • Feasibility - be realistic. Nothing that you think would be unlikely to be possible.
  • Conciseness - It shouldn't take 3 pages of writing to explain your idea!

Part III: Free Writing About Gaia
Finally, the last portion of the contest is an entry where you can write ANYTHING you want to about Gaia. It can be a poem, a song (words only), an essay, a treatise, a drawing, whatever you want. It will be scored from 1-100 based on:
  • Creativity and originality - impress me with your unique ideas!
  • Presentation
  • Conciseness - please keep it under 1000 words, if possible

You must turn in all three to qualify.

The Prizes
First Place
50,000 gold
My MoMo the Monkey
Your responses put in my next journal update

Second Place
30,000 gold

Third Place
10,000 gold

User Comments: [81] Viewing page 1 of 2 · Goto Page: 1 2 »  [add]
Community Member
commentCommented on: Mon Dec 04, 2006 @ 08:23pm
Poor 09 ):
Great contest ideas, though~

commentCommented on: Mon Dec 04, 2006 @ 08:32pm

Sounds like so much fun! I'm looking forward to it.

You and your love for Borat. xd

Cid High-Wind
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commentCommented on: Mon Dec 04, 2006 @ 08:37pm
but the Santa Claus 3 has Jack Frost, that puts it one level above crap, though i'm sure they did a horrible job with the character. you should see Happy Feet if you haven't already. it's very funny and has enviromentalist propaganda (that made me happy) in it.

cultural references! gonk i live under a rock...there is no hope unless i get someone to help me.

commentCommented on: Mon Dec 04, 2006 @ 08:42pm
I'm glad to see you sticking by the decision to put users in the update, I'm sick of hearing people whine make legitimate yet negative feedback about it...it's not like it was anything NEW, it was just drawings to accompany what actually happened. So rock on, Fleepmeister 3nodding .

Ooh, big contest! I don't think my brain oozes enough creativity, but maybe I'll give it a try. Good luck y'alls!

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Seal of the Scorpion
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commentCommented on: Mon Dec 04, 2006 @ 08:42pm
I love the contest Idea Fleep (though i am too slow to figure out references you make :-p), and I agree with you about the Yuzi_K incident. i for one was glad to see it, it shows that when you are that dedicated to the storyline you may have a chance to be part of the manga smile

commentCommented on: Mon Dec 04, 2006 @ 09:25pm
I agree entirely, Fleep. The fact that users got the chance to influence the storyline indirectly (by which I mean it wasn't so obvious like the Trial of Ian.) is great! It shows that the admins and artists are paying attention. This is actually something I've been wanting for some time now - If there are NPC's that are in the same world as us, why can't we communicate with them, right?
I hope that one day I'll be able to get involved in one.

Zarin Denatrose
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commentCommented on: Mon Dec 04, 2006 @ 09:26pm
I really cant see why users complained about Yuzi and Wandering Mind being in the storyline update. I thought it was great to see the actual members of Gaia, my fellow Gaians involved. I think people are just jealous.
I cant wait to get started on the contest!
Thanks again for another great journal update!! biggrin

commentCommented on: Mon Dec 04, 2006 @ 09:28pm
WAY TOO complicated for me xd
I could do it but am actually pretty busy and don't have that kind of time
good luck to everyone else though biggrin !

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el demonslayer
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commentCommented on: Mon Dec 04, 2006 @ 09:30pm
i can't believe you're giving away your Momo and ufo!

commentCommented on: Mon Dec 04, 2006 @ 09:34pm
-steals a comment- ;D

Sounds like a very interesting contest.
I was wondering what would be included. x3

Hmm, not really sure if I'm going to participate or not. =/
But, there's still plenty of time.

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Zero Omega
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commentCommented on: Mon Dec 04, 2006 @ 09:37pm
G'luck to ya guys with the bug fixing, I can't imagine that being a one-day thing. gonk

Contest sounds fun and could probably hold some pretty viable feedback for Gaia, nice idea.

commentCommented on: Mon Dec 04, 2006 @ 09:39pm
Why does part two sound like something that can profit you with ideas to submit to the rest of the staff? Oh well, admin/developer-to-user interaction is always a good thing. I'll get started on it whenever. razz

In the beginning, I just wished they didn't namedrop Yuzi and WM, namely because that would tons of unneccessary confusion and publicity with the two. I'm over it now, I guess, though it actually led me to wonder if user/admin interference with the storyline should be allowed to that point.

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commentCommented on: Mon Dec 04, 2006 @ 09:53pm
It's amusing to see users involved in the storyline, but ... it makes for some negative aspects. Most people would LOVE to have a cameo in the storyline, and I think much of the complains stems out of that kind of envy.

Come on, who wouldn't want fanart by Gaia's administration? *drool*

You can't BUY that kind of fame!

Hah. Borat. My sister was COMPLAINING so much about that movie, her boyfriend dragged her off to see it. She griped all night about the "ugly naked men" in it.


Which, of course, now makes me want to see it. ninja


As for the contest? Good luck sorting through the entries! rofl I expect we'll see your next update some time in '08 then? mrgreen *dodge*

commentCommented on: Mon Dec 04, 2006 @ 10:09pm
lol @ crap picture link xd

Ya, its cool that users can influence the story line, but i can never find this 'wandering mind' person sweatdrop

edit - fix the penguin/seal slipper glitch completly! xd I've been waiting forever to wear my penguins with long pants sad

Tre Le Coco
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commentCommented on: Mon Dec 04, 2006 @ 10:16pm
Personally I LOVE that some users became part of the storyline. That level of interactivity is awesome. Thats why I'm on GAIA to INTERACT and ROLE-PLAY. Again, Personally I'm loving this event. You guys at GAIA HQ have done a fantastic job with this event. Only complaint is I wish the regular NPCs were in the story a tad more. But, I'm sure they will be in the end.

I was sad to see 09 shot down. But I only blame 06. I LOL'd at the recap cause I was involved a lot in the triangle forming. Aww, good GAIA memories.

I know this isn't the place but, you should slip a note to the people who made word bump. Saying I <3 them for making the game. I'm addicted.

Also, stop leaving us hanging, we need a new quest for your awesome quest feature thing.

Good idea for a contest, I thought about entering tell I saw the essay part. Sad though you are giving away your momo and ufo.

commentCommented on: Mon Dec 04, 2006 @ 10:31pm
Hey that title... That title is the name of a character I know! xD

About the storyline: it's great to see that the admins and co are paying attention to what is happening on Gaia! We're closer then ever with the NPC's. Too bad 09 had to be shot for that *sobs*

Task 2 of your contest made my laugh. Sneaky you! Taking adventage of everybody who competes xD

Zakou Nenharma
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commentCommented on: Mon Dec 04, 2006 @ 10:59pm
When I found out that 09 wasnt actually dead, I was happy, then I read he had.. that thing were you cant remember anything, and I was sad again. I think its stupid that people are getting all huffy just cause users were involved in the plot, they deserved it.


I was gonna do the holiday contest thing.. But then I read you have to do ALL three portions of it, so im not doing it. XDD I'd so suck at the first one. But theyre good ideas anyway.

commentCommented on: Mon Dec 04, 2006 @ 11:32pm
Those Gaia artists...sure know how to make things look real eek .

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commentCommented on: Tue Dec 05, 2006 @ 12:14am
Oh yeah I agree with Aeonis they really do make it look real 3nodding

commentCommented on: Tue Dec 05, 2006 @ 01:37am
I actually cried at the update cause I'm mushtastic like that. =^.^=

I haven't seen Borat yet but with so many people raving about it I'll have to put on my list of movies to see.

I will get you to sign my Wii *fist shakiness then cackles* Oh the plot I have in store. MUHAHAHAHA......HAHAHAHA.....hahaha...hehe....heh....*wanders off*

((no plot really, just finding out if you'll be at any cons, bringing my wii with me and than beating people off with my bokken who get to close to it ninja ))

Leena no Majo
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The wandering mind...
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commentCommented on: Tue Dec 05, 2006 @ 02:41am
Thanks for making a statement on it.

Ah, we have to do all three?
I doubt I could get the referances.

commentCommented on: Tue Dec 05, 2006 @ 03:59am
Well, I'm old enough to know the Van Morrison reference up there, but I know not video games. rofl

As far as the bug fixing? I salute you and the crew! Safari is running Gaia great with only a few minor glitches that I'm too lazy to worry about. I can load houses and edit without the need to reload over and over, everything else is slick as snot.

I also did a survey of random people, so far most people think Fleep is Spidermans little known little brother. Or the janitor for Gaias' offices.

Go baby go!

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commentCommented on: Tue Dec 05, 2006 @ 06:37am
whahaha that santa and borat thibng i realy rofled about that XD

commentCommented on: Tue Dec 05, 2006 @ 07:02am
It made me tear up a bit too. I can't look at the part "Friends" frame without getting all misty eyed. crying

Good luck to all that enter. You're gonna need it. wink

No real glitches to report. I'm kinda wary about the 3 MC thing, but that's because changes always come with a price, and I am a coward when it comes to that kind of thing. emo

Oh, but carpets and wallpapers aren't loading in Houses after they get saved. Looks fine in the editor, doesn't work in Towns... I'll put that in Site Feedback now. sweatdrop

Once again, thank you and the rest of the gang at Ani HQ for all the wonderful things you have wrought unto the world of virtual communication. blaugh

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commentCommented on: Tue Dec 05, 2006 @ 08:50am

The contest is sooo awesome!!! >.< I can't wait to start!! ^_^

Awwww... The storyline was sooo sad!!! crying I feel your pain!! gonk

Anyway, goodluck to everybody that enters!! <3

Keep up the great journal entries!! 3nodding

commentCommented on: Tue Dec 05, 2006 @ 09:52am
Wow, such a complicated contest... @_@ The scavenger hunt part seems kinda fun though =D

I still haven't seen Borat... crying My poor eyes have yet to feel the burning of the image of Borat in his... "Swimsuit" yet... =/

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Dec 05, 2006 @ 10:02am
Yay for quests! xD

commentCommented on: Tue Dec 05, 2006 @ 10:40am
pweeeeew --;

I'm not going to enter your contest xp;
My english is so bad D:

Damn for being a simple dutchie xDD

Top 44
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commentCommented on: Tue Dec 05, 2006 @ 12:03pm
The idea of Gaia is all about interaction right? So why is everyone having a hissy fit about Yuzi and Wandering Mind being in the story? That's just silly. If anything they deserve a little recognition for creating such well thought out threads.

Wow. Your contest is gonna be a lot of work. I'm not sure if I'll have time to do all that, as much as I really want to. gonk Maybe I'll give it a shot if I have some spare time at home. I can't believe you're giving away your UFO and your Momo too. Those are your little pals! I know whoever gets them will take good care of them though.

Hahaha. You called Santa Clause: 3 crap. That made me laugh on the inside. The "I'm Okay" reference reminded me to tell you, I downloaded that when you told me about the guy who made the game, and when I went to go play it, it totally bombed my computer, like, my screen wouldn't render it to the right size and then my keyboard and mouse totally stopped cooperating with me. xD So I un-installed it.

Oooh ooh ooh, and I finally got to play some in-depth gaming on the Wii. I played Wii sports for a while, and I must admit, its a blast. Like the most amazing fun I've gotten in a video game system in quite a while. I also finally got to play Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess, and once again, I was very impressed. The responsiveness of the sword swings to the Wiimote and Nunchuk was amazing. You would LOVE it.

Okay. This comment has probably drawn on long enough with my babbling. Adios for now Fleep. Feel free to comment back. 3nodding

commentCommented on: Tue Dec 05, 2006 @ 12:23pm
glad you have this kind of contest heart

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commentCommented on: Tue Dec 05, 2006 @ 01:46pm
;_; I actually wanted to see Santa Claus 3.. but my boyfriend made me see The Fountain. WHICH IS WEIRD, MIGHT I ADD. Like "wtf" weird. It had around 3 to 4 stories going on.. I'm not entirely sure how all of them tied in to one. confused I'll have to watch it a billion times.

And I honestly don't understand the hissy fit people are having with Yuzi and Wandering. xd I think it's great to include users, not simply NPCs. User Interaction: 100 points in my book. pirate

commentCommented on: Tue Dec 05, 2006 @ 02:05pm
XD Haha, I take it Santa Claus 3 was not worth the ticket price...but Borat is?? >.> I liked Ali G but I wasn't sure if Borat would be all that wonderful.

I look forward to more Gaian involvement in the storyline, it makes so many feel all sparkly inside!

Enelya Anarion
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Bandit of Love
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commentCommented on: Tue Dec 05, 2006 @ 03:15pm
I was so saddened to see the demise of 09..... There's no chance he could be brought back even as an Alien Zombie???

I really enjoyed to Gaian involvement, it made me feel special even though I wasn't in it. ^_^ It was just cool how we got to shape the future of Gaia. Almost.

And you Contest seems exciting, I wish all the users the best of luck! I will be cheering from the sidelines!!! ^_^ Whooo!

commentCommented on: Tue Dec 05, 2006 @ 04:32pm
I love reading your journals Fleep ^_^! You give us so much info and insight :3

And while you guys are fixing the bugs, can you guys push the idea of getting those freaking crowns and other missing items back into the Prize & Joy just a tad more? The inflation on those items are insane when they shouldn't be :'3!

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commentCommented on: Tue Dec 05, 2006 @ 05:00pm
I am shriekingly new! But I have become a hopeless addict, love looking at all the gorgeous people in here! Not a creative writer, but I do illustrations. hmm....

commentCommented on: Tue Dec 05, 2006 @ 07:35pm
I'll pass on the contest thnx talk2hand

Community Member
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commentCommented on: Wed Dec 06, 2006 @ 01:37am
biggrin Borat RULES!!![/fandomness]

Anyways, I doubt I'm going to do the contest, i wish i could but my imagination fails me a times, and i have school to worry about. Damn Honors classes...

I betcha that your MoMo and UFO might be on the Marketplace or in the exchange a day or two after, it's a shame... They WILL be worth more than the 30k and 50k anyways.

Too bad you can't get help on "Grading" those responses, betcha it'll take you a life time to do... Nice idea for a contest though. Very challenging and it'll show you who REALLY wants it.


commentCommented on: Wed Dec 06, 2006 @ 01:46am
i hope the wins!(i'm not entering, not good at that kind of stuff sweatdrop )
HAVE FUN THOUGH!!!!!!.....*meow*

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Dec 06, 2006 @ 02:32am
YOUR JOURNAL ENTERTAINS ME. I laugh at your Santa Claus 3 reference. I wish mae would, too.

And uh... I'm sure I'd pick up a lot of your references 'n crap, but I'm FAR too lazy! D:

commentCommented on: Wed Dec 06, 2006 @ 03:06am
Well, phooey. I'm disqualified already. Mie speling's atrtocious!

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Dec 06, 2006 @ 06:08am
Crap... rofl Ii is always fun to read your journal!
Also I'd like to thank you for mentioning that about yuzi!
Everyone posts in her thread complaining about her being
in thier because she is a mod! sweatdrop In any case Fleep
:salutes: Keep up the good work!

commentCommented on: Wed Dec 06, 2006 @ 08:27am
WowieZowie!....that's a lot to do for a contest,but it's do-able.....Just as soon as Im finished with my finals, I will take a shot at it. Thanks again for all the wonderful information and insight you provide us with. I must say Im impressed to see that despite all the work you do already, you still find time to fill us in on all the new events that are happening. Again, Thank You for your hard work =^_^=

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Dec 06, 2006 @ 06:26pm
Nice contest you're hosting, I would have to do my research in order to participate.

commentCommented on: Wed Dec 06, 2006 @ 11:44pm
Yay for bug-fixing. biggrin

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Dagger Klinge
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commentCommented on: Thu Dec 07, 2006 @ 12:29am
Thank you for saying what you did about the manga. Hearing so many people get in such a hissy fit about it made me sad.

commentCommented on: Thu Dec 07, 2006 @ 03:55pm
Borat = heart
I watched that movie twice already and I still have room for more. x3

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Thu Dec 07, 2006 @ 10:05pm

commentCommented on: Thu Dec 07, 2006 @ 11:44pm
Ugh, Borat. <.<;;

Best of luck to peoples who enter your contest! 3nodding Too lazy meself.

09~. crying He'll be okay, right? Right!?

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commentCommented on: Fri Dec 08, 2006 @ 12:28am
Ooh, a contest.

But I'm way to busy to do a contest now a days...

User Image
[[->The love arrow.<-]]

commentCommented on: Fri Dec 08, 2006 @ 08:21pm
I don't understand the problem with having real people in the updates. I mean, doesn't that mean that we the people matter? Shouldn't we be cheering for the Laygaian to appear more often? It kind of gives you hope that one day, if you work hard enough, you too can be lucky enough to help turn the Gaian world. Right?

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