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Gaia Life
A catalog of my experiences as an employee and citizen of Gaia.
Week Eighty-One: In Between Days
Hey guys,

So we're a week into the Summer Festival and the big water balloon fight is nearing a close. It's been an insane couple of weeks, and this one was craziest (even though I didn't spend as much time in the office).

I'm spending this Labor Day weekend trying to rapidly decompress from the stress of running events.

Slippery When Wet
This event had a few hitches, but all in all I consider it a success. We tried to take some of the best parts of past events, and then spent a lot more time focused on what is actually fun in terms of gameplay.

It's looks like I kicked a lot of the glitches in the butt, except for the glitch where items occasionally don't grant (although, that's tied to other issues on the site - not the event specifically).

The burden now falls upon our event team to make Halloween even better. Aieee, that's a really tall order gonk We have some cool ideas, though, and we're going to start development ASAP!

And Justice For All
One of the toughest parts of this event has been managing user personalities, mentalities, and speculation. After a number of glitches (and being one of the sole keepers of the secrets behind pumping, team size, and active members) I've had to act as referee for the event and make decisions which not everyone liked, but that was necessary to get on with the game.

During the run of this event, especially in the patchy parts, I found myself getting hundreds of PMs from users who decided that the more they PMed me with complaints, the more likely I was to give points to their team rofl There was even a thread on one of the teams' home forums called "EVERYONE PM FLEEP!"

The funniest thing, for me, is how many users thought other teams' users were hacking Gaia to increase their score. I had to make a sticky thread in the event forum saying that nobody was cheating, that the event was proceeding as intended, etc. etc.

The Score
One decision I made at the very last minute (because I thought it was important for users to have fun with this event) was to allow users to see a score breakdown, and to track their launch times.

Generally, I think that an understanding of how their actions affected their teams' score was a good thing and a necessary change. Users knew where to focus their efforts, they were able to organize their teams to work towards common goals, and they became more aware of the potential negative repercussions of hitting a particular team, or throwing water balloons instead of pumping.

I couldn't let them know EVERYTHING about the mechanics of the event -- like how "Active Members" are calculated or how pumping times are adjusted for each time. Too much of an understanding of these specifics would open this event far too wide for cheating and exploitation.

Even with the limited information we gave them, users have found ways to get the upper hand in a negative fashion. It also gave them a reason to complain to me with mountains of math based on nothing at all. A very popular example of this was users who calculated the "pumps per person" average on each team and complaining that Durem's was higher than everyone else's. Two things on the matter:

1) I got, without a doubt, the most # of complaints from team Durem, which wouldn't bother me so much except that they were so far ahead of everyone else most of the event.

2) The average pumps-per-person doesn't really have any relevance with regards to pumping times or launches. The event may indirectly change this value, but there are so many other factors involved that focusing on this will get you nowhere.

Rage Against With The Machine
One of the unfortunate aspects of this event (and something we'll hopefully have a better solution for in future events) is the amount of unacceptable hostility that's cropped up during the event.

On the one side, it's really cool that users are getting SO into the event. Some have taken it so seriously that when they thought the game was unfair, they were prepared to quit Gaia. All that tells me is that they take Gaia more seriously than anyone (I wonder if this type of user is actually less likely to quit than other users?)

On the much more obvious side, some of the behavior breaks Gaia's rules, is hurtful, and is just plain stupid. I'm upset that certain mean-spirited users decided to bring down the tone of the event in this way, and I'm apologetic to our moderation team who had to deal with the fallout from flaming in the event forums.

No Rest for the Weary
I usually don't like to include Gaia in my time off (well, mostly after 3 weeks of almost literally doing nothing but Gaia), but I decided that after this crazy week and last-week's half-written journal entry, I owed you guys my thoughts on the event so far.

That in mind, even though the event's not over yet, I'd like some feedback on a couple of things. You can either include it in your journal response, or PM it directly to me:

Fleep's Summer Festival 2007 Feedback Questions

1. Do you like that there was a competitive aspect in this event?

2. Did you like the media pack? Should we release things like this for future events?

3. Did you feel that the event lasted too long?

4. Did you feel as though there was enough new content during the first week to keep you interested (release, media pack, manga)

5. How do you feel about this event as compared to past events?

6. Would you like to see this event again next year?

7. What was your favorite thing about this event?

8. What would you have changed about the event?

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Liebe Verzweiflung
Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Sep 04, 2007 @ 06:57pm
1. Do you like that there was a competitive aspect in this event? Ch'yeah, that was what kept me pumping and posting all over. mrgreen Although a lot of users kept talking about how people were being mean-spirited, all the threads I visited were nice with friendly taunting. (Is there such a thing?)

2. Did you like the media pack? Should we release things like this for future events?
The media pack WAS pretty sweet. People got to download em and make these outta sight sigs! biggrin And ch'yeah, it would be cool to see a media pack in future events!

3. Did you feel that the event lasted too long? Erm . . . I came in late in the event around three days before it ended, so I really didn't think it lasted too long. sweatdrop

4. Did you feel as though there was enough new content during the first week to keep you interested (release, media pack, manga) Oh ch'yeah, deffinately. But that's just me, since I'm a very curious person.

5. How do you feel about this event as compared to past events? This is my first event ever on Gaia. Pretty memorable, too. surprised

6. Would you like to see this event again next year? Hm . . . I'm a bit mixed abit that. On the one hand, it would be cool to go back to Team Durem and see if we could win a second time, but on the other hand it would be a little stale. Ah, forgive me for not really answering.[/color

7. What was your favorite thing about this event? Probably the team spirit thing. While I wasn't all that spirited myself (say sorry) it was fun to watch the people who really enjoyed this event run around and try encouraging people, patting each other on the back, etc., etc.

8. What would you have changed about the event? I probably would have made the NPCs seem more active, seem more like they're out there fighting with the players. Wierd idea, huh?

commentCommented on: Tue Sep 04, 2007 @ 07:28pm
1. Do you like that there was a competitive aspect in this event?
Yes, although as you said, sometimes the competitiveness made me wary of getting too involved; I didn't want to end up with flaming PMs in my inbox like some friends did :/

2. Did you like the media pack? Should we release things like this for future events?
Yes! But with probably more personalized, detailed touches to them (such as seen in the signature lab). I had to deal with a lot of people who kept pinching my banners and using them without permission; but I released a general public one for their use. TEAM 'Official' Banners would have been fantastic though.

3. Did you feel that the event lasted too long?
Yes, far too long. I think it should have only lasted a long weekend at the most; perhaps 3 days, the manga on the third day and MMVII on the sixth or seventh day.

4. Did you feel as though there was enough new content during the first week to keep you interested (release, media pack, manga)
No, I became disinterested about two days into the event, up until the manga (which I absolutely loved), and then immediately disinterested in the entire ordeal again.

5. How do you feel about this event as compared to past events?
Better than we've seen this year that's for sure.
Nothing compared to Halloween 2k4 though, mind you, it would take a lot to beat that. (Probably the best event since then though!)

6. Would you like to see this event again next year?
Yes, absolutely, only under the conditions of different NPC representatives, and perhaps another town or two for competitions sake wink

7. What was your favorite thing about this event?

The team play aspect/pumping, throwing water balloons and watching your team win (which it did, mwahaha~).
I absolutely loved the manga, because I'm a storyline hoar like that, and am thoroughly looking forward to MMVII.

8. What would you have changed about the event?
  • Too many forums to be honest, but I understand the practice of that; but I would've much rather the entire event converged in one forum.
  • More NPC interaction, little NPC dialog boxes popping up talking to you; something like Moira popping up and saying something like "Hell yeah! GO DUREM!"
  • More storyline, something else to grab your attention/ponder over in the mean time, or just watch unfold.
  • ...Relating back to NPC, more information about them! (relating back to interaction) We want to know what they spread on their toast, what kind of underwear they wear... XD You get the idea.

Apart from that, keep up the good work and thanks Fleep! biggrin Thoroughly looking forward to this Halloween.

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Sep 04, 2007 @ 07:34pm
Fleep's Summer Festival 2007 Feedback Questions

1. Do you like that there was a competitive aspect in this event?

Yes, although I felt like at times people weren't so much competitive as combative, and that sucked. Lots of people were competitive in a good way, and I feel like that should be encouraged even more strongly next time.

2. Did you like the media pack? Should we release things like this for future events?

I actually prefered that users were making their own graphics and handing them out to their teammates, it contributed to the team spirit.

3. Did you feel that the event lasted too long?

Nope. I liked that it was so long. It meant that even if I missed a day I didn't feel like I missed out. Of course, now that the water fight is over I kinda feel like the event itself is over, so maybe this next part will be too long.

4. Did you feel as though there was enough new content during the first week to keep you interested (release, media pack, manga)

Yep. I liked that.

5. How do you feel about this event as compared to past events?
It worked very well, and I liked it a lot. I think it's my favorite, along with the Zurg Christmas event.

6. Would you like to see this event again next year?

I'd actually like to see something similar, but with a different theme. A water fight every summer would get old, but if it were something like a carnival or a field day next year it would be fun.

7. What was your favorite thing about this event?

I really liked the competition aspect, and the fact that the "you can't do that yet" message told you how much time was left/didn't reset. That was a nice change.

8. What would you have changed about the event?
The users who were being jerks about the competition.

commentCommented on: Tue Sep 04, 2007 @ 07:44pm
Fleep's Summer Festival 2007 Feedback Questions

1. Do you like that there was a competitive aspect in this event? -- Really a great idea, the 'teams' seemed to inspire a lot out of the various players.

2. Did you like the media pack? Should we release things like this for future events? -- YES, and YES!

3. Did you feel that the event lasted too long? -- Naw, with the holiday weekend, and people coming back from vacation, going back to school or work, it seemed to keep things nicely balanced. Not nearly the amount of lagging I expected.

4. Did you feel as though there was enough new content during the first week to keep you interested (release, media pack, manga) -- I think so, but I'm pretty easy to entertain.

5. How do you feel about this event as compared to past events? -- A lot splashier (har!), a lot more interaction in towns.

6. Would you like to see this event again next year? -- Definitely

7. What was your favorite thing about this event? -- I love the water balloons in towns.

8. What would you have changed about the event? -- Possibly more interaction with NPCs. Maybe an Elvis chase or something.

Overall, great work. Thanks!

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Sep 04, 2007 @ 08:05pm
Fleep's Summer Festival 2007 Feedback Questions

1. Do you like that there was a competitive aspect in this event?
I liked the competition a lot. Sure, it got a bit out of hand, but to be able to finally support my favorite town in a "war" was really fun. I hope that you have more Town-specific events/quests in the future!

2. Did you like the media pack? Should we release things like this for future events?
That was inspired. Thank you very much for the pack -- it helped a lot of people come up with even more team banners! I saved something crazy like eight or nine different banners to my own server, just so I can see them in the future (and possibly post them in threads sometime down the road and reminisce)!

3. Did you feel that the event lasted too long?
Yes, I feel that it lasted just a bit too long -- two weeks with one set even is exhausting, even to the most dedicated user. I like the fact that there was one week for the fight, but I would probably suggest constructing a part two during the second week, if you were to do this type of event again. Maybe the second week your balloon hits go back down to zero and you want to get fifty throws in for a new set of items?

4. Did you feel as though there was enough new content during the first week to keep you interested (release, media pack, manga)
Definitely. The steady release of new materials did keep me interested longer than if you would have given them all at once. But now with nothing (that I know of) planned until MMVII is released, I probably won't wander into the Event forums again.

5. How do you feel about this event as compared to past events?
Well, you certainly made up for Easter, didn't you? blaugh
It was great, it brought together elements from the Zurg/Human war from last Halloween (probably my favorite Halloween event since '04...even if I'm not crazy about the Zurg), and mixed that with the community war aspect of the Trial of Ian. That was brilliant! However, as has been mentioned, there was a lot of flaming and harsh words thrown around during the event. But, with so many users getting so into the event, it would be dumb to not expect some kind of verbal war going on.

6. Would you like to see this event again next year?
Definitely. However, I would like it to be a little earlier so that the college kids/early school starters don't miss out on a full blown event participation. Sure, I was able to participate at least 85% and get the items, but my fiance barely has had any rest to throw a balloon or two.

7. What was your favorite thing about this event?
I loved being able to support Durem during the event. Everything always seems to happen between Barton Town and Isle de Gambino with Durem getting a tiny bit of the action and Aekea getting next to nothing. If you noticed, the last two cities were the biggest and highest ranking. I know that you don't do plot, Fleep, but maybe you can put in a good word for the oft-left out NPC's of Durem and Aekea? Especially now that we have some new ones! ((And the fact that Josie hasn't been "formally" introduced into the story yet is rather sad.))

8. What would you have changed about the event?
Like I said earlier, start it maybe a week or two earlier than you did this year. That would give everyone a chance to play during summer vacation. Also, have a new event planned for the second week (if you choose to keep it). That way the event won't be monotonous. Finally, next year, don't fall back on the "classic" NPCs to represent the town. Yes, we know that Sasha is a major character. You should have featured other people, like Ruby and/or Meredith from Isle de Gambino. Poor Peyo isn't even a major feature in his store anymore. With that said, thank you for picking Jinx and Josie to represent their respective towns, as well as Natasha and Devin. Oh. And next year, if you choose to do this again, please use Edy somewhere for Aekea...he is the s**t. cool And Sam's pretty cool too. wink

I hope that helps your feedback, Fleep! ^__^
Thank you for a successful event, and I can't wait to see what you're dreaming up for Halloween!
Good luck topping this one, though. xp domokun

commentCommented on: Tue Sep 04, 2007 @ 10:09pm
1. Do you like that there was a competitive aspect in this event?

Sure! It made things more interesting. (my participation didn't increase for that reason, but you could feel others burst!).

2. Did you like the media pack? Should we release things like this for future events?

Uhm... Sorry, but the Fan Media was kind of better. You should be proud though people got so interested that make so many customized -Bumps- and -Signatures-. (maybe more than ever!).

3. Did you feel that the event lasted too long?

Kind of. I would've prreffered if it had lasted about two days. Everything would have been more concentrated, and people would be a bit more motivated on the Pumping matter.

4. Did you feel as though there was enough new content during the first week to keep you interested (release, media pack, manga)

The same as in #3, it would have been better if it had been a bit more compressed.

5. How do you feel about this event as compared to past events?

It's been one of the best!! whee

6. Would you like to see this event again next year?

I'll tell you once we get to Halloween.

7. What was your favorite thing about this event?

Competitiviness, no restriction to whom you could shoot, no elitism, cooperation, user feedback...

8. What would you have changed about the event?

I would have shortened it a bit ^^U

-P.S. Thanks to all the staff for all the incredible work they've made!! whee -

Petit Princep
Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Sep 04, 2007 @ 10:23pm
Fleep's Summer Festival 2007 Feedback Questions

1. Do you like that there was a competitive aspect in this event?
Yeap. I think it's when Gaia gets competitive that it comes to life, people get more into things *-*. And this time, for once, most did think about only themselves and items but also about their own team. It was great ♥

2. Did you like the media pack? Should we release things like this for future events?
It was GREAT! Loved it ^^

3. Did you feel that the event lasted too long?
It was just perfect ^^ shorter events make it hard for people with busy lives to participate, if they last at least one week I will be able to be online for at least a day ^^ (my work doesn't give me the weekend off so it's uncertain if I can be on or not on those days)
So please make more events this long ♥

4. Did you feel as though there was enough new content during the first week to keep you interested (release, media pack, manga)
Yeah it was nice ^^ though it was a pitty that the event wasn't directly connected with the manga update ^^º

5. How do you feel about this event as compared to past events?
I think this is one of the best so far, and the best I've been part of.

6. Would you like to see this event again next year?
hummm... yeah but it would be nice to have something new on it too ^^

7. What was your favorite thing about this event?
the competition, the quotes when throwing balloons (though it would have been nice if they were as many as they were on valentine's day XD I loved those ♥) and the "animations" when the cannons were fired ♥

8. What would you have changed about the event?
nothing I could think of XD I could never do better XD

commentCommented on: Tue Sep 04, 2007 @ 10:38pm
1. Do you like that there was a competitive aspect in this event?
It was interesting, as in previous years the competitions have been a bit stranger (Mostly the Zombie ones). The fact that you had freedom to choose which side you'd take, and how your efforts could help your team, made it considerably more enjoyable.

2. Did you like the media pack? Should we release things like this for future events?
It's a great idea! It promotes user involvement, and that is always good.

3. Did you feel that the event lasted too long?
Maybe just a bit, but then again, maybe not. If I were to say something in concrete, it'd be "Just right".

4. Did you feel as though there was enough new content during the first week to keep you interested (release, media pack, manga)
Yes, although the second week lacked a bit. Maybe it could help spacing out the release of new content.

5. How do you feel about this event as compared to past events?
A definite improvement! There were past events where, due to certain life circumstances, I totally missed the event; or the incredible site slowdowns of previous years. It felt smoother, with enough chances for people to get at least one of the items (The shirt), as well as interact with other users in ways that would be impossible otherwise.

6. Would you like to see this event again next year?
Or something like it. Another summer event would truly fill the gap of months between the events.

7. What was your favorite thing about this event?
People organizing to help their team win. Oh, and the team statistics. Heheh.

8. What would you have changed about the event?
As it stands? Nothing.

Community Member
vengeful retribution
Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Sep 04, 2007 @ 10:45pm
1. Do you like that there was a competitive aspect in this event?
No, not at ALL!
Everyone took it way to seriously, and there was way too much trolling.

2. Did you like the media pack? Should we release things like this for future events?
Didn't get it. So I can't say yes or no.

3. Did you feel that the event lasted too long?
No, a week is fine for something like that.

4. Did you feel as though there was enough new content during the first week to keep you interested (release, media pack, manga)
No. I don't read the manga and I never got the media pack. It's not what I do.

5. How do you feel about this event as compared to past events?
I havn't been to many past events (I'm always too busy to attend them.) so I can't really say.

6. Would you like to see this event again next year?
No. Never again. Good effort, but everyone took it WAAY too seriously.

7. What was your favorite thing about this event?
Probably, if anything, the free items biggrin .

8. What would you have changed about the event?
A lot of things:

- I didn't like the competing idea at all.
- It wasn't very interactive.
- I don't like the items much. But they were free, so I'm not going to complain too much.
- A lot of bugs and glitches.
- Wasn't that fun, you only had 2 options to do, throw a water balloon or pump water.

These are only a couple things but they are the main things.
Please try to make a better, more interactive event.

Never Knows Best.
commentCommented on: Tue Sep 04, 2007 @ 10:49pm
1. Do you like that there was a competitive aspect in this event?
No, not at ALL!
Everyone took it way to seriously, and there was way too much trolling.

2. Did you like the media pack? Should we release things like this for future events?
Didn't get it. So I can't say yes or no.

3. Did you feel that the event lasted too long?
No, a week is fine for something like that.

4. Did you feel as though there was enough new content during the first week to keep you interested (release, media pack, manga)
No. I don't read the manga and I never got the media pack. It's not what I do.

5. How do you feel about this event as compared to past events?
I havn't been to many past events (I'm always too busy to attend them.) so I can't really say.

6. Would you like to see this event again next year?
No. Never again. Good effort, but everyone took it WAAY too seriously.

7. What was your favorite thing about this event?
Probably, if anything, the free items biggrin .

8. What would you have changed about the event?
A lot of things:

- I didn't like the competing idea at all.
- It wasn't very interactive.
- I don't like the items much. But they were free, so I'm not going to complain too much.
- A lot of bugs and glitches.
- Wasn't that fun, you only had 2 options to do, throw a water balloon or pump water.

These are only a couple things but they are the main things.
Please try to make a better, more interactive event.

Never Knows Best.

vengeful retribution
Community Member
Mus maddie
Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Sep 04, 2007 @ 11:50pm
1. Do you like that there was a competitive aspect in this event?
Yes and no. While it was very engaging and refreshing to pick a side, I didn't like how some users were really attacking other people. [and I don't mean with water balloons]

2. Did you like the media pack? Should we release things like this for future events?
I think it was a good idea. People were really able to get creative with graphics when they were working with the original images. 3nodding

3. Did you feel that the event lasted too long?
...I'm biased. I didn't have the internets for the first 3/4ths of the event, so I was happy that it lasted as long as it did. [I still managed to get meh gun on meh own! D< and pump a lot too]

4. Did you feel as though there was enough new content during the first week to keep you interested (release, media pack, manga)

5. How do you feel about this event as compared to past events?
I thought that this event encountered, again, a lot of negativity and bad competitiveness from the users. But that's not Gaia's fault. D:

6. Would you like to see this event again next year?

7. What was your favorite thing about this event?
Throwing balloons. XD

8. What would you have changed about the event?
Not allowing the members of other teams into one's team forum. D: [but do keep the general forum where people CAN interact]

commentCommented on: Wed Sep 05, 2007 @ 12:11am
1. Do you like that there was a competitive aspect in this event?
Yes it made things interesting, even if there were a fair share of annoying sore players
2. Did you like the media pack? Should we release things like this for future events?
I thought they were cute ^_^ I would love to see them again
3. Did you feel that the event lasted too long?
Na cause for a non holiday event this was awesome and we had plenty of time to get items and have fun too
4. Did you feel as though there was enough new content during the first week to keep you interested (release, media pack, manga)
Of course.
5. How do you feel about this event as compared to past events?
I loved it, it was inventive without becoming repetitive like some of the holiday events, not that those arent fun.
6. Would you like to see this event again next year?
Yea! And I'm sure by then you will have so much more planned
7. What was your favorite thing about this event?
I loved the actual throwing of balloons, the pumping was fun but towards the end when everyone just wanted to pump to win...it got just boring. I think after you have gotten the Items it should randomly give them out after you reach the top of your balloon
8. What would you have changed about the event?
Something about the way people act, like if a mod sees a thread titled things like "Haha you're losing" it gets locked down. The way people acted was simply childish, and I am in no way blaming it on the mods at all, people just dont understand how to let loose and have fun!

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Sep 05, 2007 @ 01:02am

commentCommented on: Wed Sep 05, 2007 @ 01:14am
1. Do you like that there was a competitive aspect in this event?
Not really. D; All the bashing, accusing, immaturity and stuff sorta ruined it. xP

2. Did you like the media pack? Should we release things like this for future events?
It's cool. x3 I didn't use it though~

3. Did you feel that the event lasted too long?
A little. Maybe a day or two.

4. Did you feel as though there was enough new content during the first week to keep you interested (release, media pack, manga)
Almost~ a little more would have been nice, but it was good. x3

5. How do you feel about this event as compared to past events?
It was pretty fun. I liked Halloween 04 best though.
And Halloween 06 was REALLY fun in towns. x3 (Not as much in the forums though.)

6. Would you like to see this event again next year?
NOT NOT NOT Town VS Town. Something like Gaia VS ?????? Dx NOOOT user vs user.
7. What was your favorite thing about this event?
The manga

8. What would you have changed about the event?
NOT Town vs Town.
I'd have wanted something like Gaia VS Aliens (Friendly water fight, not evil water war. xP)

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Sep 05, 2007 @ 02:44am
1. Do you like that there was a competitive aspect in this event? Mmmhmms, although some people got out of hand and just went onto a personal level. I kinda went a little bit overboard, but not a whole lot. D:

2. Did you like the media pack? Should we release things like this for future events?
Huge Durem Flag = Win.

3. Did you feel that the event lasted too long?

No I wish it lasted at least a day longer.

4. Did you feel as though there was enough new content during the first week to keep you interested (release, media pack, manga)
Haha, I was all in it for the water balloon fights and just hanging around the threads I suppose. I got art out of it, so I'm happy.

5. How do you feel about this event as compared to past events?
:] I'm more of the Halloween Person Anyways.
Tell Jack I love him.
I'm a huge fan.

6. Would you like to see this event again next year?

Yes, Indeed.

7. What was your favorite thing about this event?

I honestly have no idea, I made friends, got art, and just went all out. Pumping was great and launching attacks was more fun, I'd say.

8. What would you have changed about the event?

Not much you can really change.
It was really fun! 8D
Just the whole bug in the system kinda got annoying.

commentCommented on: Wed Sep 05, 2007 @ 03:00am
Thanks for the event! I think a Summertime event has been long overdue. The summer is probably the time when most Gaians have the most free time to be online for an event. I think the pools were an awesome addition, and it was something that has been asked for over a long period of time. I also like that more Toys were given to us to use in Towns, and I hope more "Toy"/use items are available to us in the future (I'm thinking snowball fights in the winter!).

Fleep's Summer Festival 2007 Feedback Questions

1. Do you like that there was a competitive aspect in this event?
Yes, but I think more ways to keep the competition fair would help. I know it's been said a million times, but it seems to me that the biggest team, Durem, was ahead by a LOT of points the whole time. Even on the first few days people trailed behind them. So it seems to me that if you're on the smallest team, you have a harder chance of winning, which isn't fair if you just chose a team, and didn't just join the largest team.

2. Did you like the media pack? Should we release things like this for future events?
I think the idea was great, but I didn't use it. Yes it should be used in the future.

3. Did you feel that the event lasted too long?
I honestly lost interest shortly after filling my Drench-O-Meter, and the night the system went down (and the cannons kept firing) I completely gave up. So in a way, yes I think it went on too long. If there were ever a long event like this again, I think a rule change or a new game should be added halfway through or something, or maybe release the items over the course of the event, rather than all at the beginning.

4. Did you feel as though there was enough new content during the first week to keep you interested (release, media pack, manga)
I honestly wasn't really interested in the media pack or manga... sweatdrop

5. How do you feel about this event as compared to past events?
This one was pretty fun in general, but I kind of got hopeless about my team winning once Durem got SO far ahead, and the cannon system broke.

6. Would you like to see this event again next year?
Yes, I would like to see a Summer Event return -- at the very least, PLEASE bring back the cool stuff in towns, like the pools!

7. What was your favorite thing about this event?
The competition. The changes to Towns -- especially the pools & hot-tubs!

8. What would you have changed about the event?
I think my other answers explain this. 3nodding

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Bandit of Love
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commentCommented on: Wed Sep 05, 2007 @ 03:57am
Fleep's Summer Festival 2007 Feedback Questions

1. Do you like that there was a competitive aspect in this event? Yes! It was awesome to be able to form teams and cooperate as one. I feel as if it really pulled alot of people together on Gaia.

2. Did you like the media pack? Should we release things like this for future events? I loved the media pack, and yes you should!! heart

3. Did you feel that the event lasted too long? Well considering how long it took to get all the items and the fact that alot of the younger user have already started school I think the time was just right. ^_^

4. Did you feel as though there was enough new content during the first week to keep you interested (release, media pack, manga) Yes. 3nodding

5. How do you feel about this event as compared to past events? The past events pale in comparison.

6. Would you like to see this event again next year? YES!!!

7. What was your favorite thing about this event? The teams and the competition.

8. What would you have changed about the event? I would like to see less hostility, but other than that it was great!

commentCommented on: Wed Sep 05, 2007 @ 05:20am
1. Do you like that there was a competitive aspect in this event?
Yes, the competitive aspect of the event made it extremely fun to do. I enjoyed talking on the phone with my bf about how many times we got hit and the teams we played on.

2. Did you like the media pack? Should we release things like this for future events?
The media pack could have been a little bit more graphic. I felt that it was a little to bland. But the user created team support siggies that where created showed off what Gaia users could do in their free time, and with what they had it was great to see the graphics created.

3. Did you feel that the event lasted too long?
Yes, althought it was perfectly fine the way it was. I think the event should have been compressed into less amount of days and that way I feel that the 100k mark could have been hit if everyone knew they had say like 3 days to get their teams up to a winning stance.

4. Did you feel as though there was enough new content during the first week to keep you interested (release, media pack, manga).
Yes, I did feel that there was enought content released in this event to keep me entertained. Just running around throwing water balloons at people was great. Althought for the event Towns should have been made to where you knew what team everyone else was on.

5. How do you feel about this event as compared to past events?
This was the biggest Gaian event that I have ever participated in. Im looking foreward the the Halloween event. (favorite holiday). I'd like to see the return of the G-Virus so I can see what that hype was all about! xD

6. Would you like to see this event again next year?
Yes, seeing this event next year would be awsome. I'd like to see some upgrades thought. I wouldn't know what to upgrade on but hey its worth a shot.

7. What was your favorite thing about this event?
Being able to sling water balloons and being hit. Althought it's not as great as the real thing.

8. What would you have changed about the event?
Everything was great with the event. I'm not sure theres anything that i'd try to improve on with this.

Absynthia DeWinter
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commentCommented on: Wed Sep 05, 2007 @ 06:28am
1. Do you like that there was a competitive aspect in this event?
Yes, it made it a challenge. It gave us direction and made us motivated to work together.

2. Did you like the media pack? Should we release things like this for future events?
While I personally did not use it, I know others did. It was very cool to see others use the graphics so creatively. Definitely release more media packs in the future! They really personalize Gaia with the users.

3. Did you feel that the event lasted too long?
At some points yes because after getting the shirt, splash, and gun, there was nothing to do but pump.

4. Did you feel as though there was enough new content during the first week to keep you interested (release, media pack, manga)
No not really. The first few days were fun! The shortness of the manga was kind of a let down. I was hoping for more-- more explanation of story plot holes -- not more confusion with character introduction.

5. How do you feel about this event as compared to past events?
It was one of the good ones. I like the ingenuity, but I dislike how it left a lot of room for flaming and trolling users.

6. Would you like to see this event again next year?
Yes, but please clean up the issue of trolling and flaming.

7. What was your favorite thing about this event?
I liked the concept of working together for a common goal. I liked the items and interacting with people who would support each other.

8. What would you have changed about the event?
I would definitely change how the teams win. I know the competitiveness is fun, but when you've worked hard for your team and to see them lose... it's very disappointing. Perhaps the event should be structured so that ALL gaians are working together for a common goal-- but in different aspects. (Example: fighting off a common alien enemy zurg and Barton fights with land elements like tanks, Aekea fights with sky elements like planes, Gambino fights with water elements like ships and submarines, and Durem fights with psychic energies or funds the rest or something).

The way the current event is set up has all the Gaians going against each other's throats. It splits Gaians up and segregates them... creating common enemies among each other. I would rather see an event that brings the Gaian community together as a whole.

commentCommented on: Wed Sep 05, 2007 @ 06:57am
*Disclaimer: This comment is assuming the Halloween event will include vampires, and will have a vampire skin available to the Gaia population. If this is not even being considered, feel free to not look at this, if it is, please read on, I would really appreciate it if you would atleast look at it anyway whee *

Oh! Oh! I have another suggestion for Halloweeeen!!! *raises hand and waves it frantically like a small child trying to get the teachers attention* I know alot of people are saying that vampire skins will be released for this Halloween, and I was reading Jakobo's journal, and he mentioned the possibility or having items that affect your avatar in the future, like the energy drinks do now, but no one really wants the skin to be achieved that way this year... but anyway, I was thinking, that maybe, if we do get the vampire skins, which should be earned, probably either by being bitten, or having so much blood drained or something (I'm sure you guys will come up with something cool whee ), that we could have items that change it. Like, in the comic, it looks like Zhivago's wings as a bat were the cloak he's wearing, and I was thinking that maybe one of the event items could be the cloak, where regular avatars, zombies or zurg would just get a cloak, but for vampire avatars, in a certain pose, it would turn your avatar into a bat like the tome turns us into frogs. And like, alot of people want a nosferatu look, but some people just want a basic looking vampire, so maybe an item that turns one into the other, but you have to have achieved the one skin in order to use the item, like how red bino only affects you if you're a zurg.

I don't know if that would be to difficult to do, but I thought it would be really awesome at least and felt I should at least suggest it, but didn't want to make a whole thread about it, since we may not even get the skins (though, honestly, I would be surprised if this year we didn't after having them the last 3 Halloweens in a row...)

Anyway, sorry to make such a big paragraph and take up space in your journal feedback comments sweatdrop Halloween is my all time favorite Gaia holiday event, and I've been here for every single one of them, and they've all kicked a**, and I just wanted to give some input/suggestions and such, even though I know it's REALLY early xd

P.S. My friend, Kiriani, who I was just sharing this idea with also just suggested a coffin item. Just thought I'd add that in too.

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commentCommented on: Wed Sep 05, 2007 @ 09:01am
1. Do you like that there was a competitive aspect in this event?
No not really.

2. Did you like the media pack? Should we release things like this for future events?
I made my own images to sport for the event. I didn't take the time to really look athe media pack.

3. Did you feel that the event lasted too long?

4. Did you feel as though there was enough new content during the first week to keep you interested (release, media pack, manga)

5. How do you feel about this event as compared to past events?
It is second best. The best event ever on Gaia was Halloween '03 when users either had to fight against or with the zombies! That was the best event ever!! The only complaint people had was that the servers couldn't support us all and the site ran slow. I think something like that would be a success again! surprised

6. Would you like to see this event again next year?
Yeah! I would. Hopefully by then there will be more yellow/orange/gold items for team Barton!

7. What was your favorite thing about this event?
You know what Fleep. I was on team Barton and we were all a great bunch. I felt like I was back on Gaia '03! When everyone knew one another and supported each other! Minus the negative comments from other teams of course. xp

8. What would you have changed about the event?
Maybe don't let the users pick out who wins, but a manga that dictates who will win?

commentCommented on: Wed Sep 05, 2007 @ 10:42am
1. Do you like that there was a competitive aspect in this event?[(b]
I loved it! While I hate sports, I love games like this, although I prefer "intelligent" games, I see how that would just not work on gaia :/ (or the internetz in general) so I'm very happy with the way it was.

Without the competition I wouldn't have spent so much time throwing and pumping, it would just have been boring. It brought forth team spirits from all teams, and it felt really great.

Ignore the mean-spirited people I say. Trolls and flamers are a part of every-day gaia/internet, how anyone can expect them not to troll and flame in an event as big as this is foolish sweatdrop sure, it would be nice with a break for them, but it's just not going to happen.

2. Did you like the media pack? Should we release things like this for future events?
Yes! I love media-packs. In fact, I think we should be getting more artsies of the characters biggrin No pressure on the artists (haaaha), so if it is too much for them, an art-pack like this is perfectly fine ^^ it saves me a lot of bad screencaps XD;

3. Did you feel that the event lasted too long?
Just a bit. One day or so less would have been perfect. I felt very tired of it the last day, especially since it didn't end at your noon as usual... made me stay up much longer that night than I had planned...

However, it shouldn't last much shorter either. This way I and my fellow pumpers feel that we have actually done some work, and that we deserved to win (I pumped over 600 times, go me *makes peace-sign* XD; )

4. Did you feel as though there was enough new content during the first week to keep you interested (release, media pack, manga)
The manga was definitely keeping me busy, and so was the item release. The media pack didn't actually take long time to look at and d/load, but it was nice. I think it was interesting enough, not too many items, not too few, and manga-updates are always a BIG plus, I absolutely love them. Other than that, I think there was enough interesting threads to keep me busy 3nodding

5. How do you feel about this event as compared to past events?
Well, I can't say anything about the events I wasn't there for (04-events and older) nor can I say anything about the events in 05, I didn't know how to get around the page by then, and I didn't really dare to ask anyone so the events just confused me back then.

It wasn't before 06 I started understanding stuff, and I have to say: this is the best event so far! It can be compared to (my understanding of how great they were) the zombie and grombie halloweens ^^ I'm hoping that the manga will be slightly less cliche for this Halloween, and that it's better than the alien-event (seriously, able to buy skins in a store? That isn't fun at all, it deprives you of a life-long memory/souvenir that you can only get if you were there that year, that's what's making the skins so popular)

6. Would you like to see this event again next year?
Yes, I definitely would 3nodding although the Olympics that I've heard of would be fun too, just to experience it xD but I can see that not happen razz

7. What was your favorite thing about this event?
That would be the team-spirit and the banners people made actually xD It was wonderful to see xD

But if we are talking technicalities; I loved the t-shirts (if a bit too broad-shouldered for my taste) and well, I liked it all really xD even if I wasn't much present before the weekend...

8. What would you have changed about the event?
I would have set the time for the 100k try on another day sweatdrop while it was Labour Day in America, other countries have school next day, and staying up that late is not a good idea. Now if it was on a Saturday it would have been all peachy xD

And and uhm... I would have made it slightly shorter, and I would have set a time for when it ended. That way we would have known when we could stop pumping instead of having lots of people assuming it stopped then and there. In all, it would have avoided a lot of confusion.

But that's something that I think generally about gaia. Less grey zones, less uncertainty. There's often a lot of confusion going on, and the admins often don't see fit to give us all a message. Instead they maybe post it in their journals/threads/whatever, where the average user won't find it. I've been here for years, and it isn't that long since I started finding my way around in this labyrinth.

Hope this helped ^-^

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commentCommented on: Wed Sep 05, 2007 @ 01:06pm
1. Do you like that there was a competitive aspect in this event?

Absolutely! However, being in a team didn't really unite team members together as much as I hoped. For example, someone could join a team, but totally act on their own. Maybe if you could integrate some kind of necessary co-op mission to be able to accomplish something. Just a thought.

2. Did you like the media pack?

To tell you the truth. I didn't really use any of it. sweatdrop I believe other Gaians have and enjoyed it very much.

3. Did you feel that the even lasted too long?

The event really did last too long. Just about the time when I need to log off, I feel guilty, ashamed, sad, and helpless leaving the active team members behind to do all the pumping and throwing to rack up points. It especially affected me the most because our team was in last place. Feeling bad for oneself isn't healthy, if you know what I mean. That goes for staying up too late as well. sweatdrop

4. Did you feel as though there was enough new content during the first week to keep you interested?

At first, the release of the event, to be honest, I missed it. xp I was away on vacation and surfing on the web was away from my reach. That's a my bad, not Gaias. The media pack didn't interest me much, but, like I said before, other Gaian's probably enjoyed them. Now that manga, that was a real treat. I'm a real fan of the Gaian Plot, but it doesn't really measure up to the real Manga Novels you get at the bookstore for about $10+. It's just not long enough to keep me hyped up. confused Overall, ok, much more content than previous events, that much I'll give you.

5. How do you feel about this event as compared to past events?

It's an improvement. New is always good, and the combination of previous events let's us familiarize ourselves with the things Gaia has to offer us.

6. Would you like to see this event again next year?

After improvements are done and maybe even other attachments of fun things to do, I'll be waiting for the next event+ Gaia will be releasing in the future.

7. What was your favorite thing about this event?

Knowing that you were trying to make the event fair for everyone was a big plus for me, but things still got out of hand in the end. What I'm saying is, what my favorite thing about this event is that you guys showed me that you really cared about the Gaian community and aim to improve it as long as there is room to grow.

8. What would you have changed about the event?

We are perfect and there were holes in the event. I would try to, not fix, but have the ability to control the event to the fullest. It was stated that the amount of pumping to complete a launch is effected by the number active team members, what ever that means. I could have made a ton of mule accounts and make them join other opposing teams so that it was possible to allow my team victorious, or make four accounts and make them join one of each in order to make sure that I would get one of each free item and the prize item. The list goes on and on of how I can bend the rules in order to get what I want. I know that it's impossible to have absolute control. However, some more strict regulations may need to be re-enforced. (Gaia staff members and Gaians are going to hate me for saying that. sweatdrop )

Did I type enough for ya? wink I really hate reviewing. It makes me sound very bossy and demanding at times. neutral

commentCommented on: Wed Sep 05, 2007 @ 01:34pm
1. Do you like that there was a competitive aspect in this event?

heck yeah! it felt like I was contributing to something bigger than myself (and I guess since I was on duram I can say I was)

2. Did you like the media pack? Should we release things like this for future events?

definately, my computer is somewhat tempramental so screencaping is not always an option for me. that and when you make the media packs available it offers a lot more variety to people in their sigs and stuff.

3. Did you feel that the event lasted too long?

just a little, I filled my water meter the first day and for some reason I couldnt get into towns so all I could to to really participate was pump... that gets monotanus after a while

4. Did you feel as though there was enough new content during the first week to keep you interested (release, media pack, manga)

yep, definately. I havent tried out the pools and such in towns yet but I've been pretty entertained thus far.

5. How do you feel about this event as compared to past events?

pretty good, like you said it took the best part of previous events (the kissometer, the overall tally bars from the christmas event and such) and wrapped them up into a nice little whole. the glitches were annoying (if only for the idiots accusing everyone of cheating) but I could live with them.

6. Would you like to see this event again next year?


7. What was your favorite thing about this event?

the community spirit, when everyone was actually acting like decent human beings it was heartwarming to see everyone band together, the sigs, the chears, the Durem speach... I thought all that stuff was awesome.

8. What would you have changed about the event?

having some way to tangibly punish the flamers. if those guys could get booted off the event thread for half an hour or something every time someone had to report them that would cut down on all the idiots (you would think)

and either making it maybe a day shorter or something.

oh and is there any way you can make the game a bit more unpredictable? I mean, dont get me wrong, winning rocked and all but we did that almost the entire event. if there was some way to equalise it a bit for people who are lagging or something that would give the game a bit more tension I suppose.

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commentCommented on: Wed Sep 05, 2007 @ 02:19pm
1. Do you like that there was a competitive aspect in this event?
Yes, but it did go way too far with all of the flaming. gonk

2. Did you like the media pack? Should we release things like this for future events?
Loved it, and yes. 3nodding

3. Did you feel that the event lasted too long?
At some times I felt like it was dragging on (especially since most of us blew through the items really quick and then just had to wait around for the manga). However, towards the end once the scores were finally starting to separate--and me being an Aekean and all--I would have liked more time to see if the gap between Aekea and Durem could have been closed. I can't help but feel like we didn't have enough time to catch up once we were strongly headed in that direction.

4. Did you feel as though there was enough new content during the first week to keep you interested (release, media pack, manga)
I guess I kind of answered that in the last question. I didn't even notice the media pack until later because there was no announcement about it, and like I said, the manga seemed to come a little late, maybe.

5. How do you feel about this event as compared to past events?
A lot better because it finally broke the old go-collect-stuff-and-redeem-for-event-items formula and had a lot more going on that ultimately, for the most part, worked pretty darn well, especially for the first go at it.

6. Would you like to see this event again next year?
Yes! 3nodding

7. What was your favorite thing about this event?
Team pride and fervently watching the scores, eager to see some surprise change-ups.

8. What would you have changed about the event?
The over-competitiveness. gonk I feel like it was worse because water balloons earned a point for the targeted team, so it promoted trolling so people would get more balloons thrown at them and distract from pumping. I wonder if balloon hits could maybe REMOVE a point from the targeted team rather than add a point?

commentCommented on: Wed Sep 05, 2007 @ 04:56pm
In one of your previous journal entries, you said that there would be more to do as the event progressed. Yet, the only things I saw were the forum war and the towns activities. Did the other ideas not pan out, or were you referring to the manga, mmvii, and the media pack?

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Kiss in Digital
Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Sep 05, 2007 @ 06:58pm
Fleep's Summer Festival 2007 Feedback Questions

1. Do you like that there was a competitive aspect in this event?

LOVED it. People claimed it was ripping Gaia apart. I pointed out that most of the forums hate each other anyway, so in effect, GD'ers, GCD'ers, & CB'ers could unite to hate a different team. I think it was WAY more unifying than uh.. younger (I'ma get slaughtered for that) understand.

2. Did you like the media pack? Should we release things like this for future events?
YES! The edits people came up with were amazing! I have a lovely folder of edits people did saved just cos they look cool.

3. Did you feel that the event lasted too long?
I feel that the best events ran over five days which included a weekend. Most people I know that were STOKED about the event were burned out by day 3 or 4. Also, shorter time periods mean less time for hostilities to develope really.

4. Did you feel as though there was enough new content during the first week to keep you interested (release, media pack, manga)?
Well I certainly stuck around to check out the special content, but the actual work of any event (ToT, carolling, water tossing) can only go so long before we get bored. ;-;

5. How do you feel about this event as compared to past events?
It was FABULOUS. I love most of the events we get (St Patty's day ftw!) but this was new and different and tons of fun. At least I was able to point out that Halloween 2k5 was WAY worse in terms of hostility. Seriously. This event was smooth & fun comparitively.

6. Would you like to see this event again next year?
********. YES. (&we'll hit you all day long again. xD)

7. What was your favorite thing about this event?
Hmm. Toughy. I can't pick one thing, everything was so great. I can say that I'd like less free waterballoons next year, there's only so much to do in towns. ^^

The shirts were DEFINITELY gorgeous. I'd say they are the best event shirts since Halloween 2k3 &a lot of people agree with me.

8. What would you have changed about the event?
Only the length of the competition. Everything else was amazing. You guys went above and beyond my and many others expectations. I can't tell you all enough how much I loved this event. heart

[/sucking up xDD]

commentCommented on: Wed Sep 05, 2007 @ 07:15pm
1. Yes, competition is what makes things more exciting. Just don't make it so that only certain group gets a bonus item. Everybody goes crazy when they know winner gets something, and it's something they have no clue with. ^_^

2. The media pack was nice. Something we can save for memory-sake. Although I never used them because of my Durem Waterballoon (which I'm very proud of) in my sig, I'm sure that someday, someone would bring up the images and oldbies would remember their experience on Gaia.

3. 10 days are quite long, when you must pump like crazy every 3 minutes. If something like this happens again (action every few minutes for points), cut it down for like 5 days, please?

4. You guys are spoiling us. The more updates we get, the more we expect to see something new everyday. If we don't get something in 3 days, we would be bored. I'd say, slow down. Try to make the users turn to forums, games, and such to spend their time and appreciate with what they already have.

5. This event is better than the previous Christmas event. It's a little bit more focused on favorite NPCs than items. If we focus more onto the NPCs, it would be great.

6. Isn't this event planned for next year? It's festival named with a season, why not? Summer will come again. It'll be great to have the new NPCs take part with the festivities as ordinary folks.

7. My favorite thing about this event tends to be the same with any other event. There are nice people, giving away items, making free art, and such. What's unique now is the motivation to win and creative ads for one's team.

8. If there's going to be a winner's item, do not mention it. Winners' would be surprised, and the bitching would happen AFTER the fun competition. That's all I would change.

Yen Quest
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commentCommented on: Wed Sep 05, 2007 @ 09:30pm

1. Do you like that there was a competitive aspect in this event?
Competition made more people on and more active I think, yet it really upset a lot of people because some players of Durem weren't sugar coatedly invading and flaming, then winning.

2. Did you like the media pack? Should we release things like this for future events?
I didn't use it. As an artist I like seeing high-res art and stuff, though. :3 Although, I'm not sure it was a wonderful idea for the long run, knowing the likely inclination of it's appearance elsewhere in the future.

3. Did you feel that the event lasted too long?
A little. And the timing was bad. Most people started school and were busy so they didn't enjoy it that much. I suggest hosting the even a week earlier next year, if the "after labor day" starting date for school doesn't expand a lot.
4. Did you feel as though there was enough new content during the first week to keep you interested (release, media pack, manga)
Ehh... I didn't feel the event was as organized or well though out as it could have been. A definite end date for stuff would have been nice. The media pack was a bit of a nice surprise. I don't usually read the manga until a few days later, because of the 30 min wait for a new page. I don't like the repetitiveness of the events, so I skip small ones a lot and buy the prizes, or do the buttons once or twice, do something, come back, etc... :/

5. How do you feel about this event as compared to past events?
Pitting gaian groups against each other... for some people unable to be mature about it is a bad idea- for future reference. I liked it... I didn't love it. It was too... forgive me, forum based.

6. Would you like to see this event again next year?
Yes, with some improvements.

7. What was your favorite thing about this event?
NPC involvement was nice. I like the shirts. * biggrin *

8. What would you have changed about the event?

Okay... I don't mean to sound... stupid... but. When you post times, post them in Eastern time too, not just Pacific! I know it's retarded... but I have problems sorting out time. :'(

I did this for... last year's Halloween or something, but make a guide? Please? Have an official Gaia run "Guide to the Event" or one a user could make, be approved and then be stickied would be nice. I know it's not great to feed us like babies... but common', it'd be easier to know what # "X prize" is given out on by just looking it up than have someone "Wen do u get tha squirtgun?" fifty times. biggrin

Okay, don't let groups invade other group's forums? Maybe? I mean, I think that would cut down on the attitude a bit more. You could also hide the scores until the end, and then release them. :B It's a shame some people couldn't handle the event though, really.

Thank you Fleep. It seems you've but up with a lotta crap from us all. :3 XD
"Pixel headache, even for your avatar... priceless."

commentCommented on: Wed Sep 05, 2007 @ 09:41pm
I was on Durem! I did notice that a lot of my teammates were kinda whiny, and (dare I say) bitchy about things. I think it seemed like we complained more because there were about 2 or 3 times more of us than other teams sweatdrop

At least, I hope that's why. I don't like to think badly of others.

1. Do you like that there was a competitive aspect in this event?
I did like the competition; people reacted the way I thought they would, but

2. Did you like the media pack? Should we release things like this for future events?
*ahem* HELL YEAH!!! Us artistic types like making banners and whatnot; more media stuffz!

3. Did you feel that the event lasted too long?
No... I think it was a good length, considering when it started. I think people thought it was long because they thought it would go on for a couple weeks, when it was really less than one.

4. Did you feel as though there was enough new content during the first week to keep you interested (release, media pack, manga)
Definitely! It's more fun and exciting when things are moving along and changing.

5. How do you feel about this event as compared to past events?
This was even better than H2K5 (I really enjoyed that, regardless of what the whiners may say)! It was definitely better than Easter/St. Patrick's Day - there didn't seem to be much to those. H2K6 was... meh... neutral But Summer Festival 07? was great!

6. Would you like to see this event again next year?
That would be different - haven't you guys tried to make different events each time?

7. What was your favorite thing about this event?
I like the pools and water balloons in Towns! It's really fun to be able to do other things besides sit there with your friends. I hope you guys don't take them away too soon! Maybe turn them into skating rinks for winter? D:

8. What would you have changed about the event?
I think everything went just fine, except for the glitches, which were fixed in good time. :3
I just hope all the other events go this well from now on. 3nodding

wtf its kae
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Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Sep 05, 2007 @ 09:49pm
Up front, I respect the work that went into the event. However my primary outrage with this even was the offering of Prize to the "Winners" and only to the "Winners". I would cite this as the primary cause of the hostilely, cross team trolling, and generally increased level of angst and

1. Do you like that there was a competitive aspect in this event?

Yes I would actually. However I must insist that be devoid of "winner prizes" and such items (if any) should be released to team members based on their contribution to their team and the team's overall individual performance.

2. Did you like the media pack? Should we release things like this for future events?

I would say yes, since enterprising users will take and use any artwork made for these events anyways.

3. Did you feel that the event lasted too long?

Since it turned into a runaway victory near the end I'd be tempted to say yes. However I think the length allowed more users to at least attempt to join. In that light I think the length was fine.

4. Did you feel as though there was enough new content during the first week to keep you interested (release, media pack, manga)

It wasn't the 'lack' of extra content but the hostility and pointlessness of fighting against a runaway victor that really drove me away from the even near the end.

5. How do you feel about this event as compared to past events?

Compared to other events this one was probably the worst I've ever been involved in. While some events were rather lame, like last Valentines Day, this one was just infuriating. You are already aware of the amount of hostility that was generated. I have never seen this in any other event. Even with the Zurg/Human user guilds that showed up during that story line there wasn't anywhere near that level of anger. Most of it was actually rather civil. I will say that this was worse then the Pants Fiasco of Halloween 2005. That was a kind of funny sad. This event was just said.

6. Would you like to see this event again next year?

Yes, if you remove the winner prize! Concentrate on individual team performance and watch your language. In your opening posts you need to be very careful to keep hostel language out of it. "Raiding" the others teams bases should never be mentioned again.

7. What was your favorite thing about this event?

I like the cooperation that was required between team members. I also like a better use of the Gaia world as a whole.

8. What would you have changed about the event?

Get rid of the winners prize!

Cooperate with those who have both know-how and integrity.

Its Pathfinder!!! in Gaias Table-Top sub-forum.
commentCommented on: Wed Sep 05, 2007 @ 10:42pm
. Do you like that there was a competitive aspect in this event?Yes I thought it was fun

2. Did you like the media pack? Not for me

3. Did you feel that the event lasted too long?No since I worked it gave me time after

4. Did you feel as though there was enough new content during the first week to keep you interested (release, media pack, manga)I thought that the manga was the best part but countdowns always help

5. How do you feel about this event as compared to past events?Not bad I hope the last prize is nice

6. Would you like to see this event again next year?No I love change

7. What was your favorite thing about this event?Competiotn

8. What would you have changed about the event?The annoying your cheating threads

Toxic love bunny
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commentCommented on: Thu Sep 06, 2007 @ 05:19am
1. Do you like that there was a competitive aspect in this event?

Yes, but more so, I liked that there was a cooperative aspect to the event. I spent a lot of time in Team Barton's forum, pumping and chatting, and yes, there were a lot of trash talkers and poor sports, but there were a lot of people who were really positive, cheering for their teammates, cheering for other towns even. Competitions always bring out the best and worst in people, but without that feeling of community, without that little surge of pride when a super weapon went off, I think the event would've been a lot less fun.

2. Did you like the media pack? Should we release things like this for future events?

I didn't use it, personally, but I think it's great that you put it out there for people. Everyone likes to make banners, and this really helps people. You should definitely offer something like this in the future.

3. Did you feel that the event lasted too long?

It was just the right amount of time. Any longer and it would have really started to drag, but you gave everyone plenty of time to get their items and then focus on their team if they so chose.

4. Did you feel as though there was enough new content during the first week to keep you interested (release, media pack, manga)

Almost too much. The event had me so preoccupied that I almost forgot to check out towns and see all the cool stuff there. I still haven't checked out the newly released movies. To be fair, however, the water fight was extremely time intensive if you got into it. For instance, I pumped close to 800 times over the course of the fight. Some people might not have been as interested in the competition. For them, the event content might be a little lacking.

5. How do you feel about this event as compared to past events?

This event was great. Easily one of the very best in Gaia's run. It ran smoothly, there was a lot of positive feeling, and it brought people together in a way that I don't think any other event has done. You can invite everyone to a ball or a Halloween bash, but most people just create a thread for their friends and don't really mingle. In this event, each of the towns was united by a common goal, and there was a lot more mingling and rallying going on. It was great to see.

6. Would you like to see this event again next year?

No, not the same event. It was a blast, but now I'd like to see something new. There are plenty of ideas for summer: how about a Gaia soccer league? How about a circus comes into town? Or a state fair?

Events that repeat themselves over and over just become tedious.

7. What was your favorite thing about this event?

As I said, the camaraderie. This web site's events tend to be very me-oriented. New items for ME. Doing the event for ME. ME. ME. ME. It was really great seeing people work together to achieve something larger than they could do on their own.

8. What would you have changed about the event?

Although, I really don't think the event items are the alpha and omega of events, I think the trophies were a little disappointing for most people. A lot of people worked really hard during the competition, and at the end of the day, they got an item that really isn't very useful.

Let me be specific about this: on Gaia, an item is only as good as what you can do with it. The trophy? You can put it in your house, or you can hold the trophy, but you can't really wear it. Holding it isn't very exciting, and not everyone uses housing. It's discouraging to work hard for a promised prize only to be disappointed. In the future, I suggest you create a really fabulous prize for the winners. Otherwise, you may find that group participation drops off.

Overall, great job!

commentCommented on: Thu Sep 06, 2007 @ 06:21am
Yo Fleep,

Fleep's Summer Festival 2007 Feedback Questions

1. Do you like that there was a competitive aspect in this event?
Definitely, especially since I'm with team Aekea, and we were 2 launches away from beating Durem... It just made me want to pump more and earn more points for my team/mates.

2. Did you like the media pack? Should we release things like this for future events?
Media pack images are a good, we can use the image to make our own banners/etc. I wouldn't object if you release this in the future.

3. Did you feel that the event lasted too long?
It really got repetitive at a point where I think my eyes were seeing flashy twinkles *.* But that's because I joined the event right from the beginning... there were certain people that can only come online for a certain day, so I think the amount of time you set is good.

4. Did you feel as though there was enough new content during the first week to keep you interested (release, media pack, manga)
I was definitely curious about the manga, the banners that advertised the event also got me interested.

5. How do you feel about this event as compared to past events?
can't really compare with other events of the previous years, but this is the best event for 2007.

6. Would you like to see this event again next year?
Yes! And Aekea shall be victorious!!

7. What was your favorite thing about this event?
I had a blast meeting new people in the pump board as me. It was really cool how we encouraged each other and basically just had awesome time of team er.. building. But what I enjoyed the most, is throwing balloons while swimming in the pool in towns. It is so much fun ^^ (The balloons are so cute and squishy whee )

8. What would you have changed about the event?
Again, It really got repetitive after pumping 400+ times a day. And I would love to throw balloons at people rather than pumping... although that could mean total chaos for the forums, and the awesome team spirit that we developed by pumping would go to a complete waste... oh well. Overall, it was a fabulous event. 3nodding 3 thumbs up ^^

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commentCommented on: Thu Sep 06, 2007 @ 07:05am
1. Do you like that there was a competitive aspect in this event?
Most definitely. It brings people to work together (although some very unfavorably).

2. Did you like the media pack? Should we release things like this for future events?
I thought it was a nice addition to the festivities. Although I didn't personally use it, many others probably did.

3. Did you feel that the event lasted too long?
It was a bit long for how hectic all of the teams were getting on how many pumps they could get in to get ahead.

4. Did you feel as though there was enough new content during the first week to keep you interested (release, media pack, manga)
The manga was pretty great, but it didn't really do anything for the event, I just liked reading it and getting away from the event forums for a while.

5. How do you feel about this event as compared to past events?
This was a very interactive event and was much better and more interesting than the past events I have been here for.

6. Would you like to see this event again next year?
It looks like a great thing to bring back in the season with a lack of events... and generally anything to do.

7. What was your favorite thing about this event?
Probably just the main event forum was the most fun. It's where I gave out 75+ art freebies. Water balloon throwing and pumping were OK for a little while, but they got repetitive and boring after a short while (save the little notes after each throw).

8. What would you have changed about the event?
I can't really think of anything that I would really change about the event.
Most of the things that went wrong with the event were just small glitches and users.

commentCommented on: Thu Sep 06, 2007 @ 07:32am
1. Do you like that there was a competitive aspect in this event?
Of course. The competition between Durem, Aekea, Barton. and Gambino was fierce which I enjoyed.
2. Did you like the media pack? Should we release things like this for future events?
I loved it. Releasing things like this on the other events would make each event have something to collect other than items....
3. Did you feel that the event lasted too long?
no I believe it was just right. Ending during summer would be too short.
4. Did you feel as though there was enough new content during the first week to keep you interested (release, media pack, manga)
The manga the media pack were all great. It shows how fun Gaia can be if you know what's happening.
5. How do you feel about this event as compared to past events?
Honestly...I've been on Gaia since last year but this is my first actual event other than Easter and quests.
6. Would you like to see this event again next year?
Yes, very much...maybe a variation of things
7. What was your favorite thing about this event?
We all went out with a bang.....only thing i regret was Summer ended along the way
8. What would you have changed about the event?
Aekea winning first. Go Aekea, right Fleep?

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Thu Sep 06, 2007 @ 07:55am
1. Do you like that there was a competitive aspect in this event? ...Yeah, I guess.

2. Did you like the media pack? Should we release things like this for future events? Well, I didn't really look at it... but I would like more media. I like media.

3. Did you feel that the event lasted too long? No, not at all!

4. Did you feel as though there was enough new content during the first week to keep you interested (release, media pack, manga) Yeah.

5. How do you feel about this event as compared to past events? Well, the first good event in 07, since I joined.

6. Would you like to see this event again next year? Yeah! heart

7. What was your favorite thing about this event? Well, the pools. Me and the other PW cosplayers had our first chat party.

8. What would you have changed about the event? Maybe all the jerks. Wait, I can't change that.

...I hope you get some good rest soon, Fleep-sama.

commentCommented on: Thu Sep 06, 2007 @ 11:06am
1. Do you like that there was a competitive aspect in this event?
To be honest, I'm rather indifferent. I loved the idea behind being on teams, but I don't really see the point in team-based competition. (I know, I know, what a contradiction!) I think I would prefer to be rewarded based on individual effort. (An effort that does not hinder anyone else's progress, either.)

2. Did you like the media pack? Should we release things like this for future events?
Yess. I didn't really use it, but it was fun to see all the banners that everyone was creating for their teams and such. <3

3. Did you feel that the event lasted too long?
No, an event cannot last too long! Seriously, I was having fun up until the end. xd

4. Did you feel as though there was enough new content during the first week to keep you interested (release, media pack, manga)
Considering I was interested for the whole time with just the release alone..? I'd say that's a yes. xd But it would be neat if there were more higher-up prizes. (Maybe there could have been an individual item prize for pumping 100+ times.)

5. How do you feel about this event as compared to past events?
Very fun. <3 I liked that each team had their own subforum. I feel like that really encouraged more interaction between people, because the subforums tend to be a little quieter than the main forum. 3nodding

6. Would you like to see this event again next year?
YES. xd

7. What was your favorite thing about this event?
Having a happy-fun time in general. xd Erm, and free stuff is pretty sweet too. wink

8. What would you have changed about the event?
Included more prizes (harder to achieve ones.)
and, included a statistics page which is usually part of the events. gonk (Like, 'top balloon throwers,' 'top pumpers,' - I think that could have been really fun as well. 3nodding

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commentCommented on: Thu Sep 06, 2007 @ 04:08pm
Well I feel a bit sheepish redface because I didn't participate in the event, therefore I can't answer your questions. But I wanted to leave a comment any way! biggrin

commentCommented on: Thu Sep 06, 2007 @ 09:30pm
1. Do you like that there was a competitive aspect in this event?
Yes and no. I like competitions... but at the same time, I gave up trying to help my team after the 3rd day because it seemed pretty futile. I blame Moira. whee

2. Did you like the media pack? Should we release things like this for future events?
Yes! The media pack was great. Do that more.

3. Did you feel that the event lasted too long?
A little long, yeah.

4. Did you feel as though there was enough new content during the first week to keep you interested (release, media pack, manga)

5. How do you feel about this event as compared to past events?
Well... it's had some of the BEST event freebies. The shirts are awesome and squirt gun made a lot of people very happy.

6. Would you like to see this event again next year?
Another summer festival, sure. Another water balloon fight, NO.

7. What was your favorite thing about this event?
Free items! I like my pixels.

8. What would you have changed about the event?
Can I pass on this question? Because really, I can't think of anything constructive to say.

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Thu Sep 06, 2007 @ 10:02pm
1. Do you like that there was a competitive aspect in this event?
Yes and no. While in theory, it's fun and great, people tend to take it to the extremes. The Halloween events come to mind, very ugly and ultimately I personally feel it just gives an ugly vibe because people can't behave like normal human beings.

2. Did you like the media pack? Should we release things like this for future events?
I thought this was a pretty cool idea. I love anything with the NPCs, definitely liked the Town spirit and flags.

3. Did you feel that the event lasted too long?
No, I liked the length personally. Didn't have to rush through it (especially with the school year starting). Although towards the end, the nasty competitiveness of it all made me avoid it.

4. Did you feel as though there was enough new content during the first week to keep you interested (release, media pack, manga)
Yes, I looked forward to each new release!

5. How do you feel about this event as compared to past events?
The prizes, lack of lag, VERY awesome. Very well put together, thought out, and in idea, fun! Still, it wasn't as bad in the negative Gaian sense as the previous competitive events, so it was a vast improvement.

6. Would you like to see this event again next year?

7. What was your favorite thing about this event?
I really liked the storylines, seeing the NPCs that don't really get much attention, the shirts were AWESOME.

8. What would you have changed about the event?
Honestly, I would have done away with team points and the competitive nature, personally. Still, great job guys, it was fun!

commentCommented on: Fri Sep 07, 2007 @ 12:54am
Fleep's Summer Festival 2007 Feedback Questions

1. Do you like that there was a competitive aspect in this event? In a way, yes. Competition tends to bring out the best in people. There was a lot of team work and strategy used to win, which is always a good thing. On the unfortunate side of events, competition also gets people emotionally worked up. There was quite a bit of flaming and general hate caused by the event.

2. Did you like the media pack? Should we release things like this for future events? I didn't look at it.

3. Did you feel that the event lasted too long? No, not at all. It lasted a lot longer than our normal events, but people used every last second of it, so I'd say it was fine.

4. Did you feel as though there was enough new content during the first week to keep you interested (release, media pack, manga). I'm sure there was, but I can't give a response to this seeing as how I didn't participate in much during the event.

5. How do you feel about this event as compared to past events? It ranks one notch below Halloween, but above all others. Can we have an interactive Christmas event this year?

6. Would you like to see this event again next year? The more events the merrier, I say.

7. What was your favorite thing about this event? I think the fact that it was a new event lol. But, that aside, I liked the amount of items released. Gives us a lot of new stuff to wear ^^

8. What would you have changed about the event? I would have given it a better "purpose". Most people don't celebrate the end of summer lol. You should create a Gaia-exclusive event that would be celebrated annually around that time. Then you have a tradition and a reason to celebrate ^^.

Raven Cpu
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Raven Cpu
Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Sep 07, 2007 @ 12:55am

commentCommented on: Fri Sep 07, 2007 @ 01:40am
1. Do you like that there was a competitive aspect in this event?
2. Did you like the media pack? Should we release things like this for future events?
I really Thought it was a good idea, it helped alot for the creative users, and gave some of us good things for our profiles.
3. Did you feel that the event lasted too long?
Nope, Just about right, I wish it were a little earlier in the summer though.
4. Did you feel as though there was enough new content during the first week to keep you interested (release, media pack, manga)
Yes, It was more than enough for me.
5. How do you feel about this event as compared to past events?
Easily up there with Halloween 05, and some of the other major events, had a bit more fun than Halloween 06
6. Would you like to see this event again next year?
Yes but remastered...with a new town...and new siege weaponry.
7. What was your favorite thing about this event?
The Shirts, trophies, and Way to earn points. Reminds me of a simpler time, and the prizes are useful for homes and Personal avatars.
8. What would you have changed about the event?
More differences in team prizes, I understand keeping it fair, but differently colored squirt guns would have been nice...

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commentCommented on: Fri Sep 07, 2007 @ 04:04am
1. Do you like that there was a competitive aspect in this event?
- The competitive aspect was a bit of a bitter sweet thing. I personally enjoyed it most of the time, but pinning teams primarily full of highly emotional teens against one another was destined to have lots of gloating and hostility.

2. Did you like the media pack? Should we release things like this for future events?
- The media pack was a great idea. Definitely love some of the art work gaia has had in the past and only wished something like this was available during previous events while I still had all of my art programs.

3. Did you feel that the event lasted too long?
- Definitely lasted too long, though I can understand how you would of wanted to give every team enough time to catch up to one another in this sort of event. Such a long event however made it seem like a great big endurance test and made quite a few users a bit cranky over how many hours they lost trying to help their teams.

4. Did you feel as though there was enough new content during the first week to keep you interested (release, media pack, manga)
- Seemed about as adequate as any of the other events that came before it.

5. How do you feel about this event as compared to past events?
- It was definitely different. Seems like it had great intentions and the possibility to on being very fun-oriented, though the attitudes of a few users made it less so during the peak trolling that occured within that can't exactly be blamed on you. Not sure of any solutions off the top of my head but perphaps there could be a better way to make more friendly competitions next time?

6. Would you like to see this event again next year?
- Seeing all the Team prides after this one, I think it'd be quite fun and definitely more competitive if this event were made annually. I know i'd participate personally.

7. What was your favorite thing about this event?
- Probably the mass social interaction that comes with most events, also the swimming pools in towns. That was something I definitely didn't expect and found to be quite the welcoming suprise.

8. What would you have changed about the event?
- Besides the grueling duration, probably the use of "pumping" for the launcher. I mean, originally I though the event was advertised as a mass water balloon fight and lo and behold I ended up pumping gallons of water more than I was hurling balloons around. That's just me though.

commentCommented on: Fri Sep 07, 2007 @ 06:08am
1. Do you like that there was a competitive aspect in this event?
Yes I did, though it is sad that some people took it a bit too far.

2. Did you like the media pack? Should we release things like this for future events?
Always, hell, you shoudl release some not pertaining to events, but for certian towns/NPCs.

3. Did you feel that the event lasted too long?
A little. I think a week worked out well though.

4. Did you feel as though there was enough new content during the first week to keep you interested (release, media pack, manga)
I could have done with a little more, to be honest.

5. How do you feel about this event as compared to past events?
Best even since Halloween '03.

6. Would you like to see this event again next year?
A variation of it would be cool.

7. What was your favorite thing about this event?
The teamwork involved.

8. What would you have changed about the event?
A little less time between pumps/balloon throws. i understand the need for a time limit, but the 3 minutes was killing me. >.<

Roth Keahi
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Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Sep 07, 2007 @ 06:14am
1. Do you like that there was a competitive aspect in this event?
I did enjoy it, but I think it was mostly the winning part sweatdrop

2. Did you like the media pack? Should we release things like this for future events?
The media pack definitely seems like a good idea. Alot of users make their own graphics, so that definitely comes in handy (plus, we don't have to see horribly mutilated NPC's!)

3. Did you feel that the event lasted too long?
Hmm. Kind of? It was a good length for keeping me on my toes for the win, but towards the end it kinda felt like it was taking awhile...

4. Did you feel as though there was enough new content during the first week to keep you interested (release, media pack, manga)
Honestly, I'm not very patient. I'm one of those users who wants everything all at the same time or as soon as possible. But to be realistic, you probably shouldn't tell us when you're really going to release updates. Just spring it on us so we don't get all as anxious and whiney whee

5. How do you feel about this event as compared to past events?
I wasn't there for all the events, even for my original account, but this event was definitely more user friendly than those. You didn't have to have a massive post count, all the items were obtainable, more time for the event etc.

6. Would you like to see this event again next year?
I would like to see it tweaked a bit for next year, sure.

7. What was your favorite thing about this event?
Winning? xp Probably that everyone was looking forward to it and all the updates that came with it...

8. What would you have changed about the event?
Have it focus a little less on the "Beat all the other towns" aspect, and a little more on cooperation between team members and skill. And the winning team would get both the trophy, and another special item, specifically for first place.

commentCommented on: Fri Sep 07, 2007 @ 08:12pm
1) I did enjoy the competitive aspect. Although, after a while, it got pretty tiring to watch massive amounts of flames going back and forth, even AFTER getting hit did not give water away. I blame the users, though.
Well, Gaia too, but just a bit.
H2K6 showed the ugly side of user competition, so I don't know.

2. The media pack was pretty cool. I didn't use it, as I don't know anyone who would actually enjoy Gaia. That, and I'm not your advertising puppet. ;3

3. The event lasted just long enough, honestly.

4. Well, just getting the item was enough for me. xD Although, I did wait anxiously for the manga. There was more than enough new content, Fleep. Anymore, and I'd wonder if you guys had anything left for Halloween.

5. This event is refreshing, and fun. It's pretty reminiscent of the older Halloween events, only instead of biting or shooting, we're pelting each other with water balloons.

6. I'd like to see it again. Maybe with more NPCs joining in, but not much else. The event works perfectly. Of course, I might just be saying that, because I'm a Duremite.

7. I liked the fact that it made users from all over become a team. It really helped to get users together, and possibly even form some friendships through it. I know I didn't, but then again I'm an antisocial, aloof b*****d, so that probably contributed a great deal. Well, that and my imposing avatar. It was also creative, and fun. A little annoying during the downtime, but fun.
I also liked that it granted gold, but only one time. It stopped people from building a massive bulge in their pockets, but also helped out the users looking for a little extra cash. It helped get users more motivated to simply get into the event. I know I played every now and then, just to get the gold at the next level.
Does that make me greedy?

8. What would I have changed? More NPCs, honestly. I mean, aside from that, I can't think of anything else.

I'd ask you to explain the scoring and system more, since Durem had about 11k users, and STILL came out with 50-60 points over Aekea, but that would compromise it for next year.

Also, I KNEW the manga would have something to do with Cindy being pelted by a water balloon. If not simply because it was intended, but also because everyone was hitting her, for her neutral party status. Learns her right, though!
Only Switzerland gets to be neutral, dammit!!

Also, you had no links in this journal!! :O

Burr Durr
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Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat Sep 08, 2007 @ 03:13pm
1. Do you like that there was a competitive aspect in this event? Yes

2. Did you like the media pack? Should we release things like this for future events? Yes

3. Did you feel that the event lasted too long? No

4. Did you feel as though there was enough new content during the first week to keep you interested (release, media pack, manga) I really didn't care, I was too busy having fun with the event.

5. How do you feel about this event as compared to past events? This was my first event.

6. Would you like to see this event again next year? Definitely!

7. What was your favorite thing about this event? The reward items

8. What would you have changed about the event? Reduce the wait time from 3 minutes to two minutes.

commentCommented on: Sat Sep 08, 2007 @ 06:28pm
1. Do you like that there was a competitive aspect in this event?

Yes, I enjoyed it wonderfully. I loved the idea of the water balloon fight. I felt it was planned out nicely. Even though there was a few trouble makers, everything went quite smoothly.

2. Did you like the media pack? Should we release things like this for future events?

I do like storylines to go along with events, but please keep it to the manga or find a better animation studio.

3. Did you feel that the event lasted too long?

The water balloon fight, just a little. I know people were getting quite tired towards the end; however, damn we were still pumping with some heat then too. xd I feel though that waiting a week for the 'plot' update was far too long. It would have been better later that day when the water balloon event came to a close.

4. Did you feel as though there was enough new content during the first week to keep you interested (release, media pack, manga)

No, I really didn't start particpating until later that week. I really, really, really wish you guys wouldn't start events on Mondays. -.-" I really which the event had started on Friday and not when the majority of school age users started school. >.>

I also feel really sad about getting hyped up for great items and a great animation.

Neither were delievered. I really wanted something other than a trophy. Like maybe a mini launcher of our team's launcher (only winners). Then give the losing teams some ribbons. I really wished the winners were really disgiushed from the losers. The watermelon hat is okay... but I really wished you would have given a 'Gaian' aspect to it, since breaking 100K was more about a rememborable moment on Gaia, not entireally related to the summer event.

Then that animation... oh gawd... I feel so sorry for you guys. That animation sucked... *cough*-Insert some really freaky saying-*cough*

5. How do you feel about this event as compared to past events?

Not much different. I get hyped up about a great event... then if filters down to not that great or not good at all. >.<

6. Would you like to see this event again next year?

Yes! I did like the competive part, that's for sure! Just better items and storyline (one that isn't so easily to guess at either or corny) next time okay?

7. What was your favorite thing about this event?

Throwing the balloons, especially in Towns. I sat in a pool (I love the orange floaties... I love sitting in them) for three hours throwing balloons at these five people. They were literally having a 'love drama fest'. It was fun. Three left and two stayed behind. I ended up talking to the two, it was fun. whee

8. What would you have changed about the event?

Better items, better story, start event on a Friday not Monday and end the event after the big thing happens, at least in the next twenty four hours. The other aspects were great. 3nodding Good job.

Cosmic Remnant
Community Member
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