The fanfic will start below, and I'll try and post frequently. If you see any mistakes or typos, please comment.
Want to be in the story? Pm me, and I'll see what I can do. ^_^)
Episode Guide-
Episode 2
Extra! Yuri and Haku Avatars!
Episode 3
Episode 4
Extra! Kimo and Morgan Avatars!
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Extra! Ninja Style!
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Extra! Scyaro Avatars!
Episode 14
Episode 15
Episode 16
Extra! Giox and Ice Traps!
Episode 17
Episode 18
Episode 19
Episode 20
Extra! Vampire City Styles!
Episode 21Episode 22
Episode 23

~~~Episode One~~~
Episode 2
Extra! Yuri and Haku Avatars!
Episode 3
Episode 4
Extra! Kimo and Morgan Avatars!
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Extra! Ninja Style!
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Extra! Scyaro Avatars!
Episode 14
Episode 15
Episode 16
Extra! Giox and Ice Traps!
Episode 17
Episode 18
Episode 19
Episode 20
Extra! Vampire City Styles!
Episode 21Episode 22
Episode 23

~~~Episode One~~~
An alarm screamed to life, making everyone in the classroom jump in unison. The teacher looked up from her book and sighed, putting the bookmark in and standing from her desk. "Everyone, calm down, its just the fire alarm. Head out the back doors and stay together." she said, her brown eyes glancing through her students as they filed out of the classroom together. The class merged with other classes, all walking out of the school and onto the green lawn. Dark clouds hung in the sky, even though it was a nice May day, and everything was green and blooming. Out of the mass of teens, a girl walked. Her brown hair fell down past her shoulders, and shamrock green eyes looked around in confusion. She wore a tight purple shirt that had a black rose with its petals falling off on it, and blue jeans. She had her black jacket tied around her waist, her figure was thin, but not nearly as anerexic as some of the girls at the highschool. She sighed, unable to find any of her friends in the crowd. Suddenly, a loud 'BANG!' made everyone whip around. The girl stared at the school, wondering what on earth was going on.
Her teacher rushed by, hurrying over to another teacher, "What on earth is going on? Is there really a fire??" she asked. The girl looked over to the school, her eyes narrowing. She was Yuri Hiaoto, a 16 yearold student here at one of the largest highschools around.
Another bang came from the school, and rumors began to creep through the crowd like spiders. Yuri shook her head, walking along the street to the far end of the crowd, not wanting to be engulfed into the rumors until she knew what was really going on. She came closer to the school as she walked, but no one seemed to notice. A shout made Yuri looked ahead. She blinked, looking around to see if anyone else had heard it. But no one made any sign...maybe she hadn't-
"TAKE THAT!" a boy's voice shouted, coming from one of the open doors. Another 'BANG!', then what sounded like a fight breaking out. Yuri glanced back at her fellow students, stunned that no one had heard the shout. She again scanned the crowd before quickly sneaking towards the open door, her curiousity getting the best of her. When she entered, she found herself in the B wing, the sports deparment area of the school. She instantly noticed the damage, seeing the soda machine on the ground, and the walls had strange slashes in them. The alarm screamed still, echoing through the halls. She froze as she heard another shout, then a shriek like that of a monster. There was the sound of loud, heavy footsteps, and a large creature suddenly came through the double doors, barely managing to fit through. Yuri gasped, taking several steps back. It was enourmous, filling up the entire hallway. It turned, its yellow eyes showing no emotion at all. It seemed to think about her, but looked away scratching its head. Yuri started to step back when she heard a strange, faint crunching sound. She whipped around and shouted, falling back as a black creature loomed over her. It had a human form, but was entirely jet black, with antennae and the same yellow eyes as the larger creature. But this one had popped up right out of the ground.
Yuri yelled as it lashed out at her, and she barely managed to roll out of the way. "What the hell are you?!" she asked it. It didn't seem to understand, or didn't care, what she had said, as it came at her again. Yuri quickly got to her feet, running. She stopped as the larger creature stood in her path, a purple aura beginning to surround it. "What the-??" Yuri exclaimed. The black creature dissapeared into the ground rapidly as the large one slammed a hand to its stomach, then charged.
"OH MY GOD!!!" Yuri screamed, turning, slipping slightly, then darting down the hall, the large being pursuing with crazy speed. She could hear it catching up, and closed her eyes as she tried to make it to the door. Suddenly there was a shout, and a 'SLASH!'. Yuri stopped, skidding to a halt as she whipped around once more. She gaped, seeing a boy on top of the creature, two swords in his hands that were now stabbed into the creatures head. He pulled his swords out, and jumped down into front of her, letting it fall back. Yuri waited for a loud thud, but it never came as the creature faded away into a strange black smoke. The boy sheathed the swords, one at each side. He had dark, spiky blonde hair, some of it in his face, and lightning blue eyes. His clothes consisted of a red jacket with black flames, with pants to match. He had a thin figure, but it seemed to be from sports rather than starvation, and looked to be about 16 or 17.
He turned, looking at her.
"Who are you?" Yuri asked. He blinked, then looked around. Then, he looked back at her, " can see me?" he asked. When Yuri nodded, he scratched his head, "Weird...of all the times I've been to 2nd Earth, no ones ever been able to see me...or the heartless for that matter."
"Heartless? What, what are you talking about?!" Yuri asked. The black creature from earlier came up out of the ground behind the boy, and Yuri shouted. "Behind you!" If she would've blinked, she would have missed it. Within a split second, the boy had unsheathed both katana, and spun, slashing into the creature with expert precision. It faded into black and purple smoke as well, and the boy resheathed his blades. "I had it under control." he said. He looked her over, then shook his head.
"You should get back with your groups, theres no more heartless." with that, he turned and began to walk away.
"Wait!" Yuri called. He stopped after a moment, glancing back at her, "What?"
"Who are you? What are heartless?"
The boy thought for a moment, "I'm Haku, and heartless are creatures who steal the hearts of people."
He paused, then asked, "Whats your name girl?"
"Its Yuri."
He smiled, "Well, see ya around Yuri."
With that, he walked away, and suddenly dissapeared. Yuri blinked, then rubbed her head, "Ok...I have no idea what just happened..." she said. The alarm stopped blaring, and she looked up.
"Crud! My class!" she said before turning and running out the door.
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