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My Life
This journal is a gateway to my life outside of Gaia... I might tell you somethings, I might not. You never know.
You love Halloween. Your emo.
So these people (asses) in my first period always go up to me and say. "OMG what's your shirt TODAY?? Is it emo..? GOOD!! OMG!! YAYERS!" talk2hand

I'm really annoyed and irritated, so I say, "Why do you care so much about my life? I don't care about your life." So then they stare at me and say, "We're trying to help you that's why!" Then I reply, "Me? Your the ones who need help! God damn you guys suck a**."

So I went to my counselor about it... I hope they get in serious big trouble. xd They think I'm emo JUST because I have a Nightmare Before Christmas hoody, scarf and gloves, necklace, rings, blanket, and bed set... (I'm obsessed, ok? SHUT UP.) They hate me because Halloween is my favorite holiday, and I have short hair. People I don't know make fun of me, and preps hate me because I'm different from them.... Like... I dunno. But they hate me for no ******** reason pretty much. 7th and 8th graders laugh at me when I say I'm a girl. Do you think that's fair? What makes them so great that they can pick on other students? Why the ******** do they pick on me... I'm like some alien to them... An unknown thing to them. What did I do? What did I do to make them hate me? NOTHING. ******** NOTHING. So I bit a person for calling me a mother ******** emo... And stuck starburst in their hair... But I was pissed. Do you know why..? Becuase all my life I've been made fun of. The outcast of society, the person who doesn't fit in. The person you laugh at because their different. Why don't I fit in? BECAUSE I WEAR A BLACK TNBC (The Nightmare Before Christmas) HOODY THAT'S WHY. I wear a black hoody with a skull (Jack Skellington) on it and they label me emo. I have scars on my arms because I actually GO PLACES you asses. So they ask me, "Do you cut yourself?" Jesus Christ people, get a life. gonk

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