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Update on Prosperity
updates on my life and doings.
A Long Update
Things I have been doing lately....now there is a list, so I am going to post it as well, a list.

1) Went to a concert with my sister, it was My Chemical Romance. I don't really like them much but it was SO much fun, flaming confetti!

2) Watched 28 Weeks Later last night, actually quite sad for a horror movie, I liked it though.

3) Completed my first collection of digital art, prints of which are actually selling.

4) Started writing my first song comeplete with sheet music. I've always been intersted in music, but never really sat down and -worked- on it.

5) Applied for my classes next semester, including Archery for my PE and independant painting and drawing classes.

6) Moved to Houston for the summer

7) Plan on going to Galveston soon, see the ocean which I have never seen in my life.

cool Try to model for Torrid *sigh*

9) Visited my brothers and the rest of my family.

Well that's good enough for now, when I remember more I'll post it

Justice Alucean
Community Member
Justice Alucean
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