Ok, so on the bus, i was sitting infront of Cristal, who was sitting infront of Eric. and yeah, we talked about stuff. he kept on wanting to help me when we got to the high school and when we were practicng our radio show, the outlet for the keybaord was kinda away, so Eric INSISTED THAT HE WOULD HOLD THE KEYBOARD while i play infront of him (like in a hug-like manner) . when we were sick of practing, Cristal, Eric and I kept on sneaking around and we entered in this *do not enter8 place. the sign fell, but eric and cristal got out, leaving me in there, while eric took a picture of me. *alright , i'll tell you about the instant challenge* we had 5 minutes to make up a scene about three people getting fortune cookies, and their fortunes come true. the first one(Diego's one) says he'll get wealthy. the second (Ariel's) said he'd find lots of money. the last one (Eric's) said he'd find true love. first he looked at Cristal but she poainted at me, making me giggling out of control in front of the judges. first he pretend to be staring at me all wierd eyed and stuff and came up close to me and and said"I love you, will you marry me?" OMG! IT WAS HORRIBLE!yet
and then in the bus going home, Cristal (she knows about me and him) calls Eric and tells him i wanna go out with him, and he says "sure,but....nonononono!" and i kept on getting embarressed, trying to take away the phone from her. i didn't believe he was really there so the let me talk to him and he told me something but i couldn't hear it. HE WAS REALLY THERE! cristal kept on telling him that i'd see him in piano lessons and i was planning on going with him to the prom. he asked if i still liked mark, and she said "no, appartly she likes you now!" and she kept talk about how i was planning our wedding and such.ew.............
PS: there's more but first i have to write in it my journal.
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my journal will record my memories of pretty much everyday (the day i come on gaia of course to write in it): my feelings, what happens during the day, school,etc.