~~~Episode Thirteen~~~
Yuri tapped Haku, "Hello? Wake up!" she shouted. Haku yelled, his arms shooting up and he fell back out of his seat. He glared at her from his spot on the ground.
"What." he asked bitterly. Yuri smiled, "The storm stopped, and its morning. The temp outside is 12 degrees, so we can head out." she said. Haku sat up, rubbing his back, "Right, well, go get dressed in warmer clothes. Like a parka, because its still cold as hell out there." he said.
Haku dropped down from the ship, his boots sinking deep into the snow. He was wearing thick black clothes, his hood up, and goggles covering his eyes. He stepped aside to let Yuri land beside him. She shivered, "Geez, even in this winter stuff I'm cold!" she said. Haku forced his way forward through the snow that came up to his knees. "Tell me about it. This place sucks...come on, lets try and see if anyone besides those creatures lives here." he said. Yuri shuddered, then followed him. The snow was vast and deep, blinding them most of the time. Haku glanced back for the ship, but couldn't see it.
"If we get lost, its not my fault." he said before continuing. Yuri blinked, "Lost?! If we get lost, we'll freeze to death!" she said.
"Yeah, either that or we'll be attacked by heartless. The scanner said there were hundreds here...but why haven't we seen any yet?"
"Who cares...maybe they cant stand the cold out here." she pulled a glove off, and snapped her fingers, creating a ball of fire in her palm. She smiled, "There, at least that'll keep me warm." she said.
Suddenly a wind picked up, the wind cutting through them like a knife. Yuri cried out, the fire dissapearing as she ducked her head down against the wind. Haku gritted his teeth,
'It came out of nowhere!' he thought as a storm picked up, snow lashing with the howling wind. He ran back to Yuri, grabbing her shoulder. "Move! We'll freeze if we just sit here!" he yelled, his voice barely audible over the wind. Yuri stood, then pointed.
"Haku!" she said. Haku looked up, glaring through his goggles. The dark creatures from before were appearing, and he could see them clearly as they stalked through the snow. They were the size of a small horse, and looked like a neoshadow on all fours. A whip like tail and clawed paws gave them an animal apperance, and their jaws were lined with black teeth.
"s**t." Haku said, unsheathing his katana.
"Yuri, fire, now!" he yelled. Yuri quickly took off her other gloves, feeling the wind n** at them.
"Firaga!" she shouted. Flames bursted to life, and the heartless hissed angrily, backing up. Haku turned, "Yuri, blast the ground! Melt right through!"
Yuri turned the attack towards the snow below their feet, and their was a sizzling sound, the air becoming humid and the snow faltering around them as steam rose up. The flames made quick work of the snow, and Haku jumped into the new made hole as Yuri stopped the attack. Yuri barely dodged a heartless as it leapt at her, slipping down into the hole as well. The creatures surrounded the pit, gazing down into it with yellow slitted eyes. One growled, and they left, flicking their tails irritably.
Haku laid on the ground, and he slowly sat up, rubbing his head. "That hurt...what the hell, why was the hole so deep?" he looked up and saw rock and dirt above them, a cracked hole showing above.
"Damn fool, she burnt right through the snow and into the ground!" Haku said, standing. He turned, seeing he was lying in a long tunnel that was carved right into the rock and earth. "Whoa...underground village. Makes sense..." he heard a groan and turned to see Yuri sitting up.
"You ok?" he asked. Yuri nodded, "Yeah...where are we? How did we get down here?"
"Underground and you. You burned down into this tunnel."
he sighed, "Now we're stuck. Get up, cause now we need to find a way out of these tunnels."
Yuri stood, swaying slightly.
"Theres a door down there...actually, there are quite a few doors." she glanced up,
"At least those things didn't follow us down here." she said.
There were hurried footsteps, and they turned to see a teen run up, glaring. His black hair and eyes stood out from his pale complexion, and his clothes were just as white as snow. He glared, holding a strange whip.
"Who the hell are you." he asked, clenching his fist.
Haku grabbed his katana, and Yuri tensed.
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