But, aside the popularity of Pikachu, Mudkip would have to be one of the top. Not for its techniques, or it's popularity on the Internet, but for bringing hope to various pokemon trainers who want to catch them all, and become the greatest pokemon master.
Here is a picture:

To even realize the severity of this popular pokemon, you must now see a cosplay of this pokemon. Shown here:

My own personal reason for loving this pokemon is even though, it's probably the most adorablest (yes, that is a made up word) among all the pokemon in it's time, it can also be the greatest if trained popularly. I wish I had my own Ruby game just to try to get Mudkip to level 99 without him evolving. Lol.
Here, now, is a picture taken from Biggie Jr.

Who would have ever known, that a Mudkip would have gotten the attention of thousands, no, millions, of people everyday with just a single line, "so i herd u liek mudkipz."
So, now, Gaia, I say my own statement.
"so i herd u liek mudkipz."
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